4 Ways to Perform Chakra Readings with The Ritual Deck

Your chakras are a primary energy source in your subtle energy body. They connect to your physical body and the rest of your subtle energy body, like your aura. If you'd like to connect with your chakra energy in new ways and learn different rituals for balancing your chakras, I created The Ritual Deck to help you do this. This oracle card deck is extremely versatile!In this post, I will outline four ways to use this deck as an energy and chakra reading tool.

Your chakras are a primary energy source in your subtle energy body. They connect to your physical body and the rest of your subtle energy body, like your aura. If you'd like to connect with your chakra energy in new ways and learn different rituals for balancing your chakras, I created The Ritual Deck to help you do this. This oracle card deck is extremely versatile!

In this post, I will outline four ways to use this deck as an energy and chakra reading tool. If you have the Ritual Deck already, some of this is outlined in the guidebooks (along with other useful card spreads, like working with the moon phases.) Update 2022: The original Ritual Deck is currently discontinued but we're working on having a similar version eventually! 

The four techniques I’ll outline in this post are: 

  1. Daily chakra reading

  2. Chakra assessment card spread

  3. Seven chakras balancing card spread 

  4. Using a pendulum with the chakra cards for an energy reading

If you want to learn more about the chakra system in general, you can deep dive into the chakra system, explore my new book, Understanding Chakras.

Keep reading to explore four ways to use The Ritual Deck to work with chakra energy.

Daily Chakra Reading

One of the simplest ways to use the Ritual Deck with your chakras is to separate the seven chakra cards and work with just those seven cards. Shuffle the seven cards and ask any of the following questions. 

  1. Which of my chakras is overactive? 

  2. Which of my chakras is underactive or blocked? 

  3. Which chakra should I focus on today? 

You could also spread your cards out and hover your hand over them to make a selection. Here’s a video I shared with these techniques if you’d like to learn more about selecting your cards.

Select a card when you feel ready. Now that you have an idea of where you should focus your energy, you can separate the cards with that chakra and choose a ritual. For example, if you chose the throat chakra card, you would separate all of the cards with the throat chakra symbol in the correspondence bar and select a card (either intuitively or as a personal choice) to focus on for that day. 

Chakra Assessment Card Spread

This technique works well if you’d like to gain general guidance about each chakra. It can tell you more about each chakra's health and where you may want to focus your energy to help each chakra. You’ll be using the entire deck for this method. This spread works well for yourself or others. Follow the steps below to try it out. 

  1. Start by gathering the chakra cards and placing them in order (either vertically or horizontally) from the crown chakra to the root chakra. 

  2. Hold the rest of the card deck in your hands and begin shuffling the cards. As you shuffle, ask aloud or in your mind, “What does each chakra have to share with me right now?” or “What do I have to learn from each of my chakras right now?”

  3. When you feel ready to stop shuffling, start at one end of the chakras (either crown or root, wherever you feel called) and flip one card over for each chakra card. 

  4. The card you selected for each chakra is the guidance that the chakra wants to share with you. It could share a celebratory card indicating it’s happy and open or a card that may indicate that it needs some extra attention. 

As with all card readings, rely on your intuition first and your guidebook second for what each card means for each of your chakras. If, after this spread, you feel like you have some chakras that need some extra love after performing this card spread, check out the one below for help balancing your chakras. 

Chakra Balancing Card Spread

This card spread, outlined in the guidebook, works like a charm to balance specific or all of your chakras. This spread is great to use on yourself, or to use with other people. Follow these steps to perform a chakra balancing card spread. 

  1. Start by gathering the chakra cards and placing them in order (either vertically or horizontally) from the crown chakra to the root chakra. 

  2. Separate all of the cards that correspond to each particular chakra and place them into piles. For example, all of the cards with a root chakra correspondence will go into a pile together. You should end up with seven piles (one for each chakra). There will be a different amount of cards in each pile. Tip: Use the correspondence legend at the end of the guidebook as a quick reference if you like. 

  3. Place each pile on top of its coordinating chakra, shuffle them, and turn them face down.

  4. Allow your intuition to guide you in selecting one card from each pile. 

  5. Now you have seven cards, each corresponding to one of your seven chakras. Perform the ritual for each card to balance and restore your chakras. 

You can use the same technique for one chakra, the upper chakras (crown chakra, third eye chakra, and throat chakra), or the lower chakras (solar plexus chakra, sacral chakra, and root chakra). If you’re focusing on one specific chakra, you may decide to select multiple cards to practice more than one ritual.

Performing a complete chakra body balance spread will require time, so feel free to spread out the rituals over the course of an entire week. This applies to any other lengthy card spreads outlined here. 

Using a Pendulum with the Chakra Cards for Energy Readings

This is a technique I outline in my new book, Understanding Chakras. You don’t technically need the Ritual Deck to perform this one, but it does come in handy! You’ll also need a pendulum for this technique, preferably one that you’re already comfortable with using. If pendulums are new to you, you can read more about them here

Using a pendulum for chakra readings may yield different pendulum movements than you usually receive. Your pendulum will usually react in one of three ways when using them to read chakra energy. The pendulum will circle clockwise, counterclockwise, or be completely still. 

These are not firm guidelines and rather soft suggestions. Energy is unique and fluid. Use your intuition and trust your instincts when using this technique to determine chakra health. 

  • Clockwise Spin: Chakra is healthy and open.

  • Very Large Clockwise Spin: Chakra may be overactive. 

  • Counterclockwise Spin: Chakra may have a disruption or could be releasing negative energy. 

  • No movement: Chakra is blocked or has experienced extreme trauma.

Follow these steps to try this technique. 

  1. Start by gathering the chakra cards and placing them in order (either vertically or horizontally) from the crown chakra to the root chakra. You won’t need the rest of the deck for this technique.

  2. Hold your pendulum in your hands and ask it to help you determine the health of each of your chakras. 

  3. Hold your pendulum over each chakra and make a note of its movement for each. Using a notepad or journal is helpful for this technique. 

  4. Once you know each chakra's health, you may decide to back to the previous technique to help balance any chakras that need balancing. 

I hope you feel even more empowered to work with your chakras using The Ritual Deck! Chakra energy is one of many ways to use this versatile oracle deck. You can use these techniques in similar ways with the five elements and the moon phases.

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Using the Cardinal Directions in Ritual

The cardinal directions, North, South, East, and West, can help you with more than navigation. Each direction holds a meaning of its own and corresponds to one of the four elements. There are both simple and complex ways of using the cardinal directions in ritual.A variety of cultures honor the cardinal directions. This article is looking at them from a Pagan and Wiccan perspective. The four directions are often used by Native Americans on the medicine wheel. Neither way is wrong or right, just different, and for different purposes.Read on for meanings and three ways to start using the cardinal directions in your magickal practices.

The cardinal directions, North, South, East, and West, can help you with more than navigation. Each direction holds a meaning of its own and corresponds to one of the four elements. There are both simple and complex ways of using the cardinal directions in ritual.

A variety of cultures honor the cardinal directions. This article is looking at them from a Pagan and Wiccan perspective. The four directions are often used by Native Americans on the medicine wheel. Neither way is wrong or right, just different, and for different purposes.

Read on for meanings and three ways to start using the cardinal directions in your magickal practices.

Connection to the Four Elements

Each direction corresponds to one of the four elements; understanding these connections can help you better understand the energy of each direction.

  • North corresponds to Earth

  • East corresponds to Air

  • South corresponds to Fire

  • West corresponds to Water

A quick note about these correspondences. The elemental correspondences can vary depending on your location, cultural background, or intuition. Catherine Beyer explains this in her article The Five Element Symbols of Fire, Water, Air, Earth, and Spirit.

The Golden Dawn originated in England, and the directional/elemental correspondences reflect a European perspective. To the south are the warmer climates, and thus is associated with fire. The Atlantic Ocean lies to the west. The north is cold and formidable, a land of the earth but sometimes not a lot else.

If these correspondences don’t feel right to you, that’s ok! For example, if you live in the Southern Hemisphere, you may find that the correspondences feel off. You can reassign the elements in a way that feels natural to you or is in better alignment with your cultural background.

Direction meanings

Here’s a more in-depth look at some meanings and correspondences of each direction.


  • Physical body

  • Health

  • Chakra: Root

  • Element: Earth

  • Color: Green


  • New beginnings

  • Change

  • Transmission of information

  • Chakra: Third Eye and Throat

  • Element: Air

  • Color: Yellow


  • Hardships

  • Challenges

  • Willpower

  • Chakra: Solar Plexus

  • Element: Fire

  • Color: Red


  • Emotions

  • Endings

  • Self-worth

  • Chakra: Heart and Sacral

  • Element: Water

  • Color: Blue

Three ways to use the cardinal directions in ritual

1. Add a layer of meaning to your ritual

The easiest way to start implementing the cardinal directions into your magickal practice is by facing the direction that makes the most sense for what you’re doing. This idea can be applied to oracle and tarot card readings, candle magick, ritual, spellwork, meditation, or working with the moon.

Here are a few examples:

  • Face North if you’re doing a meditation focused on your health.

  • Face East if you’re performing a card reading for the new moon because the new moon represents new beginnings.

  • Face South if you’re asking your guides about how to overcome a problem.

  • Face West if you’re doing a ritual to help you let go of something.

2. Calling the quarters for protection

The next time you’re practicing a ritual or psychic work start by calling on the four directions, this is also referred to as “calling the quarters.” Calling the quarters will bring you protection and the energy of all of the elements during your practice. It’s also said to create a sacred space that is connected to the spirit realm.

There’s more than one way to call the quarters. A quick google search will offer you a variety of options, but here’s one way:

Imagine each direction as a wind that you’re invoking into your space. You can even imagine a specific Goddess or God for each direction. As you call in each direction, stand facing the direction you’re calling in and ask it to join you for your ritual practice. Many like to start by calling in the North winds first because it will keep your ritual grounded. Rotate in a circle, going through each direction, asking it to join you. When you’re done performing your ritual work, release the winds, and thank them for their assistance and protection.

3. Altar placement

Whether you’re creating a new altar or updating your current altar, the direction it’s facing will have an effect on it. Try to place your altar in a direction that matches the season of life you’re in or want to be in.

Has your altar or sacred space been in the same location for a long time? It might be a time to rearrange and face your altar in a direction that’s in better alignment with your life. Check the meanings for the directions above and note which one feels like where you’re at or want to be right now.

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How to Create Oracle Card Spreads For Any Purpose

Wherever you’re seeking guidance, your oracle cards can help! Oracle cards are an intuitive tool that can help you gain daily wisdom or insights on significant life challenges. Though I’m partial to my oracle card deck, The Ritual Deck, you can apply this to any oracle card deck you’d like or, your favorite tarot cards.

Wherever you’re seeking guidance, your oracle cards can help! Oracle cards are an intuitive tool that can help you gain daily wisdom or insights on significant life challenges. Though I’m partial to my oracle card deck, The Ritual Deck, you can apply this to any oracle card deck you’d like or, your favorite tarot cards.

Hint: Learn more about the difference between tarot and oracle cards here.

If you’re new to the world of oracle cards no need to be intimidated, you’re in the right place to learn how to perform oracle card readings for any issue.If you’re a seasoned oracle card reader, let’s breathe some new life into your card reading practice!

Bonus: Keep reading for links to download a free oracle card cheat sheet for love and a new moon.

Asking The Right Kinds of Questions

As is the case with most intuitive tools, oracle cards included, they will rarely give you a simple black and white answer. Your guides and higher self can help lead you but don’t expect definitive answers. Your life is your life, and you lead the way.

For example, if you’re trying to find a romantic partner. Instead of asking your cards, “When will I find love,” think about the different aspects involved with finding a partner and what you could focus on to manifest more love in your life.

Here are some possible questions to ask your oracle cards when looking for love:

Love 5-Card Spread

  • How can I love myself more?

  • What areas of my life should I focus on to find love?

  • What should I look for in a partner?

  • What is holding me back from receiving love?

  • What is holding me back from finding a romantic partner?

Click here to receive a printable card layout for the 5-card love spread.

Sample Questions

Here are some open-ended sample questions that work well for oracle card readings.

  • How can I invite more ____________ into my life?

  • How can I overcome my fear of _____________ ?

  • Am I going in the right direction with _____________ ?

  • How can I let go of ____________ ?

  • What should I focus on today?

  • What should I focus on during this moon cycle?

  • Where can I find more __________ in my life?

  • What is blocking me from ____________ ?

  • What is preventing me from manifesting ______________ ?

  • In what ways am I holding myself back?

  • How can I be in better alignment with my purpose?

How Many Cards Should I Pull?

You can pull one card or twenty cards. Your card readings can be as in-depth as you need them to be. It can be helpful to have an idea of what questions you’d like to ask before starting so you know about how many cards you’ll want to pull. That said, selecting multiple cards may lead to more questions! If more questions pop up, pull away, sister.

Designs & Cardinal Directions

Laying your cards out in a specific design isn’t necessary but can impart an added layer of meaning to your card reading. A simple design suggestion is to arrange your cards in an upward or downward-facing triangle. An upward- facing triangle will add masculine energy to your reading, and a downward-facing triangle will add feminine energy to your reading.

Click here to download the new moon card reading guide pictured above.

The four cardinal directions are another way to add meaning to your reading. Face yourself and your cards in a specific direction to add more meaning in this way. Here’s a quick description of how each direction can affect your reading.

  • North: Issues related to the physical body

  • East: Issues related to new beginnings

  • South: Issues related to challenges or blocks

  • West: Issues related to emotions

Let’s recap! Here are seven simple steps for creating oracle card spreads.

Steps to Perform an Oracle Card Reading

  1. In what areas of your life are you seeking guidance? It’s always helpful to go into a reading with a plan. Without an idea of what you need guidance on your message may be unclear.

  2. What question(s) could you ask that might shed light on this issue? Write them down beforehand to help stay on topic as you perform your reading.

  3. Get quiet, breathe deep, and call on your guides and higher self to help you select cards.

  4. Optional: Lay cards in a specific pattern that is meaningful to your topic.

  5. Optional: Face a specific direction as you perform your card reading.

  6. Pull your cards. Try not to judge the cards and what they might mean for you until you’re finished and can take in the entire reading.

  7. Decipher your reading with an open mind using your intuition and any guidebooks for the deck(s) you’re using. Welcome nudges from your higher self and guides and be open to signs as you move about your day that may be related to your message.

What If My Message Didn’t Make Sense?

Didn’t receive the message you were hoping for or expecting? Before you doubt the cards, wait a few days, and look for signs. Often, you’ll find that the message you received was exactly what you needed and it will usually make itself apparent. If you wait a few days and the message is still unclear, try clearing your mind with a short meditation and asking your higher self or guides to make the message more clear and do another card pull.

I hope you feel empowered to perform meaningful card readings for yourself and others!

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Benefits & Uses of Rose Quartz

Rose quartz is a stone known as the ultimate self-love crystal…making it one of our favorites over here and of course, a great stone for February!But rose quartz isn’t just about self-love. It has a whole slew of benefits and uses, which I’ll be sharing in this post. Keep scrolling for some of the major benefits of this stone!

Rose quartz is a stone known as the ultimate self-love crystal…making it one of our favorites over here and of course, a great stone for February!

But rose quartz isn’t just about self-love. It has a whole slew of benefits and uses, which I’ll be sharing in this post. Keep scrolling for some of the major benefits of this stone!

Unconditional Love

Rose quartz is associated with the heart chakra, helping you open your center of giving and receiving unconditional love.

Energy Muse states, “According to [ancient] myth, Cupid, the Roman god of desire, or Eros, the Greek god of love, bestowed the gift of love to humans in the form of a rose quartz.”

Rose quartz can be used to cultivate unconditional love of all kinds: self-love, romantic love, friendship love, love for the earth, love for family, and more.


Along with unconditional love, rose quartz helps cultivate compassion. By opening the flow of love throughout your body and energy field, it helps you connect to the interconnectedness of all beings, creating more love and compassion for the people around you and even those you can’t see and will never meet. I’d love to get rose quartz into the hands of every person in the world and watch how the world changes!

Restores Trust

In the heart chakra, we store fear, anxiety, and broken trust. Rose quartz can be used to help us accept past hurts, forgive ourselves and others, and ultimately restore trust.

Softening & opening

Sometimes our hearts get hardened. This often happens when, as I mentioned above, our trust has been broken, our hearts have been broken, or we’re holding and carrying past pains and hurts with us.

Rose quartz is your ally to help you gently soften and open this center of love. It’s here to help you soothe and break down the walls, opening yourself back up to connection, love, and vulnerability.


Gratitude comes from the heart chakra. When our heart chakras are closed, it can be difficult to experience gratitude and really feel the depth of all that we are grateful for. Rose quartz can help you release blockages here and open up to a flow of gratitude, helping you love your life for all that it is.


This stone is associated with the element of water and is thought to be very fluid, helping wash out stuck emotions, toxic energies, and negativity to return you back to your pure, divine essence: love.

It works slowly and gently — think more of a softly flowing river than a crashing ocean wave!

Venus energy

Rose quartz carries with it the energy of Venus. Venus is the ruling planet of the signs Libra and Taurus, and connects to the Empress card in the tarot.

We can think of Venusian energy as the energy of lushness, self-care, receiving, beauty, and flow. If you’re wanting to up your self-care game, open yourself up to receiving, and release stress — work with rose quartz!

Uses of Rose Quartz

Now that you know some of the benefits and meanings of rose quartz, how can you actually incorporate it into your life? Here are some suggestions but as always, use your intuition! You can also meditate with rose quartz and ask it how it wants to work with you.

  • Add rose quartz to your altar to call in Venus energy.

  • Use in self-love rituals and spells. Find a rose quartz ritual in The Ritual Deck.

  • Create a gratitude or love crystal grid featuring rose quartz. Find grid and crystals for a love crystal grid in The Goddess Discovery Book.

  • Meditate with rose quartz on your heart to help you open your heart chakra and let forgiveness flow through you.

  • Wear rose quartz as jewelry to carry its vibration with you wherever you go.

  • Create a self-love spell bag with rose quartz in it.

  • Incorporate a rose quartz facial roller into your daily routine.

  • Place rose quartz in the corners of your home to open the flow of love throughout your space.

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What crystals, symbols, and scents do you need most?

It can be overwhelming to know what crystals, symbols, scents, and other tools to rely on for different purposes. Here’s a quick guide for a variety of situations you may be seeking support for or, perhaps, you have a friend who needs support in a specific area?

It can be overwhelming to know what crystals, symbols, scents, and other tools to rely on for different purposes. Here’s a quick guide for a variety of situations you may be seeking support for or, perhaps, you have a friend who needs support in a specific area?


Who doesn’t want to be happier? Scroll through the tools below for symbols, crystals, scents, and herbs that can help you cultivate more happiness in your life.

Symbols & tools

Wunjo Rune is the rune of joy, pleasure, and harmony. Get The Ritual Deck to get your Wunjo Rune oracle card, a great reminder of joy to place on your altar or carry with you throughout the day.


Citrine, a crystal of happiness, emits positive energy and can help you stay positive, attract your desires, and be more present in your life. That’s where the joy really comes from after all, right?

Scents & herbs

Brahmi, an ancient Ayurvedic herb, can help promote feelings of well-being. Try burning it in the morning as you do a gratitude meditation.

Grounding & Protection

There are so many reasons grounding and protection are important. For those of us who do energy work and psychic work, grounding can help us bring our energy back into our body, back into the lower chakras. Protection can help protect you from absorbing the energy of others, either in spiritual work or just in general as you go about your life (especially for anyone who lives in the city!).

Regardless of your work with magick, grounding and protection help bring you back into your body, feeling safe, supported, and cared for.

Get more tips for psychic protection here.

Symbols & tools

There are many symbols of grounding and protection in the magical world. Some of my favorites are:

  • Algiz Rune, the shield rune for protection

  • Salt, a tool that has been used as protection for centuries

  • Root chakra, your energetic center of safety and grounding

  • Dark moon, an invitation to ground into your body and shed negative energy

The Ritual Deck includes representations of each of these symbols, which can act as energetic stand-ins in rituals or on your altar.


Use snowflake obsidian, a stone of cleansing negative energy and releasing blockages, or smoky quartz, the ultimate stone for grounding and balancing.

Scents & herbs

Clove is your go-to for protection. Spruce will help you ground, bringing you deeply into the present moment.

Anxiety Relief & Peace

Many of us struggle with anxiety in the modern world. It’s so easy to get caught up in what has happened and what might happen or could happen. The tools below help you relieve anxiety and connect with a sense of inner peace.

Symbols & tools

Blue is a soothing color that can help restore tranquility and peace. Try lighting a blue candle or working with the blue candle card in The Ritual Deck.


The crystal kingdom has an abundance of stones to help soothe your anxiety and restore your inner peace. We love blue lace agate for its calming vibrations, labradorite to keep you from absorbing too much of other people’s energy, and howlite to help relieve stress and get better sleep.

Scents & herbs

Lavender can be used as aromatherapy to soothe mild anxiety, and chamomile has long been used to reduce stress and anxiety.

Abundance & Wealth

Who doesn’t want to call in more abundance and wealth? The tools below will help you connect with the abundance you desire to manifest in your physical reality.

Symbols & tools

The color green is associated with abundance, wealth, good fortune, and success. Light a green candle on your altar or work with the green candle card in The Ritual Deck.Fehu Rune is your Rune for bringing abundance of all kinds into your life, whether it be financial or other. Fehu can also be used as a useful tool to tap into the abundance already surrounding you. If you’re having a difficult time tapping into gratitude for all of the gifts you already have, Fehu can help fill your heart with gratitude. Check out a ritual to work with Fehu in this blog.


Citrine is also known as the success stone. It’s associated with the solar plexus chakra and can be a powerful aid in manifesting wealth and abundance.Green aventurine is another stone well-known for attracting abundance, success, and luck. It’s also associated with the heart chakra, helping you to open to receive the abundance that is on its way to you.

Scents & herbs

Cinnamon has its roots in many cultures as a powerful plant for attracting abundance as well as success and healing. Try adding it to your coffee, blending it in your smoothie, and sprinkling it over a banana or your favorite dessert!

Love & Compassion

Turn to these tools when your heart chakra needs some healing. They’ll help you cultivate unconditional love and compassion for yourself and others. Find rituals to cultivate self-love here.

Symbols & tools

Use a pink candle when you’re working with self-love and compassion, or a red candle when you’re working with passionate love involving someone else.


Rose quartz is your crystal ally for unconditional love and compassion. It’s a gentle healer for your heart chakra, a space where we can store so much fear and doubt.Carnelian is another beautiful stone of love, as well as faith and devotion. Use carnelian when you want to devote yourself to a healing practice or when you need to deepen your faith and trust in yourself.

Scents & herbs

There are many scents and herbs that help promote love and compassion! Try hawthorn, rose petals, lotus petals, or motherwort. Mixing a few herbs together into a tea or a bath can be lovely.

Cleansing Negative Energy

Sometimes, we’re not able to protect ourselves from negative energy. Life is life, and negative energy is sometimes inevitable. Use the tools below to cleanse yourself and your space of negative energy, especially after a difficult conversation, a break-up, or a stressful day.

Symbols & tools

Salt is an amazing natural tool to absorb negative energy. Use a representation of salt from The Ritual Deck, take a salt bath, use a salt lamp, or place a bowl of salt in your space.


Black tourmaline, a dark stone for protecting and cleansing, is your go-to for cleansing negative energy. Try meditating with black tourmaline, visualizing all of the negative energy being absorbed into the stone.All-purpose quartz, the ultimate balancer, is another great crystal to have on hand for cleansing negative energy. Learn more about the magical properties and benefits of clear quartz here. Labradorite is also available to help you cleanse your aura. If your aura is weak, has tears, or holes in it labradorite can help. Keep your aura squeaky clean by meditating with a piece of labradorite or going around your entire body with a piece of it in your hand.

Scents & herbs

Rosemary and cedar can all help you cleanse negative energy. Burn them over yourself or in your space to cleanse, purify, and release.

Intuition & Psychic Abilities

These tools will help you open your third eye chakra, to connect with your psychic abilities and center of intuition. (We have a whole slew of blog posts to help you in these areas as well -- check out 5 Quick Tips to Improve Your Intuition,You Are Psychic! How to Determine What Psychic Gift You Have, and 3 Daily Actions to Improve your Intuition to get started.)

Symbols & tools

Your third eye chakra is the center of your intuition. It’s associated with the color purple, so try burning purple candles or connecting with the color in other ways like wearing it or including it in your space.


Amethyst is a classic stone for your third eye chakra. It’s like a cool bath for your intuitive center, gently opening and awakening it to deepen your connection.Labradorite connects strongly to your third eye, making it ideal for honing your intuitive abilities. It can also help you connect with spirit guides and angels, and open the doors to the other side by helping you with astral travel. A multi-purpose stone for your intuition and psychic abilities, indeed!

Scents & herbs

Experiment with mugwort, lavender, juniper, and bilberry to open your center of intuition.

Connecting to the Moon

Symbols & tools

Work with representations of the moon in all her phases to connect with the lunar, divine feminine energy of the moon. The Triple Goddess is also here to connect you with the moon and its cycles, as well as the mother/maiden/crone cycle of life. Download your Triple Goddess free printable here.


Moonstone, just like the name implies, is your crystal ally for connecting with the moon. It’s a dreamy goddess stone that channels the energy of mama moon into your energy field.Selenite received its name from the Greek goddess of the moon, Selene. Selenite offers the water element, connecting you to emotions, intuition, your highest self, and of course, the moon.

Scents & herbs

Mugwort is your go-to to harness the intuitive and psychic power of the moon. Burn it in your space to connect with the moon’s energy and your own inner Selene.


Symbols & tools

The Earth element, represented as an upside-down triangle with a line across the bottom, and the Water element, represented as an upside-down triangle with no line, are both beautiful representations of the divine feminine, womb healing, and receiving. Work with the representations of these elements in The Ritual Deck.

The triple goddess symbol that I mentioned above, shown by two crescent moons with one full moon between them, is another beautiful symbol of the divine feminine. Besides the phases of the moon, it also represents the phases of womanhood we cycle through: maiden, mother, and crone.


Rainbow moonstone is here to connect you to your inner goddess and divine feminine energy.

Strawberry quartz can also connect you to feminine energy as a gentle, loving stone here to fill you with the healing energy of love and open your heart center to give and receive love unconditionally.

Scents & herbs

Hibiscus, the flower associated with the Hawaiian goddess Pele, connects you with Pele’s fiery, passionate, and yet nurturing energy.

The lotus, whose petals represent the yoni, can connect you with your feminine energy and feminine center, the space of creation within you.

I hope you find this guide helpful for quickly finding tools to help you!

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5 Powerful Rune Meanings & Rituals

Runes are symbols that each carry unique universal energy. These special symbols were used by Nordic and Germanic cultures in Northern Europe as forms of language, for religious purposes, and as tools of magick and divination.Runes an extremely versatile spiritual tool. You can use Runes together as a set, like an oracle card deck…

Runes are symbols that each carry unique universal energy. These special symbols were used by Nordic and Germanic cultures in Northern Europe as forms of language, for religious purposes, and as tools of magick and divination.

Runes an extremely versatile spiritual tool. You can use Runes together as a set, like an oracle card deck, learn more about using Runes in this way here. You can also hone in on the energy of specific Runes for specific purposes, that’s what I’ll be covering here.

Most Rune sets are comprised of 24 Rune characters, though this can vary some depending on the set used. I’ll be referencing five of the most frequently used Elder Futhark Runes here.

The cards shown in the images and rituals are from The Ritual Deck®, an oracle card deck I created based around rituals.

The Runes I’ll discuss today are Algiz, Fehu, Berkano, Wunjo, and Tiwaz. Keep scrolling for ways to tap into the energy of each one.

Algiz for Protection

Think of Algiz as a spirit guide or connection to your Higher Self always watching over you. This Rune is not only a symbol of protection but goes much deeper and wants to offer you guidance on your journey. Tap into the power of this Rune anytime you’re feeling lost, scared, or like you need additional protection.

Algiz Ritual

Create an Algiz wall hanging to protect you and to remind you of your connection to your Higher Self. This activity is ideally performed on the night of the dark moon, but it can be done during any moon phase. You’ll need one long stick (this will be used as the center of the Algiz symbol, so any size you’d like will do), two shorter sticks that are the same size (about half the size of the longer stick), and string. Place the two shorter sticks in a “V” shape at the center of your longer stick. The wall hanging should look similar to the Algiz symbol on the card. Wrap your string or twine around the three areas where the sticks meet until they’re stable, and then tie a knot. You can hang this symbol on your wall or place it on your altar.

If you are interested in creating another wall hanging for protection, check out this past blog post.

Fehu for Abundance

Fehu is here to shower you with abundance! This is your Rune for bringing abundance of all kinds into your life, whether it be financial or other. Fehu can also be used as a useful tool to tap into the abundance already surrounding you. If you’re having a difficult time tapping into gratitude for all of the gifts you already have Fehu can help fill your heart with gratitude for all of the abundance you already have.

Fehu Ritual

During the next waxing crescent, or any growth phase of the moon, create a Fehu carved candle. You’ll need a green candle, a toothpick, and a lighter. Using the toothpick, carve the Fehu symbol into your candle. As you carve the symbol, imagine yourself being showered with wealth, provisions and blessings. If your well is already full, think about your gratitude for all of your blessings as you carve the candle. Light your candle and gaze at it for short while, inviting the energy of Fehu into your space. Extinguish your candle when you’re done. Light this candle as often as you’d like throughout the waxing moon phase until the full moon.

Berkano for Manifesting

Bring your gifts and goals to life with the help of Berkano. This Rune is all about birthing new things into the world, this could quite literally mean birthing a child into the world or a new project. Whatever it is you’re trying to bring to fruition, Berkano is here to help bring it to light.

Berkano Ritual

To connect with the energy of Berkano, create your own Berkano charm during the next full moon. You’ll need a medallion of wood or a small stone, and paint or a permanent marker. Visualize the goal or desire you’d like to fulfill as you draw or paint the Berkano symbol on your wood medallion or stone. Once you’re done, take a few quiet moments to visualize what you’ll feel like when your goal is manifested. Place your Berkano charm somewhere you’ll see it regularly, or carry it with you.If you would like to learn more about manifesting with runes, click here to read a past post.

Wunjo for Happiness

Need more reasons to smile? The Wunjo Rune is here to help you make the decision to live in joy. This is a great Rune to use if you’re feeling down or anxious because it will help you see the good in things around you even if you’re going through a hard time.

Wunjo Ritual

Create an altar or sacred space for Wunjo as a reminder to find the joy in each day. You might find that Wunjo’s jubilant energy starts to bring more optimism into your daily thinking. This is a great ritual to perform on the day or night of the full moon. Use the Wunjo card from The Ritual Deck® or draw it on a card to place on your altar. Collect objects that bring you joy, such as pictures of happy memories, joyful flowers, or trinkets that make you happy. Other items to consider are green aventurine and a yellow candle. Get creative and have fun with this! Your Wunjo altar should make you smile anytime you gaze at it. Keep this altar up for as long as you’d like and try to make contact with it daily for one complete moon cycle.

Tiwaz for Strength

If you’re going through a challenge with another person or have a difficult decision on the horizon, Tiwaz is here to help you through it. Consider this Rune the warrior Rune. The energy of Tiwaz wants to help you find truth and justice, which is not always easy. Rely on the strength of Tiwaz for help during disagreements, legal battles, or making difficult decisions.

Tiwaz Ritual

Create a Tiwaz candle for any disagreements, difficult decisions, or legal encounters you have coming up. If you need a fresh look at the situation a white candle will serve you well. If you need momentum to help you make a difficult decision a red candle will serve you well. During the next first quarter moon or any waxing moon phase, gather your candle, a toothpick, and a match or lighter. The addition of a sodalite stone will help for speaking your truth and a tiger eye stone for energizing your solar plexus chakra. Carve the Tiwaz symbol into your candle and light the candle. Invite the just energy of Tiwaz into your situation. Sit with the lit candle as long as you like, and once you’re finished extinguish the candle. Continue to sit with the candle daily until the moon grows full, you’ve reached a decision, or your issue is resolved.

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Getting Started With Candle Magick

If you’re on the fence about getting started with spellwork and magick, candle magick is the best place to start. Candle magick is simple, you don’t need much to perform it, and it’s powerful. You may even be using forms of candle magick in your home already and not even realize it!I’m going to cover everything you need to know to get started with candle magick here.

If you’re on the fence about getting started with spellwork and magick, candle magick is the best place to start. Candle magick is simple, you don’t need much to perform it, and it’s powerful. You may even be using forms of candle magick in your home already and not even realize it!

I’m going to cover everything you need to know to get started with candle magick here.

How and why candle magick works

How often do you have a fleeting thought of acquiring a new object or setting an intention but neglect to follow through with it? Performing candle magick requires that you focus on specific goals and visualize them clearly. This often brings up emotion, connecting you even more to your desire. Think of the candle itself as a communication medium between yourself and The Universe. As your candle burns it is sending your request out into The Universe.

Candles also represent all four elements which make them a potent source of intention setting. The solid wax and wick of the candle represent earth, the flame represents fire, the smoke represents air, and the melting wax represents water.

All of these reasons combined make candles the ideal tool for spellwork and magick.

What kind of candles to use?

Any kind of candle will work, but you may find that you prefer specific kinds of candles for specific spells. I prefer to use 100% paraffin wax spell candles. They’re made specifically for candle magick, are easy to come by online or in new age shops, reasonably priced, and they come in a variety of colors.

Another great option is beeswax candles. They can be a bit pricier and harder to find but are a luxurious option because they’re 100% natural. Beeswax candles are said to emit negative ions (like a salt lamp), which is an added bonus.

If you don’t have either of these available, any candle will do, just be mindful of the color and scent of the candle as they will have an effect on the outcome. I cover candle color meanings in the last section of this blog post.

Preparing your candles

Before you start with any candle magick you’ll want to physically clean the candle and cleanse any negative energy from it. You’ll also want to anoint or “dress” your candle with oil. Keep reading for tips to perform both of these tasks.

Always begin with cleaning your candle first. To cleanse your candle start by inspecting it for any physical signs of dirt or dust. Next, you’ll want to cleanse the energy of your candle. You can do this by placing it under the light of a full moon, wafting cleansing herbal smoke around the candle, or by wiping it down with water.

Anointing your candle is an important step because it gives you the opportunity to imprint your energy onto the candle after it’s been cleansed. Select an oil that resonates with you or lines up with your intention. An essential oil or a simple baby oil will work. Put a couple of drops of the oil on your candle or your hands and rub it on the candle. As you rub the candle with oil focus on your desired outcome and imagine your energy and desire being absorbed by the candle.

Learn more about how to dress your candle for spellwork here.

Candle color meanings

These are basic meanings for each color:

  • Red: Strength, passion, intensity

  • Orange: Sensuality, vitality, expression

  • Yellow: Inspiration, confidence, clarity

  • Green: Renewal, abundance, prosperity

  • Blue: Peace, respite, psychic protection

  • Violet: Intuition, attunement, psychic ability

  • White: Newness, purification, hope

  • Black: Stability, perseverance, negativity shield

  • Pink: Love, romance, friendship

Getting started

  1. Safety first! Please ensure that you burn your candles in a safe space and never leave a candle burning unattended.

  2. Select a candle color that is in alignment with your intention. It’s always best to perform candle magick with a new candle.

  3. Cleanse and consecrate your candle keeping your intention in mind as you do this.

  4. Light your candle and watch it burn while focusing on your intention. Sit and gaze at the candle for as long as you’d like or space the candle burning out over several nights. If you space out your candle burning, don’t blow out your candle, instead, snuff it out with a candle snuffer. The candle snuffer will help seal your intent rather than blow it away.

  5. Be mindful over the next day(s) of how this exercise makes you feel about the intention you’ve set for yourself.

This is the easiest way to get started with candle magick. Get comfortable performing these simple steps and then check out this blog post with more detailed candle magick spells and receive a free candle magick printable.

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3 Ways to Use The Ritual Deck

The Ritual Deck is here! Here are tips and tools you can use to jump in and start using your deck as soon as you receive it. Update 2022: The original Ritual Deck is currently discontinued but we’re working on having a similar version eventually!Ritual has the power to ground you, help you manifest your desires, and unlock your intuitive abilities. I created this deck to help you tap into the power of ritual on a regular basis without needing to purchase several supplies.There are three main ways to use The Ritual Deck.

The Ritual Deck is here! Here are tips and tools you can use to jump in and start using your deck as soon as you receive it. Update 2022: The original Ritual Deck is currently discontinued but we’re working on having a similar version eventually!

Ritual has the power to ground you, help you manifest your desires, and unlock your intuitive abilities. I created this deck to help you tap into the power of ritual on a regular basis without needing to purchase several supplies.
There are three main ways to use The Ritual Deck.

  1. As a traditional oracle card deck for regular guidance from the cards.

  2. Unique card spreads designed specifically for performing the rituals you need most.

  3. The cards themselves act as energetic stand-ins for ritual, perfect for spell work or placing on your altar.

I’m going to share a few ways to start using your deck here but keep in mind, The Ritual Deck comes with a robust guidebook that goes into greater detail on all three of these methods. The guidebook includes much more than I can offer here in one blog post! Beyond the guidebook, this deck is incredibly versatile, and I’m sure you’ll be able to find more uses than what is outlined in the guidebook.

Oracle Card Pulls with The Ritual Deck

First and foremost The Ritual Deck is an oracle card deck. Use it for daily card pulls to receive a message for the day or bigger oracle card spreads to find guidance on more significant questions you may have.

The triad card spreads outlined in the guidebook is a common one for oracle card decks because it has so many applications. Apply the triad card spread to any of the situations you’d like more guidance on:

Steps to perform a triad card spread:

  1. Hold the cards in your hands and focus on your question.

  2. Shuffle your cards.

  3. Call in any guides, Gods, or Goddesses you work with to help (optional).

  4. Turn over the top three cards in a straight line or in a “v” shape as pictured below. The “v” shape indicates that you’d like to bring more feminine energy into your reading.

  5. Apply the chart above to your three cards and reference the guidebook for more information on each card you selected.

As an example, let’s pretend that your question is, “What is holding me back from my goal to find a new job?”. The first card represents your desire to find a new job, the second card represents what might be blocking you, and the last card references how your problem may culminate. You’d then be able to dig deeper into the meaning of each card in the guidebook.

Card Spreads for Ritual with The Ritual Deck

The Ritual Deck offers several unique spreads specifically based around rituals that can help you balance your chakras, follow the phases of the moon, balance the five elements within you or your space, and more. Here are the steps for practicing the five-element card spread.

The five elements are energies within you and outside of you that can help you feel more balanced. They can also be used to bring in a specific kind of energy you’re seeking. For example, if you’re trying to accomplish a goal on a short deadline you may want to bring in more of the fire element.

To perform the element card spread follow these steps:

Place the earth card North, the air card East, the fire card South, the water card West, and the spirit card in the center.

Next, use the correspondences on the bottom of the cards to sort the cards by element. For example, all of the cards with a correspondence of water will go in a pile together.

Place each pile on top of its corresponding element, shuffle the cards, and place them face down.

Starting with the top earth element card pile select a card. This will be the ritual you perform to balance your earth element. Continue around the circle selecting one card from each pile until you end in the center at the spirit element.

This card spread can be modified for just one element, and you can decide to pull as many ritual cards from each pile as you’d like! Space your rituals out over a few days, trying to do all of them at once may be overwhelming.

There are similar card spreads outlined in the guidebook for balancing your chakras and performing rituals for every moon phase.

Using Your Cards as Energetic Stand-Ins

Your mind is a powerful tool. By believing that these cards carry the same capacity as the actual objects, they will. I do not mean to discredit the power of real crystals and tools — they are potent healers that I use and adore, but it may not be convenient or possible to find all of the physical tools you need in a given moment for a ritual. That’s why I created this deck: to provide you with the tools you need to perform regular rituals and be transformed by them.

For example, if you’re trying to bring more feminine energy into your daily practice you could place these three cards on your altar as reminders.

Or, if you’re performing a manifesting ritual and need specific tools to perform a spell or ritual, you can use cards that align with manifesting as stand-ins rather than acquiring several different physical objects.

I hope you enjoy these tips for getting started with your deck! Of course, if you have any questions about using your deck you can contact us. Click here to read a blog post all about chakra readings with The Ritual Deck.

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Rituals for an Abundant New Year

What does abundance look like or feel like for you? Maybe it is money, but maybe it’s not. Abundance can come into our lives in a multitude of forms: health, equality, love, beauty, or money. What is it that you’re hoping to manifest more of in the new year? More specifically, what do you want an abundance of?

What does abundance look like or feel like for you? Maybe it is money, but maybe it’s not. Abundance can come into our lives in a multitude of forms: health, equality, love, beauty, or money. What is it that you’re hoping to manifest more of in the new year? More specifically, what do you want an abundance of?

I’ve spent the last couple of weeks sharing ways to energetically prepare for the new year. First I shared a closing ceremony using Runes to help you energetically clear for newness, and last week I focused on gratitude rituals to start the year with an open heart. Now, the new year is here and it’s time to think about what you want an abundance of in the year to come.

Embarking on a new year can feel overwhelming, or if you’re like me you might have a touch of FOMO (fear of missing out) in regards to what methods are the best for planning out a new year.

I’m going to share some of my personal tried and true tips for embarking on a new year that have served me well and some new ones that we can explore together! As with all of my ritual suggestions, take what you like and leave the rest. Do what feels good to you, and modify any of the steps to suit your needs.

Warning! This post is packed full of gems and is a bit longer than most of my posts, BUT it’s a topic I’m very passionate about so brew a big cup of tea and dig in!

Heart Opening Exercise

In order to receive abundance, you must be open to the abundance. So, let’s ditch the slumped-over shoulders and rounded spine and start by getting your body in touch with the abundant energy of the universe with some heart-opening poses.

Think of opening your heart center as dis-armoring yourself. Follow along with me for a simple, heart-opening exercise.

  1. In a seated position (cross-legged on the floor or in a chair), imagine a golden thread of energy traveling through your body, your seat, and into the core of the Earth. Feel grounded and weighted to the Earth.

  2. Take 3 deep breaths here acknowledging how grounded you feel. In each breath that you teak feel your spine elongate. Imagine that the air you’re breathing in is expanding the discs in your vertebrae and making you taller from the ground up.

  3. In your next inhale bring your shoulders up by your ears, and as you exhale draw your shoulder blades down your back. Repeat this three times.

  4. On your last exhale place your hands on your thighs, gently squeeze your shoulder blades together on your back to broaden your chest, and feel your spine expand and open in your heart center.

  5. Take several breaths here. Feel the expansion in your heart center while simultaneously acknowledging how grounded you are to the Earth. Welcome any feelings and ask for openness.

Ask for What You Want

If you want the universe to bring you abundance, an essential step is to ask for what you want. This may seem glaringly obvious, but it’s a simple step that many neglect.

There are several ways to tackle this step. You could simply announce out loud what it is you want to manifest in 2017 or you could invest in a workbook to help guide you through the process.

I use Leonie Dawson’s “Shining Biz” and “Shining Life” workbooks at the start of the year and LOVE them. Want to sprinkle some miracle grow on your year? These workbooks will do the trick, plus they’re beautiful and interactive. Click here to grab your own workbooks

UPDATE (2021):  we're updating all our blog posts and now the workbooks have changed from the "Shinning Biz" and "Shinning Life" to the "Goal Getter". I suggest following Leonie on Instagram to make sure you don't miss out on any of her new year planners.

There are countless, amazing workbooks out there and if rainbows and fairies aren’t your jam, I’m sure you’ll be able to find a workbook that’s perfect for you. The main points: get clear about what you want, ask for it, and plan it out!

Let Your Higher Self Guide You

No ritual from me would be complete without some oracle card action! Once you’ve got some clarity on what you want to manifest in the new year, grab your favorite oracle card deck, or if you don’t have one you can get our free one here.

Close your eyes and focus your mind on what you want to manifest, then ask your spirit guides or higher self what you need to focus on in order to manifest your 2017 dreams. Spread out your cards face down, and choose the card you’re called to. Personally, I like to place important cards like this on my altar for some time to allow time for the message to really sink in. Reflect on how you can use this information in the year to come.

Follow the Moon

I’m sure you’ve set intentions for the New Year before, and come March they’re a distant memory. I’ve been there too. The phases of the moon are a potent tool for goal setting, abundance bringing, and manifesting.

Of course, you’ll need a moon phase calendar to do so, but don’t worry I’ve got you covered! You can purchase a digital copy of the moon phase calendar here (Each year we update the moon phase calendar, so don't worry if you're reading this in 2022)

A quick guide for using the moon to bring abundance:

New Moon: Focus on your new year's intentions. This is a good time to focus on some of the smaller steps you need to take to get to where you want to go.

Waxing Moon: Take actions towards your goals

Full Moon: Let go of things no longer serving you.

Waning Gibbous: Be grateful for any gifts that have come your way as a result of your work in the previous phases.

Waning Crescent: Rest, renew, restore

These small actions can have a profound effect on your year to come. I know, because I’ve had years that I’ve done nothing and years that I’ve taken the time to dig deep and think about how I want to feel in the year to come. You deserve all of the gifts the universe has to offer but you have to ask!

Have a favorite New Year ritual that you use? I’d love to hear about it! 

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Tarot vs. Oracle // What’s the Difference and How to Choose

Aside from being beautiful works of art in and of themselves, Oracle and Tarot cards can be powerful divination tools. But, if you’re not familiar with these tools, deciding which deck to choose may have you stumped before you even start.I want to give you the confidence to choose what works best for you. So many big questions present themselves in life and, you need to know how to prepare yourself! Today I’ve got the skinny on the difference between Tarot and Oracle cards, and info on how to choose a deck that will work best for you.

Aside from being beautiful works of art in and of themselves, Oracle and Tarot cards can be powerful divination tools. But, if you’re not familiar with these tools, deciding which deck to choose may have you stumped before you even start.

I want to give you the confidence to choose what works best for you. So many big questions present themselves in life and, you need to know how to prepare yourself! Today I’ve got the skinny on the difference between Tarot and Oracle cards, and info on how to choose a deck that will work best for you.

The Basics

Let’s talk about the basics of Tarot and Oracle cards to help you find the best way to connect with the greater knowledge of the universe when life’s big moments pop up!

Tarot Cards

  • 78 cards

  • Prim & proper

  • Organized into different suits

  • Each tarot deck has a unique energy depending on where they came from, such as their design and printing process

  • Measure outcomes and influence

  • Can be lengthy and detailed

  • Offers insight on situations

  • Only images on the card, takes some studying

Oracle Cards

  • Any number of card per deck

  • Rebel deck

  • Designed around a theme or deity

  • Use your intuition to guide you rather than the structure of the deck

  • Meant to give advice

  • Quick and more open to individual interpretation

  • Easy for beginners. Includes thoughtful phrases

How to Choose

  • Trust your intuition. You might lean towards either method on a given day, or you might use one method over another for a certain question you have.

  • Try them out. Which deck feels right? Is Tarot too grave, or are Oracle cards not enough for you? If you are seriously in the sticks with some relationship drama, the Tarot deck might offer the ins and outs you are searching for. If you’re less phased by this relationship woe, then a simple “You’re free to do what you choose,” might be all you need from an Oracle deck.

  • Structure. Do you need it or do you run from it? When I’m in a place where my internal compass is all out of whack, I know I need to use my Tarot deck as my guide. If my gut has been pretty spot on, I’ll use my Oracle cards as my quick spot-checking guide.

Don’t rule out one deck over the other just yet. Check out The Tarot and Oracle blog posts where I dig into the details on these divination tools! We’ll go over how to use each deck so that you can fine-tune your fortune-telling skills.

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Sacred Geometry Symbol Meanings

Divine spiritual connection, that’s what you strive for, right? Complete and inner peace. The contentment of your place both in and out of, this world. The sensation that you are divinely cared for. If you’re like me, you’re always looking for meaningful ways to energize your spiritual connection. Think of sacred geometry as your doorway to the light of the universe. Gazing at sacred geometry during meditation, wearing it, and drawing it can all be used to make you feel more in tune.But, I’ve got more than enlightened know-how for you today! Read on to learn more about sacred geometry and receive your free printable coloring page to get you in the zone.

Divine spiritual connection, that’s what you strive for, right? Understanding the meanings of different sacred geometry symbols can help strengthen your connection. The contentment of your place, both in and out of this world. If you’re like me, you’re always looking for meaningful ways to energize your spiritual connection and the sensation that you’re divinely cared for. Think of sacred geometry as your doorway to the light of the universe. Gazing at sacred geometry during meditation, wearing it, and drawing it can all be used to make you feel more in tune.But, I’ve got more than enlightened know-how for you today!

Read on to learn more about sacred geometry and get a printable seed of life coloring page here.

What is Sacred Geometry?

This yearning for closeness is nothing new. Some believe that a form of communication can be found from reconstructing geometric patterns found in the natural world. These patterns present themselves in the nautilus shell, the human eye, and molecules of our DNA, snowflakes, even the air we breathe. When these patterns are replicated it is called Sacred Geometry.Sacred Geometry has been used in the making of the pyramids of Egypt and Mexico, Stonehenge and the Mayan temples (to name a few). Sacred Geometry is thought to be the blueprint of creation and the language of the gods. So, it’s no wonder that these symbols have become admired and replicated all throughout human history.Without having to go so far as visiting the pyramids, you can apply sacred geometry in your everyday life! Here are a few patterns to get you started.

The Flower of Life

  • Holds within it the basic information of all living things. It is the visual expression of the interconnectedness of all life forms.

  • See this symbol in your mind’s eye during meditation, or while chanting, as a reminder of your connections with all other humans and this world.

The Seed of Life

Card features from the discontinued Ritual Deck

  • This universal symbol for creation is thought to represent the seed from which all life was made. This seed holds the intelligent blueprint for all life.

  • Color this pattern to depict the colors of your seven chakras! The way the colors overlap is referred to as the soul spectrum. Use your soul spectrum pattern as a crystal grid or to charge your crystals prior to chakra work! Let your colorful soul shine!

Click here to get your printable Seed of Life coloring page.

Sri Yantra

  • Traced back through Hinduism, this pattern is said to be the visual expression of OM.

  • Meditate on this symbol to inspire enlightenment. Attune yourself to the universal consciousness or wear a Sri Yantra charm for wealth, strengthened relationships, peace, and alignment with the universe.

I can’t wait to see your soul spectrum pictures, be sure to tag @cassieuhl so I can check them out! 

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