Basic Palmistry // Mounts & Markings
Now that you’re a pro at the major lines from last week's blog post let’s add some more to your palmistry know-how! This week I’ll be sharing some of the mounts and markings of the palms. If you missed last week’s post click here to learn about the major lines and the history of palmistry.This week I’ll go over six of the mounts, or raised areas, of your palms and what they signify. I’ll also go over some of the markings you might find on your hand or during a reading and what they mean.

Now that you’re a pro at the major lines from last week's blog post let’s add some more to your palmistry know-how! This week I’ll be sharing some of the mounts and markings of the palms. If you missed last week’s post click here to learn about the major lines and the history of palmistry.
This week I’ll go over six of the mounts, or raised areas, of your palms and what they signify. I’ll also go over some of the markings you might find on your hand or during a reading and what they mean.
The Mounts of the Palm
The mounts will give a clearer picture of a person’s interests. Mounts that are raised higher and firm to the touch indicate that it’s an area that a person has a lot of potential in or is spending a lot of energy on. The mounts can be a great indication of what career choices might work best for a person.
Mounts can be raised, overly-developed, or appear to be non-existent. I’ll go over the meanings for each variety. Starting out, it can be difficult to know how the mounts of your hands compare. Doing readings for other people will help give points of reference. It can also be helpful to view the palm from the base of the hand down at an angle.
There are a total of ten mounts on the palm, but I’ll be going over the six that are the most prominent and easiest to locate.

Mount of Jupiter

Location: Below the pointer finger
Raised: Confidence, wisdom, leadership
Overdeveloped: Pretentious
Underdeveloped: Low-self esteem
Mount of Saturn

Location: Below the middle finger
Raised: Discipline, balance, independence
Overdeveloped: Pessimistic, easily depressed
Underdeveloped: Superficial
Mount of Apollo or Sun

Location: Below the ring finger
Raised: Ambition, success, creativity
Overdeveloped: Vain
Underdeveloped: Lacks imagination
Mount of Mercury

Location: Below the pinky finger
Raised: Intuition, intelligence, activity
Overdeveloped: Greedy
Underdeveloped: Shy
Mount of Venus

Location: Base of the hand between the thumb and life line
Raised: Love, sympathy, grace
Overdeveloped: Overindulgent
Underdeveloped: Cold
Mount of Luna or Moon

Location: Base of palm, below the pinky finger
Raised: Courage, mysticism, imagination
Overdeveloped: Lives in a fantasy world (doesn’t sound too bad!)
Underdeveloped: Closed off
Important Markings
Finding markings on your palm is sort of like looking through a Where’s Waldo book, and every time I look at my hand I always seem to find more! This is the last little tidbit I want to share with you about palm reading because, well, I think it’s super fun.
Just like the mounts, there are many more markings than I’ll be able to cover. I’ll share 3 markings that are easy to find and can pack loads of meaning.
The location of these markings are telling, so be sure to take note of where they fall on your hand!

Squares that cover a break in a line are a sign that you’re protected. The protection could be from a real person or a spirit guide. Squares on their own that aren’t enclosing a broken line may indicate a time of confinement, mentally or physically, brought on by yourself or someone else.
Crosses or x’s on the palm usually indicate problems or changes. If you notice a cross that is formed by any combination of major or minor lines, take note of which lines they are as that will indicate how changes or problems may manifest in your life.
Triangles are always a positive sign! They often indicate success in a career, enhanced psychic abilities, and an ability to understand situations quickly. If you have a triangle on a specific line it strengthens that line.
I hope you’ve found palm reading to be a fun way to pass the time with your loved ones and maybe even shed a little light on your own path! Have you learned anything surprising about yourself from reading your palm? I’d love to hear about it, let us know on Instagram if you want to share.
Basic Palmistry // The Major Lines
Palmistry, or chiromancy, seemed like the perfect topic for the month of love! So, put down your phones and laptops (after you read this of course) and snuggle up with someone you love and have a look at their palm. It’s the perfect opportunity to take time with your loved ones, hold their hands and explore their past, present, and future with the magic of palmistry.My father dabbled in palmistry when I was young. I have fond memories of him reading my sister and I’s palms and teaching us what the lines meant. I’ll never forget what he taught me and often find myself trying to steal glances at people's hands. Whether you believe in the validity of this ancient art or not, there’s something very special about it that’s worth exploring.This week I’ll walk you through a little bit about palmistry, the 3 major lines, and what they mean. Next week, we’ll dig a little deeper and look at markings and mounts on the hands.

Palmistry, or chiromancy, seemed like the perfect topic for the month of love! So, put down your phones and laptops (after you read this of course) and snuggle up with someone you love and have a look at their palm. It’s the perfect opportunity to take time with your loved ones, hold their hands and explore their past, present, and future with the magic of palmistry.
My father dabbled in palmistry when I was young. I have fond memories of him reading my sister and I’s palms and teaching us what the lines meant. I’ll never forget what he taught me and often find myself trying to steal glances at people's hands. Whether you believe in the validity of this ancient art or not, there’s something very special about it that’s worth exploring.
This week I’ll walk you through a little bit about palmistry, the 3 major lines, and what they mean. Next week, we’ll dig a little deeper and look at markings and mounts on the hands.
A Bit of History
Palmistry is rooted in thousands of years of practice that has been passed down from generation to generation. Palm reading even survived major suppression throughout the middle ages. In fact, it was outlawed by King Henry VIII, along with astrology. Very little has changed in the practice of palmistry, and many of the techniques used today are the same techniques used in its origins of India. The practice of reading palms spread from India to China, then slowly to other countries--it is linked closely to Chinese medicine and astrology.
The Science
Science is starting to catch up with palmistry and some scientists and psychologists are finding links between our hands and our lives. Science has found that the lengths of certain fingers correlate to the amount of testosterone and estrogen produced in the body, and some swirls and lines on the hands have been linked to genetic disorders. Though most scientists consider chiromancy a pseudo-science, thousands of years of staying power leads me to believe it must have some positive uses.

The Major Lines
The major lines should be the most dominant and deep lines on your hand. The three major lines are: the heart line, head line, and life line. These three lines will work together to give you a more complete picture of your past, present, and future.

The Heart Line
Your heart line, or sometimes called the love line, is the major line at the top of the hand. The heart line can help shed light on your emotional energy, physical love, the health of your heart and it connects deeply to your soul.

Keys to look for in the heart line:
A straight heart line indicates that you are more sensitive.
If your heart line curves more it indicates that you are more expressive with your emotions.
If your heart line ends under your first finger you may find that you’re easily let down.
If your heart line ends under your second finger you may find that you put your emotional needs ahead of others.
A heart line that ends in between your first finger and second finger indicates a balance between these two energies.
A clear and deep heart line indicates that you will have a stable emotional life.
The Head Line

Moving down, your next major line is your head line. The head line relates to your intellect and how you use your mind. The length and depth of your head line does not directly correlate to your intelligence and has more to do with the way you think.Keys to look for in the head line:
In general, the longer and deeper the head line is the more intricate your thinking process will be.
If your head line is relatively straight it indicates that you are very down-to-earth and logical.
If your head line curves it indicates that you are more imaginative and more likely to trust your intuition.
A fork at the end of your head line is referred to as a “writer’s fork”. This means that you may be more inventive and lean towards speaking or writing.
The Life Line
The life line usually starts on the thumb side of the hand under the head line. Your life line will tell you more about how much energy and stamina you’ll have, and about encounters you may experience in life. The life line is not a representation of how long or short your life will be.

Keys to look for in your life line:
Long deep lines reflect that you’ll experience an abundance of vitality in your life.
If your life line reaches farther into the middle of your hand this indicates that you’ll have more energy throughout your life, whereas a life line that hugs closer to the thumb indicates lower energy.
If your life line starts closer to your first finger it reveals that you’re a go-getter.
If your life line starts closer to your thumb you’re more likely to take life as it is handed to you.
If this line starts in the middle of these two points it means that you’ve got a great balance of both of these aspects.
Doing a Palm Reading
It’s standard for the dominant hand to be used for a reading. The non-dominant hand does have meaning, but the dominant hand has the most relevant information and is the best place to start.
See something on your hand or a loved one that you don’t like? Many palmists believe that the lines on your hand can change over time! To change your lines you’ll need to focus intently on the changes you’d like to see in your life. Most importantly, always highlight positive points you find in your readings!
Now that you know the basics of palm reading, you’re ready to start practicing this ancient art on yourself and your loved ones. Next week, I’ll walk you through the mounts and markings of the hands. Can’t wait and want to dig in more? Check out my other post all about mounts and markings on the palms here.