How to Create a Crystal Grid in 7 Steps

Whether you’re trying to manifest more self-love, a vacation, or a new job, crystal grids can help! Crystal grids can be as simple or complex as you make them and a simple grid can be just as powerful at helping you manifest your goals as a complex one. Think of a crystal grid as your manifesting ally! It may not be the only tool you use to manifest your desires, but it can certainly help.

Whether you’re trying to manifest more self-love, a vacation, or a new job, crystal grids can help! Crystal grids can be as simple or complex as you make them and a simple grid can be just as powerful at helping you manifest your goals as a complex one. Think of a crystal grid as your manifesting ally! It may not be the only tool you use to manifest your desires, but it can certainly help.

There are just a few necessary steps you need to follow to create a crystal grid. First, let’s briefly discuss why crystal grids work.

Why Crystal Grids Work

Crystals are formed from perfect geometric patterns and this is one reason why crystals are such a powerful healing tool! The perfect geometry within crystals makes them an ideal energy conduit and easily programmable. By placing several crystals in a repeating grid format, you will amplify their power. Using sacred geometry as a grid template for your crystals adds another layer of perfect geometric patterns to help better communicate your intentions.

If those reasons seem a little too out there for you, view crystal grids as a beautiful reminder of your intention. The most important part of manifesting your desires is visualizing what you want daily, and your crystal grid will serve as a reminder to do just that.

7 Steps to Create a Crystal Grid

1. Set an intention

Your intention for your grid is your starting place and will lay the foundation for everything else you choose for your grid. Get quiet and breathe for a few minutes so you can gain complete clarity about what it is you want. Don’t play small; you deserve everything you desire! Once you’ve set an intention for your grid, you can start selecting your grid format and crystals.

2. Select your grid format

Sacred geometry is an ideal format for crystal grids because it is symmetrical and each symbol carries unique energy that will help amplify your intention. To learn more about sacred geometry click here. Several different sacred geometry symbols can be used, here’s a list of the most common ones and the categories they’re best suited for:

3. Select your crystals

Now, the fun part! Let’s select your crystals. A pointed crystal will work well for the center stone, and tumbled crystals work well for the secondary crystals that will radiate around the center stone. You don’t need 50 crystals to have a grid that works. Even if you have one center stone and a handful of quartz, you can make an effective crystal grid. Clear quartz is your crystal grid bestie because it is ideal for all intentions, easily programmable, and super amplifying. I suggest using three different stones to strengthen your intention with the addition of five or more pieces of clear quartz.

A quick google search of “crystals to help with ________” will go a long way! However, here are some common crystals and the purposes they’re best suited for:

  • Amethyst: Intuition, calm, peace

  • Citrine: Abundance, joy, happiness

  • Sodalite: Creativity, expression, communication

  • Quartz: Balance, health, cleansing

  • Rose Quartz: Self-love, compassion, friendship

  • Carnelian: Sex, creativity, birth

  • Green Aventurine: New beginnings, wealth, growth

4. Cleanse your tools and space

Cleanse your crystals, any other tools you’ll be using, and the space you’re creating your grid in. You don’t want any lingering bad juju playing a role in your manifesting! Cleanse with an herbal smoke of your choice, cleanse under the light of the full moon, or envision a bright white light cleansing your space and tools.

5. Set your grid up

You’ll want to place your center stone first. You can base your center stone selection on a few things, like a stone that best matches your intentions, the largest stone, or a crystal you have a personal affinity for. Next, place your other stones radiating out around the center stone in a balanced format. As you place each stone visualize your end goal of what you’d like to manifest.

6. Activate your grid

Think of activating your grid as turning on the lights. You’ve set everything up, and now it’s showtime! There’s more than one way to activate your grid. The simplest method is to close your eyes and imagine the energy of all of your crystals connecting and communicating your desires to the universe. To see more techniques and detailed information on activating your crystal grid click here.

7. Be present with your grid daily

Don’t just set it and forget it! Make sure to take a few quiet moments every day to connect with your grid. Connecting with your grid daily will allow you to visualize your desires and goals.Leave your grid up for a complete moon cycle, or longer if you’d like. If it does start to attract dust give it a light clean to prevent the energy from stagnating. Find a free printable crystal grid template here.

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Accessing Energy Through Metatron's Cube

Sacred geometry is beautiful but knowing how to use it in your spiritual practice isn’t always obvious. Metatron’s Cube is an excellent example of a complicated-looking sacred shape that has rather practical uses. First, let’s break down this shape and discuss who Metatron is, then I’ll share some ways to start using this symbol in your spiritual practice.

Sacred geometry is beautiful but knowing how to use it in your spiritual practice isn’t always obvious. Metatron’s Cube is an excellent example of a complicated-looking sacred shape that has rather practical uses.

First, let’s break down this shape and discuss who Metatron is, then I’ll share some ways to start using this symbol in your spiritual practice.

Who is Metatron?

This sacred symbol is named after Archangel Metatron. He is considered the scribe of God or Source Energy and his cube is responsible for protecting and balancing the flow of energy from Source to the physical realm. Metatron’s story also aligns with the story of Thoth, the Egyptian scribe.

What is Metatron’s Cube?

Metatron’s Cube is comprised of 13 circles that are all touching; this shape is called The Fruit of Life (shown below). To create the cube, straight lines are drawn from the center of each circle that connects to the center of all of the other circles.

Metatron’s cube also contains the five platonic solids, which represent the five elements (earth, air, water, fire, and spirit) and are the geometric building blocks of the universe. This topic is a blog post for another day!

How to Use Metatron’s Cube

Because Metatron’s cube protects the flow of energy, it is an ideal tool to use for cleansing, protecting, and accessing more energy. Here are three ways to use Metatron’s Cube.


Because Archangel Metatron and his cube control the flow of energy they also protect it. This symbol has long been associated as a symbol of protection. The easiest way to start using this symbol is to use it for protection.

Start by placing it in an area where you desire your energy or the energy of a space to be protected. When you place the symbol, imagine Archangel Metatron enveloping the space in a protective shield of white light.

Energy Clearing Grid

If you feel like your energy or the energy of your home are stale and need a refresh, try using Metatron’s Cube for a cleansing crystal grid!

Download a printable sheet of Metatron’s Cube for a crystal grid here.

To create your grid collect the following stones.

  • Clear quartz for cleansing and amplifying, 6 or more pieces

  • Selenite for cleansing and purifying, 1 large piece

  • Amethyst for cleansing emotions, 1 or more pieces

  • Kyanite for connecting you with Metatron’s cleansing energy, 1 or more pieces

  • Smokey Quartz to ground and protect you and your space, 1 or more pieces

Cleanse your stones with a herbal wand or any other cleansing tool you prefer before you begin your grid. With your stones and Metatron’s Cube shape ready, close your eyes, quiet your mind, breathe, and call on Archangel Metatron to help cleanse your space through the help of your crystal grid.

Place the piece of selenite in the center of the grid, the quartz crystals in the six outer circles, and any remaining crystals where you feel called to place them on the grid. Imagine yourself and your space being cleansed as you place each stone on your grid. Thank Archangel Metatron for helping you to cleanse yourself and your space.

Keep your grid up for as long as you’d like and try to make contact with it daily for as long as it is up.

Energizing Meditation

Metatron’s Cube can also be used as a means to connect with Archangel Metatron to balance and amplify the energy throughout your chakra system. Meditating on Metatron’s Cube is a great way to access this energy.

Follow this guide to perform this meditation.

  • Find a comfortable sitting position.

  • Place an image of Metatron’s Cube in front of you on the floor so you can gaze at it as you meditate. Click here to receive the free download of Metatron's Cube.

  • Close your eyes, breathe, center yourself.

  • Call on Archangel Metatron to assist you in your meditation. Ask him to help cleanse, balance, and amplify your chakra system.

  • Open your eyes and continue your meditation as you gaze at Metatron’s Cube.

  • You may feel a buzzing up your spine as your chakra system wakes up and that’s ok. If you don’t, that’s ok too! You may also want to envision each of your chakras glowing and brightening in order up your spine.

  • Stay in your meditation for as long as you’d like. Before you end, thank Archangel Metatron for assisting you.

I hope you feel more equipped to start using Metatron’s Cube in your practice!

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Crystals, Divination, Sacred geometry, Symbolism Cassie Uhl Crystals, Divination, Sacred geometry, Symbolism Cassie Uhl

The Birthplace of Sacred Geometry // What is the Vesica Piscis?

The Vesica Piscis symbol is comprised of two overlapping circles that form an almond shape in the center, also called a “mandorla.” Though the coming together of these circles may look simple, and possibly remind you of fun times in middle school filling out Venn diagrams, its meaning is profoundly powerful.

The Vesica Piscis symbol is comprised of two overlapping circles that form an almond shape in the center, also called a “mandorla.” Though the coming together of these circles may look simple, and possibly remind you of fun times in middle school filling out Venn diagrams, its meaning is profoundly powerful.

Vesica Piscis translates to “bladder of the fish” in Latin, this not so flattering or mystical name was given to it due to its similar appearance to a fish bladder. The Italian phrase “mandorla,” or almond, refers to the shape created in the center.

Mathematically speaking, this simple shape is the starting place of very complex geometry. The circles have the same radius and intersect in such a way that the perimeter of each circle touches the center of the other. The almond shape created by the overlapping circles contains two equilateral triangles. For more on the mathematics of this shape, exciting as it may be, you’ll need to do your own research! From here on out I’ll be focusing on the significance, meaning, and uses of this sacred symbol.

Let’s dig into the significance of this symbol and even more important, how you can put it to use in your spiritual practice.

Where did it come from?

The Vesica Piscis was formed first in nature, but when it was first identified by humans as a significant shape is still up for debate. Beyond nature, this shape can be found in paintings of Christ and Buddha, modern-day logos like Coco Chanel, crop circles, and ancient and contemporary architecture. It is also the starting place of the Seed of Life and the Flower of Life. If you missed my blog on these two basic sacred geometry symbols, you could learn more about them here.

Like most sacred geometry, there’s a lot of speculation about the origin(s) and meaning(s) of the Vesica Piscis. Because this symbol is found in so many places, it’s hard to pinpoint where it originated. Many, myself included, believe this simple symbol found all throughout history and nature has a divine source.

What does it mean?

Because the Vesica Piscis symbol shows up so often in nature and human history there are varying meanings associated with it. One thing most people can agree on is that it is a significant symbol.

Some view the Vesica Piscis as a Christian symbol due to its similarities to the “Jesus fish.” It also mimics the shape of the female vagina and is therefore viewed as a symbol of femininity, birth, and sexuality.

From a spiritual viewpoint, if we recognize the circle on its own as Source Energy (God or Goddess, whichever you prefer), the Vesica Piscis represents creation or the “womb of The Universe.” Think of a single circle as a Source of Energy, adding a second circle represents the spark of creation when the universe is born. This idea is enforced by its similarities to the shape of the vagina, the starting place of birth on a human level. It is enforced again by the fact that it is the starting place of most sacred geometry.

This is why for many, the Vesica Piscis symbol is considered very sacred. On a spiritual level, it represents creation, birth, and the joining of spiritual and physical. Take this a step further, and without the Vesica Piscis, sacred geometry would not exist, and we would not exist.

How can you use this symbol?

Here are a few ways to bring this cosmic symbol into your practice and honor its sacred meaning.

Represent Goddess Energy

The almond shape of the Vesica Piscis mirrors the form of the female yoni. If you’re trying to call in more feminine energy or connect to Goddess energy place an image of or create the shape of the Vesica Piscis on your altar. Placing this symbol in an area you use often can uplift the space and bring in more feminine energy. Try enhancing the shape by adorning your space with other symbols and objects that represent femininity like a cowrie shell, carnelian, rose quartz, or roses.

Crystal Grid for Manifesting & Birth

Fortunately, the Vesica Piscis is a simple shape that lends itself to easy crystal gridding! Due to its simplicity, you may not need a diagram, but if you’d like one try drawing the shape or printing one online. I used a Seed of Life grid and formed the grid on one of the Vesica Piscis shapes within it, shown in the image below. Otherwise, arrange your crystals in an almond shape and add any crystal embellishments you desire.

Crystal grids that focus on new beginnings, birthing new projects, physical birth, or manifesting new things into existence are ideal, but not limited to, for the Vesica Piscis. Here’s a list of stones you could use for grids of this nature. Use the ones that best suit your needs and feel free to add more of your own!

  • Citrine for manifesting

  • Amethyst for connecting to Source Energy

  • Pyrite or tiger eye for luck

  • Green aventurine for abundance

  • Carnelian for femininity and physical birth

  • Clear quartz for amplifying

Connecting with Source Energy

Many believe that the two circles in the Vesica Piscis represent the physical world and the spiritual world, thus creating a portal from one to the other when they overlap to form the Vesica Piscis. If you’re trying to connect to the energy of the spirit world to become more enlightened or to improve your intuition, try meditating on this symbol as you work.

I hope you feel more connected to this powerful symbol and sacred geometry as a whole! Learn more about sacred geometry and find tools to create your own crystal grids in The Goddess Discovery Book.

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Magical Meanings & Uses for Triangles & Pyramids

Have you wondered what all the hype is about triangles and pyramids? They pop up in images, tattoos, jewelry, and ritual practices. What do these symbols and objects mean, and more importantly, how can you use them for magical and spiritual purposes?Triangles and pyramids have a multitude of magical meanings and uses. I’m going to break down what these symbols mean and how you can use them to your benefit.triangle and pyramid jewelry

Have you wondered what all the hype is about triangles and pyramids? They pop up in images, tattoos, jewelry, and ritual practices. What do these symbols and objects mean, and more importantly, how can you use them for magical and spiritual purposes?

Triangles and pyramids have a multitude of magical meanings and uses. I’m going to break down what these symbols mean and how you can use them to your benefit.


The triangle shape has more mystical meaning than I’ll be able to cover in this blog alone, but I’m going to hit all the highlights to optimize your magical uses for them.

Triangles = Strength

Triangles are the strongest shape! Any weight placed on them is evenly distributed between all three sides. A triangle in any fashion can always represent strength. Place a triangle symbol on your altar or wear one as a reminder of how strong you are.

Triangles & The Elements

The four elements (earth, air, water, fire) are another common use for the triangle. Each element can be represented through the use of triangles and each element has its own meaning.

Here are the shapes for each element:

Here are some meanings for each element:

  • Earth: Stability, grounding, and fertility

  • Air: Intellect, communication, and imagination

  • Water: Purification, healing, and peace

  • Fire: Courage, strength, and passion

These symbols are perfect for use in rituals or magic when you need to represent a specific element. Check out this blog post to learn more about the four elements.

Triangles & The Number 3

Three is an auspicious number in numerology, and the triangle can be used as a way to depict the meaning of the number. Here are some of the meanings behind the number three.

  • Luck! Have you ever used the term “third time's a charm”?

  • Creativity and expression

  • Inspiration and optimism

Triangles & Important Trinities

There are many meanings in history, different religions, and spirituality that reference trinities. Here are a few, but there are many others:

  • Mind, body, spirit

  • Past, present, future

  • Maiden, mother, crone

  • Father, Son, Holy Spirit

  • Life, death, rebirth

  • Three bodies of Buddhahood: Dharmakaya or "truth body,” Sambhogakaya or "bliss body," Nirmanakaya or "emanation body"

Triangles & the Sri Yantra Symbol

The sacred geometry symbol, Sri Yantra, is comprised of nine overlapping triangles that create a total of 43 smaller triangles. Sri Yantra can be traced back to Hinduism, and the pattern is said to be the visual expression of OM.

Meditate on this symbol to inspire enlightenment. The Sri Yantra has been referred to as “tuning fork” that can help connect you to the universe. It also correlates to the balance of feminine and negative energy, which I'll dive into more below. Wear a Sri Yantra charm necklace for wealth, strengthened relationships, peace, and alignment with the universe.

Triangles & Male/Female Energies

A downward pointed triangle represents feminine energy, as it mimics the triangle shape of a woman's sacral region. An upward-facing triangle is associated with more masculine energy and is sometimes referred to as a blade. Using triangles to represent male or female energy is another great use for representing specific energies for rituals or magical work.


Triangles are more about symbolism while pyramids are all about action! Sure, they are symbolic too, but the real magic is in using pyramids for charging, attracting, meditation, and healing.

Different levels of research have been conducted on the efficacy of pyramids and their energy. As with most topics in the metaphysical realm, not all things can be proven but are simply felt or known, though there are some interesting finds! I’m sharing what I found to be the most interesting uses, that being said the writing done on the power of pyramids goes deeeeeep. If you’re interested in this topic I encourage you to do more research of your own!

Charging & Cleanse with Pyramids

Small copper pyramids are perfect for cleansing and charging your crystals or any item with some positive and bright energy. Place crystals, jewelry, herbs, fruit, water, essential oils or pretty much anything you want to instill some higher vibes into under your pyramid for a night or day to rejuvenate them.

Attracting & Manifesting with Pyramids

Because pyramids amplify energy they can be powerful aids in manifesting and attracting. This can be done with a copper pyramid but will be easier with a small handheld pyramid. Follow these steps to use a pyramid for attracting and manifesting something you desire.

  1. The new moon or waxing moon are ideal times to perform this ritual. Take a few quiet moments to reflect on what you’d like to manifest, so you are clear about what it is.

  2. Write down what you’re trying to attract or manifest on a piece of paper.

  3. As you write and then place your paper into your pyramid, visualize your end goal. Continue this as you hold the pyramid in your hand for a few moments and continue to visualize what you’d like to attract and manifest.

  4. Place any additional herbs or crystals in your pyramid that you feel would amplify your desire.

  5. After you’ve placed your paper and any other objects in the pyramid take a moment to thank the pyramid, the Universe, Goddess, or end with any closing sentiments that express gratitude.

  6. Your altar will be a good resting place for your pyramid, but anywhere that you’ll see it regularly will work.

  7. Make contact with your pyramid daily. Hold it, place your hand over it, or simply look at it at least once a day.

  8. Keep your pyramid and its contents intact until your dreams are manifested or you feel it’s time to move on.

Pyramid Meditation

Many claim that meditating in a pyramid shape or with one on your head can have powerful effects on your mental state and psychic abilities. Full triangles to sit in can be rather costly, but smaller ones are much more affordable. If you already have a small pyramid, try placing it on your head for your next meditation and see for yourself!

Some people even sleep under a pyramid form, saying that it can help heal and optimize the body. Though there’s not hard scientific proof about this yet, I sure wouldn’t mind sleeping under one!

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3 Powerful Crystal Healing Techniques

Looking for some summer-friendly healing uses for your crystal collection? If you’re like me and have designated crystals for your purse, car, bed, and altar you’ll love these three healing techniques so you can put all of your favorite gemstones to work.Even if your crystal collection is small, some of these techniques only require one stone, so you’ll find something in here for you.Summertime is a perfect time to dive into these techniques! Grab your favorite crystals, a fellow goddess, a blanket, and find a park to soak up good vibes from your crystals and Gaia.

Looking for some summer-friendly healing uses for your crystal collection? If you’re like me and have designated crystals for your purse, car, bed, and altar you’ll love these three healing techniques so you can put all of your favorite gemstones to work.
Even if your crystal collection is small, some of these techniques only require one stone, so you’ll find something in here for you.

Summertime is a perfect time to dive into these techniques! Grab your favorite crystals, a fellow goddess, a blanket, and find a park to soak up good vibes from your crystals and Gaia.

Body Crystal Grid

Having some discontent in your gut, or a busy mind? This technique is perfect for working on specific parts of your body. Similar to creating a crystal grid on your altar that has a specific purpose, you can create a crystal grid with stones specifically for an area of your body.

Once you’ve chosen your desired stones and purpose for a body grid, have your goddess friend place them on your body in a place that coordinates with their purpose.

You can follow the same steps for creating a crystal grid on your body or on your altar, to learn more about creating a crystal grid check out this post I shared last year by clicking here.

A serious side note: I love my crystals but won’t let them substitute for necessary medical needs! Body crystal grids are the perfect additional support to medical care, but shouldn’t substitute expert medical advice. Please, love yourself, and be sure to see a trained professional of your choosing for serious ailments.

Chakra Balancing on the Body or in Your Bed

Feeling like you need an energetic overhaul? This is the place to start and my personal favorite use of crystals. Here are a couple of uses for restoring and balancing the energy of your chakras with crystals:

Suggested Stones for Chakra Balancing with Crystals

Chakra Crystal Alignment on Your Body

Place the stone for each chakra in its coordinating location on the body. Starting at the top of your head, imagine the color for each chakra lighting up around the stone. Spend 3-5 breaths on each chakra as you imagine the colored light around them glowing.

This is also a great time to scan the chakras to see if any of your chakras are especially deficient and need any extra attention. If you come across a chakra that feels deficient you can create a special body crystal grid just for that chakra or wear a stone or amulet to remind you to bring energy to that specific chakra.

Chakra Crystal Alignment in Your Bed

Looking for a more passive way to bring balance to your chakras? I love the simplicity of this tool. Place one of the stones listed above for each chakra in its coordinating location in between your mattress and box spring. As you sleep let the stones work their magic and wake up restored and balanced!

Wearing a Programmed Crystal

This healing crystal technique is perfect for long-term goals or deeply rooted shifts you’re working on. Wearing a programmed crystal will give you a moment-to-moment reminder of the shifts you’re trying to make, and the energy of the crystal will help you maintain your goals.

I like to use point crystal necklaces for this purpose. I like them for programming because of their size, it’s just right for holding it in your hand when you want to soak up some good vibes from your programmed point crystal. I’ve been wearing a grounding green jasper with the programmed message to stay rooted and calm.

The point crystal in this picture is of an amethyst and would be perfect for programming anything that has to do with your third eye or honing psychic abilities.

To program a crystal follow these steps:

  1. Cleanse your crystal (read more about cleansing and charging your crystals here)

  2. Clear your mind.

  3. Hold your crystal in your dominant hand or in both of your hands.

  4. Mentally and verbally repeat your goal or intention into the crystal.

  5. Do this until you feel the stone is programmed with your intention.

There’s more than one way to program a crystal, so if you’d like to change these steps, do it!

I hope you found some healing ideas you’re excited to try out! These techniques are the perfect excuse to grab your favorite soul sister and get out for a picnic with a side of crystal healing.

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Attracting Love With Crystal Grids

Are you in the throes of heartache? Is finding your soul mate on your daily to-do list? Or do you struggle with negative self-talk? There are crystals for each of these predicaments and crystal grids are the perfect way to amplify the healing energy of crystals. By linking all of the crystal’s energies you will send out an ultra-charged message to the cosmos that transcends earthly lingo.

Are you in the throes of heartache? Is finding your soul mate on your daily to-do list? Or do you struggle with negative self-talk? There are crystals for each of these predicaments and crystal grids are the perfect way to amplify the healing energy of crystals. By linking all of the crystal’s energies you will send out an ultra-charged message to the cosmos that transcends earthly lingo.

While you may not be a fan of ushering in Hallmark holidays, you will want to know about these extraordinary crystal grids spreads for aligning your heart’s desires!

This ritualistic pattern making will soothe your nerves and sort out the many faces of love. You get to be specific with crystal grids, and the universe loves it when you’re specific.

Because love is complex, I'm sharing three different grids with you to address a variety of love related needs: attracting love, healing love, and self-love.

Getting Started

For each love desire, I’ve included a suggested prayer that can be used while setting up your grid, a centerpiece, and accompanying crystals. The images of my grids are suggestions, yours can be arranged in any way you like with as many or as few of the suggested crystals. Have a favorite crystal that’s calling your name? Feel free to include it too!

Attracting love

You don't want just any kind of love. You want to invite a healthy, long-lasting passion into your life! Go get 'em, girl!

The Prayer: I attract love effortlessly and am open to a loving relationship. I do not have to work hard to find love. I trust that the universe will bring me the love I deserve.

The Centerpiece: The conch shell is a choice centerpiece for this grid. It has long been used in ceremonial summoning spells. Summon love-filled hearts with the conch! Plus, some conch shells have been known to sound over a 2-mile radius. So if we’re taking this in a literal sense...your lover may be closer than you think!

The Crystals:

  • Howlite: Encourages desirable personality traits. Use this calming stone to quiet an overcritical mind.

  • Rose Quartz & Peridot: This pair will help you in being open to new experiences.

  • Kunzite: This stone will create a loving relationship through communication and feelings of joy.

  • Carnelian: The action stone. Carnelian stimulates the sacral chakra and inspires confidence.

As you activate your grid let divine love pour over you. Visualize the light of the divine flowing through you, and into your crystal creation!

Healing Love

This is a tough one. You may want to bury a broken heart. But if you're ever going to remove the pain, healing old wounds is part of the course. I know that these soothing vibes will radiate peace in you!

The Prayer: Instead of loss, I turn to love. I will surround myself with people who love me and adore me. I trust the universe and believe that all things happen for a reason and in divine timing.

The Centerpiece: Lilac Lepidolite tower. Gain a star-based perspective on your life from the height of this tower! If you have any destructive patterns in your life it will shed light on them like a lighthouse! Enjoy feelings of relief and serenity with this lithium laced lepidolite.

The Crystals:

  • Amazonite: Lies in a relationship are the absolute worst! Summon truth with this stone

  • Malachite: Heals traumatic memories

  • Snowflake Obsidian: Helps to bring emotions to the surface so you can work through them

  • Mangano Calcite: Forgiveness

  • Amethyst: Helps bring peace and comfort to an overly busy or agitated mind

As you activate your grid, touch the tower with one hand and your heart with the other. Allow the serene energy to pulse through you.

Self Love

Self-love is your foundation for all other kinds of love. Cultivate self-love and the possibilities will be endless. With all of my self-care tips, I know you already have a head start on this one!

The Prayer: I am worthy of love. The universe wants me to pursue things that bring me love and happiness. I love and accept my imperfections. My spirit is unique and perfect just as it is.

The Centerpiece: The bloodstone heart reminds us in the toughest times, that we are capable! This centerpiece will pulse confidence through your veins! It also brings clarity to decision making skills. Here’s to not making the same mistake twice!

The Crystals:

  • Tree Agate: Encourages abundance and fullness.

  • Hematite: Hematite is your sledgehammer for roadblocks. Knock 'em down and be wonderfully, unapologetically you!

  • Rhodonite: Has anyone ever told you that you aren't good enough? Maybe this has stuck with you as negative self chatter. Allow rhodonite to clear away these unkind words for a fresh start.

  • Dumortierite (blue quartz): Self-reliance and ability to stand up for yourself.

As you activate your grid, remind yourself “I deserve respect, happiness, and love.”

Keep your grid up for as long as you feel you need it. Learn more about activating your grid in this previous blog post. Whatever kind of love you are seeking I know you’ll find it and setting the right intention is the perfect place to start!

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