4 Ways to Embrace Your Light for Litha

I’m sure you’ve heard of the Summer Solstice, but are you familiar with Litha? Litha is the pagan holiday that is celebrated on the Summer Solstice, also referred to as Midsummer. The Summer Solstice brings with it the longest day of the year when the sun appears to hang in the sky all day long reminding us of its life-giving light. Litha is all about embracing and celebrating this light.This year Litha falls on Tuesday, June 20th. Invoke the energy of the sun and embrace your own radiance with these Litha inspired rituals.

I’m sure you’ve heard of the Summer Solstice, but are you familiar with Litha? Litha is the pagan holiday that is celebrated on the Summer Solstice, also referred to as Midsummer. The Summer Solstice brings with it the longest day of the year when the sun appears to hang in the sky all day long reminding us of its life-giving light. Litha is all about embracing and celebrating this light.

This year Litha falls on Tuesday, June 20th. Invoke the energy of the sun and embrace your own radiance with these Litha inspired rituals.

Enjoy Some Solar Water

Harness the life-giving power of the sun in a solar water elixir. Place a covered clear glass cup or clear glass pitcher of water outside for five hours. Fresh fruit is often enjoyed during Litha, so feel free to add some slices of your favorite fruits into your water for a tasty addition. Drink and enjoy your solar water throughout the day in honor of Litha.

Bonus, some believe that soaking your water in the sunlight can give you a subtle energy boost, and have an ionizing and antimicrobial effect on your water. Though there’s no hard proof of these benefits, it’s certainly worth trying and won’t do you any harm.

Goddess Amaterasu “Beauty Bath” Ritual

“Amaterasu is here to tell you to bask in the radiance of your own beauty.” -Amy Sophia Marashinsky, The Goddess Oracle.

For the ultimate act of accepting your own light invite the Goddess Amaterasu into your day for Litha with this powerful “beauty bath” ritual from The Goddess Oracle:

All you need for this ritual is a mirror and the willingness to see your beauty.

Find a time and place when and where you will not be disturbed. Sit or lie comfortably with your spine straight. You may remove your clothes or do the ritual with your clothes on, whichever is appropriate for you. When you feel ready, take a deep breath and release it letting everything go . Then take four more deep breaths, focusing on the rhythm of your breathing. If at any time during this ritual you feel uncomfortable or are afraid of doing anything suggested, just take a deep breath, experience the feeling while continuing to breathe deeply, then slow down and continue at your own pace.

When you feel relaxed and ready, pick up the mirror. Look at your face. Just look. If judgments or criticisms come up acknowledge them, then let them go. Focus on the uniqueness that is you, reflected in your face. Look at your face and allow yourself to feel compassion, tenderness, acceptance, and love.

Next look at your eyes. Say to yourself: "My eyes are beautiful." Look at your nose and tell yourself: "My nose is beautiful." Then your forehead, cheeks, mouth/lips, teeth, ears, skin, bone structure. When you are finished enjoying the beauty of your face, go on to the rest of your body. When you have acknowledged your entire body, take a deep breath and look in the mirror. Tell yourself: "I (name) am beautiful." Say it over and over. Allow yourself to bathe in your appreciation of your own beauty, till you feel a tingle of appreciation and delight.

Love Spell Bottle

Many regard Litha as a time to honor the power of light over darkness, and the idea that love and light will always win. Litha is a time when marriages would often take place (and still is!), and is the perfect time to invoke some love magic. Any spells or rituals you hold on the Summer Solstice will be amplified in power.

I adore this love spell because it is easy and open-ended. It can be used for bringing more love of all kinds into your life.

Love Spell Bottle from Spell Crafts: Creating Magical Objects

You’ll need:

  • Rose water

  • Dried rose petals

  • Dried lavender

  • A glass vial or bottle (size of your choice)

Hold each of the dry ingredients in your hands before placing them in your vial and imbue them with love. Fill the rest of the bottle with rose water. Close the bottle, hold it against your chest and say these words:

Flowers drenched with love,
drench me with love.

When you’re finished, place your love spell vial in your bedroom.

Embrace Sunny Symbolism

Want a quick and easy way to honor your light and Litha? Place some of these sunny and powerful symbols on your altar, desk, or around the house.

  • Fire element symbol or symbols of the sun

  • Shells, or any other earthy bits that remind you of the summer sun

  • Light a red, yellow, or orange candle to honor the sun

  • Place fresh herbs and flowers out as a reminder of the gifts of the sun

  • Light incense or diffuse EO’s containing lemon, pine, and/or myrrh

I also created an infographic for those of you who love visuals!

Embrace your light and honor your beauty so you can reflect it back into the world! I hope you found one or two tips to help you celebrate Litha and honor your light. Here in Arizona, we’re looking to top the day at 120°, though it seems fitting, I hope your Summer Solstice temperatures are a little more conducive to enjoying the outdoors! Find more rituals for Litha here and meditations for the Wheel of the Year here.

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DIY, Herbs, How-to, Ostara, Rituals, Symbolism, Wheel of the Year Cassie Uhl DIY, Herbs, How-to, Ostara, Rituals, Symbolism, Wheel of the Year Cassie Uhl

Create a Flower Crown for the Goddess in You!

Breathe it in, do you smell it? Spring is here! Sending you joyous Spring Equinox and Ostara vibes! Ostara is the Wiccan holiday that honors the Spring Equinox and its part of the Wheel of the Year. Ostara is a time to bring balance to your life, welcome the coming light, and celebrate blossoming life.If you are looking to bring some sunshine into your world after hibernating for the past few months, wearing a flower crown will really get you in the springtime spirit and give you good reason to embrace your goddess energy.

Breathe it in, do you smell it? Spring is here! Sending you joyous Spring Equinox and Ostara vibes! Ostara is the Wiccan holiday that honors the Spring Equinox and its part of the Wheel of the Year. Ostara is a time to bring balance to your life, welcome the coming light, and celebrate blossoming life.

If you are looking to bring some sunshine into your world after hibernating for the past few months, wearing a flower crown will really get you in the springtime spirit and give you good reason to embrace your goddess energy.

Crowns of all sorts have adorned the heads of the most ultimate goddesses throughout time and across cultures. However, no crown seems to come close to the beauty that is the flower crown, and it’s the perfect celebratory craft for Ostara.

I’ve got a bit of floral history for you, the meaning behind some favorite flowers, and a short DIY to get you started with flower crowns.



Floral crowns have been used for celebrating Ostara (Spring Equinox) and, maybe more commonly, Beltane (the celebration between spring and summer). Various Pagan religions would adore statues of their Gods and Goddesses with flower crowns during these times of the year.


The Romans held this fertility goddess in high esteem. Flora was said to wear “garlands of a thousand flowers.” In the Roman culture, a springtime festival was held to honor the renewal of the lifecycle. If flower crowns are your thing, then this was the place for you! Even the dogs were decorated with flowers! Flora was said to wear soft yellow flowers to represent the essence of spring. Honor Flora with a buttercup blossom!

Island Life

Hawaii definitely has its bases covered when it comes to tropical blossoms. Here, flowers are worn on ankles, wrists, and yes...heads, too. In Hawaii floral crowns are known as “haku lei.” You can find bronzed goddesses roaming the beaches decked out in flower crowns on any day of the week! It's also customary for the natives to gift these beautiful crowns to friends and visitors.

Flower Meanings

  • Laurel: Symbol of triumph

  • Buttercup: Childishness, neatness, humility

  • Myrtle: Marital fidelity, good fortune

  • Periwinkle: Happy memories, achieving your dreams

  • Daisy: Innocence, cheerfulness

  • Rose: Love

  • Pink Peony: Riches, honor, prosperity

  • Baby's Breath: Long lasting love, angelic

  • Dandelion: Survival, spiritual intelligence

  • Gardenia: Purity, love

  • Laurel: Success, glory

  • Daffodil: Self love

DIY Flower Crown

Crown crafting is the perfect tribe building activity! Of course, you're economical so it only makes sense for you and your besties to get together and bring your favorite bunch of flowers to share.

I really wanted to create my flower crown with only flowers. Turns out, that is pretty tough. I was able to create my crown from flowers plus a little string.

If you’re using thinner, bendier stems, I think it would be possible to create a crown from only flowers. If you’re going for a statement-making crown like mine, string might be a necessity.

Supplies: Flowers, scissors, string

  1. Start with three flowers and start by braiding the stems together.

  2. As you braid continue to add in more flowers and their stems into your braid.

  3. Once you have long enough braid of flowers to make a crown, carefully bend your braid into a circle shape.

  4. Using string or a stem of a flower tie the back overlapping parts of your flower braid.

  5. Fill out your crown by sticking flowers into the braid around the crown or by tying them onto the braid.

This took some time and patience. I couldn’t be happier with my end result and I felt like a goddess all day! Be bold, rock your flower crown as you welcome Ostara, the coming light, and the birth of spring. You are the peaceful warrior, a goddess, the light bringer, and the bearer of sunshine!

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Chakras, DIY, Herbs, How-to, Meditation, Oracle, Symbolism, Tarot Cassie Uhl Chakras, DIY, Herbs, How-to, Meditation, Oracle, Symbolism, Tarot Cassie Uhl

5 Tips to open your heart chakra and how to know when it's blocked

How are you feeling about giving and accepting love right now? Are you feeling open, receptive and giving--or maybe a little blocked? Whether you’ve got a lot or a little blocking you from giving and accepting love in your life, I’ve got tips to help you enliven your heart chakra, from herbal tinctures to heart chakra inspired altars!The heart chakra, or in sanskrit anahata, is the chakra (energy center) located at the center of your sternum. The heart chakra is responsible for your ability to give and receive love. If you’ve had any heartache in your past (and let’s be honest, who hasn’t?) you may have some lingering blocks that could be making it hard for you to give and receive the love you deserve.

How are you feeling about giving and accepting love right now? Are you feeling open, receptive and giving--or maybe a little blocked? Whether you’ve got a lot or a little blocking you from giving and accepting love in your life, I’ve got tips to help you enliven your heart chakra, from herbal tinctures to heart chakra inspired altars!

The heart chakra, or in sanskrit anahata, is the chakra (energy center) located at the center of your sternum. The heart chakra is responsible for your ability to give and receive love. If you’ve had any heartache in your past (and let’s be honest, who hasn’t?) you may have some lingering blocks that could be making it hard for you to give and receive the love you deserve.

Is your heart chakra blocked?

Here’s a quick checklist to see if you’ve got any areas in your heart chakra that could use some extra love:

  • Is your self-talk critical and negative?

  • Do you have trouble making friends?

  • Are you lonely?

  • Do you have a lack of trust in your relationships?

  • Do you have social anxiety?

  • Do you have a hard time accepting and/or giving?

Whether you resonate with all of these or just 1 or 2 of these, I’ve got something for you. Read on to learn 5 versatile tips to clear up blocks in your heart chakra.

You can also read this blog post where I explain 3 ways to understanding the health of chakras.

1. Heart Chakra Altar

Make your sacred space a haven for your heart chakra by adorning your altar with colors, crystals, and symbols that will help balance and restore you to love.

Color: Green and pink. Feast your eyes on the color of your heart chakra by adorning your altar with candles, cloths, or statues with green and pink.

Crystals: Rose quartz, aventurine, emerald, green and pink tourmaline, chrysoprase, moss agate, and malachite. Aside from their green and pink hues all of these stones have energy that lends themselves to healing your heart chakra. Choose any combination of them to place on your altar.

Symbols: Anahata symbol, hearts, and the Wunjo Rune symbol all represent love. These symbols on your altar will act as a visual reminder of your intention to be open to giving and accepting love.

2. Ask the Cards

Grab your favorite tarot or oracle card deck and ask them how you can open and balance your heart chakra. Oracle and tarot cards, like any divination tool, are a direct link to your spirit guides and higher self. Try this heart chakra three-card spread or create your own. If you don't have a card deck handy you can opt to journal about each of the questions below instead.

  1. What areas of my life are causing blocks in my heart chakra?

  2. How can I improve my ability to accept love?

  3. How can I nourish my heart chakra?

3. Heart Chakra Meditation

Set aside 5 minutes (or more!) of your day for some deep breaths, connect with your heart chakra on an even deeper level with a simple meditation. Energy reset meditations are a personal favorite of mine, probably because I find them so effective. You can check out my energy reset meditation bundle here.

Try working some of the following tips into your next meditation session balance and open your heart chakra:

Scents: If you have any rose or bergamot essential oils around, these are perfect for balancing the heart chakra. Add them to your diffuser or just take a few deep breaths before you start your meditation.

Visualize: Imagine a glowing green light around your heart chakra as you meditate. Visualize that with each inhale it grows bigger and with each exhale it comes back to center. Eventually, let this growing green light consume your whole body with each inhale.

Mantras: YAM (pronounced yawm, like CD-rom) is the mantra of the heart chakra. Layer this mantra into your meditation with long yaaaaaaaaammmmm added into your exhale. If you’d like a mantra with a clearer intention feel free to repeat one of these mantras during your meditation, “I am love” or “I accept love freely.”

4. Herbal Love for your Heart Chakra

Did you know that heartache, grief, and loss can lead to physical symptoms around your heart chakra? There’s even a name for it, it’s called “broken heart syndrome.” Yeah sure, we’ve all dealt with bad break ups, but if you’ve been dealt more than your fair share of heartache and loss it could be affecting your physical health too. Our physical bodies and energetic bodies are closely connected and intertwined. Keeping your heart in its best physical shape can help keep your heart chakra bright and shining!

Need a tune-up in the heartache department? Hawthorne is your go-to herb! For a quick fix, you can grab some hawthorne and hibiscus (also great for your heart) tea. But, if you want some serious healing herbs here’s a recipe for a hawthorn tincture.

If making tinctures aren't your thing, or you don't have supplies handy to make one, bergamot, rose, and ylang-ylang are all great options for activating the heart chakra. Diffuse or wear any of these oils to help soothe and open the heart chakra.

Hawthorne Heart Tincture

  • Dried organic hawthorn berries

  • 80 proof or greater vodka or brandy

  • Optional: dried organic hawthorn leaves and flowers

  • Glass jar

  1. Fill your jar full with your herbs, then add the alcohol until all of your herbs are covered.

  2. Don’t forget to label your concoction! Be sure to add the date you made it and what herbs are included.

  3. Let your brew sit for 4-6 weeks, preferably in the window where it can soak up good vibes from the sun and moon.

  4. Give your mixture a little shake up every couple of days. This is also the perfect time to infuse your tincture with some good vibes and intentions from you, so be sure to send it some happy thoughts when you shake it up!

  5. Once the 4-6 weeks have passed, drain your mixture through a cheesecloth or fine mesh strainer.

  6. Pour your tincture into a glass dropper bottle and you’re all set. Let the heart healing commence!

  7. Enjoy 2-4 droppers full of your tincture 1-2 times a day in tea, water, or juice.

5. A Wearable Reminder of Love

Wearing symbols or crystals that associate with the heart chakra can serve as a potent reminder to give yourself and others love throughout the day.

If you're not into wearing jewelry, wearing colors associated with the heart chakra or carrying some heart chakra crystals in your pocket will have a similar effect.

These are just a few of many ways to open and balance your heart chakra. Read more about balancing the energy of this chakra on any of these blog posts. Click here for crystal grids for love, here for candle magick for love, or here for yoga and breathwork to open the heart chakra.

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DIY, Herbs, How-to, Wellness Cassie Uhl DIY, Herbs, How-to, Wellness Cassie Uhl

3 Healing DIY Herbal Tea Blends

Is coffee your main squeeze? Don’t worry, I’m not going to try to convince you to give up your morning caffeine! Coffee drinker or not you can still enjoy the magic of herbal teas, and I’ve got some good reasons why you’ll want to add them to your healing arsenal.This one is for my novice and veteran tea drinkers alike!I'm going to tap into tea’s magical powers and present you with a list to create your own fusion and 3 of my favorite recipes! Caffeine doesn’t agree with my body so I enjoy multiple cups a day of herbal tea. The varieties of herbal blends are endless, but my favorite part is that each blend comes with multiple healing benefits.Tea really is a gift from some ethereal being. After all, legend has it that the second emperor of China discovered tea when some tea leaves mysteriously blew into his pot of boiling water. Today, you can elaborate on this otherworldly brew by picking herbs to tailor-make your special blend.

Is coffee your main squeeze? Don’t worry, I’m not going to try to convince you to give up your morning caffeine! Coffee drinker or not you can still enjoy the magic of herbal teas, and I’ve got some good reasons why you’ll want to add them to your healing arsenal.

This one is for my novice and veteran tea drinkers alike!

I'm going to tap into tea’s magical powers and present you with a list to create your own fusion and 3 of my favorite recipes! Caffeine doesn’t agree with my body so I enjoy multiple cups a day of herbal tea. The varieties of herbal blends are endless, but my favorite part is that each blend comes with multiple healing benefits.

Tea really is a gift from some ethereal being. After all, legend has it that the second emperor of China discovered tea when some tea leaves mysteriously blew into his pot of boiling water. Today, you can elaborate on this otherworldly brew by picking herbs to tailor-make your special blend.

The Herbal Lineup

Here are a few of my favorite common herbs to give you some ideas on your path to becoming a tea blending guru!

Ginger: digestive issues, nausea, colds, immune booster, improves diabetes, reduces inflammation

Chamomile: helps prevent illness, helps heal bacterial infections, calms muscle spasms including menstrual and digestive cramps, soothes the nervous system for decreased feelings of anxiety and improved sleep, promotes clear skin

Rose Buds: flushes toxins from the body, immune booster, improves digestion and blood flow, improves skin elasticity, helps with menstrual cramping and stress

Peppermint: fever reducer, soothes nausea and stomach pain, opens airways, appetite suppressant, stimulates the mind

Elderberry: immune booster, contains fiber for gut health, heart health, improves and prevents diabetes, reduces joint pain, slows aging of the skin

Raspberry Leaf: amazing for women, uterine tonic, antioxidant, protects against cancer, improves circulation

Hibiscus: blood pressure management, liver protection, lowers cholesterol, thirst-quenching, can help with weight loss, tastes amazing!

Echinacea: immune booster, anti-inflammatory, pain reliever, mental health, improves skin, fights infection

Lemongrass: cleansing and detoxifying, can reduce arthritis pain, antimicrobial, antioxidants

3 Healing Herbal Tea Recipes

If you want to create blends that you can premix and keep on your shelves you’ll want to use all dried herbs for each ingredient. Some of these herbs can be used fresh, you just won’t be able to save them.

Goddess Tea Blend

A goddess inspired floral fusion! Package this one in a mason jar and tie it up with a big pink bow before gifting it to your bestie. Include:

  • rosebuds

  • chamomile

  • red raspberry leaf

  • orange peel

  • hibiscus

  • honey or stevia (optional)

Immune Booster Blend

Here's an immune booster you’ll want to keep handy this winter. Store this one in an airtight container with your other natural remedies for warding off illness. Include:

  • elderberries

  • echinacea leaf

  • lemongrass

  • ginger to taste

  • honey or stevia (optional)

Cacao Peppermint Dessert Tea

Calm the spirit and enliven the mind with this delicious dessert blend! Serve it up with cream and raw honey at your next dinner party. Include:

  • peppermint

  • cacao nibs

  • dried coconut

  • cinnamon to taste

  • milk substitute (optional)

  • honey (optional)

Brewing Instructions

Mix equal parts of each of the herbs, place in your favorite herbal tea bag or infuser, pour hot water over the herbs, maybe even drop a crystal in your glass for an amped up elixir, cover with a lid or plate as the herbs infuse into your water, wait 5-10 minutes, remove your tea infuser, enjoy!

Have a favorite herbal blend? I’d love to hear about it!

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DIY, Herbs, How-to, Wellness Cassie Uhl DIY, Herbs, How-to, Wellness Cassie Uhl

Breathe Deep with These 3 DIY Lavender Recipes

Aside from smelling heavenly, lavender comes with a slew of amazing benefits. Lavender can help with anxiety, insomnia, restlessness, PMS, antiseptic and a recent study reported in the Journal of Medical Microbiology shows that lavender oil is a potent anti-fungal as well. Take a look around your home. Hand soap, body lotion, countertop cleaner, linen spray, candles…you probably keep some sort of lavender-scented item in your home.

Aside from smelling heavenly, lavender comes with a slew of amazing benefits. Lavender can help with anxiety, insomnia, restlessness, PMS, antiseptic and a recent study reported in the Journal of Medical Microbiology shows that lavender oil is a potent anti-fungal as well. Take a look around your home. Hand soap, body lotion, countertop cleaner, linen spray, candles…you probably keep some sort of lavender-scented item in your home.

I wondered, what else this amazing herb could be used for? It turns out lavender is a gold mine for DIY home products! I’ve chosen three that I think you’ll find come in super handy.

Lush Lavender Bath Scrub

Lavender oil is a choice pick for a bath time scrub! This oil works as an antiseptic to promote healing of the skin. It’s also popular for assisting with sleep. Insomnia may have met its match with this one! So, get ready to settle your senses after a long day.

Here’s what you’ll need to whip up a batch of this delectable and healing scrub:

  • Mason or apothecary jar

  • 1 1/2 cups of organic sugar

  • 1/4 cup of olive oil

  • Mix the ingredients together to coat the sugar. Add dried lavender flowers for some extra pizzaz!

Chilled Lavender Towels

Lavender oil’s sedating qualities work well for sleeplessness AND pain relief. Whether you have a headache, fever or you’re white-knuckling it through childbirth--its ability to curb pain really is astonishing! Here is one of my most cherished methods for diminishing discomfort.

How To:

  • Fill your sink with water and add 6-10 drops of lavender oil

  • Soak several hand towels in the lavender water (let excess water run off of the towels)

  • Roll up the towels and put them on a tray in the freezer

  • Grab a towel from the freezer whenever you are in need. These little bits of magic are nothing short of amazing. Place one across your forehead or unroll it to cover your nose and mouth. Now relax and breathe in the crisp, cool, heavenly aroma for some obligatory tranquility.

Lavender Insect Repellent

My personal favorite! If you’re worried about all of those harsh chemicals in regular bug sprays like I am, you’ll love this one. Plus, it’s super easy! What’s better than an au naturel bug spray smelling of sweet, sweet lavender? Gliding through the woods, free of bug bites and smelling like an angel…Ha! I’m in!

Ingredients & How To:

  • Fill an 8oz spray bottle halfway with distilled water

  • Add 30-50 drop of lavender oil

  • Add witch hazel to fill the remainder of the bottle

  • Venture to the great outdoors with a new-found freedom from deet…and mosquitos!

Bonus Lavender Quick Tips

Make lavender oil a staple in your stash. You can find it at a health food store, specialty grocery store, or maybe you even have a friend that sells EO’s. It can be used alone, or with a carrier oil. Choose a food-grade oil for lavender lemonade, or pick a lavender oil to keep in your first aid kit for its topical anesthetic properties. Sometimes I’ll even rub a little lavender oil on my hands to give my easily irritated chi, Ren, a belly rub, this miraculously always helps him calm down.

Lavender is a great reminder to stop and take a deep breath on a busy day. Send me a DM with your lavender oil tips and tricks! Bonus points if you can let me in on your favorite lavender oil rollerball blend and its uses. I’d love to feature it in an upcoming post and share it with all of our community!

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