Card Spread and Liberation Ritual for Sagittarius Season

Sagittarius, our mutable fire sign, invites us into expansion, aliveness, open-mindedness, liberation, and adventure. 

In this blog post, I’ll be sharing a card spread and a ritual for Sagittarius season. To learn more about Sagittarius energy and your personal birth chart’s connection to Sagittarius, check out our Understanding the Energy of Sagittarius Season blog post.

Card Spread for Sagittarius Season

We’ll use this card spread to explore the invitations and lessons Sagittarius has to teach you this season. Feel free to use a tarot deck or an oracle deck for this spread - whichever resonates with you. 

I invite you to create a ritual space for you and your deck to communicate by taking a moment to ground and center yourself however feels good to you. In the spirit of Sagittarius season and fire energy, you might like to ground and center by fire gazing or rubbing your hands together to create heat, then resting them on your heart and breathing into the sensations. 

When you feel grounded and ready, shuffle your deck and draw a card for each of the following questions:

  • What is Sagittarius season here to teach me? 

  • What is my invitation for expansion this season?

  • How to move towards liberation this season 

  • Possibilities Sagittarius season is opening up for us

Tarot cards associated with Sagittarius, The Wheel of Fortune, and Temperance. Cards are from

Journey Tarot


After you pull your cards, sit with them. Try to take some time to journal or meditate with them to really connect with the full meaning they have to offer you. At the end of Sagittarius season, you might like to revisit your cards and reflect on how they unfolded throughout the season. How did they show up? What did you learn about yourself, and about the cards through the way they manifested this season?

Sagittarius Season Ritual for Liberation

This is a ritual to embody your own liberation and call forth collective liberation. All you’ll need is two candles and a quiet space. 

Open your ritual with some kind of grounding and centering that feels good to you. If calling in the directions or casting a circle is in your practice, feel free to do that here. 

When you feel ready, invite in any energies, plants, ancestors, and/or other beings who embody liberation and have our collective highest and best at heart. You can do this by speaking aloud or silently offering the invitation. Let your heart open and let them join you. You can name specific beings and energies, or just cast out that wide invitation. It’s okay if you don’t know who specifically is with you, you can trust that extending that invitation has brought you who you need. 

When you feel them join, sit in their presence and drop into meditation. Notice their presence feels in your body. Dream into your visions of liberation for yourself and for the collective and let them hold space and witness you. Ask them how you can move towards liberation for all. Ask them to light a fire for liberation within you. Ask them to change you, move you, make you brave. 

When you feel ready, light your first candle. This candle represents the ways you are committed to getting free. Speak them aloud. Speak aloud your dream for your own liberation as your light this candle. Then, using the already lit candle, light the second candle. This candle represents our collective freedom. Speak aloud the ways you are committed to helping us all get free. Speak aloud your dream for our liberation. Call it forth with your words and let the candle flames carry your intention out into the universe. 

Take your time here, breathing and feeling and speaking as the candles burn down. If you feel inspired to move more energy in some way, feel free to do so here - perhaps with dance, breath or fire, or humming. 

As your candles burn down, ground your ritual with a tangible action for our collective liberation - perhaps having a necessary conversation, giving to a mutual aid fund, journaling about a harmful belief you hold that you want to unpack and release for all of us, sending a text to offer to babysit your friend’s kid or cook them a meal, or anything else that moves you. 

Happy Sagittarius season! I hope you find this card spread and ritual supportive for this season.


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