6 Signs You’re Not Grounded + How to Get Grounded
When was the last time you noticed that you were completely untethered from reality and ungrounded? Between the glorification of being busy and constant social media at your fingertips, becoming ungrounded might be happening more often than you think!
When was the last time you noticed that you were completely untethered from reality and ungrounded? Between the glorification of being busy and constant social media at your fingertips, becoming ungrounded might be happening more often than you think!
What does it mean to be “grounded”?
If you’re energetically grounded it means that your root chakra is balanced and healthy. You’ll feel strongly connected to the Earth, stable, and at ease. Fears and worries you have will fade away quickly. You’ll feel safe, protected, and have an inner knowing that you’ll be taken care of.
The most important part of being grounded is realizing when you’re not. Check out these 6 signs that you could use some more grounding energy. Does anything from this list ring true for you?
6 Signs You Could Use Some Grounding
Can’t finish projects or focus
Feel like your nerves are fried or are spacey
Questioning things more than usual
Difficulty with communication
Impulse to hoard things and money
Strong urge to be physical or go outside
The good news is that there are several ways to get grounded quickly, and one tip even involves chocolate! As someone who’s struggled with anxiety (aka the opposite of being grounded) for much of her life, I’ve used each one of these tips and find them all highly effective on their own and combined.
9 Tips to Get Grounded
Connect with Nature
Lay on the ground, go for a walk outside or rest your body on a tree. This one is a big one for me. A couple of years ago I was going through an extra anxious time and I kept having a strong pull to lay on trees! It was the strangest thing, but eventually, I went for it and started to feel better. My neighbors might think I’m a weirdo, but I don’t really care. Now when I feel the pull to be in nature, I listen.
Earthy Teas
Sip on some earthy herbal teas and definitely skip the caffeine. Dandelion root tea, hibiscus tea (red for the root chakra!), rose tea, and valerian root tea are all perfect for feeling more grounded. I suggest saving valerian root tea for nighttime, it is very calming and can make you sleepy.
Yoga pose
Nothing fancy here--a simple mountain pose, tree pose, or sukhasana work perfectly to tap into your grounding energy. Each of these poses offers you the opportunity to stand firmly on the ground and connect to the Earth.
Stones & Symbols
This tip is exceptionally important for feeling grounded. When you’re not grounded you’ll feel like you need more protection to feel safe. Wearing stones and symbols can be a great reminder to connect with your root chakra energy and feel protected. Obsidian, red garnet, and any earthy colors from the jasper family work great for protection and grounding.
A mindful snack can go a long way, your body might be craving certain foods to feel more grounded too. Ditch the refined carbs and processed foods for a day or two and try adding some pink salt, root vegetables, nuts, beans, and even some chocolate to your diet. The darker the chocolate the more grounding it will be.
Get Physical
You know the feeling when you just need to get moving. Honor it! Go for a walk, head to the gym, a yoga class, or out for a run. Allow yourself time and space to connect with your body and give it what it needs.
Grounding Meditation
Another one of my favorites! Grant yourself 5 minutes of quiet meditation. As you meditate imagine roots growing out of you and into the Earth. Call upon the energy of the Earth to help you feel more grounded. You can envision your “roots” growing all the way into the center of the Earth. You can also try speaking this affirmation during your meditation.
Muladhara is the root chakra which is located at the base of your seat. The color of this chakra is red. Another favorite grounding tool of mine is to imagine a red sphere in this area glowing a deep beautiful red color. Imagine the red energy around your chakra spinning and growing red around your pelvic floor. As mentioned above wearing a symbol of the root chakra or simply the color red will also be beneficial.
Anything earthy here will work wonderfully! Some of the most potent grounding scents are palo santo (be sure that comes from a sustainable source) frankincense, pine, and chamomile. I recently discovered palo santo essential oil and am in love with it!
One of my favorite things about all of these tips is that they’re all so simple. I hope you found some grounding gems here and if you know a soul sister who could use some extra grounding, please share this post with them.
The Ultimate Guide to Caring for Your Tarot & Oracle Cards
Now that you have your magical Moon Phase Ritual Cards from last week's post, I thought it would be a perfect time to give you an ultimate guide for taking care of your tarot and oracle cards!Have a growing collection of oracle and tarot cards that you’re always adding to? If you’ve got a growing collection, you probably don’t use all of those cards every day. You most likely have your favorite decks that you gravitate towards, decks you use rarely, and decks that you let other people use.Your oracle and tarot cards can pick up vibes from other people, yourself, and accumulate stagnant energy.
Now that you have your magical Moon Phase Ritual Cards from last week's post, I thought it would be a perfect time to give you an ultimate guide for taking care of your tarot and oracle cards!
Have a growing collection of oracle and tarot cards that you’re always adding to? If you’ve got a growing collection, you probably don’t use all of those cards every day. You most likely have your favorite decks that you gravitate towards, decks you use rarely, and decks that you let other people use.
Your oracle and tarot cards can pick up vibes from other people, yourself, and accumulate stagnant energy. Fortunately, there are several things you can do to keep your decks energetically fresh so you receive and give the best readings.
These tips will work for tarot and oracle alike, they will also work for our free printable decks like our Zenned Out Mini Oracle Cards and our Moon Phase Ritual Cards. Here’s my ultimate list for taking care of your favorite decks!
Listen to Your Cards
Use your intuition. Ask your tarot and oracle cards what they need, and go with your gut. Have a deck that feels like it wants to be kept separate from your other decks, give it a special space of its own. Have a deck that you feel is pining for some grounding energy, put a little smoky quartz near it.
If you decide to try something new with one of your decks, be extra aware of any energetic signals you may get from them on the new change. The best part is, if you’re using your oracle or tarot cards regularly you’re already honing your intuition, and this is another opportunity to refine your intuitive skills.
Spread Cloth
Create a sacred space for reading your cards with a spread cloth. Traditionally these have been used for tarot but will work just as well for oracle cards.
Energetically speaking, using a spread cloth gives you and your cards a sacred space for reading wherever you are. It adds another layer to the ritual of reading your cards. Bonus, if you read in other places, it will help keep your cards clean.
Deciding on a spread cloth can be simple and inexpensive. There are many are beautiful handmade options on Etsy but you might already have something perfect at home like a silk scarf. Color carries a lot of energetic weight, so I suggest doing some research on color meanings before deciding on your spread cloth.
Cleanse Often
If you’ve had some off readings that didn’t feel quite right it might be time to give your cards a good energetic cleanse. Another reason to cleanse your cards is if they’ve been sitting for a while and haven’t been used. Stagnant decks will pick up all sorts of vibes, so it’s a great time to cleanse them.
Here are three quick and easy ways to lift any bad vibes or stagnant energy from your oracle or tarot cards.
Salt Bath: No water needed for this bath, simply set your cards in a tray of sea salt or Himalayan pink salt and let the salt soak up any unwanted vibes.
Smoke cleanse: Light your favorite herb and let your cards be bathed in the smoke of it to cleanse them. I recommend exploring some plants that are related to your ancestral lineage, some options of herbs are lavender, mugwort, cedar, rosemary. If you want to add some extra fun you can use tools like cauldrons or smoke wands.
Full Moon: Lay your cards in the light of the moon for an energetic refresh. Of course, each moon phase will have its own effect. You can use our Moon Phase Ritual Cards to get an idea of what kind of energy each phase will imbue them with.
Protect Your Cards
You may not want to keep your cards in the box they came in. If you don’t, it’s important that they have a special place to live and have some protection.
Here are some options for protecting your oracle and tarot decks:
Cloth bag: Similar to the spread cloth, the color of the bag you choose matters. Use your intuition and do some research on color meanings to determine the best color bag for your deck.
Wooden box: This is perfect for a deck you feel is calling out for an earthy vessel. A box will also offer additional protection if you travel with them.
Wrap them in your spread cloth: Your spread cloth can serve dual purposes and will work well as a protective cover for your cards
Crystals: Place a crystal on top of your deck, in the bag, or in the box with your cards to offer a layer of energetic protection. You can never go wrong with clear quartz!
Connect with Your Cards
One of the most important things you can do to care for your cards is to connect with them. The more you connect with them the more you’ll know how to take care of them intuitively. Here are two of my favorite techniques for connecting with your tarot and oracle cards.Sleep with them under your pillow or on your nightstand. This tip comes from guest blog post writer Brittney Carmichael. She mentioned in a previous post,
“Sleep with one card under your pillow each night to allow your subconscious mind to create symbols and meanings for the cards. Your tarot cards are like personal love notes from your soul and will help to guide you along your spiritual path of awakening.”
Take time to look at each card. If you’re feeling disconnected from your deck, take a few quiet moments to sit down and look at each card. Similar to sleeping with a card under your pillow, this will give you an opportunity to connect with the symbolism of your cards and become attuned to their energy.
I recently cleansed all my decks and gave some of my favorite decks a special home or crystal. I was surprised by the change when I did this! I immediately felt more in tune with my cards and my readings have felt more on point. I hope you find the same is true for you and your cards!
3 Powerful Crystal Healing Techniques
Looking for some summer-friendly healing uses for your crystal collection? If you’re like me and have designated crystals for your purse, car, bed, and altar you’ll love these three healing techniques so you can put all of your favorite gemstones to work.Even if your crystal collection is small, some of these techniques only require one stone, so you’ll find something in here for you.Summertime is a perfect time to dive into these techniques! Grab your favorite crystals, a fellow goddess, a blanket, and find a park to soak up good vibes from your crystals and Gaia.
Looking for some summer-friendly healing uses for your crystal collection? If you’re like me and have designated crystals for your purse, car, bed, and altar you’ll love these three healing techniques so you can put all of your favorite gemstones to work.
Even if your crystal collection is small, some of these techniques only require one stone, so you’ll find something in here for you.
Summertime is a perfect time to dive into these techniques! Grab your favorite crystals, a fellow goddess, a blanket, and find a park to soak up good vibes from your crystals and Gaia.
Body Crystal Grid
Having some discontent in your gut, or a busy mind? This technique is perfect for working on specific parts of your body. Similar to creating a crystal grid on your altar that has a specific purpose, you can create a crystal grid with stones specifically for an area of your body.
Once you’ve chosen your desired stones and purpose for a body grid, have your goddess friend place them on your body in a place that coordinates with their purpose.
You can follow the same steps for creating a crystal grid on your body or on your altar, to learn more about creating a crystal grid check out this post I shared last year by clicking here.
A serious side note: I love my crystals but won’t let them substitute for necessary medical needs! Body crystal grids are the perfect additional support to medical care, but shouldn’t substitute expert medical advice. Please, love yourself, and be sure to see a trained professional of your choosing for serious ailments.
Chakra Balancing on the Body or in Your Bed
Feeling like you need an energetic overhaul? This is the place to start and my personal favorite use of crystals. Here are a couple of uses for restoring and balancing the energy of your chakras with crystals:
Suggested Stones for Chakra Balancing with Crystals
Root: garnet or red jasper
Sacral: carnelian or tiger eye
Solar Plexus: citrine or yellow jasper
Heart: green aventurine or rose quartz
Throat: sodalite or turquoise
Chakra Crystal Alignment on Your Body
Place the stone for each chakra in its coordinating location on the body. Starting at the top of your head, imagine the color for each chakra lighting up around the stone. Spend 3-5 breaths on each chakra as you imagine the colored light around them glowing.
This is also a great time to scan the chakras to see if any of your chakras are especially deficient and need any extra attention. If you come across a chakra that feels deficient you can create a special body crystal grid just for that chakra or wear a stone or amulet to remind you to bring energy to that specific chakra.
Chakra Crystal Alignment in Your Bed
Looking for a more passive way to bring balance to your chakras? I love the simplicity of this tool. Place one of the stones listed above for each chakra in its coordinating location in between your mattress and box spring. As you sleep let the stones work their magic and wake up restored and balanced!
Wearing a Programmed Crystal
This healing crystal technique is perfect for long-term goals or deeply rooted shifts you’re working on. Wearing a programmed crystal will give you a moment-to-moment reminder of the shifts you’re trying to make, and the energy of the crystal will help you maintain your goals.
I like to use point crystal necklaces for this purpose. I like them for programming because of their size, it’s just right for holding it in your hand when you want to soak up some good vibes from your programmed point crystal. I’ve been wearing a grounding green jasper with the programmed message to stay rooted and calm.
The point crystal in this picture is of an amethyst and would be perfect for programming anything that has to do with your third eye or honing psychic abilities.
To program a crystal follow these steps:
Cleanse your crystal (read more about cleansing and charging your crystals here)
Clear your mind.
Hold your crystal in your dominant hand or in both of your hands.
Mentally and verbally repeat your goal or intention into the crystal.
Do this until you feel the stone is programmed with your intention.
There’s more than one way to program a crystal, so if you’d like to change these steps, do it!
I hope you found some healing ideas you’re excited to try out! These techniques are the perfect excuse to grab your favorite soul sister and get out for a picnic with a side of crystal healing.
3 Healing Uses of Copper
The powers of copper-where do I even start?! You might be thinking, “Ya sure, copper is great-it helps power my house, my phone, my washer and dryer…” but did you know that copper is used for healing bodily maladies and facilitating spiritual healing, too?! You might know that it conducts electricity, but this element will also warm your insides!
The powers of copper-where do I even start?! You might be thinking, “Ya sure, copper is great-it helps power my house, my phone, my washer and dryer…” but did you know that copper is used for healing bodily maladies and facilitating spiritual healing, too?! You might know that it conducts electricity, but this element will also warm your insides!
Where does copper come from?
The largest copper mine is located in Chile, the United States is the second runner-up, which is where we source all of our copper from here at Zenned Out. While copper is not considered a renewable resource, it is reusable, and 100% recyclable (all of our scrap copper is recycled!). Maybe this is why copper is referred to as “man’s eternal metal.”
What is it good for?
Copper is a building block for bones and tendons, is necessary for iron absorption, and also plays a role in melanin production and reducing free radicals.
Here's an interesting fact- copper is antimicrobial. So, hospitals coat their doorknobs in copper to prevent contamination! Aside from its germ-fighting superpowers here are a few more uses for copper:
Wound Healing
Arthritis/joint pain
Blood Circulation
Energy Blockage
Conducts Spiritual Energy
Helps the body make red blood cells
Necessary for iron absorption
How can you use it?
Even though there’s more copper in your smartphone than any other metal, I'm not about to suggest that you harness the power of copper through that! However, I do have some fun and interesting ways for you to access the opulence of this element!
Most of us will get enough copper from eating a balanced diet. Also, keep in mind that copper is a heavy metal so don’t go overboard! Fortunately, these copper uses have bonuses beyond getting more copper in your system.
Copper Mug
Did you know that ancient civilizations stored their water in copper containers? It wasn’t just because they looked nice! Choose a copper mug or bottle to keep your water in overnight to enjoy coppers alkalizing benefits. Don't forget, copper is naturally antimicrobial so your drinking water will remain super fresh!
Many filtered waters have been stripped of their natural minerals, but keeping your water in a copper cup or vessel will help restore natural copper minerals that have been filtered out and also make the water more alkaline.
Copper Jewelry
Luckily for you, much of your Zenned Out swag will fall into this category! Copper jewelry allows for slow and steady absorption of copper into your skin. Some claim that wearing copper helps with arthritis and circulation.
What if your skin turns green? Well, oddly enough this is a sign of your body's acidity. Copper reacts to acidic environments and will create a green tint on your skin. This could be a sign of too much red meat or junk food in your diet…or even a warning that you could be getting sick! I love to wear copper for this specific purpose, if my copper is causing more green discoloration than usual it’s a good reminder for me to add some more fruits and veggies to my diet.
Copper Pyramid
There’s more to copper than absorption and being antimicrobial, copper is also a beloved spiritual tool as well. You may not be able to visit the pyramids of Giza, but you can easily bring the benefits of a copper pyramid into your favorite sacred space.
Grab a smaller copper pyramid to clear and cleanse your crystals, essential oils, and well pretty much anything you can fit inside of it!
You can find some affordable and handmade copper pyramids on Etsy.
Copper is a great conductor of energy so copper pyramids are also perfect for meditation and balancing the chakras. Large copper pyramids can be pretty expensive, but you can use a smaller copper pyramid for the same purpose by placing it on your head during meditation or over a chakra for the same energetic benefits.
Copper has a cornucopia healing of uses and it’s beautiful, what could be better? I hope you’re inspired to rock some copper jewelry and enjoy some of the other perks copper has to offer.
4 Selenite Uses You’ve Never Heard Of
You want your crystals to look nice, but also serve a purpose, right? Selenite has long been adored for its energetic cleansing benefits and this week I’ve got four uses for selenite that may be new to you.Selenite is a soft, cloudy, white stone that is part of the Gypsum family and it can be found in many countries around the world. Just in case you don’t already love selenite here’s another reason to: it’s named after the Greek Goddess of the moon, Selene.This stone is best known for its cleansing powers. Think energetic cleansing, not laundry and dusting. I’m talking personal aura cleansing, house cleansing, and icky-energy-be-gone cleansing. Selenite is also great for connecting with your third eye and crown chakra to boost your psychic connection.
You want your crystals to look nice, but also serve a purpose, right? Selenite has long been adored for its energetic cleansing benefits and this week I’ve got four uses for selenite that may be new to you.
Selenite is a soft, cloudy, white stone that is part of the Gypsum family and it can be found in many countries around the world. Just in case you don’t already love selenite here’s another reason to: it’s named after the Greek Goddess of the moon, Selene.
This stone is best known for its cleansing powers. Think energetic cleansing, not laundry and dusting. I’m talking personal aura cleansing, house cleansing, and icky-energy-be-gone cleansing. Selenite is also great for connecting with your third eye and crown chakra to boost your psychic connection.
Selenite Candle Bath
When was the last time you had one of those days where everyone you came into contact with was grumpy or in a bad mood? Even if you don’t let it bring you down, those bad vibes can wear on you after a while.
I’m sure you’ve seen Himalayan salt candle holders and lamps, but did you know you can also purchase these powerful little crystal amplifiers in selenite too?
Let selenite do the purification work with a selenite candle bath. The glow from these candles is soothing and will set the perfect mood for a bath. More importantly, the cleansing energy from the selenite will take away all the dirt you can’t see from any icky energy accumulated throughout your day. Be sure not to get too wild in the tub! Selenite is water soluble so you don’t want to get it wet.
You can grab selenite candle holders from several places. I was drawn to the round shape of this one and purchased it from Etsy.
Selenite Aura and Home Cleansing Spray
Selenite has the ability to purify your body, mind, and even your home! Your home is a sacred space and selenite wants to help you keep it that way.
Here’s a recipe for my new favorite thing, DIY selenite aura and home cleansing spray:
6-8 oz glass spray bottle
Enough filtered water to fill your bottle ¾ of the way full
6-10 drops essential oil
2 TBSP witch hazel (I love Thayer’s rose witch hazel)
1 tsp selenite powder (I got mine on Etsy)
Add the ingredients into your glass bottle, shake for each use, spray, and enjoy! A funnel can come in handy to get the powder in your bottle, I crafted one out of paper for a quick fix.
Selenite for Feng Shui
This tip is short and sweet, but I know you’ll appreciate it, so I couldn't leave it out! Selenite has a high spiritual vibration that can act as a pathway for angelic energy. You can use selenite powder around the outside of your home to bring peace and tranquility. Also, you can create a yin yang balance by topping a piece of selenite with black tourmaline in the rooms in your home or office!
Selenite Wands
As I mentioned before, selenite is the crystal for connecting with the spirit world and enhancing your third eye. Take advantage of this meditation while using a selenite wand to enhance your consciousness and connect with your true spiritual self!
A quick little selenite clearing like this is the perfect way to begin a tarot or oracle card reading for yourself.
Lay or sit comfortably while you scan your chakras with the selenite wand.
As you breathe deeply and calmly, imagine the light as it moves freely up through your chakras.
Allow the light energy from the selenite to clear each of your chakras of any bad vibrations.
Spend extra time focusing on any chakra that you feel needs extra attention or clearing.
The awesomeness that our Earth Mama creates never ceases to amaze me! I hope you’ve enjoyed these tips and found something you can put into practice in your sacred space. Pick any of them to start your forever friendship with selenite!
Closing Year Rune Ritual
Are you energetically ready for the new year? Are the happenings of this year and what’s to come in the new year swirling around your energetic field? The moment December hits I can’t help but start evaluating what went well and what didn't for the year.The closing out of one year and the beginning of a new year can cause quite the energetic upheaval for sensitive souls like you and me. Good news though, I’ve got some tools to help create meaning and ease the transition.
Are you energetically ready for the new year? Are the happenings of this year and what’s to come in the new year swirling around your energetic field? The moment December hits I can’t help but start evaluating what went well and what didn't for the year.
The closing out of one year and the beginning of a new year can cause quite the energetic upheaval for sensitive souls like you and me. Good news though, I’ve got some tools to help create meaning and ease the transition.
The first step to starting a new year off is energetically clearing out the current year.
I love to turn to rituals to help make this transition. Rituals are a powerful healing tool. I conduct rituals for almost any significant event or experience in my life. For me, rituals are a way to process emotions or feelings that are overwhelming and stressful.
Think of having a closing year ritual as a way to create an emotional container for all of your feelings around 2016 and the start of 2017.
For this closing year ritual, we’ll break out some of my favorite divination tools, Runes. If you're new to Runes, you can click here to read all about them and get a free printable. Follow the steps below to join me in a closing year ceremony to clear the slate and prepare you for the energy of the new year.
What You’ll Need
A candle in the color meaning of your choice
A sharp tool to carve into the candle
Paper and pen
Essential oil (EO) or incense (optional)
Smoke wand
Any crystals or other objects that you’re called to include in your ritual
At your altar or quiet area in your home, arrange your items in a way that feels right to you. If you have a favorite EO scent or incense that helps you get centered, then get that started.
Select Your Rune
First, you’ll need to select a Rune symbol that represents 2016 for you. Start by taking three deep breaths, then allow thoughts of 2016 to come into your mind. From here you can intuitively select your Rune if you have a Rune set, or research them and select one that you feel represents 2016 for you. I love this website for learning more about each Rune symbol.
Select Your Candle Color
Once you’ve selected your Rune, you’ll need to select your candle color. The color of your candle should energetically match the meaning of your Rune symbol. Here are quick descriptions of the meanings of each color. If you're new to candle magick, you can click here to see all our blog posts about candle magick.
Red - Strength & Passion
Yellow - Joy & Inspiration
Blue - Harmony & Communication
Green - Abundance & Acceptance
Purple - Transformation & Intuition
Orange - Creativity & Intellect
Pink - Love & Friendship
Black - Grounding & Protection
White - Unity & Healing
Carve and Light
Using a stylus or sharp object carve your Rune into your candle. Feel free to add any other words or decorations that you feel called to add to your candle carving. Create a space for your Rune candle and light it.
Honor and Release 2016
In this safe space take the time to honor and release the happenings of 2016. Here are a few ideas for honoring and releasing 2016 as you sit in the presence of your Rune candle. You can do as many or as few as you’d like.
Write a gratitude list about the events of 2016
Write a list of all the ways the meaning of your Rune showed up for you in 2016.
Meditate and be witness to what thoughts come up about 2016
Have an especially difficult year? Cry, scream, let it out.
Light your smoke wand to clear the energy of the area, thank the Universe for your experience of 2016, and blow out your Rune candle.
Like all rituals that I suggest, take what you like and leave the rest. Rituals are personal, please include anything that would bring meaning to closing out your year.
Next up on the blog, you guessed it, let’s get set up for a 2017 full of love, light, and openness.