Understanding the 4 Elements & Using them to Shift Your Energy
The four elements, earth, air, fire, and water, are physical materials and energies that comprise the world around us. If you don't already work with the four elements in your practice, you've likely heard of them because they're rather tricky to avoid as so many spiritual practices refer to them in some way.
The four elements, earth, air, fire, and water, are physical materials and energies that comprise the world around us. If you don't already work with the four elements in your practice, you've likely heard of them because they're rather tricky to avoid as so many spiritual practices refer to them in some way.
There are countless ways to deepen your relationship with the four elements and bring them into your practice. In this post, you'll learn a bit about the history of the four elements, common correspondences for them, how to work with them physically and energetically, calling them in for protection, and using them in your home or on your altar.
I want to quickly touch on the element of Spirit because I'm sure some of you may be wondering if I'll discuss it as well! I will touch on the fifth element, often referred to as Spirit, aether, or Akasha, especially in the history section. However, I will save a deeper dive into the fifth element of Spirit for a post of its own. Much of this share will be dedicated to the four elements as I see them as slightly separate from Spirit and very foundational.
Listen to this post on my podcast, Rooting into Wholeness here.
A brief view of history and the four elements
As usual, I do like to cover some history. I think it's an essential part of having a complete view of different spiritual practices. That said, I always research with an understanding that this history is rarely the whole picture, but rather one piece. This is especially true when you're reconstructing a spiritual path that's not clearly recorded, was attempted to be eradicated, or if you hold multiple cultural heritages (like many of us do!).
The deeper I dive into my spiritual roots, the clearer it becomes that building a meaningful practice combines historical facts, inference, oral traditions passed down, and personal experience. Each of these pieces, in my opinion, serves a useful purpose while building a spiritual practice. Here's a very brief history of some of the earliest mentions of the four elements.
One of the first written examples of the four elements comes from the Greek philosopher Empedocles in the fifth century BCE. Empedocles refers to them as the four roots and assigns each element or "root" to a Greek God or Goddess as follows, Hera with earth, Zeus with air, Aidoneus with fire, and Nestis with water (though there is some debate over this, this is the consensus.) The Gods and Goddesses Empedocles associated with each element is less important (to me) than the fact that he did associate them with Gods and Goddesses. Because Empedocles gave these elements spiritual significance by corresponding each with a God or Goddess, it indicates that he viewed them as having a deeper meaning than mere elements on a periodic table.
In Buddhist practices, we see the first written mention of the four (sometimes five) elements in the Pali Canon in 29 BCE. However, these were recorded based on oral history that had been previously passed down for possibly hundreds of years. We also have Vedic texts that speak to the five elements, or Pancha Bhootas, in Hinduism. These were first recorded in the Taittirīya Upanishad is unknown, but some think it could have been even earlier than Empedocles and predate Buddhist practices at around 500-600 BCE. If you've studied practices that have become more commonplace in the West, like Yoga or Ayurveda, these are the elements referred to in these practices.
In all of these cases, I'm simply talking about the written records. I believe, as do others, that the four elements have been worked with and used by many pagan and indigenous practices long before the written evidence was created.
As far as Celtic practices, the four elements were likely not a part of their practice. The number three was sacred to the Celts, so the elements they honored were the land, sea, and sky, or earth, water, and air. In witchcraft and other earth-based practices, the four elements became much more commonplace with the introduction of Wicca in the 1970s, which relies heavily on the four elements (sometimes five.)
Explore The Soul Discovery Journal for more on the elements
There's certainly reference to working with the four elements in pagan, shamanic, and indigenous practices worldwide. However, many of these practices have been passed down orally.
Elen Sentier teaches and practices British Shamanism, or the "old ways," as she calls it, shares about the four elements concerning the world tree. She explains this below, in this excerpt from her book, Following the Deer Trods.
"The World Tree holds the vertical axis on which the three worlds spin (Upperworld, Middleworld, and Lowerworld.) The vertical axis is like the warp-threads in weaving; these are threads on which the pattern is woven. Middleworld holds the horizontal axis of the four elements. These are the weft threads that weave the pattern of life.
The four elements - earth, air, fire, water - are the weft-threads.
These two, the warp and the weft, are the basis of the duality which enables life to be."
This explanation from Elen Sentier is hardly the only reference to the four elements in earth-based spiritual practices. I'm confident that wherever your cultural roots lie, you will be able to find reference to three, four, or five elements there as well. This is where inference and personal experience come in. When we examine the written history, we have one piece of the puzzle; however, when we explore the personal experiences from those who've lived and experienced lines of knowledge passed down, we receive a different part of the puzzle. For example, even though I walk a Celtic and British path primarily, I choose to work with the four elements because they have been an integral part of my practice, through my introduction to them with Yogic philosophy but in my witchcraft and shamanic work as well.
As always, work with what speaks to you, your experiences, and your heritage. Perhaps you prefer to work with three, four, or five elements. There are seeds of truth and wisdom in all of them.
For this post, I will be focusing on the four elements through my unique lens of witchcraft and British earth-based spiritual practices. However, my introduction to the four elements was through my Yoga teacher training in 2012, which will color my unique lens.
The elements and correspondences
Each element has a unique essence, which carries both positive and shadow attributes. No element is positive or negative, but rather a conglomerate of different energies. For example, we can see the soft and gentle flame of a candle or a roaring forest fire. Each has value and purpose. Each element also relates to a host of other energies and objects, called correspondences. Correspondences are energies that match and play well together.
Once you understand how the four elements relate to other energies, it creates a strong foundation for understanding magical correspondences on a broader level. Explore an in depth exploration of the four directions and elements by journeying to them here.
Keep in mind. These are my beliefs based on my research and experiences. If something I share about an element doesn't fit into your practice or even goes directly against your practice, no worries, just leave it. As we already discussed in the history section, spiritual practices using the four elements span the globe, so differing opinions are bound to come about.
Air card from The Ritual Deck.
Let's go through each element and discuss some of the most common meanings and correspondences for them.
Air relates to intellect, ideas, inspiration, and the mind. It corresponds with the East, the color yellow, the suit of swords in the tarot, the throat and heart space, wind, sound, smoke, smells, feathers, birds, and unseeable forces that influence our minds. In astrology, the three air signs are Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius.
Fire relates to transformation, action, power, and the ego. It corresponds with the South, the color red, the suit of wands in the tarot, the solar plexus area, flames, heat, candles, the phoenix, dance, and the destructive forces that ultimately encourage new growth. In astrology, the three fire signs are Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius.
Water relates to emotions, intuition, feelings, and the subconscious mind. It corresponds with the West, the color blue, the suit of cups in the tarot, the sacral area, springs, the ocean, tears, shells, aquatic animals, things in a liquid state like melting wax, and the forces that move us to feel so we can cleanse and heal. In astrology, the three water signs are Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces.
Earth relates to safety, protection, the material world, and the physical body. It corresponds with the North, the color green, the root space, dirt, trees, rocks, food, bones, ancestral wisdom, and the physical energies that support and sustain us. In astrology, the three earth signs are Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn.
I discuss this a lot in my Tarot Correspondences course and my new book, Understanding Tarot. As you can see, once you have a firm understanding of each of the elements, it will help you better understand Astrology, Tarot, and a host of other magickal practices.
This is a peek into each element. We'll go deeper into each of these, their positive and shadow sides, different tools to connect with them, and wisdom from each in the following posts:
Let's move on to some ways to begin working with the four elements collectively.
Connecting with the elements in the physical and energy body
As Elen Sentier stated in the excerpt from her book above, the four elements are the "weft threads that weave the pattern of life." The four elements affect each of us physically and energetically here in physical form. We can feel them in the body and connect with them in the subtle body.
If you want to form a deeper relationship with the four elements, this is where I'd invite you to begin, connecting with them within your body. There are many ways to start doing this, and it will be an ongoing practice because our relationship with the elements is not fixed and is constantly evolving and growing.
Earth card from The Ritual Deck.
Here are three ways I've learned to deepen my relationship with the four elements.
1. Notice the elements in the natural world and when you do, notice how they make you feel. For example, When I go on my regular walking meditations outside, this is one way that I tune in to the environment and the elements. I notice how the sun's heat feels on my skin. I notice the wind and any sounds it may be creating in the trees. I notice any water (which here in the desert is usually just the dew on the grass leftover from sprinklers). I notice the supportive earth beneath my feet. You can even imagine this in your mind right now. What feelings come up within you when you think about a stream vs. a fire? Each brings a different energy that is palpable within my mind's eye.
2. Notice how the four elements come up within your physical body. When you experience different sensations in your body, can you associate them with a specific element? For example, I'm someone who becomes ungrounded and anxious easily. I know what anxiety and dysregulation in my nervous system feel like. My mind races, I get a tingling sensation in my neck, my hands and feet sometimes get tingly, and my breath becomes shorter and moves to the chest. These sensations can come up due to an event outside of me or me merely not making time to care for my body, mind, and Spirit.
For me, I recognize this as an overabundance of air. Air corresponds with the thinking mind, intellect, and ideas. When I'm stuck in my head, and it's literally pulling me out of my body, I know I need to ground and bring in more earth. If I find myself in this place, I make sure to do things that bring in more of the earth element, like getting outside and feeling the support of the earth below my feet, or perhaps I meditate and visualize a connection to the earth. This is why my regular walking meditation practice is so imperative for me. Of course, this is not a cure-all nor an excuse to not seek out professional help. I've also relied on therapy and medication for my anxiety at different times in my life, but I find that a daily practice such as this helps support me in different ways.
Can you bring to mind some common emotions or sensations in your body? Perhaps you lean towards too much earth and often feel sluggish, tired, or heavy? Or, too much water, and you find yourself overly emotional and often in a puddle of tears. Or too much fire, which could feel like a need to be forceful or constantly doing. As I mentioned, each element is neither good nor bad. They each have both positive and shadow sides to work with and recognize. It's in finding a balance between them that we can move towards more equilibrium.
Water card from The Ritual Deck.
3. There are also ways to work with the elements on an energetic level. This is great if you don't have access to elements you want to work with or do some healing work during meditation or journeying.
I rely heavily on the four elements while working alongside clients for energy work. I see each element as an ally or helping Spirit to aid in giving each client what they need for healing. Of course, there are so many ways to do this for yourself as well. Here are some ways that I've learned over the years to work with each element energetically.
For earth, one of my favorite grounding techniques is to imagine that beam of energy or even a root coming from the base of your spine and connecting with the energy of earth (you can do this outside for extra potent earth energy!) In energy work, I will often pull in earth and mud (energetically within my altered state of performing energy work) to place on top of people if their energy feels dysregulated or "buzzy."
For air, I visualize air blowing around me and through my body. When performing energy work, I will sometimes blow air into certain parts of the body to clear or bring in more air. I also work with feathers similarly.
For water, I love to visit and visualize sacred springs and work with the water for healing for myself or with my clients. Spring waters are one of the most common tools, next to earth, that I pour into parts of people's bodies to bring cleansing and healing.
For fire, I love dance, either physically or even visualizing it. I'll imagine certain issues or things being burned up within me. I'm cautious with fire for energy work as it's so intense, so it's something I don't often use unless someone is very low energy.
I encourage you to explore your relationship with each element through meditation or journey work to find ways to work with them that work for you.
I hope this gives you some guidance to begin working with the elements both physically and energetically. As I mentioned, I will dedicate a post to each of these elements to explore each one on a deeper level.
Spellwork and Protection with the Elements
The four elements are often used in both spellwork and protection. Let's discuss some ways to work with them in these ways. As we discussed, each element carries specific energy, and you can call upon those energies through the elements to better facilitate particular outcomes in spellwork.
Fire card from The Ritual Deck.
Here are examples for each element. If you are conducting a spell to bring in mental clarity, the element of air would be appropriate, and you may want to incorporate feathers or plants that blow in the wind to honor air. Fire is your friend, and candle spellwork would be ideal if you are conducting a spell to energize you or facilitate a transformation. If you are performing spellwork to connect with your intuitive mind, bring some water into your spell by implementing water, shells, or aquatic materials. If you're working on manifesting something physical into your life, call upon the element of earth by working with stones, crystals, or earth objects to help bring about material possession.
There are so many different items that correspond with each element, so you truly have a bounty of various tools when it comes to representing the elements in your spellwork. You could rely on different tarot cards, plants, crystals, Gods, Goddesses, etc., to bring in an element. If you're learning the correspondences for the elements, I designed my oracle card deck, The Ritual Deck, to be a learning tool specifically for this! Each card has a correspondence bar at the bottom that shows the corresponding element for each card/symbol. Beyond this deck, I also love "Llewellyn's Complete Correspondence Guide." It's a big book but one I think any witch or person who dabbles in spellwork should have!
When it comes to protection, I love working with the four elements! If you've ever had a session with me, you know that I begin each session with some drumming and invoke each of the four elements to create a sacred container for our work. I also do this mentally whenever I journey. In Wicca, this is often referred to as "Calling the Quarters." But, you certainly do not need to consider yourself a Wiccan to work with the elements in this way. Working with the elements in this way for protection is something we see in many earth-based and shamanic practices.
To work with the elements in this way for protection, you can call in each element aloud or in your mind. It's common to start at the East with air, and move clockwise around the directions, Fire of the South, Water of the West, and Earth of the North. I like to visualize each element swooping in to create a barrier around me as I work. You could also place a physical representation of each element around you in this same order.
In witchcraft, this is often referred to as casting a circle. However, there are many other ways to cast a circle, and you do not have to consider yourself a witch to use the elements in this way. The next time you feel like you need extra protection for spellwork, meditating, journeying, etc. I encourage you to try either of these techniques and notice how you feel.
Using the four elements on altars and living spaces
One of the most common ways people work the elements into their practice is through an altar. This is another tool that we can see across cultures and traditions. It's a widespread practice to represent all four elements present on an altar for balance, protection and to show gratitude for each of the elements. We've touched on this a bit, but I'll share here some suggestions for ways to represent each element on your altar.
Air: Feathers, images or sculptures of birds or flying insects, smoke, fans, herbs or plants that blow in the wind, any cards from the suit of swords in the tarot, the color yellow, labradorite, amethyst, musical instruments like singing bowls, chimes, rattles, drums, etc.
Fire: Candles, burning charcoal, burning herbs, incense, lava rocks, obsidian, yellow jasper, any cards from the suit of wands in the tarot, a wand, phallic symbols, symbols, or images of the God (could be any God you're comfortable with.)
Water: water, shells, images or sculptures of any aquatic animals, opal, moonstone, aquamarine, any cards from the suit of cups in the tarot, chalices, cauldrons, symbols of the Goddess (could be any Goddess you're comfortable with.)
Earth: stones, wood, plant material, living plants, herbs, symbols or sculptures of trees, petrified wood, the Greenman, Gaia (or any earth God or Goddess in your practice), any card from the suit of pentacles in the tarot, money, different metals.
Some unique items can serve as all four (or five) of the elements.
Smoke cleansing with a shell or chalice-shaped bowl can serve as a representation of all four elements. The shell or chalice shape represents water, the plant material represents earth, the burning herbs represent fire, and the smoke represents air.
Candles are another one. The flame represents fire, the smoke represents air, the wick represents earth, and the melting wax represents water. I'm sure there are others that I'm not aware of or familiar with!
You can modify these same suggestions for your altar to help balance the energy of your living space. For example, if you're going through a transition as a family unit, you may find it helpful to bring in some grounding elements to your home to offer you and your family a greater sense of safety and support. Alternatively, suppose you recently had a visitor in your home who left some unwelcome residual energy. In that case, you might benefit from bringing more of the air element through smoke cleansing, or simply opening the windows, to bring in an energetic fresh breeze, if you will.
As you can see, there are so many meaningful and important ways to work with the four elements in your spiritual practice!
I'd like to note one last thing, especially when discussing using items from the natural world, both physically and energetically, is to be reciprocal with these elemental energies. When you call on them, thank them for their assistance by taking a few quiet breaths and offering your thanks and gratitude. If you take items from nature, consider leaving an offering as a token of your appreciation. This can be simple, but it's important and can genuinely help you form a much deeper relationship with the elements and nature.
If you enjoyed this share, I invite you to share it with someone else who may enjoy it as well. I'm excited to do deep dives into each of the elements soon!
In love and gratitude, Cassie
My Story & Support for Opening up to New Intuitive Abilities
If you consider yourself intuitive, you've probably experienced a handful of unexplainable experiences. The kinds of situations you just knew were outside of the scope of what most would deem "normal." Even when you walk a spiritual path, some of these experiences can still be jarring. Why? Because it's not what most of us are taught growing up, it's not what most of society deems as "normal," and these experiences usually happen outside our usual physical senses.I don't usually get super personal here, but today I will be.
If you consider yourself intuitive, you've probably experienced a handful of unexplainable experiences. The kinds of situations you just knew were outside of the scope of what most would deem "normal." Even when you walk a spiritual path, some of these experiences can still be jarring. Why? Because it's not what most of us are taught growing up, it's not what most of society deems as "normal," and these experiences usually happen outside our usual physical senses.
I don't usually get super personal here, but today I will be. Some of the experiences I've had over the last few years have shifted my business and life trajectory, and I know some of you have had these experiences too. It's been helpful and healing for me to hear other intuitive folks talk about their experiences because it's made me feel less alone and more empowered to walk this path. If sharing my story helps one person feel less alone and better able to embody their gifts, then this post has done its job. I've also recently opened my books to offer 1:1 sessions for energy work and intuitive mentorship and want to give you some context for this new phase of my work.
In this post, you'll learn more about my personal story and initiation into the work I do now and some tips for coping with the onset of psychic gifts.
Before I begin, I also want to offer a content warning. I will be talking about death and dying. So if you've recently experienced a loss or are actively grieving, I want to let you know and allow you to opt-out of this share.
Let's dive in! Here's a super-condensed version of my story.
Listen to this episode on my podcast, Rooting into Wholeness, here.
My Story
When I was young, probably around six or seven years old, I remember sensing, "hearing," and even feeling the presence of spirits around my bed at night. It terrified me as a child. I honestly cannot remember if I ever brought it up to my parents or not. If I did, it must have been dismissed because it wasn't ever discussed. It wasn't until I was an adult that I heard other intuitive people talk about this same sort of thing. So many of us are open when we're young, and I've since learned that experiences like this are the norm for many intuitive people.
Even though I was brought up in a Christian household and was told more than once about the evils of witchcraft and tarot, religion was never forced on me. Much of my extended family was deeply religious, which certainly colored some of my childhood. Still, overall I was able to choose whether or not I wanted to participate in organized religion, which I'm still grateful for to this day (thanks, mom!)
My grandmother, on the other hand, was very open-minded. She lived by her pendulum and astrology. Her open-mindedness made me feel safe as a young person to explore alternatives to the faith in which I was raised. As a young teenager, I started reading some of her books, everything I read made sense, and it answered a lot of the questions that religion never did. I learned meditation and energy work techniques from these books and was surprised at how easily I could feel my energy and get into a deep meditative state. I was hooked.
Much of my adolescence was spent holed up in my room meditating, performing spells, feeling my energy, and begging my sister to pose for me to see her aura (she would usually do after a certain amount of pestering.) I remember having an inclination that I must be experiencing something that most others didn't. If other people could feel and sense what I felt from meditation and working with energy, they would do it too.
As a young adult, I became absorbed with studying Buddhism, yoga, and quantum physics, which have influenced my path in different ways. I completed my yoga teacher training in 2012 and always knew it wouldn't be the core of my work, rather something to compliment my work in the future.
Though I certainly experienced a variety of intuitive hits and supernatural experiences throughout my young adult years, they weren't anything out of the ordinary for me. The most prominent thing I remember is often having an inner knowing or receiving intuitive hits about my path. I always knew what my next step needed to be, whether it be, even if I didn't honor it. And I quickly found out that if I didn't honor the nudges, my physical health would suffer.
When I moved to Arizona with my husband in the summer of 2012, things started to shift. My meditation practice became more regular, and I started having more intense premonitions, including my grandmother's death and the birth of my soon-to-be twins.
When my grandfather died in 2017, things started to get a little bit weird, even for me! My grandfather had been living with cancer for some time. I again had the sense when it was his time to pass, but this time something else happened. I would begin to feel his presence and hear him clairaudiently, saying that he needed help crossing over. At first, I'm not going to lie, I ignored him (sorry, Roger.) Ignoring him only made him more persistent. So I did what I knew how to do. I sat down, got in a meditative state, accessed his energy, and began moving and pulling energy to create a clear channel for him to leave his physical body. I got the call the next day that he'd passed.
Now at this point, I hadn't had any formal training with this sort of thing, and I was having a pretty hard time accepting this because I loved Roger (I was on a first-name basis with this grandfather.) I didn't want him to die, and even though I knew he wanted help crossing over, it was hard not to feel somewhat responsible. I kept this experience a secret and chalked it up to being a fluke or merely my imagination.
In 2019 another family member on my husband's side (who I've decided to keep anonymous to respect his family) passed. The same thing started happening. I knew it was getting close to their time, and I felt their presence. It had been so long since Roger had passed that I did the same thing and ignored them for a while, and again they did not leave me alone. So, I helped them, and they left their body shortly after. I should also mention that all of these instances were performed remotely. Each time these people were states away.
At this point, I could no longer shrug off two experiences like this as a fluke or my imagination. I eventually opened up to my husband about it, which was hard for him to grasp, and to be honest, I don't blame him! I was still wrapping my head around it too.
Side note, I'll be digging into some tips for bringing this kind of stuff up with loved ones later in this share.
If there's one thing I've learned about intuition and nudges from the other side, it's that if I keep ignoring something I'm intended to do, it won't go away. I've even experienced physical ailments in the past due to ignoring my path. I knew I had to take some action and seek guidance about my new abilities.
Years earlier, I'd been receiving energy work from my now mentor, Robin Afinowich. Robin is, among many other beautiful titles, a shamanic practitioner in a Celtic lineage. My work with Robin was deep, and she was someone I trusted. I decided to go back to her to discuss some of my experiences. She confirmed what I already knew: I was very open and that this was a path I could walk should I choose.
That was in 2019, and it's a path I've been walking ever since. I've spent the last two years learning from Robin and other Wise Women, practicing and honing my abilities beyond death midwifery.
As you may have noticed from what I've shared already, my initiation into this work was centered around death, so hint hint, this is also where I feel called to deepen my work and offer more services. Though I intend to continue offering energy work, intuitive mentorship, and more books, my work will be centered around death and all that goes along with that (and it's a lot.) So, if you've been hanging out with me for long, buckle up because things are about to get deep!
I will definitely speak to this more in future episodes, but one quick thing I'd like to point out is that you do not need to be old in linear age or actively dying to benefit from learning about and ritualizing themes of death. There's so much deep work that, in my opinion, we really need as a collective around death. Many of us have so much fear, anxiety, and stigma attached to death. I'm really excited to begin sharing more about this topic and bring it to the forefront as something to learn from and explore. From a practical standpoint, I'm beginning training to become a certified death doula from INELDA (International End of Life Doula Association) later this year, so I will also be offering sessions more specifically around dying too.
Fun side note for my astrology friends out there, I recently had a reading with my friend Natalie Walstein of Soulshine Astrology, and one of the most valuable things she shared with me was having Pluto in my 10th house. Which, if you know astrology, you're probably already chuckling about this "coincidence." The 10th house is the house of careers, work, and social status. Pluto, which corresponds to Scorpio, is all about death, destruction, creation, and transformations. First of all, not sure how I didn't catch that from looking at my chart myself, and second of all, things started making a lot more sense after meeting with Natalie! P.s. I'm linking Natalie's info in the show notes if you want to connect with her or her work. She's lovely.
I'll stop talking about death because I could go on and on about this topic, but I want to dive into some practical tips to offer if you're feeling called to walk a more spiritual path but feel lost.
Where to start if you're experiencing intuitive and psychic abilities?
Whether you have intuitive hits, are hearing spirits or feeling spirits, or just having a lot of unexplained synchronicities, here are some tips that I've learned over the years for navigating these waters.
1. Family, friends, and boundaries
This one is tough and will be so unique to each person. Ultimately, it's entirely up to you who you decide to talk about and share your gifts with. I've approached sharing my work with family and friends on a very case-by-case basis. I know that there are people in my life more open to this sort of thing than others. If someone asks about my work and I know they're not open to it or believe in it, I have a personal boundary that I will not share much. I will be polite, but I will not tell them very much because it's not my job to prove myself or my abilities. On the other hand, if a friend or loved one is asking, and I know that even though they may not have the same beliefs as me, they're respectful and open to learning, I will share more with them. My suggestion is to be discerning about who you open up to about your gifts.
I've learned the hard way that I'm not here to convince anyone or defend my abilities, so if someone wants to poke holes in my experience, that's something for them to explore within themselves, not something for me to take on. Don't waste your precious gifts and energy on those who already don't believe you! I'm fortunate enough to be married to someone who believes in me and supports me even though he doesn't have the same beliefs as me. If he didn't, I'm not sure that we'd be married!
2. Support, teachers, mentorship, and growth
Unless you were raised by an extremely open-minded, spiritual, or witchy family, it's unlikely that you have a lot of close people in your life to talk with about experiencing intuitive or psychic abilities. I know how isolating it can feel to be experiencing supernatural-like events and not have anyone to turn to. Here are a few tips and suggestions for finding your people.
First, let the universe know that you'd like a mentor or teacher. Every time I've felt the need for a mentor or teacher in my life, I always make a point to ask for one. Though it may not always happen in the timing I'd like, I've always been presented with the right teachers at the right time.
There are so many talented teachers and mentors who offer sessions, courses, and mentorships online. What I do and encourage my clients to do is to meditate on whether or not someone is a good fit for you or if you need their medicine and notice how it feels in your body. You could also try using a pendulum or a sway test to determine this too. I've found that I usually get a pretty definite "yes" or "no" when aligning my path with a teacher.
Second, connect with your guides more. We have so many teachers on the other side who are always ready to help us develop our gifts more. Don't discount their wisdom, and I encourage you to seek counsel from them often. Here's a great past post all about connecting with your guides.
Lastly, don't discount the power of online friendships. Some of my closest spiritual friends are people I've met online. Don't be shy. Consider DM'ing people (not businesses) who seem like they're in alignment with you. Many metaphysical stores have classes; this can be a great place to meet like-minded people, although I know this can be tricky right now with Covid.
3. Energetic protection and being scared of your abilities
This is always the top question I'm asked from anyone new to walking a spiritual path, especially if they're experiencing psychic abilities. Though I certainly do not want to discount the possibility of experiencing harmful or malicious energy or entities, it hasn't been my experience. Nearly all of the experiences I've had with the spirit realm have been overwhelmingly positive or neutral. I don't tell you this to say not to be cautious. I say this to put you at ease because, in my experience, malicious spirits are not the norm or need healing as well.
The most important thing I've learned in my work is that I have agency over my energy. If someone or something is bothering me, I can say, "not right now, later," or "not at all." I know that I could have ignored the requests of my loved ones who were dying, but ultimately I decided not to because I knew I could help them.
If you don't want to interact with something or someone, or don't feel comfortable seeing, hearing, or feeling certain things, say so. I've found that spirit will usually not give me more than I can handle and that the spirit world honors my requests and boundaries. There are, of course, loads of different tools you can use to bolster your energetic safety should you feel called. Some of my favorites are smoke cleansing, black tourmaline, and calling on my guides for protection. Check out this past post to learn more about energetic protection.
Those are some of my initial tips and suggestions for handling the onset of psychic and intuitive gifts, but I know there's so much more we could discuss! I always love to hear your questions, so if you have more on this topic, please share them on social media on my account at @cassieuhl or by email at hello@cassieuhl.com to answer them in a future post. I hope that if you've experienced supernatural experiences and feel like you don't know where to turn that my story offers some peace or at least a sense of not feeling so alone.
My work now and how to work with me
As I mentioned, right now, I'm offering energy work and intuitive mentorship sessions. If you feel called to work with me, you can explore my energy work offerings here and intuitive mentorship offerings here. I anticipate that I'll begin offering my death doula services in the Spring or Summer of 2022.
Though I've been practicing this work for a little over two years now, I opened my books for sessions about a month ago. I'm so grateful to the beautiful souls I've been able to work with so far. Friendly reminder, my rates will be increasing on October 22, 2021, so now is a good time if you have been thinking about booking. I offered a lower rate initially because I knew I'd need to do some fine-tuning to my process based on feedback and how I felt about the work. I did, and I feel really good about the flow of my sessions.
Those are some of my initial tips and suggestions for handling the onset of psychic and intuitive gifts, but I know there's so much more we could discuss! I always love to hear your questions, so if you have more on this topic, please share them on social media on my account at @cassieuhl or by contacting me here to answer them in a future post.
I hope that if you've experienced supernatural experiences and feel like you don't know where to turn that my story offers some peace or at least a sense of not feeling so alone.
What is energy work and do you need it? + 5 common types of energy work
What is energy work? Is it real? Should you try it? I can’t tell you what’s best for you, but I can share detailed information about various energy work modalities and my personal experience with them to help you determine if and what’s right for you.In this post, you'll learn a bit about what energy work is, if it's right for you, who can practice energy work, five common types of energy work, and experts in each field linked.
What is energy work? Is it real? Should you try it? I can’t tell you what’s best for you, but I can share detailed information about various energy work modalities and my personal experience with them to help you determine if and what’s right for you.
In this post, you'll learn a bit about what energy work is, if it's right for you, who can practice energy work, five common types of energy work, and experts in each field linked.
This is a big topic, friend! I invite you to cozy up with a cup of tea or to bookmark this read to refer back to later. Or, you can listen to the full episode here on my podcast, Rooting into Wholeness.
My Experience With Energy Work
I experienced energy work for the first time at a very young age, 10 or 11 years old. I got my hands on some books from my grandmother about spirituality that explained how to feel the energy between my hands and over my body. I was easily able to feel my energy and was hooked. I continued meditating and working with my energy from that day in a variety of ways.
As an adult, I’ve tried various energy work methods both on myself and from others. I’ve also been practicing shamanic energy healing (in a Celtic lineage) for the last two years. Any of the methods I share here are methods I’ve experienced or administered firsthand.
I will save my full story for another post that I’ll share soon.
What is Energy Work?
Energy work is the intentional effort to manipulate your or someone else's energy for spiritual, emotional, or physical healing. There are countless modalities of energy work practices in cultures around the world. You can perform energy work on yourself or seek it out from a professional.
Energy work affects both the subtle body system (the energetic body) and the physical body in various ways. The subtle body system shows up differently across cultures. Here are some of the subtle body systems we see across the world: chakras and nadis (Hinduism), meridians (Chinese Medicine), the three cauldrons (Celtic), aura (cross-cultural), Ojos de luz (Incan energy system), and the list goes on. Most cultures around the world have some reference of an energy or subtle body system.
Anything that affects the subtle body can also affect the physical body because they’re intertwined. It’s now commonly accepted that emotions can be stored in and affect the physical body. Many believe that energy can be manipulated to create changes in the subtle and the physical body in this same vein. As above so below, as within so without.
Science now recognizes that everything is energy. When we zoom in on the physical world, really far, all we have is vibrating energy. There’s nothing solid about anything in the world we live in. It’s all energy. It can be hard to wrap the mind around physical objects not really being solid, but it’s what we know now to be true. This quote from the physicist Erwin Schrödinger illustrates this well in the quote below.
“What we observe as material bodies and forces are nothing but shapes and variations in the structure of space. Particles are just schaumkommen (appearances).”- Erwin Schrödinger
Aside from the quantum world, there’s also something to be said for unseen energies that we already know exist, like light waves, sound waves, electromagnetic energy, and heck, even wind. There’s an entire world of invisible energy that can affect us both positively and negatively. Though science has not completely caught up with the idea of humans having the potential to spark healing through touch and other psychic abilities, I believe it's something many ancient peoples have known all along.
We spend so much time tending to and caring for our physical bodies, but what about our energy, our essence.
Should You Try Energy Work?
If you feel called to try any kind of energy work, I suggest trying it. The bigger questions that you'll need to ask yourself are what kind of energy work you want to receive and who you want to work with. These are not questions that I can answer for you and will require some research and reflection.
As someone who's received a lot of different kinds of energy work, the best advice I can give you is that you'll know when you know. If you feel pulled to work with someone, honor that, and then do a bit of research about them, which I cover in the next section, to ensure that they're in alignment with your values and are working ethically. If you get any internal nudges that someone is or isn't a good fit, honor that.
Who Can Practice Energy Work and Can I Practice on Myself?
There are a lot of grey areas and different opinions within the answers to these questions. I will do my best in this short space, but please know that many feel differently and that this is a short answer to big questions.
If there’s one thing I hope you take away from this post, it’s that you can perform energy work on yourself. It is not something you need to pay hundreds of dollars to receive. There are many great energy work tools that you can use on yourself, some of which I will share here. Personally, I think it can be extremely powerful and healing to learn different ways to manipulate and heal your own energy. I discuss some of this in my “Understanding Auras” and “Understanding Chakras” books, which are great places to start.
Regarding who can practice on other people, here are some suggestions and questions I always ask myself.
What is their training? Notice I said training, not Certification. Certification is not always a necessity in the case of energy work. Sadly certifications can actually be quite misleading and are not equally accessible. In fact, certification processes often leave out the very people who have trained in indigenous cultures and lineages.
Many certification processes end up being watered-down versions of traditional energy work methods. Furthermore, they could be actively causing harm to the indigenous peoples they came from.
Certification is not always bad, but it’s important to ask some follow-up questions and use discernment when hiring someone with certifications in the energy work methods listed below, like, “Where did the certification come from?”, “Who did they train with for the certification?” and “Were the indigenous and cultural roots respected in the certification process?”. If these things aren’t stated on a person’s website who’s offering energy work, you have every right to ask, and I’d encourage you to do so.
Benefits and Risks of Energy Work
The possible benefits of energy work are vast and will vary from method to method. I'll dive into specific benefits for each kind of energy work method I discuss in their respective sections. Here's a general list of benefits I've personally experienced from different kinds of energy work.
can induce deep calmness and anxiety reduction
can help you feel closer to the spirit realm and connected to All Life
can aid in the balancing of the chakras and subtle body
can spark physical healing (energy work should never replace the guidance of a medical professional)
can bring messages from loved ones and spirits
can help with the removal of unwanted or stagnant energy
can be supportive in processing shadow work and trauma (energy work should never replace the guidance of a trained therapist)
can offer a deep sense of feeling held
can give greater perspective on life issues
can help with decision making
can bring about a general sense of peace and ease
Are there any risks to energy work. Yes and no. Some forms of energy work are riskier than others. The practitioner is actively engaging with your energy for energy work like Reiki, Shamanic healing, and intuitive healing. This is a very intimate and vulnerable act. If you are highly sensitive to energy, it will be of utmost importance for you to be clear about what you do and do not want to experience and make sure you're a good fit with the person you intend to work with.
This is why it's so important to do your due diligence about who you decide to receive energy work from. If you find someone you'd like to receive energy work from, I suggest going within and asking something like, "Is ____________'s medicine in alignment with my highest good?" Notice what comes up. Beyond this, always be sure to run anyone through the questions offered above about who can practice energy work.Another risk is having too high of expectations. Remember, you have autonomy over yourself and your energy. If you go into a session thinking that the practitioner will be able to fix all of your problems in one hour, you might leave pretty disappointed. Energy work is not meant as a cure-all (though in some rare cases, it can be) and is intended, in my opinion, to be a catalyst for healing. I view energy work as a tool to spark healing, soothe the energy body, and open the door to spirit, but oftentimes, it will require further work from you as well. Also, who among us is truly perfectly healed? Here in physical, we will always have something we're moving through.
The Fine Print
Before we dig in, I have a few important things. See, I told you this was a big topic!
Energy work should never take the place of a trained medical professional or therapist. Though energy work can affect the body, and physical healing can take place, it should never replace the work of a doctor. We are multifaceted beings who require multifaceted care. I love receiving energy work, but you better believe I’m going to the hospital if I break my arm.
I am not trained in all of the energy work methods mentioned below. As I mentioned above, I have experienced or administered and have thoroughly researched all of the methods I share here. I will link experts trained in each energy work method so you can experience it or learn more about them.
This is a non-exhaustive list of energy work techniques. I simply did not have room to share more energy work methods and techniques here, but I will list some more at the end of this article.
Ok, let’s dive in!
I think Reiki is what most people think of when they hear energy work, but energy work is quite a diverse practice, as you'll find from this post. Here’s one explanation of what Reiki is from a past blog post by Eryn Johnson.
“Reiki is a specific kind of energy work. It’s an energy healing modality that was channeled by Dr. Mikao Usui in Japan. The word Reiki itself means “Universal Energy.” It’s Universal energy, spiritual energy, the energy of oneness, that can be channeled from one human being to another to facilitate healing.
Reiki has its own intelligence. You don’t have to be special to give Reiki, which is one of the things I love about it. We all have this energy within us–it simply gets awakened through a process called a Reiki attunement.” - Eryn Johnson
Nowadays, it’s relatively easy to become “Reiki certified” and be deemed a “Reiki Master.” This is where like I mentioned above, it’s important to do your research and have discernment when seeking a Reiki practitioner.
The most insightful information I’ve heard and read about traditional Reiki has come from Marika Clymer, trained in traditional Japanese Reiki. If you are interested in receiving or learning more about traditional Reiki, I highly suggest learning more about Marika’s work. Visit her website to learn more or book a session here. Listen to an interview with her on the Living Open podcast here, where she discusses traditional Reiki and decolonial energetic healing.
My personal experiences with Reiki have been wonderful. In my experience, it’s a very gentle form of energy work that always leaves me feeling like I’m floating in the clouds.
Crystal Healing
Working with crystals for energy healing is great because it’s so accessible. You do not have to have an innate psychic gift to perform it on yourself, there’s loads of information available about it, and a few basic crystals are really all you need. Some good old quartz is my favorite go-to!
Crystal healing is based on the belief that because crystals are perfect crystalline structures, they can stabilize or shift the energy of other things and people around them. To learn more about crystal healing, check out this blog or my book “Understanding Crystals.”
In my experience, I do think you need to be pretty sensitive to energy and patient to notice this kind of energy work as the shifts can be subtle and happen slowly over time. Although, this isn’t everyone’s experience! For this reason, you’ll often find that crystal healing is combined with other kinds of energy or bodywork. It can be a standalone form of energy work, but it also makes a great compliment to many practices.
I highly suggest my friend Ashely Leavy of the Love and Light School of Crystal Healing to learn more about crystal healing. If you’d like to receive crystal healing, Ashley has recommended two of her former students, Samady Medina of Crystal Gaia and Peyton Johnson of Sol Energy Healing.
The Energy Alignment Method (EAM), The Emotion Code, and Applied Kinesiology
I’ve lumped these three together because they’re all based on variations of muscle testing. However, they do vary and are practiced and taught in different ways.
Applied Kinesiology (not the same as Kinesiology) was developed in the early 1900s by an orthopaedic surgeon named R.W. Lovett. He used it to help determine the effects of Polio on his patients. It’s since been used and further developed by a variety of medical and energy work practitioners. Applied Kinesiology is based on the idea that when there is dis-ease or blocked energy within the body, muscles will be weakened, and subsequent muscle testing will yield a different response from the body.
I’m most familiar with The Energy Alignment Method (EAM) by Yvette Taylor and The Emotion Code by Dr. Bradley Nelson, so that’s what I’ll focus on here.
EAM uses a sway test (a form of muscle testing) to identify blocked or unhelpful energy patterns in the body. It then uses a series of unique steps to release the unwanted energy and ends by calling in the desired energy. The emotion code works similarly and uses muscle testing to find “trapped emotions” but uses a different method for releasing the trapped energy.
I would probably tell you that this energy work modality was quackery if I hadn’t tried it myself because it almost seems too easy! Over the last year, I’ve worked with a wonderfully talented coach who uses EAM named Maria Saraphina. Not only could I feel the energy leaving my body when we did the EAM (I’m super sensitive to all things energy), but I also noticed marked differences around all of the issues we worked on.
Personally, I prefer EAM to the Emotion Code and have benefited greatly from working with the EAM. I found the emotion code to be a bit harder to follow and appreciate that the EAM takes additional steps to call in desired energy.
You certainly don’t need to hire a coach or practitioner who uses this method to benefit from it. It’s actually pretty straightforward to learn and try it out on your own. I suggest starting with Yvette Taylor’s book about EAM here or The Emotion Code by Dr. Bradley Nelson here. My friend and coach Maria also offers a free instructional video about EAM that you can find here.
Breathwork and Pranayama
This is another powerful healing method that’s been under some controversy in recent years. Depending on who you ask, breathwork is pranayama (the ancient yogic practice of breath control). Still, some believe breathwork is a practice of its own, rooted in various other ancient practices. I’m not here to tell you which is true, nor have I done the necessary research to offer you an answer. Wherever you land, I do think it’s important to offer credit where credit is due.
Pranayama is an ancient yogic practice that is one of the eight limbs of yoga and translates to “breath control” or “control over the life-giving force.” Breathwork pulls from a variety of cultures and practices. Both use a series of breathing techniques to control and move the flow of energy within the body. The idea is similar for both that by controlling the breath, one can create shifts and healing in the physical, emotional, and energetic body.
I can not speak highly enough of the benefit of practicing some kind of breathing technique, whether it be pranayama or breathwork. I find it helps to calm the nervous system, get into a deeper state of meditation, helps to release stored trauma, and can activate intuition. The benefits of practicing pranayama or breathwork are vast.
Like many of the other methods I’ve mentioned here, breathing is certainly something you can do on your own. However, the results can be intense. Pranayama and breathwork are not practices, in my opinion, that will always leave you feeling like you’re floating in the clouds (though it can). It can be incredibly emotional and physically draining. If you do want to practice pranayama or breathwork but do not have any prior experience with it, I highly suggest seeking the assistance of a trained practitioner to assist you, whether it be online or in-person. There are many group and solo sessions available by countless practitioners. Here’s a list of some I recommend.
For Pranayama, Susan Barkataki offers online and in-person yoga teacher training from a lens of respecting the cultural heritage of yoga.
Eryn Johnson, who shares posts here, often offers breathwork sessions here. You can also read a previous blog post by Eryn that dives deeper into breathwork here.
Chauna Bryant also offers breathwork sessions and coaching options here.
Shamanic and Intuitive Healing
I saved this one for the end because it’s the energy work field I work in, so I knew it would be the longest section! In my experience and personal practice, I’ve found a lot of overlap between shamanic and intuitive healing, which is why I’ve put them together. Shamanic practitioners often offer a wider array of services aside from energy healing, but for the sake of this post, I’ll be focusing on it as an energetic healing modality.
I’d also like to make it clear that I’m using the term shamanism as an umbrella term here, as the term itself is rooted in Siberian practices from the Tungus people. Shamanic-like practices have been found in cultures worldwide, similar to the Tungus people and often referred to as core shamanism. This is a much bigger topic that I will speak to another day! Intuitive and shamanic healing is based on the idea that energy can be accessed, manipulated, and healed by people with psychic and intuitive gifts that have been initiated or trained in this kind of energy healing. Traditional healing in this way can be found in nearly all indigenous practices.
Healers working in these modalities can “see” (objectively or subjectively in the mind’s eye) or sense (clairsentience) misaligned energy, blocked energy, cords, and physical issues. These healers can then remove, balance, or heal the energy through in-person or distance sessions. The healer will often enter a trancelike state to perform this kind of work but not always. Similar to Reiki, proximity is not necessary as all energy is connected. This work often relies heavily on collaborations between spirit guides and helping spirits from both the practitioner and the client.
My introduction into this work began when I received my first shamanic healing session in 2013 from my now mentor Robin Afinowich. It was the most impactful healing session I’ve experienced, but I will save my story and initiation into this work for a later post.
This is a healing modality that you won’t find many certifications for because people are often born or initiated into this work and taught through lineages of teachers that don’t always honor certification the way so many do in the West.
Of course, as for recommendations, I suggest my teacher, Robin Afinowich, but she only offers local sessions in the greater Phoenix area and is generally booked out.
Another intuitive energy worker I deeply respect who I’ve heard speak about her practice often is Judea Star. She also co-hosts an amazing podcast called Spirit Speakers, which I highly recommend! You can learn more about her or book an intuitive healing session with her here.
Other kinds of energy work
This is truly such a brief introduction to energy work! There are so many other powerful kinds of energy work that I didn’t have room to discuss here. Some of my personal favorites are sound healing, acupuncture, and reflexology.
Phew, my friend! Did you make it to the end with me? If you did, I hope you enjoyed and learned something from all of this information. As always, if you enjoyed this post, please consider sharing it with someone you think will enjoy it too. If you have a question feel free to comment on social media here or reach out via email here.
4 Ways to Perform Chakra Readings with The Ritual Deck
Your chakras are a primary energy source in your subtle energy body. They connect to your physical body and the rest of your subtle energy body, like your aura. If you'd like to connect with your chakra energy in new ways and learn different rituals for balancing your chakras, I created The Ritual Deck to help you do this. This oracle card deck is extremely versatile!In this post, I will outline four ways to use this deck as an energy and chakra reading tool.
Your chakras are a primary energy source in your subtle energy body. They connect to your physical body and the rest of your subtle energy body, like your aura. If you'd like to connect with your chakra energy in new ways and learn different rituals for balancing your chakras, I created The Ritual Deck to help you do this. This oracle card deck is extremely versatile!
In this post, I will outline four ways to use this deck as an energy and chakra reading tool. If you have the Ritual Deck already, some of this is outlined in the guidebooks (along with other useful card spreads, like working with the moon phases.) Update 2022: The original Ritual Deck is currently discontinued but we're working on having a similar version eventually!
The four techniques I’ll outline in this post are:
Daily chakra reading
Chakra assessment card spread
Seven chakras balancing card spread
Using a pendulum with the chakra cards for an energy reading
If you want to learn more about the chakra system in general, you can deep dive into the chakra system, explore my new book, Understanding Chakras.
Keep reading to explore four ways to use The Ritual Deck to work with chakra energy.
Daily Chakra Reading
One of the simplest ways to use the Ritual Deck with your chakras is to separate the seven chakra cards and work with just those seven cards. Shuffle the seven cards and ask any of the following questions.
Which of my chakras is overactive?
Which of my chakras is underactive or blocked?
Which chakra should I focus on today?
You could also spread your cards out and hover your hand over them to make a selection. Here’s a video I shared with these techniques if you’d like to learn more about selecting your cards.
Select a card when you feel ready. Now that you have an idea of where you should focus your energy, you can separate the cards with that chakra and choose a ritual. For example, if you chose the throat chakra card, you would separate all of the cards with the throat chakra symbol in the correspondence bar and select a card (either intuitively or as a personal choice) to focus on for that day.
Chakra Assessment Card Spread
This technique works well if you’d like to gain general guidance about each chakra. It can tell you more about each chakra's health and where you may want to focus your energy to help each chakra. You’ll be using the entire deck for this method. This spread works well for yourself or others. Follow the steps below to try it out.
Start by gathering the chakra cards and placing them in order (either vertically or horizontally) from the crown chakra to the root chakra.
Hold the rest of the card deck in your hands and begin shuffling the cards. As you shuffle, ask aloud or in your mind, “What does each chakra have to share with me right now?” or “What do I have to learn from each of my chakras right now?”
When you feel ready to stop shuffling, start at one end of the chakras (either crown or root, wherever you feel called) and flip one card over for each chakra card.
The card you selected for each chakra is the guidance that the chakra wants to share with you. It could share a celebratory card indicating it’s happy and open or a card that may indicate that it needs some extra attention.
As with all card readings, rely on your intuition first and your guidebook second for what each card means for each of your chakras. If, after this spread, you feel like you have some chakras that need some extra love after performing this card spread, check out the one below for help balancing your chakras.
Chakra Balancing Card Spread
This card spread, outlined in the guidebook, works like a charm to balance specific or all of your chakras. This spread is great to use on yourself, or to use with other people. Follow these steps to perform a chakra balancing card spread.
Start by gathering the chakra cards and placing them in order (either vertically or horizontally) from the crown chakra to the root chakra.
Separate all of the cards that correspond to each particular chakra and place them into piles. For example, all of the cards with a root chakra correspondence will go into a pile together. You should end up with seven piles (one for each chakra). There will be a different amount of cards in each pile. Tip: Use the correspondence legend at the end of the guidebook as a quick reference if you like.
Place each pile on top of its coordinating chakra, shuffle them, and turn them face down.
Allow your intuition to guide you in selecting one card from each pile.
Now you have seven cards, each corresponding to one of your seven chakras. Perform the ritual for each card to balance and restore your chakras.
You can use the same technique for one chakra, the upper chakras (crown chakra, third eye chakra, and throat chakra), or the lower chakras (solar plexus chakra, sacral chakra, and root chakra). If you’re focusing on one specific chakra, you may decide to select multiple cards to practice more than one ritual.
Performing a complete chakra body balance spread will require time, so feel free to spread out the rituals over the course of an entire week. This applies to any other lengthy card spreads outlined here.
Using a Pendulum with the Chakra Cards for Energy Readings
This is a technique I outline in my new book, Understanding Chakras. You don’t technically need the Ritual Deck to perform this one, but it does come in handy! You’ll also need a pendulum for this technique, preferably one that you’re already comfortable with using. If pendulums are new to you, you can read more about them here.
Using a pendulum for chakra readings may yield different pendulum movements than you usually receive. Your pendulum will usually react in one of three ways when using them to read chakra energy. The pendulum will circle clockwise, counterclockwise, or be completely still.
These are not firm guidelines and rather soft suggestions. Energy is unique and fluid. Use your intuition and trust your instincts when using this technique to determine chakra health.
Clockwise Spin: Chakra is healthy and open.
Very Large Clockwise Spin: Chakra may be overactive.
Counterclockwise Spin: Chakra may have a disruption or could be releasing negative energy.
No movement: Chakra is blocked or has experienced extreme trauma.
Follow these steps to try this technique.
Start by gathering the chakra cards and placing them in order (either vertically or horizontally) from the crown chakra to the root chakra. You won’t need the rest of the deck for this technique.
Hold your pendulum in your hands and ask it to help you determine the health of each of your chakras.
Hold your pendulum over each chakra and make a note of its movement for each. Using a notepad or journal is helpful for this technique.
Once you know each chakra's health, you may decide to back to the previous technique to help balance any chakras that need balancing.
I hope you feel even more empowered to work with your chakras using The Ritual Deck! Chakra energy is one of many ways to use this versatile oracle deck. You can use these techniques in similar ways with the five elements and the moon phases.
Understanding Residual Energy vs. Spirit
If you identify as an empath or highly sensitive person (HSP), you've probably experienced residual energy and encounters with Spirit. Here's the thing, though. Each of these is totally different; they present in different ways, have different purposes and should be dealt with in different ways. Empaths and HSP's are much more sensitive to extrasensory information. Check out this past post if you want to learn more about empaths. One thing you need to know as an empath or HSP is how to differentiate and deal with different kinds of energy. Once you understand some of the fundamental differences between residual energy vs. Spirits, you'll be able to approach them in a way that makes more sense too.
If you identify as an empath or highly sensitive person (HSP), you've probably experienced residual energy and encounters with Spirit. Here's the thing, though. Each of these is totally different; they present in different ways, have different purposes and should be dealt with in different ways.
Empaths and HSP's are much more sensitive to extrasensory information. Check out this past post if you want to learn more about empaths.
One thing you need to know as an empath or HSP is how to differentiate and deal with different kinds of energy.
Once you understand some of the fundamental differences between residual energy vs. Spirits, you'll be able to approach them in a way that makes more sense too.
What's Residual Energy
Residual energy is emotional energy that's been imprinted from a person (living or crossed over) onto clothes, furniture, objects, and places. Residual energy is often most potent when the person who left the imprinted energy experienced strong emotions or was around the object/place regularly. This is why homes will often have such a strong feeling, especially for empaths, because our living spaces collect and hold onto so much energy.
Jewelry, keys, wallets, and glasses are everyday items that can collect a lot of residual energy. Any place or object that a person frequently visits or uses is subject to collecting residual energy. Crystals are also a prime target for residual energy to hang out as they're so great at storing information, especially the quartz family. Learn more about caring for your crystals here.
Being an empath made so much more sense to me once I understood residual energy. I've never been a fan of thrifting and don't like to own secondhand furniture. It always felt overwhelming to me. Thrift stores are energetically "noisy," and being in one makes me feel like I'm being bombarded with information and feelings that aren't mine. When I learned that I was an empath, this made sense. Because antique stores are rife with residual energy, they are a strong pass for me.
Watch more on this topic on our IGTV here.
What, or who, are Spirits?
Before I dive in here, I want to point out that I'm using the term "Spirit" very broadly. Breaking this word down could literally take up a book in and of itself! Spirits could be loved ones passed on, ancestors well before your time, angelic beings, animal spirits, guides, elemental spirits, or even malevolent spirits. A Spirit could be an entity that was once human (loved one passed on or an ancestor) or a being that was never in human form (angels, animal spirits, guides, etc.) For the purposes of this article, I'm grouping all of these into one and referring to them as "Spirits."
The reason I'm doing this is that there's one big difference between residual energy and Spirits, and that's consciousness. All Spirits have consciousness, residual energy does not. Think of residual energy as the leftover imprint of someone's emotions. Whereas Spirits are aware of what they are doing and what they want.
How to tell the difference between residual energy and Spirits?
Residual energy doesn't decide to let itself be known or try to contact you. It just is. On the other hand, Spirits usually have a goal or a desire to make contact with you or let themselves be known. This distinction is the easiest way to discern between residual energy vs. a Spirit.
The way that you experience residual energy or Spirits will depend a lot on how you experience extra sensory information (clairsentient, clairalience, clairvoyant, etc.) If this is new to you, hop on over to this article to learn more about the different clairs and how they each present.
Regardless of how you experience extrasensory information, a few things can be a clear sign of residual energy vs. a Spirit.
Residual Energy:
Will cause you to notice emotions when you pick up an item or walk into a space.
If you ask the thing or space a question, you usually won't get an answer, or the answer will not be directed at you.
The sensations you experience with the object or space usually lessen over time.
Though you may experience images and sounds connected to an item or space, they're not directed at you; they're just there.
They are usually easier to cleanse away (if desired), or you can simply distance yourself from the object to place.
Residual energy can be composed of both positive or negative emotions.
Usually have a purpose or a goal in making themselves known to you.
Will continue to let themselves be known to you, even if you move locations.
Will be more forceful in letting themselves be known to you.
May be contacting you to help you, request help, or could have maleficent intentions. You will need to determine this by communicating with the Spirit.
Similar to residual energy, Spirits can inhabit objects, people, and places. Use the above points to discern.
Though typical energy cleansing methods (herb cleansing, etc.) may work (if desired), a Spirit may require more in-depth techniques to communicate with or remove them.
Why does it matter and how to work with these energies?
If you identify as an empath or HSP, it's essential to understand outside energies affecting you. If you inadvertently surround yourself with objects with strong residual energy, it may be difficult to discern between your emotions and the emotions of the residual energy. Understanding when residual energy is present can cue you to take the necessary steps to either remove the object or energetically cleanse the object or space.
Here are some general suggestions for clearing residual energy from objects, places, and your aura.
There are some instances where you might like to keep residual energy. If you have a cherished object from a loved one that has their residual energy on it, you may very well want to keep it and that's totally fine!
It's equally important to be aware of a Spirit occupying your energetic field. Now, how you approach and handle connecting with a Spirit is much more in-depth than what I can cover here.
Generally speaking, you'll want to communicate with the Spirit to ascertain its intentions and then take action based on what you learn. Here are some suggestions for honing your ability to communicate with Spirit.
Hone your intuitive abilities by working with your third eye chakra. Learn more about this here.
Use a tool to help you communicate with the Spirit like a pendulum, oracle or tarot cards, or through meditation.
Be straightforward and ask the Spirit for clear communication.
If you think you're being contacted by an evil Spirit, don't hesitate to reach out to someone with more experience in this realm to help.
As Spiritual beings in physical form, we must understand both physical and extrasensory information. This may seem like a small shift in understanding, but it's a powerful one. I hope this made you feel more empowered to discern and work with the different energies surrounding you. If you have a question or a comment, I encourage you to ask on our Instagram page here.
Everything You Need to Know About Reiki
If you’re reading this blog post, you’ve probably heard of Reiki. Maybe you’ve received a Reiki session, or love Reiki and are thinking about starting a Reiki certification.I’m a Reiki Master, and I often find that even people who have received Reiki before don’t really know much about it. In this blog post, I’ll be explaining what Reiki is, the history of Reiki, the benefits of Reiki, what you might experience with Reiki, and how to weave Reiki into your ritual and spellwork practice.
If you’re reading this blog post, you’ve probably heard of Reiki. Maybe you’ve received a Reiki session, or love Reiki and are thinking about starting a Reiki certification.
I’m a Reiki Master, and I often find that even people who have received Reiki before don’t really know much about it. In this blog post, I’ll be explaining what Reiki is, the history of Reiki, the benefits of Reiki, what you might experience with Reiki, and how to weave Reiki into your ritual and spellwork practice.
I’d like to start with energy. Reiki is energy healing and energy is a huge buzzword these days — but what is energy?
Everything is energy. This is something science has proven time and time again. Your table, your body, an orange, a tree, sound — our senses don’t detect the energetic movements of things like oranges and tables because they vibrate slowly and at a low frequency, but they’re still made up of energy.
We are all made up of energy. There is only one tiny basic unit that connects everything and makes up all of us.
Now that you know what energy is, what is Reiki? Reiki is a specific kind of energy work. It’s an energy healing modality that was channeled by Dr. Mikao Usui in Japan, which I’ll get into more detail about below.
The word Reiki itself means “Universal Energy.” It’s Universal Energy, spiritual energy, the energy of oneness, that can be channeled from one human being to another to facilitate healing.
Reiki has its own intelligence. You don’t have to be special to give Reiki, which is one of the things I love about it. We all have this energy within us--it simply gets awakened through a process called a Reiki attunement.
Learn more about different types of energy work here.
As I mentioned above, Reiki was channeled by Dr. Mikao Usui. He was born in 1865 in a little village in the mountains of southern Japan into a well-off Buddhist family and was always interested in healing. Later in life, he became a Buddhist monk and lived in a monastery but was still looking for something.
Dr. Usui wanted to find a method of healing that was unattached to any specific religion, accessible to everyone.
So he isolated himself on Mount Kurama fasting, meditating, and praying. After 21 days, he felt an awakening. A vision of light, a feeling of complete peace and oneness, and he saw the ancient symbols that helped him create the Usui Reiki system of healing.
He quickly came down from the mountain and moved back to Tokyo where he established a healing Reiki clinic and school there (around 1922). He wanted to help as many people as possible, so he taught several Reiki Masters, making sure Reiki wouldn’t be forgotten.
Those Reiki Masters trained some other Reiki masters, who further refined the attunement process and the hand positions used. In 1935 one of those Reiki Masters, Dr. Chujiro Hayashi, trained a Japanese American woman who originally came to him for healing, Hawayo Takata.
Hawayo Takata is the person who brought Reiki to the US. She returned home and spread the system of healing to others here, attuning 22 Reiki masters before she died.
Now that you know a bit about what Reiki is and where it comes from, what are the benefits of Reiki?
I have found over and over again that Reiki will give each individual whatever it is they need. Here is a non-exhaustive list of some of the benefits of Reiki from my experience and from my teachers:
Relief of physical pain and discomfort
Release of limiting belief systems
Release of blocked energy and blocked emotions
Reconnection to your highest self
Reach a calmer, meditative state
Become more present and enjoy your life more
Open to your own self-healing power
Feel lighter and more in balance
Relax and reduce stress
Calm the ego
Connect you to who you really are
Align with your higher calling and purpose
Enhance your connection to spirit
Open your intuitive channel
And more!
You’ll typically receive a Reiki session laying down on a massage table, and you’ll always be fully clothed. Your practitioner will use a combination of hands-on gentle touch and hands-off (hovering).
Each individual’s experience of Reiki is unique, and there’s definitely no right or wrong way to experience Reiki. You might see color, words, and/or images. You might get intuitive hits, inspiration, and creative ideas. You might have an emotional release like crying afterwards, or the next day. Or maybe you just feel super relaxed. Maybe you fall asleep.
Personally, I often see color and get creative ideas and intuitive hits. I occasionally see images. I typically reach a calmer, more present, meditative state and deeply feel my connection with Source.
Attuned to Reiki? I love weaving Reiki into my ritual and spellwork practice, and you can do it, too! Here are some of my favorite ways to weave Reiki into my witchcraft:
Using Reiki to clear and/or charge my magical tools
Using Reiki in spellwork to charge my spell bag, candle, etc. with my intention
Using Reiki to open my channel to receive messages from my guides and ancestors
There are so many different ways to work with Reiki once you’re attuned. Get creative and follow your intuition!
Want to learn more about Reiki? Two of my favorite books are The Art of Psychic Reiki by Lisa Campion and This Is Reiki by Frank Arjava Petter.
If you’ve received Reiki before and are thinking about learning Reiki for yourself, check out this article to help you choose a Reiki 1 training that’s a fit for you.