4 Ways to Connect with Your Passed Loved Ones // Guest Post by Lindsay Marino

Losing a loved one is something that is indescribable. It’s as if a part of you has died with them. When someone has a physical presence in your life and they’re taken away from you, it’s hard to imagine communicating with them when you can’t “see” them as you did before. With the loss of my own loved ones, I’ve felt so much grief, at times that I could hardly get out of bed. The moment I started communicating with them, everything started to shift for me.

There are ways you can still continue communicating with them because they’ve actually never left. They are very much alive, but just in a different form. It may feel odd at first, but once you get in the flow of connecting with them, there’s no turning back.

Here are 4 ways to communicate with your passed loved ones:

Talk to Them

  • I always suggest for first-timers, to talk to them out loud (even if you feel like a crazy person).

  • Wait for their response to pop up as a thought in your mind. This is an easier way to separate your thoughts from theirs.

  • Once you get comfortable with that, you can start communicating through your thoughts. It’s very easy to feel like you’re making up this conversation in your head, but you aren’t!

Acknowledge Their Signs

Your passed loved ones are constantly nudging you to listen to song lyrics, look at the clock at a certain time, remind you of a memory they’ve had with you, and play around with your electricity. Once you start seeing these signs, let them know that you recognize them. They live on and want you to be aware of their presence.

Use Automatic Writing

Automatic writing is an amazing way to connect with them too. Here are some directions on how to use automatic writing:

  • Set the intention for them to communicate with you

  • Take out a pen and notebook

  • Put on some relaxing music

  • Move your pen and allow them to write a letter through you

Use Physical Tools, such as Oracle Cards or Pendulums to Get the Conversation Flowing

When you focus your attention on something, you will bring in that energy. Using an oracle deck specifically for connecting with passed loved ones, will help you open up to their messages. I created an oracle deck called Unlock Your Connection so you can receive messages from your passed loved ones.

  • Directions to use my oracle deck “Unlock Your Connection” cards:

  • Hold the deck of cards in your hand

  • Think of your passed loved one

  • Shuffle the cards and ask your loved one to help you choose a card

  • Read your healing message

Click here to read this previous post by Cassie Uhl, on using a pendulum to learn another way of connecting with your passed loved ones.

Once you open up to communication with your passed loved ones, you’ll notice your loved ones are constantly guiding you in your life. They want you to live a full life and they are always a part of it. You just have to become aware of their continued presence. 

I hope you find some peace in these tools! To order my Unlock Your Connection oracle deck, click here.


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