Winter Solstice & Yule Spell Jar for Rebirth
The winter solstice, also called Yule in Germanic traditions, is the longest night and shortest day of the year. It is the time we have the most darkness, and after the winter solstice, the sun returns — growing each day.Because of this darkness and the return of the light, the solstice is deeply associated with rebirth. A kind of new year for witches, if you will. In this blog post, I’ll share how to make a DIY spell jar for rebirth in honor of the winter solstice. This would be a great practice to do on the winter solstice or in the days after it! So what are spell bottles or jars? Spell jars are a form of folk magic that can be used for many different purposes. I share more about spellwork below - keep scrolling to read it!
The winter solstice, also called Yule in Germanic traditions, is the longest night and shortest day of the year. It is the time we have the most darkness, and after the winter solstice, the sun returns — growing each day.
Because of this darkness and the return of the light, the solstice is deeply associated with rebirth. A kind of new year for witches, if you will. In this blog post, I’ll share how to make a DIY spell jar for rebirth in honor of the winter solstice. This would be a great practice to do on the winter solstice or in the days after it!
So what are spell bottles or jars? Spell jars are a form of folk magic that can be used for many different purposes. I share more about spellwork below - keep scrolling to read it!
To me, spells are about directing energy in a specific direction. They’re about using magick, which Dion Fortune defines as “the art of changing consciousness at will,” for healing, manifestation, and connection.
I believe that they can be simple, and all you really need is yourself and your energy. Other items, like the ones we’ll use in this spell, are supportive in infusing some extra magick and energy into the work — but you don’t need them to do spells.
For this spell, you’ll need:
As with all spells, use what you have. Feel free to substitute items, and don't worry if you're missing something from this list. Your intention is the most important part of any spell!
A glass bottle/jar of any size
Salt of any kind for protection
A piece of paper and pen to write your intention
3-5 drops of oil that supports rebirth like eucalyptus or peppermint
Stones that represent rebirth to you like moonstone, green aventurine, and howlite for peace as you transform. Other stone options could include malachite, citrine, moss agate, or quartz.
Dried or fresh herbs that support rebirth like spruce, pine, or nettle.
Dried or fresh rosemary for clarity and protection.
Cinnamon stick for luck
Dagaz rune, which represents dawn. This can be placed inside your jar or drawn/painted on the outside of your jar.
White candle
Any other representations of rebirth for you
Let yourself be intuitive with your spell ingredients, and feel free to use what you have around you!
Like any spell, you’ll want to center and ground yourself before working the spell. You might spend a few minutes meditating, letting your eyes drift around your space, or doing breathwork or anything else that feels grounding to you. Find ideas for grounding here.
When you feel ready, cleanse each of your items. You can use smoke, sound, salt, or another cleansing technique you align with.
Write your intention for the spell on the paper to add into your bottle.
If you’d like, you can paint your bottle with symbols that represent rebirth to you.
After your bottle is ready, take your time to place each item inside your bottle intentionally. Raise energy as you do this, either with deep breaths or chanting. I recommend coming up with your own chant that focuses energy on connecting to your intuition and developing your intuitive abilities.
When you’re done filling your bottle, seal it, hold the vessel in your hands, and keep chanting or breathing as long as you’d like.
Light your white candle and place it on top of or next to your spell bottle. Be mindful of your candle surroundings and never leave your candle burning unattended. Tip: Melt the bottom of your candle with a flame to make it stick to the top of your jar.
Spend time meditating on your intention as your candle burns. Connect with the feeling of rebirth. Visualize rebirth moving through your cells, making you whole. What would it feel like, look like, even sound like, to be reborn?
Ground the energy after your meditation by placing your palms on the ground and returning any excess energy to the Earth.
I recommend placing the bottle on your altar, keeping it at the forefront of your consciousness while it works its rebirth magic. Keep your Yule spell bottle out for one lunar cycle, until Imbolc, or when you feel ready to take it down.Want more ways to connect with the season of Yule? Check out these articles from our blog:
Spellwork and Witchcraft Ethics
When we understand how powerful witchcraft and spellwork can be, we know that there is as much potentiality for causing harm as there is for healing.I don’t believe that ethics in this area (or any, really) are black and white or something that can be written in a post and passed right along to you. I think ethics are both nuanced and personal. So in this blog, I’ll be sharing a bit of my own thoughts about spellwork and witchcraft ethics, and offering some different areas of reflection for your own spellwork and witchcraft ethics.
When we understand how powerful witchcraft and spellwork can be, we know that there is as much potentiality for causing harm as there is for healing.
I don’t believe that ethics in this area (or any, really) are black and white or something that can be written in a post and passed right along to you. I think ethics are both nuanced and personal.
So in this blog, I’ll be sharing a bit of my own thoughts about spellwork and witchcraft ethics, and offering some different areas of reflection for your own spellwork and witchcraft ethics.
Ijeoma Oluo, author of So You Want to Talk About Race, wrote for Medium, “Cultural appropriation is the misuse of a group’s art and culture by someone with the power to redefine that art and, in the process, divorce it from the people who originally created it.”
Cultural appropriation is rampant in the spirituality, new age, and witchcraft communities. Sacred indigenous plants are bought and sold by white folks, indigenous knowledge is whitewashed, repackaged and sold, and practices are stolen from cultures of color.
The impacts of cultural appropriation are not just personal, they widely function to continue to funnel power towards white folks and away from Black folks, Indigenous folks, and other people of color.
I also personally feel that working with tools and practices from our own ancestry are always going to be more powerful than working with tools and practices that are not from our own ancestry!
Some reflection questions for your own practice around cultural appropriation:
What tools are you using in your magical practice, and where do they come from? If they are from cultures other than your own, how are you giving back, uplifting and supporting those cultures and peoples?
Are they sourced in ways that feel good to you and aligned with your values (for example: are your crystals mined by children? Are trees being chopped down for your Palo Santo?)?
What are the lineages of the practices you use? If you don’t know, do some research.
How were your ancestors practicing witchcraft and magic? What are their traditions? What tools were they using? What were there beliefs? (These are big questions and incredibly important ones, especially for white folks to be asking. It can be hard to find information when much of European folk magic traditions were stolen by Christianity when the religion swept over the continent, but it’s out there. To start ancestral research, I recommend checking out Sanyu Estelle’s Ancestral Altars: Europa Edition recorded class as well as Megan McGuire’s work. Cassie also loves Elen Sentier’s work on British Shamanism.)
Just as we can do spellwork to attract love and abundance, we can also practice curses, hexes, and other kinds of spellwork to manipulate and cause harm to others.
It would be easy for me to tell you here: never use curses or hexes, never practice magic that causes harm. There are Wiccan creeds around this that you may be familiar with, the Threefold Law and the Wiccan Rede.
The Threefold Law states that whatever energy you put out will come back to you times three. The Wiccan Rede states “An it harm none, do what ye will.” There are different ways to interpret the Wiccan Rede, but most agree that it means as long as your workings harm no one, do what you feel called to.
I tend to agree with these ideas personally, but it’s not so black and white. Some Black magical traditions like Hoodoo have no such rules and use cursing and crossing in alignment with their own ethics. I think it’s important to stay in my own lane when it comes to passing blanket statements about what it is and isn’t okay to do with magic, when there are deeply rooted traditions that incorporate some of these practices.
We can expand this out and ask, too — is it truly unethical to curse or hex a person who does evil in the world at a large scale?
I don’t have answers for you, but I invite you to reflect on these questions. What settles in your body and heart when it comes to causing harm with magick?
This brings me to justice. Witchcraft is intrinsically linked to justice and is inherently political, no question about it.
I invite you to ask yourself: how are my spells and magical workings contributing to justice in the world? Or are they functioning to amplify privilege and get only myself ahead?
One of my favorite practices around this was shared by Amanda Yates Garcia, the Oracle of LA. She invites us to send out any spell we do for ourselves for the collective, too. For example, a spell to attract money would also include something like, “as it is for me, as it is for all,” to ask the spell to attract money for all of us. A spell for a new home for yourself might include housing justice for all. A spell for a lover for yourself might include safe and healthy relationships for all. And so on!
One of the key principles in energy work is always getting consent. Energy work has real impacts, and people deserve the opportunity to be able to opt-in to receive it.
For me, this is true regardless of our best intentions - even if we want to send healing to someone we don’t know (who can’t consent) because we think it would really help them.
What is true for you? Ask yourself: what are my consent boundaries with others when it comes to energy?
As you can see, ethics is a murky field but an important one to consider for any witch! My advice is: Work from your own value system. If you’re not clear on what your values are, start there. Let your witchcraft practice reflect your ethos, and know that we all have different values & ideas of what is right or wrong.
At the end of the day, we all have to be able to sleep at night from a place of knowing the truth, not from ignorance of the impacts of our actions. What do you need to change or lean into in your practice to make that so?
Enhance Your Intuition DIY Spell Bottle
Spell bottles are a form of folk magic that can be used for many different purposes. In this post, I’ll be sharing how to make a spell bottle to deepen your connection to intuition. Keep scrolling for directions and a video.
Spell bottles are a form of folk magic that can be used for many different purposes. In this post, I’ll be sharing how to make a spell bottle to deepen your connection to intuition. Keep scrolling for directions and a video.
Not sure if spellwork is for you? To me, spells are about directing energy in a specific direction. They’re about using magick, which Dion Fortune defines as “the art of changing consciousness at will,” for healing, manifestation, and connection. They can be simple, and all you really need is yourself and your energy - other items, like the ones we'll use in this spell, simply infuse some extra magick into the work.
Keep scrolling to learn how to create an intuition spell bottle!
For this spell, you’ll need:
A glass bottle / jar of any size
Paint and brush (optional)
A piece of paper and pen
Clary sage oil
Crystals for intuition (suggestions: amethyst, labradorite, lemurian quartz, moonstone)
Herbs for intuition (suggestions: mugwort or yarrow)
Any other representations of intuition for you
Like any spell, you’ll want to center and ground yourself before working the spell. You might spend a few minutes meditating or doing breathwork, or anything else that feels grounding to you.
When you feel ready, cleanse each of your items. You can use smoke, sound, salt, or another cleansing technique you align with. If you’d like, you can paint your bottle with symbols that represent intuition to you. You’ll also want to write your intention for the spell on the paper, to add into your bottle.
After your bottle is ready, take your time to intentionally place each item inside your bottle. Raise energy as you do this, either with deep breaths or chanting. I recommend coming up with your own chant that focuses energy on connecting to your intuition and developing your intuitive abilities.
When you’re done filling your bottle, keep chanting or breathing as long as you’d like. Seal your bottle and spend time meditating on your intention. Connect with how it would feel to have clear access to your intuition, to receive and understand intuitive messages, and to have deeper intuitive abilities. Visualize yourself already having these desires, and feel this energy move through your body.
Ground the energy after your meditation by placing your palms on the ground and returning any excess energy to the Earth.
I recommend placing the bottle on your altar, keeping it at the forefront of your consciousness while it works its magic.
Want more spells? Check out these articles from Cassie Uhl Blog:
3 Simple Protection Rituals
Those of us who are energetically sensitive, connected to the spirit realm, or in a process of opening up our psychic abilities may find ourselves feeling drained or sometimes connecting with negative, unwelcome energy. That’s where protection rituals come in, to help protect us from unwanted energies and spirits.This time of the year when the veil between the physical world and the spirit world is the thinnest is ideal for all of us to do protection rituals!I’ve got you covered in this blog. Keep scrolling to find three rituals for protection.
Those of us who are energetically sensitive, connected to the spirit realm, or in a process of opening up our psychic abilities may find ourselves feeling drained or sometimes connecting with negative, unwelcome energy. That’s where protection rituals come in, to help protect us from unwanted energies and spirits.
This time of the year when the veil between the physical world and the spirit world is the thinnest is ideal for all of us to do protection rituals!
I’ve got you covered in this blog. Keep scrolling to find three rituals for protection.
This protection ritual is intended to help you call on the protection and guidance of your spiritual support team: your well ancestors, spirit guides, angels, and any other energies who have your highest and best interests at heart. You’ll need:
A black candle
Bergamot oil or a simple oil like grapeseed
Before you begin, prep your candle. Cover your candle in oil and roll it in a mixture of salt and rosemary. Then, start your ritual by grounding yourself and casting your circle. Sit in meditation, focusing on your breath, or do a little breathwork to bring yourself into a clear, open, receptive state.
When you feel ready, light your candle. Speak aloud and ask these spirits and energies, one at a time, to join your circle:
Well ancestors from your mother’s lineages
Well ancestors from your father’s lineages
Spirit guides
Any other helpful beings who have your highest and best at heart
When you feel them arrive, thank them. Ask them to protect you, ask them if they have any messages you need to receive right now and ask them if they have a symbol of protection to offer you. Take as long as you’d like here, breathing and listening.
Ask these helpful beings what you can offer them as thanks for their protection. Maybe it’s a sweet treat, some wine, a prayer, or a song. If it’s a physical offering and you have what you need, gather the offering and place it on your altar. If not, return to your altar tomorrow with the offering. If it’s something like a prayer or a song, offer it to them.
Thank your ancestors and guides for their help and let them go as you let your candle burn all the way down. Begin working with the protection symbol offered by these helpful beings in whatever ways feel right to you. Maybe you paint it and hang it in your space, write it in your journal, carve it into candles, customize it as a necklace, or invoke it in future rituals.
If you’ve been reading the blog for a while, you know I love charm or spell bags! Here’s what you’ll need:
A small bag (If you want to use a colored bag, opt for black)
Yarrow or rosemary
Smoky quartz, black tourmaline, or malachite
Kundalini protection mantra Aad Guray Nameh
Symbols: Hamsa Hand, Eye of Horus, a pentacle, crossed spears, and/or any other personal symbol of protection
Gather your items and ground yourself. Place each item in your bag one by one, visualizing protective energy pouring into your bag and swirling around you, creating a flexible bubble of protection that only allows in the most loving, helpful energies.
Once each item is in the bag, I recommend placing your hands on the bag and chanting the mantra Aad Guray Nameh until you feel complete. You know your bag is ready when you feel an energy shift. Carry the bag with you as you move through your day or place it by your bed for protection as you sleep.
Salt has long been known to have powerful protective energy. For this simple salt bath ritual, you’ll need:
Pure salt
A black pillar candle
Optional: yarrow or another favorite protection herb
Start running your bathwater. As the tub fills, sit in meditation to ground yourself and create an internal ritual space. A few deep belly breaths in through the nose and out through the mouth is a beautiful way to ground and come into your body.
When you feel grounded, add the salt and herbs if you’re using them to your bath. Sprinkle a little salt and any other herbs you’re using into the top of the black candle and light it near your bath.
Spend time meditating in your bath, invoking the four elements and any other protective energies you connect with to surround you, support you, and help you. Stay present and really feel how it feels to be surrounded by loving energy. Ask the elements to create a protective field around you as you emerge from the bath, keeping any harmful energies and spirits away.
To complete the ritual, light your pillar candle every day for the next 3 days until it burns all the way down.
Three Dark Moon Rituals
The dark moon is one of my personal favorite times of the cycle. It’s the last few days of the waning time of the cycle, when the moon continues to shrink and eventually disappears from the sky.Different traditions honor the dark moon at different times. Personally, I honor the dark moon when you can’t see the moon at all in the sky--which is technically the new moon. Others honor the dark moon the last few days before the new moon. I recommend using your intuition and noticing how you feel during these days to understand when to honor the dark moon versus new moon.
The dark moon is one of my personal favorite times of the cycle. It’s the last few days of the waning time of the cycle, when the moon continues to shrink and eventually disappears from the sky.
Different traditions honor the dark moon at different times. Personally, I honor the dark moon when you can’t see the moon at all in the sky--which is technically the new moon. Others honor the dark moon the last few days before the new moon. I recommend using your intuition and noticing how you feel during these days to understand when to honor the dark moon versus new moon.
So what is the dark moon all about?
The dark moon is our time for radical rest, for deep clearing and releasing, and turning within. This is the time to cancel plans, to do shadow work, to go to sleep early and wake up late, and to pull tarot or oracle cards to tune in to your inner voice.
Keep scrolling for a few rituals to consider working with at this time.
One of my favorite spells to work during the dark moon is this simple water spell. Water is a helpful element for cleansing and purification, and this spell works especially well when the dark moon is in a water sign--Pisces, Cancer, or Scorpio. You’ll need:
A large glass of water
A piece of paper and pen
To start, choose what you’re focusing on releasing. Maybe there are blocks to self-expression, fear of being rejected, shame around your path, or blocks to abundance. Once you’ve decided what you’re ready to release (you’re welcome to spend some time journaling on this to get clear), start making a list of all the limiting beliefs and stories that you hold associated with this block.For example, let’s say you’re working with clearing blocks to abundance. Your list might hold beliefs like:
I can’t make money doing what I love
People with money are jerks
It’s wrong to have money when other people have so little, etc.
Keep letting the beliefs flow! I tend to fill up a whole page when I do this spell.
Once you have your list, it’s time to work the spell. Ground yourself, cast your circle, and pick up your list. You’re going to say the first belief out loud, starting with “I clear the belief that ________ from my body” and then taking a big sip of water. Pause and notice, feeling and visualizing the water moving through your body, cleansing this belief from your system on every level.
Repeat this for each belief on your list, taking your time and really feeling the beliefs move out of your body.
Card featured from The Ritual Deck
When you’re done, use the energy of your palms to charge your last sip of water with what you do want - abundance, healthy self-expression, creativity, etc. - and feel your whole body being charged with this intention by the power of the element of water.
Give thanks to water and the Universe for their help, ground yourself again and open your circle.
For this spell, you’ll need:
Black taper candle
Carving tool like a sharp point crystal, toothpick, or athame
Black tourmaline, smoky quartz, or petrified wood
A simple oil like grapeseed or bergamot essential oil
Start by cleansing all of your items for the spell. This can be done by wafting rosemary smoke over them or visualizing light cleansing them.
For this spell, you’ll be carving what you’re releasing into your candle as well as the glyph for Pluto, the planet that helps things die and be transformed. For your words, keep them simple and powerful by carving the basics of what you’re releasing like “fear” or “self-doubt.”
Anoint your candle with your oil and roll it in your dried rosemary. As you carve and anoint your candle, visualize your all of whatever you’re releasing - your fear or your self-doubt as in the example above - pouring into the candle.
Place your crystal(s) and candle on your altar, light your candle, and start meditating on the flame. Continue to visualize all that you’re releasing pouring into the candle, and watch as it burns and turns to smoke. Stay with this meditation until you feel a shift in your energy - until you really feel a release.
Let the candle burn out if you can or snuff out the candle and continue the same spell each night until the candle has burned completely.
The dark moon is a deep invitation into shadow work.
What is shadow work?
Simply put, it’s an intentional exploration of our shadow side - the parts of ourselves that we reject, that we’re ashamed of, that we stuff down and hide. Click here to learn more about shadow work if you’re new to it!
For this ritual, you’ll want to create a ritual space - whatever that means to you. For me, it usually means cleansing my space with smoke beforehand, lighting incense, and lighting candles. Maybe you also like to take an essential oil bath beforehand, or sprinkle herbs in a circle around you.
All you’ll need for this ritual is:
A journal and pen
Spend a few moments grounding yourself, then shuffle your cards and pull a card for each of these questions:
What part of my shadow is rising to the surface to be worked with?
How has rejecting this part of myself manifested in my life?
How can I show this part of myself more love and integrate it into my whole self?
Give yourself the gift of sitting with your cards after you pull them. Spend time meditating on your cards, journaling about them, or even painting with them to process and understand what their messages are for you.
Four Abundance Rituals
Do you want to call in more abundance? You’re in the right place! Abundance can come in so many forms and means many different things to different people. Abundance could be time, money, freedom, or anything else that makes you personally feel abundant!In this blog post, I’ll be sharing four rituals to help you connect with the abundance that’s always available to you. Keep scrolling to read them!
Do you want to call in more abundance? You’re in the right place! Abundance can come in so many forms and means many different things to different people. Abundance could be time, money, freedom, or anything else that makes you personally feel abundant!
In this blog post, I’ll be sharing four rituals to help you connect with the abundance that’s always available to you. Keep scrolling to read them!
Crystal grids are a beautiful tool for manifesting more abundance in your life! The ideal time to set up your abundance grid is at the new moon, and you can leave it up until the full moon.
Start by gathering your stones and cleansing them. Your abundance besties in the crystal kingdom are aventurine, citrine, quartz, moss agate, tiger eye, and kyanite! Try one of each stone, although if you have more than one, that’s great, too.
You’ll place your citrine stone in the center and arrange your other stones radiating out around the citrine in a way that feels good to use. Use the crystal grid in the Goddess Discovery Book or place your stones on a cloth or table.
As you place each stone, keep an image in your mind’s eye of what you’re trying to attract. Ask yourself how you’ll feel when you receive the abundance you’re requesting.
After all your stones are in place, trace your crystals with a pointed quartz. Imagine the quartz connecting your crystals and unifying their energy. Try to connect with your grid daily until the full moon!
Spell bags, known in Voodoo as “gris-gris,” or to Native Americans as “medicine bags,” are one of my favorite ways to make magick. The waxing moon is the best time to do any abundance spell work, so try to do each of these rituals then if you can!Here’s what you’ll need to make a spell bag for abundance:
Basil or a sprinkle of cinnamon
10 of Pentacles tarot card (or a copy of this tarot card if you don’t want to put the actual card in the bag!)
A knob of ginger
Honey calcite, pyrite, citrine, or green aventurine
Anything else that represents abundance to you. For example, if you work for yourself you might include a printout of an email where a client booked a session with you.
Spend some time with your spell bag to infuse your energy into it. Hold it in your hands as you meditate on abundance, and breathe into it before you pull it closed!
You can work with the magic of fire to help you call more abundance into your life! If you’ve never done candle magick before, read this blog to learn how to get started.For this spell, you’ll need:
Green candle
Carving tool like a sharp point crystal, toothpick, or athame.
Tiger eye, citrine, and green aventurine
Patchouli or frankincense oil
Coins or money
Start by cleansing all of your items for the spell. This can be done by wafting herbal smoke over them or visualizing white light cleansing them.
For this spell, you’ll be carving the Fehu Rune into your candle. Fehu is a powerful symbol of abundance. If you’d prefer to carve a specific dollar amount or item you’re hoping to attain you could carve this into the candle too.
Anoint your candle with the oil of your choice. As you carve and anoint your candle, visualize your abundance goal.
Arrange your crystals, money, and candle in a place where you can leave it up for a few nights. Light your candle and meditate on the flame. Visualize your abundance goal clearly, imagine yourself reaching your goal and what it would feel like to attain it.
You can continue this until the entire candle burns or snuff out the candle and continue the same ritual each night until the candle has burned completely.
Bonus! You can get this spell as a free printable spell card (along with spells for love, letting go, and connecting with your intuition) here.
Turn to tarot or oracle to understand your blocks to abundance and what you can do to connect to more abundance. You can create a ritual space by grounding yourself first, lighting candles, burning herbs or incense, or doing anything else that feels right to you.
Cards from the Journey Tarot Kit
When you feel grounded and centered, shuffle your cards while holding the intention to connect with the wisdom of your highest self. Draw cards for each of the following questions:
What belief system or patterns blocks me from the abundance I desire?
How to release this belief system or pattern
How to open myself up to greater abundance
My mantra for calling in abundance
Spend some time journaling with your cards and meditating on your mantra card. If you’d like, you can place your mantra card on your altar!