Astrology, Full moon, Rituals, Zodiac Cassie Uhl Astrology, Full moon, Rituals, Zodiac Cassie Uhl

Full Moon in Pisces Ritual

Our September full moon in Pisces offers an opportunity to explore our dreams, both here in physical and in more liminal spaces. The sign of Pisces calls you to explore your spirituality, dreams, subconscious, and your imagination.If you enjoy this ritual, I invite you to share it with someone else who might benefit from it as well. Themes for this full moon: Exploring your subconscious and imagination, connecting with your dreams, and feeling into your spiritual practices.

Our September full moon in Pisces offers an opportunity to explore our dreams, both here in physical and in more liminal spaces. The sign of Pisces calls you to explore your spirituality, dreams, subconscious, and your imagination.

If you enjoy this ritual, I invite you to share it with someone else who might benefit from it as well. 

Themes for this full moon: Exploring your subconscious and imagination, connecting with your dreams, and feeling into your spiritual practices.

Element: Water

The ideal time to perform this ritual: Sunday the 19th through Tuesday the 21st. You can work with the energy of the full moon anytime over a three-day period. However, the moon is in the sign of Pisces on Sunday through Tuesday morning. 

You’ll need: 

  • 15-30 minutes of quiet and uninterrupted time

  • 1 large jar of water 

  • Pen or pencil and paper

  • Optional: aquamarine or moonstone

1. Before you begin, ensure that your jar of water is close enough that you can pick it up. Optional: hold or place a piece of aquamarine or moonstone on your body as you begin to tune into this space.

2. Create a sacred space by grounding yourself into the present moment and connecting with your breath and body. Sit, and begin connecting with your breath. Allow your breath to flow in a way that feels natural and good to you.

3 As you tune in, ask your higher-self, guides, or Goddesses or Gods you work with aloud or in your mind, “Please, take me on a journey through my subconscious to explore my spiritual path.” (or anything similar that feels in alignment with your path.)

4. Be open and allow the moon’s energy to help deepen this journey. If nothing comes, continue to focus on your breath and how your body feels. Journey and breathe through this liminal space for as long as you’d like.

5. Pick up your jar of water. While holding it in your hands, infuse it with anything that came up for you during your meditation journey, including any feelings, visuals, words, or messages. Tip: The realm of your subconscious often speaks in imagery and illusions. It’s okay if what you experienced doesn’t make sense yet.

6. Take a drink of your water, feeling your experience permeate your body on a deeper level.

7. On your paper, write or draw anything meaningful that came to you. If nothing came to you, write or draw your personal dreams and spiritual desires on your paper.

8. Place the paper and your crystal, if you’re working with one, in your jar of water to leave out for one night under the moonlight. The moon has a special relationship with water and will help to expand your dreams.

9. As you come to a close with your ritual, be sure to thank any guides, Goddesses, Gods, or ancestors who came through to offer guidance.

10. Ritual follow-up suggestions: If you worked with a crystal, place it on your nightstand or under your pillow to help open you up to your dream world. Pour the water into a natural body of water or the earth, thanking it for its wisdom and power. Your paper can be placed on an altar as a reminder or buried in the ground to disperse its energy.

Optional ritual modification: If you have an active dream life, this ritual could be easily modified to occur over the course of the night in your dreams.This full moon ritual can be adapted or used for any full moon in Pisces. As always, take what you like and leave the rest. If you enjoyed this ritual, consider sharing it with someone else. Love & Shadow, Cassie

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Astrology, Card spreads, Dreams, Rituals, Zodiac Cassie Uhl Astrology, Card spreads, Dreams, Rituals, Zodiac Cassie Uhl

Dreamwork Ritual for Pisces Season + Card Spread

Pisces, our mutable water sign and last sign of the zodiac, evokes the artist, the mystic, the dreamer, in all of us with its connection to music, poetry, spirituality, and the dream world.In this blog post, I’ll be sharing a card spread and a ritual for Pisces season.

Pisces, our mutable water sign and last sign of the zodiac, evokes the artist, the mystic, the dreamer, in all of us with its connection to music, poetry, spirituality, and the dream world.

In this blog post, I’ll be sharing a card spread and a ritual for Pisces season. To learn more about Pisces energy and your personal birth chart’s connection to Pisces, check out our Understanding the Energy of Pisces Season blog post here.

Card Spread for Pisces Season

This card spread can be done using an oracle deck or a tarot deck.

I invite you to create a ritual space for you and your deck to communicate by taking a moment to ground and center yourself; lighting some incense, herbs, or candles that help you drop into your heart space; and opening to allow messages to come through. 

Truly, it doesn’t matter what you do, just that whatever you do helps you feel more grounded, centered, and open. When you feel centered and ready, shuffle your deck and draw a card for each of the following questions:

  • What is Pisces energy here to teach me?

  • Supportive energies to draw on to support my learning and growth 

  • How can I embody the artist, the mystic, the dreamer this season? 

  • What dream(s) to tend to at this time.

  • How to tend to those dreams 

After you pull your cards, take some time to journal and/or meditate with them to really connect with the full meaning they have to offer you.

Dreamwork Ritual for Pisces Season

As someone who loves dreamwork already, Pisces season is basically a dream come true! This ritual is intended to support you in receiving a message through your dreams, and so is best done right before sleep. You’ll need:

  • A dream tea (many herbs support sleep and dreaming. Personally, I like a simple combination of mugwort, chamomile, and lavender tea before bed. But as always, with herbs, make sure you research or check with a professional about what’s right for your body. Mugwort should not be consumed by pregnant or lactating people.)

  • A journal and something to write with 

  • If you'd like to add some supportive crystals aquamarine and amethyst are great options.

  1. To start, brew your dream tea and take it to your altar (or bed, if you don’t have an altar or that just feels better for you). As you sip your tea, start feeling into what you need clarity on (you could sense into this, meditate on this, journal about this, or do anything else that helps you clarify what you want to know). This is the question you’re going to take into your dream space.

  2. When you have that question, you’d like to receive clarity through your dream tonight, spend some time meditating with your question and take deep breaths. Feel the question in your body. Feel your desire for clarity. Let your body soften and your crown open. When you finish your tea, set your journal beside your bed and go to sleep.

  3. In the morning, record your dream in your journal (or a voice memo on your phone if you’re not into writing) right away. It’s okay if you don’t know what it means (in dreamwork, I often find there are no clear-cut yes/no answers, rather things to explore, energies to connect with, and more questions to ask).

  4. Record the objective facts of your dream (what happened, who was there, what you saw, etc.) as well as how the dream made you feel, what stood out to you, and what feels particularly alive or significant in the dream. Do you have any gut feelings about what this dream means for you? Write them down.

  5. After you record, spend some time meditating and journaling with whatever sparks curiosity, feels intriguing about the dream, or feels particularly alive or significant in the dream. Notice how it makes you feel, what it makes you think of, what it brings up for you.

It’s okay if you are left with more questions - this is about engaging with your dreams and coming into a relationship with them, not thinking of them like a vending machine for wisdom. The more you consciously dream, the more you’ll start to understand the language of your dreams! 

You can repeat this ritual as often as you’d like - I think three nights in a row is really helpful, with the same question - to get more clarity. 

(And if you want more rituals to support your sleep and sweet dreams this season, check out our blog post 7 Rituals to Help You Sleep Like a Goddess here.)

Happy Pisces season, dreamers! I hope this card spread and ritual support - share your spreads on Instagram and tag us @cassieuhl so we can see them! 

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Astrology, Crystals, How-to, Tarot, Zodiac Cassie Uhl Astrology, Crystals, How-to, Tarot, Zodiac Cassie Uhl

Understanding the Energy of Pisces Season

What is your relationship with Pisces energy? Pisces is the last sign on the wheel of the zodiac, so it ends the zodiac year. It invites us into a season of water, dedicated to spirituality, art, and love.In honor of Pisces season starting on February 18th, I’ll be diving into Pisces energy in this blog. I’ll be sharing what Pisces energy is all about, the planetary and tarot associations of Pisces, and how to understand Pisces in your chart.

What is your relationship with Pisces energy?

Pisces is the last sign on the wheel of the zodiac, so it ends the zodiac year. It invites us into a season of water, dedicated to spirituality, art, and love.

In honor of Pisces season starting on February 18th, I’ll be diving into Pisces energy in this blog. I’ll be sharing what Pisces energy is all about, the planetary and tarot associations of Pisces, and how to understand Pisces in your chart. 


Pisces is our mutable water sign and as the third water sign on the wheel of the zodiac, it’s our superconscious, cosmic, or collective water sign.In its highest expression, Pisces is unconditional love. Pisces brings the energy of compassion and deep feeling. This energy can make us feel sensitive and like we need to retreat to be alone.Pisces invites us to open our hearts to let unconditional love and compassion pour through - for ourselves, for others, and for the world. It evokes the artist, the mystic, the dreamer, in all of us with its connection to music, poetry, spirituality, and the dreamworld

All signs have a shadow energy and expression, and in its shadow, Pisces can be depressed, aimless, and overwhelmed by their deep emotions. In its shadow, Pisces may not be able to tell what emotions and energies are theirs and what belongs to other people. This is why boundaries are critical for Pisces goddesses and all of us during Pisces season!

Pisces is the polar sign to Virgo, and this axis is all about healing. Where Virgo offers structure and grounding, Pisces offers boundless love.


In Western astrology, Pisces is ruled by Neptune. In esoteric astrology, Pisces is ruled by Pluto. 

As the planet of love and imagination, Neptune speaks to the mystical, spiritual, and artistic side of Pisces. But this planet can also bring confusion and illusion (think of the energy of the 7 of cups in the tarot!), making it difficult for us to tell what’s real and what isn’t. 

The Pluto rulership at the esoteric level shows how love is the transforming agent with Pisces. Love is the medicine, love is the channel for transformation, love is the vehicle of death and rebirth in our lives.


In the tarot, Pisces is associated with the Moon, the Hanged One (pictured as the “Perspective” card from the Starchild Tarot), and the Queen of Cups.

The Moon is ruled by Pisces, Neptune rules the Hanged One, and the Queen of Cups is mutable water in the court cards in my tarot practice. 

The Moon card shows us the mystical side of Pisces - an invitation beyond the veil into the inner mysteries, into lunar magic, into an exploration that transcends the linear and logical. 

The Hanged One shows us the magic that can happen when we stay present with our discomfort. A key part of love and compassion is acceptance, and in the Hanged One we learn that we will never heal or thrive until we accept what is. 

The Queen of Cups brings the energy of the selkie, one who is just as at home in the depths of water as they are on land. The Queen of Cups invites us to go within - to feel our feelings, explore our subconscious and its manifestation in the dreamworld, to connect with our inner voice. 


To understand Pisces in your chart, you’ll want to look at a couple of pieces:

  • Any planets in Pisces

  • The house that Pisces rules in your chart. Whatever house Pisces rules indicates the area of life where you are meant to pour more love, the area of life that has a spiritual flavor, a mystical flavor. 

  • Your 12th house. The 12th house is the Pisces house. The sign that rules your 12th house can add another layer indicating how Pisces themes show up in your life.

Another way to understand Pisces energy in your life could be to ask your oracle or tarot deck: how is Pisces energy showing up in my life right now?


  • Amethyst. Amethyst is highly protective and aids intuitive abilities. Pisces season may leave you feeling more open and sensitive than usual. Amethyst can help you tune into the flow of intuition around you while also keeping you protected. 

  • Aquamarine. Because Pisces is a water sign, watery stones, like aquamarine will help soothe and soften you during Pisces season. Aquamarine can also help to soothe emotions, which may be more present during Pisces season.

  • Fluorite. It can be easy to become lost in your dreams during Pisces season, fluorite can help you find clarity and focus when you need to during this season. Green fluorite is also a heart healer which may also be helpful during Pisces season. 

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