Full Moon in Pisces Ritual
Our September full moon in Pisces offers an opportunity to explore our dreams, both here in physical and in more liminal spaces. The sign of Pisces calls you to explore your spirituality, dreams, subconscious, and your imagination.If you enjoy this ritual, I invite you to share it with someone else who might benefit from it as well. Themes for this full moon: Exploring your subconscious and imagination, connecting with your dreams, and feeling into your spiritual practices.
Full Moon in Aquarius Ritual
Our August full moon in Aquarius offers an opportunity to work magic for the good of the collective and all of Earth’s creatures. The sign of Aquarius calls you to explore humanitarian themes in new and radical ways, inviting each of us to create a more just and whole world. Learn more about the energy of Aquarius here.If you enjoy this ritual, I invite you to share it with someone else who might benefit from it as well. Please, always properly credit when sharing.
The Moon as Shadow Work // How Aligning with the Moon Invites Shadow Work and Tips to Make Lunar Work a Daily Practice
The moon comes after walking through the tower and the renewed spark of inspiration from the star in the tarot. The moon serves as a portal between worlds, sitting in between the star and the sun. The star is the inspiring rebirth and the sun is the ego-self, shining bright. But in between them, the moon shows up to call you inward. It's an invitation to explore everything that's come to pass at the subconscious level.
The moon comes after walking through the tower and the renewed spark of inspiration from the star in the tarot. The moon serves as a portal between worlds, sitting in between the star and the sun. The star is the inspiring rebirth and the sun is the ego-self, shining bright. But in between them, the moon shows up to call you inward. It's an invitation to explore everything that's come to pass at the subconscious level.
It's within this portal that shadow work comes in, which could go by so many other names: soul work, subconscious work, "dark night of the soul," or emotional exploration, etc. Shadow work calls you in to peel away the surface and explore the parts of yourself that you often ignore, hide, or push away.
Listen to this post on my podcast, Rooting into Wholeness, below.
The moon's light is not her own. Its light is reflected by the sun. The moon is the mirror. What shadowy areas within your soul need to have a mirror held up to them?
Shadow work, like the moon, is a portal to wholeness. One cannot exist without the other. Your shadow work is still there even if you are not addressing it. It does not just go away. It remains untouched and undiscovered. A powerful healing tool waiting to be utilized and waiting to bring you to wholeness.
So many want to skip over this important portal. Here's the thing, though. You can't. The opportunity will keep repeating itself until you decide to walk through the shadowing realms of your subconscious. In my experience, I've learned that if you ignore your shadow long enough, it will come crashing down and force you to examine what needs to be learned and seen. No amount of love and light can keep you from knowing all facets of life. We're human. It's why we're here.
How to work with the moon to honor your shadow
How can you embody the energy of the moon, her wisdom, to approach this inner shadow work? It starts as noticing the moon in her phases and turns into allowing these phases to influence your rituals. The shifts will be subtle, but eventually, shadow work will become a regular part of your life. Here are three ways to start weaving more lunar energy into your daily practice.
Much of this work is observational and feeling work that needs to happen within the mind and body. All other tools (crystals, herbs, cards, etc.) and are ancillary allies. Use them if you feel called, but do not let them be prohibitive to your growth if you do not have them handy.
1. Become more aware of the moon. Let's first start by connecting with lunar energy regularly. Track her, notice her, and notice how you feel in her different phases. If working with the moon is new to you, start by solely noticing when the moon is in her waxing phase vs. waning phase (I find this more helpful than tracking the new/full moon.) Learn more about waxing vs. waning lunar energy in a past post here.
When you begin to adopt the moon's cycles into your daily life, you will begin to understand the necessity of living more cyclically. Rather than shaming yourself for needing to go within, you will appreciate it as a natural phase. Here's a non-exhaustive list of some ways that I connect with lunar energy regularly.
Look for the moon anytime you are outside at night or consciously decide to go outside and seek her out regularly. You will soon learn where the moon lives in the sky during different parts of her cycle.
Track her with an app. I like to keep a pulse on when the moon shifts from waxing to waning phase and vice versa. Using an app is an easy way to know when these shifts happen. I also like to know what astrological sign the moon is living in as this also affects her energy. My favorite app is The Moon App. The free version is great, but I prefer the paid version.
Wear a specific piece of jewelry is a reminder of whether the moon is waxing or waning. I have a moon-shaped ring that I flip, so the moon is facing inwards or outwards according to whether the moon is waxing or waning. However, there are many ways to do this. You could wear a specific necklace, ring, or bracelet for waxing vs. waning energy. Doing this brings the energy of the moon into the physical and offers you a daily reminder.
2. Bring the moon into your rituals. If your ritual practices only include rituals to make you feel good or to manifest, you're missing out on some big growth opportunities and magick-making. When you invite lunar energy into your rituals, you open the door to more profound transformations through shadow work. The moon does not stay stuck in her growth, waxing, manifesting phase, and neither should you.
Everyone's ritual practice varies, but there are ways to bring lunar energy into just about any ritual. Bringing lunar energy into your rituals will require you to be more mindful about your ritual practices. Here are a few ways to work lunar energy into common ritual practices.
Burn candles and herbs in line with lunar energy. If candle magick, incense, or herbs are a part of your ritual practice, this is an easy place to honor the moon. How can you be more mindful about what candle colors or herbs you're working with? For example, I would avoid more energizing plants and colors like peppermint, citrus, and candle colors like red, orange, and yellow during a waning moon phase. I will often burn a simple white candle during a new moon, and during a dark moon, phase black.
Invite lunar energy into your meditation practice. Honoring the moon in your meditation practice can be done for each phase or just waxing and waning energy. If you already have a meditation practice, this will be a simple way to begin engaging with the moon's energy on a deeper level. In my meditation practice, this looks like doing more energy clearing at the end of the waning moon phase, being more open to guidance from Spirit at the start of the waxing phase and around the new moon, and focusing on gratitude during the full moon. I wrote a full post about it here.
Place specific items on your altar or sacred space for certain moon phases, or consider an altar refresh for specific moons. If an altar is a part of your ritual practice, be open to how you can weave lunar energy into your sacred space. I usually update my altar based on the seasons. However, some lunar events warrant a full altar refresh. I invite you to trust when you feel called to do this. Even if you don't want to refresh your altar completely, placing specific herbs, candles, or tarot/oracle cards on your altar for specific phases can also be a powerful way to connect with the moon.
Simple changes like these begin to make working with the moon a part of life and a way of living. You can find many blog posts here about working with the specific energy of each moon phase. However, I do find some of these basic things just as impactful as they make honoring and connecting with the moon more of a daily practice rather than something you only do on new and full moons.
3. Study the moon card in the tarot (any deck.) While studying the moon card, notice what comes up for you? Each deck will bring a different kind of flavor, but the energy of the moon card will remain consistent from deck to deck, as will the placement of the card amongst the Major Arcana. This may not be true if working with moon card in an oracle card deck (learn more about the difference between tarot and oracle cards here.)
Notice the cards around the moon in the tarot and the story they tell. Where does the moon sit in the Major Arcana? What cards are nearest to it? I discussed this a bit in the introduction. But one way to view its placement is as a portal between the star and the sun. Like all wisdom from the tarot, allow yourself to be open to different teachings and ideas. This is just one viewpoint. The wisdom in this step will come from finding your own meaning from the moon card in the tarot. Here are some ways to work with this card.
Place the card on your altar or somewhere else where you'll see it regularly.
Journal or meditate on the moon card. What comes up for you when you look at it? What stands out? What does it mean to you at this moment?
Read about the meaning of the card from different perspectives. Some of my favorites are Rachel Pollock's book 78 Degrees of Wisdom and teachings from Lindsay Mack on her podcast Tarot for the Wild Soul.
Draw your own version of the card. What comes to your mind when you think about creating your own version of the moon card? Allow yourself to be a channel for its wisdom.
If you find these offerings overwhelming, begin implementing what feels the most aligned and appealing to you. Or, if you feel up for a fun shift in perspective, select the one that feels the scariest to you!
Working with the moon as a spiritual practice is an invitation to honor all phases of life, including death, shadow, and transformation. These are necessary phases of all life, even yours. When you open yourself up to being in alignment with all of these phases, you open yourself up to being whole, flawed, and simultaneously perfect. The shifts and changes to living alongside the moon will happen slowly over time. Until one day, you realize you allow and honor all of your phases.
This shift is the magick of embodying shadow work, living cyclically, and aligning with the moon. For more on shadow work, check out these past posts.
Crystal Cleansing & Charging 101 // 8 Ways to Care for Your Crystals
Perfectly structured lattices of molecules repeat and layer until a crystalline structure begins to emerge. Crystals are the magical and living offspring of earth, heat, and pressure. Viewing your crystals in this way can help you sense their aliveness, at least it does for me.The perfect structures within crystals make them masters at storing and emitting energy. Because they’re so easily impressed upon, it shouldn’t come as a surprise that they will require energy maintenance, just like you and me.
Perfectly structured lattices of molecules repeat and layer until a crystalline structure begins to emerge. Crystals are the magical and living offspring of earth, heat, and pressure. Viewing your crystals in this way can help you sense their aliveness, at least it does for me.
The perfect structures within crystals make them masters at storing and emitting energy. Because they’re so easily impressed upon, it shouldn’t come as a surprise that they will require energy maintenance, just like you and me.
Aside from honoring your crystals as the entities that they are, charging and cleansing them will also make them more useful. Like all energy beings, your crystals may hold onto unintended frequencies or could be charged with energy that’s not in alignment with your desires.
Before we dive into some actionable steps for crystal care, I’d like to pull apart the differences between cleansing and charging. Even though these terms are often used interchangeably, they are entirely different facets of crystal care.
Here's a breakdown of the differences between crystal cleansing and charging.
Now that you understand the basic functions of cleansing vs. charging crystals, let’s dive into some steps you can take to care for your crystals.
These suggestions are by no means an exhaustive list of ways to cleanse and charge your crystals! Learn more in my new book, The Zenned Out Guide to Understanding Crystals. I also recommend you run everything through your intuitive filter and only practice what feels like a good fit to you.
Crystal Cleansing 101
Here are a few reasons why you might want to cleanse your crystals:
It’s new
You let someone else handle it
You no longer need to use it for a specific purpose
Your cleansing schedule can be as regimented or as intuitive as you like. You might decide to cleanse your crystals every time you receive or purchase a new one, or you can wait until the crystal feels like it needs cleansing. I lean towards the more intuitive method, but both are valid.
5 Ways to Cleanse Your Crystals
Direct sunlight for 10-20 minutes. This method works best with bright midday sunlight. Sun cleansing is one of the simplest and most effective cleansing methods. Caution: some crystals can fade in sunlight. Here are some of the most common ones: amethyst, citrine, celestite, and fluorite. Short periods in the sun, will be okay, but do not leave crystals susceptible to fading in the sun for more than ten minutes every few months.
Hold in running water for 2-5 minutes. Fresh running water from nature is ideal, but tap water will do in a pinch. Water from nature will require less cleansing time.
Bury in the earth for 1-5 days. The burying method is gentler, so it requires a bit more time.
Hold your crystal in cleansing smoke of your choice. Frankincense, lavender, rosemary, or even a cleansing incense will work.
Hold your crystal in your hand and call upon your guides, ancestors, and angels (or any other force you connect with) to cleanse your crystal. Visualize a white or rainbow light enveloping your crystals and cleansing away any unwanted energies.
Crystal Charging 101 Here are a few reasons why you might want to charge your crystals.
You want to use it for a specific purpose.
You feel as though it has lost its effectiveness.
You feel intuitively nudged to charge the crystal or feel as though the crystal is requesting to charging in a specific way.
You don’t have to charge your crystals to work with them, but it will undoubtedly enhance their effectiveness and increase your connection with your crystals. There are similarities between the techniques used for cleansing and charging; the most important distinction is that charging is adding specific energy to your crystal. There are a variety of ways to do this, but understanding your intention is critical.
3 Ways to Charge Your Crystals
Place your crystal under the light of the moon phase of your choice for 1-2 nights. Working with the moon phases is one of my favorite ways to charge my crystals. Each moon phase has specific energy; you can learn more about that here. For example, if you’re working with a crystal to give you energy, you’ll want to charge it under the light of a waxing moon. The waxing moon is the growth phase of the moon and corresponds to action and energy. Alternatively, if you’d like to charge a crystal to help you rest, you’d want to charge it under the dark moon, which is a restorative moon phase.
Place your crystal in the morning or evening sun for 20-30 minutes. Our life-giving sun can be used for both cleansing and charging. I do suggest being mindful of what time of day you use the sun for either charging or cleansing. This method works well if you feel like your crystal needs a little boost of energy.
Charge your crystals with your hands. The heat and warmth of your hands alone are enough to charge up your crystals. Charging with your hands is an ideal method to use when you’re working with crystals for massage or bodywork. Hold or rub your crystal in your hands for 1-2 minutes for a quick charge.
I hope you feel empowered to start connecting with your crystals using these tools! Your crystals will thank you, and the more you connect with them, the better they’ll work for you.
You can dive much deeper into this topic in my new book, The Zenned Out Guide to Understanding Crystals. In this new book, I share how crystal energy works, how to program a crystal, and how to use crystal grids. This book also contains a fully illustrated crystal guide!
A Card Spread for Eclipse Season
Eclipses can seem scary, and they are certainly a powerful energy! Generally, eclipses are thought to be wild cards, magnifying the energy of a new moon (for a solar eclipse) or a full moon (for a lunar eclipse). I like to think of eclipses as portals for endings and beginnings —things may be “eclipsed out” or “eclipsed in.” It’s common for births, moves, engagements, new jobs, break-ups, new relationships, and more to happen around eclipses and during eclipse season.Eclipses can also be powerful illuminators, bringing hidden truths and feelings to the light for us to work with and heal through.
Meditations for Each Moon Phase + Free Guided Meditation
There are so many ways to tune into Mother Moon. But did you know, there’s a powerful tool you can use to align yourself with lunar energy that requires nothing more than your mind? Meditation is the ultimate tool to tap into the cycles and energy of the moon. Meditation grants you the opportunity to shift your energy on a deep level. During meditation, you can visualize and experience your desires on a physical and energetic level in a way that produces real change. Now, line these powerful energetic shifts up with Mama Moon, and you’ve got some real magick.
There are so many ways to tune into Mother Moon. But did you know, there’s a powerful tool you can use to align yourself with lunar energy that requires nothing more than your mind?
Meditation is the ultimate tool to tap into the cycles and energy of the moon.
Meditation grants you the opportunity to shift your energy on a deep level. During meditation, you can visualize and experience your desires on a physical and energetic level in a way that produces real change. Now, line these powerful energetic shifts up with Mama Moon, and you’ve got some real magick.
In this post, I’m going to breakdown meditation techniques for the five primary moon phases, including the new moon, waxing moon, full moon, waning moon, and dark moon.
I include a free guided meditation for the waning moon that you can get access to here. To purchase guided meditations for all five moon phases, click here.
For each moon meditation, I offer you a meditation script, a suggested mantra, and a list of optional tools. Please, don’t feel like you can’t perform these meditations without the optional tools! Your mind is incredibly powerful, and the meditations alone will have a powerful effect on your energy and intentions.
Keep in mind; you don’t have to perform these meditations at night, when the moon is out. Feel free to perform your moon meditations any time of the day during the moon phase. Just like the stars in astrology, the effects of the moon can be felt even when it’s not visible. As above, so below.
New Moon Meditation
The new moon is a time to cleanse, prepare, have hope, and be open. The new moon invites you to welcome fresh energy and be aware of guidance and direction. One of the best ways to tune into the energy of the new moon is, you guessed it, meditation. When you quiet your mind, you enable yourself to tune into the flow of information from your guides, higher self, and the universe. It’s within the realm of spirit that you can receive guidance.
New moon card featured from The Ritual Deck
The meditation for the new moon is all about cleansing your energy and allowing yourself to receive guidance from spirit. The new moon is less about taking action and more about tuning into your highest truth and receiving guidance.
New Moon Mantra: My energy is clear, and I am open to receiving guidance.
New Moon Optional Tools: Selenite wand, white candle, cleansing herbs like cedar or rosemary.
New Moon Meditation:
Sit in a chair or on the ground with your spine upright.
Say aloud: New moon, I ask you to help cleanse and clear away any energy no longer serving me.
Quiet your mind, and become aware of your breath.
Start sending each inhale deep into your belly.
Begin extending your inhales, and your exhales.
Visualize white cleansing light coming from the new moon softly surrounding your body.
Imagine that this white cleansing energy is gently clearing away energy no longer serving you.
Continue to focus on your breath and imagine the cleansing energy cleansing your aura for a few minutes.
When you feel that your energy has been cleansed, thank the new moon.
Say aloud: New moon, I ask that you and my guides share guidance with me about what I should focus on this lunar cycle.
Continue to focus on your breath.
Be open and receptive to information that may come to you.
Trust any sensations you experience as truth.
Continue to focus on your breath.
Stay in this receptive space for as long as you’d like.
Thank the moon and your guides for any information they shared with you.
Release any control of your breath.
Open your eyes, connect with your body, and jot down any information you received.
Waxing Moon Meditation
The waxing moon invites you to grow and take action. While the new moon is focused on receiving guidance, this phase beckons you to act on the information you received during the new moon phase. The lively energy of the waxing moon intensifies as it nears closer to the full moon. The waxing moon phase includes the waxing crescent, the first quarter moon, and the waxing gibbous moon phases.
Moon cards featured from The Ritual Deck.
The meditation for the waxing moon focuses on activating your energy center and solar plexus chakra. This is a great time to focus on completing tasks you’ve been putting off or finishing a difficult project. With the combination of the wave of energy from the waxing moon and your internal energy, you will be unstoppable at accomplishing your goals.
Waxing Moon Mantra: I have everything I need to accomplish my desires.
Waxing Moon Optional Tools: Tiger’s eye, sunstone, or citrine, a yellow candle, and a spicy cup of tea (chai is a great option).
Waxing Moon Meditation:
Sit in a chair or on the ground with your spine upright.
Say aloud: Growing moon, I ask you to spark a fire within me to give me all of the energy and wisdom I need to accomplish my goals.
Quiet your mind, and become aware of your breath.
Start sending each inhale deep into your belly.
Begin extending your inhales, and your exhales.
Visualize a golden yellow light coming from the moon and connecting with your solar plexus region (below your sternum and above your belly button). Visualize this light sparking a fire within your solar plexus area. With every inhale, the fire and the golden light grow bigger and brighter.
Begin the breath of fire to move this energy throughout your body. The breath of fire is conducted by taking a sharp and fast inhale followed by a quick and forceful exhale. You should see your low belly moving up and down for this breath. If you feel lightheaded at any point, stop the breath of fire.
As you breathe, visualize the golden yellow energy flowing throughout your body.
Complete three rounds of 30-60 breaths of fire
Release all control over your breath and allow your breath to return to its normal state.
Say aloud: Growing moon, I ask that you give my signs over the coming days to indicate that I am taking the right action.
Continue to focus on your breath.
Be open and receptive to information that may come to you.
Trust any sensations you experience as truth.
Continue to focus on your breath.
Stay in this receptive space for as long as you’d like.
Thank the moon for its energy.
Release any control of your breath.
Open your eyes, connect with your body, and jot down any information you received.
Full Moon Meditation
The full moon is a time of celebration, fulfillment, and gratitude. Even if you haven’t reached your goals, the full moon invites you to pause and celebrate all of the abundance you do have in your life. The full moon is also an ideal time to perform magick work of all kinds as it is the most potent moon phase and affects us the most.
The full moon card is featured from The Ritual Deck
The moon is completely full for about a minute. Aside from this one minute of total fullness, the moon is either at its peak waxing or waning phase. These peak phases are the most potent times for action or release. You can read more about waxing vs. waning lunar energy here. This is something to keep in mind during this meditation, as it may change the time and purpose you decide to use this meditation for.
Full Moon Mantra: I am grateful for all that has come, and all that is still coming to me.
Full Moon Optional Tools: Rainbow, white, or peach moonstone, purple candle, dried mugwort.
Full Moon Meditation:
Sit in a chair or on the ground with your spine upright.
Say aloud: Full moon, I ask you to fill me with gratitude and reveal the magick all around me.
Quiet your mind, and become aware of your breath.
Start sending each inhale deep into your belly.
Begin extending your inhales, and your exhales.
Visualize the bright white light of the full moon bathing you in sparkling white light.
Bring something to mind that you’re grateful for. Allow yourself to experience your gratitude fully. Continue bringing things to mind that you are grateful for.
Sit in this place of gratitude for as long as you’d like and continue to focus on your breath and the sparkling light of the full moon.
You can stay in this place of gratitude for the remainder of the meditation or continue and connect with spirit.
Say aloud: Full moon, I ask that you help me open up to the spirit realm.
Continue to focus on your breath.
Be open and receptive to information that may come to you.
Trust any sensations you experience as truth.
Continue to focus on your breath.
Stay in this receptive space for as long as you’d like.
Thank the moon and any spirit guides for any information they shared with you.
Release any control of your breath.
Open your eyes, connect with your body, and jot down any information you received.
Waning Moon Meditation
The waning moon invites you to release anything that’s no longer serving you and accept your current situation as is. This energy may also require you to reevaluate your previous desire and let go of any expectations you might have or control of your current situation. Download my free waning moon meditation here.
Last quarter moon card featured from The Ritual Deck.
The waning moon is a potent reminder that The Universe doesn’t always work on our timeline. Things might look or feel out of control, but it all has a purpose. Beyond the harsher side of letting go, the waxing moon has a soft side of acceptance of what is. Though this phase might seem quite active, it is actually more passive. I invite you to imagine waves gently removing what needs to go. Love and accept everything that remains.
Waning Moon Mantra: I release what no longer serves me and accept myself as I am.
Waning Moon Optional Tools: Obsidian, rose quartz, black candle, and cedar.
Waning Moon Meditation:
Sit in a chair or on the ground with your spine upright.
Say aloud: Waning moon, I ask you to show me what needs to go and what needs to stay.
Quiet your mind, and become aware of your breath.
Start sending each inhale deep into your belly.
Begin extending your inhales, and your exhales.
Visualize a soft pink light coming down from the waning moon and weaving all around you. Imagine that this soft pink light is whisking away any stagnant energy, old beliefs, or cords connected to other people that are no longer serving you. Imagine it’s sending anything it takes from you down into the Earth to be transformed into useful energy for someone else.
Some things might stay that you want to go and that’s ok.
Imagine this soft pink light is now surrounding you like a soft cloud of love.
Say aloud: Waning moon, I ask you to help me love and accept myself where I am right now.
Continue to focus on your breath.
Be open and receptive to receiving love and acceptance.
Trust any sensations you experience as truth.
Continue to focus on your breath.
Stay in this loving space for as long as you’d like.
Thank the moon for the release and love that it shared with you.
Release any control of your breath.
Open your eyes, connect with your body, and jot down any information you received.
Dark Moon Meditation
The dark moon is a time of rest, integration, and restoration. This moon phase beckons you to do very little. This is a time to reflect on everything that transpired during this moon cycle so you can integrate it into your being. Without proper integration, cycles will continue to be repeated.
Dark moon cared featured from The Ritual Deck.
The dark moon phase happens right before the new moon when the moon isn’t visible in the night sky. You can learn more about the difference between the dark moon and the new moon here.
Dark Moon Mantra: I am allowed to rest. Rest is necessary for growth.
Dark Moon Optional Tools: black tourmaline, blue or black candle, dried lavender.
Dark Moon Meditation:
Sit in a chair or on the ground with your spine upright.
Say aloud: Dark Moon, I ask you to guide me to deep rest so that I can integrate everything that has happened.
Quiet your mind, and become aware of your breath.
Start sending each inhale deep into your belly.
Begin extending your inhales, and your exhales.
Visualize a dark blue sparkling light coming from the dark moon and meeting you at the top of your head. Imagine that this blue energy is warm and heavy. Visualize the energy gently touch each part of your body, from the top of your head to the tips of your toes, covering you like a warm blanket.
Notice thoughts that come up and ask if they need anything to be resolved. You may have thoughts and feelings that come up that will require you to purge emotions. Let your emotions come and go as they need.
Say aloud: Dark Moon, I ask that you help me experience the light and shadow of any emotions that come up.
Continue to focus on the breath and the warm blanket of energy from the moon.
Stay in this receptive space for as long as you’d like.
Thank the moon for its comfort and restoration.
Release any control of your breath.
Open your eyes, connect with your body, and jot down any information you received.
The phases of the moon can be used as a guide to manifest, trust, release, connect, and rest. Each phase offers you a reminder to tune into different kinds of energy and different aspects of your life. Meditation is a powerful way to put this energy into practice.
If you’d like to learn more about working with lunar energy, you can check out lots of free content from our blog here or purchase my Meditate with the Moon bundle of guided meditations here.