Sacred Geometry Symbol Meanings

Divine spiritual connection, that’s what you strive for, right? Complete and inner peace. The contentment of your place both in and out of, this world. The sensation that you are divinely cared for. If you’re like me, you’re always looking for meaningful ways to energize your spiritual connection. Think of sacred geometry as your doorway to the light of the universe. Gazing at sacred geometry during meditation, wearing it, and drawing it can all be used to make you feel more in tune.But, I’ve got more than enlightened know-how for you today! Read on to learn more about sacred geometry and receive your free printable coloring page to get you in the zone.

Divine spiritual connection, that’s what you strive for, right? Understanding the meanings of different sacred geometry symbols can help strengthen your connection. The contentment of your place, both in and out of this world. If you’re like me, you’re always looking for meaningful ways to energize your spiritual connection and the sensation that you’re divinely cared for. Think of sacred geometry as your doorway to the light of the universe. Gazing at sacred geometry during meditation, wearing it, and drawing it can all be used to make you feel more in tune.But, I’ve got more than enlightened know-how for you today!

Read on to learn more about sacred geometry and get a printable seed of life coloring page here.

What is Sacred Geometry?

This yearning for closeness is nothing new. Some believe that a form of communication can be found from reconstructing geometric patterns found in the natural world. These patterns present themselves in the nautilus shell, the human eye, and molecules of our DNA, snowflakes, even the air we breathe. When these patterns are replicated it is called Sacred Geometry.Sacred Geometry has been used in the making of the pyramids of Egypt and Mexico, Stonehenge and the Mayan temples (to name a few). Sacred Geometry is thought to be the blueprint of creation and the language of the gods. So, it’s no wonder that these symbols have become admired and replicated all throughout human history.Without having to go so far as visiting the pyramids, you can apply sacred geometry in your everyday life! Here are a few patterns to get you started.

The Flower of Life

  • Holds within it the basic information of all living things. It is the visual expression of the interconnectedness of all life forms.

  • See this symbol in your mind’s eye during meditation, or while chanting, as a reminder of your connections with all other humans and this world.

The Seed of Life

Card features from the discontinued Ritual Deck

  • This universal symbol for creation is thought to represent the seed from which all life was made. This seed holds the intelligent blueprint for all life.

  • Color this pattern to depict the colors of your seven chakras! The way the colors overlap is referred to as the soul spectrum. Use your soul spectrum pattern as a crystal grid or to charge your crystals prior to chakra work! Let your colorful soul shine!

Click here to get your printable Seed of Life coloring page.

Sri Yantra

  • Traced back through Hinduism, this pattern is said to be the visual expression of OM.

  • Meditate on this symbol to inspire enlightenment. Attune yourself to the universal consciousness or wear a Sri Yantra charm for wealth, strengthened relationships, peace, and alignment with the universe.

I can’t wait to see your soul spectrum pictures, be sure to tag @cassieuhl so I can check them out! 

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Crystals, Free download, Sacred geometry, Wellness Cassie Uhl Crystals, Free download, Sacred geometry, Wellness Cassie Uhl

Reaching Your Goals With Crystal Grids

I’m sure you’ve been working hard to stay focused on all those New Year goals you set intentions for in January. If you’re like me, you may need a little momentum after the buzz of the new year subsides. I’ve got some good news, not only are crystal grids beautiful but they’re also a great tool to help reach your goals.

I’m sure you’ve been working hard to stay focused on all those New Year goals you set intentions for in January. If you’re like me, you may need a little momentum after the buzz of the new year subsides. I’ve got some good news, not only are crystal grids beautiful but they’re also a great tool to help reach your goals.

Why crystals?

If you’re like me, you have a special place in your heart for these natural beauties. What makes crystals even more enchanting is that they often have a little piece of you in each one of them. Maybe you found a crystal on a memorable hike. Maybe you were just browsing your favorite online crystal shop when you spotted one that seemed to be calling your name (that definitely happened to me several times this week).

What do we love about using crystals?

Crystals are thought to be gifts from the Universe - even physical manifestations of your spiritual work. They come from the Earth. So, they are rooting. They connect our energy back to the Earth and the Earth back to us. Because of this energy, crystals can elevate our vibes: our intentions. Using multiple crystals has the potential to magnify the shared energy toward the desired intention.

Where do I start?

Follow your heart. Making a crystal grid can be as simple as setting up a crystal in each corner of a room in your home or placing a crystal on the corners of your yoga mat.Of course, there are varying degrees of crystal grid application. You might choose to place your crystals on an image that represents whatever goal you have your intentions set on. However, you could go another route and use a crystal grid that uses a sacred geometric pattern, acting like a map for the crystals you have selected. Here is a Metraton's Cube crystal grid you can print out and use as a template for laying out your crystals.

Whatever method you decide to go with - whether you grid strictly on intuition or you like to follow a predefined grid - remember to:

  • Meditate on and set your intention

  • Pick the crystals that you feel align best with your goal

  • Place each crystal in its place with purpose

  • Use a central crystal to harmonize the other crystals and your intention

If you feel like you are missing some basics, or even want to add something special to your collection, check out one of my favorite Etsy shops: The Lunar Fae. And be sure to check back here in the following weeks to learn more about charging and cleaning your crystals!

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