The Divine Feminine & Cauldrons // 5 Uses & Meanings
What do you think of when you imagine a cauldron? Witches, Halloween, and deathly potions perhaps? Along with witches, cauldrons have been given a bad rap, but their mystical meanings and uses go way back and might have a more spiritual meaning than you originally thought!If you’re always on the hunt for meaningful additions to your altar, search no more, the cauldron is a staple and I’m going to share 5 reasons why. First I want to share some history behind its use so you have a complete understanding of what it represents.
What do you think of when you imagine a cauldron? Witches, Halloween, and deathly potions perhaps? Along with witches, cauldrons have been given a bad rap, but their mystical meanings and uses go way back and might have a more spiritual meaning than you originally thought!
If you’re always on the hunt for meaningful additions to your altar, search no more, the cauldron is a staple and I’m going to share 5 reasons why. First I want to share some history behind its use so you have a complete understanding of what it represents.
History of Cauldrons
Cauldrons of varying types can be traced back to a variety of cultures. In fact, one found in Denmark has been traced back to between 200 BC and 300 AD. So basically, they’ve been around for a long ass time.
No surprise, cauldrons started out as a cooking tool. Warm soups and stews were concocted in them to give nourishment to families. They were the heart of the home and life-giving in cold seasons. As cauldrons became more commonplace and important to families, mothers and grandmothers started using them for healing herbal blends and eventually potions.
Cauldrons & The Divine Feminine
After being used for centuries as a cooking and healing tool, cauldrons started to take on more sacred and magical meanings. The cauldron began to represent the Goddess, the Sacred Divine, and a vessel for transformation, healing, and abundance.
The timing of when cauldrons started to be viewed as magical tools is unknown but the reasons why are obvious. The cauldron symbolizes life and abundance through nourishment, transformation by turning herbs into healing concoctions, and the shape of the cauldron itself mimics that of an expectant mother. These reasons combined make the cauldron one of the most sacred tools you can add to your arsenal.
What Kind of Cauldron Should You Get?
Before you jump into the meanings and uses of a cauldron, let’s cover what kinds of cauldrons are best to purchase because there’s no shortage of options.
Hands down, the best cauldron to purchase (if you plan on using it for anything other than sitting on a shelf) is a cast-iron cauldron. Pass by anything that says it’s made out of anything other than cast iron or is plated because it won’t last. You can also purchase earth and wear pottery cauldrons that will work well too. If you go with a ceramic cauldron, ensure that it’s food safe before using it for anything you’ll be ingesting.
5 Cauldron Uses & Meanings
At a loss for what to use your life-giving, transformative, and holy cauldron for? Here are 5 ways to put your cauldron to work:
Looking for a way to represent the four elements on your altar? The cauldron has you covered. Placing a cauldron on your altar is an easy way to represent all four elements with one item.
Represent the Four Elements on Your Altar
Earth: The iron the cauldron is made out of represents earth
Water: The water used while cooking in a cauldron represents the water
Fire: A cauldron would traditionally be heated from a fire underneath it which represents fire
Air: The air around and blow on the soup or potion inside represents the air
The elements are purely symbolic for this use, no need to always have a fire burning underneath your cauldron! You can read more about the four elements here.
Incense, Herbs & Burning Rituals
There are several rituals that call for fire and burning. Whether it’s incense, candles, or burning a piece of paper, a cauldron will not only serve as a sacred tool but will also give you a safe tool for ritual fires. Here are a few ways to use your cauldron for any fire-related rituals.
A safe and meaningful receptacle to burn incense, herbs, or a candle for rituals.
Write a letter to your ancestors or lost loved ones and burn it in the altar for them to receive it.
During the waning moon, write down a habit you’re trying to break or something you’re trying to release on a small piece of paper, then burn it in your cauldron.
Create a small fire in your cauldron to represent light or a God or Goddess of light for a ritual.
Transform with the Triple Goddess Cerridwen
Cerridwen is the Welsh Goddess that represents the triple Goddess or the mother, maiden, and crone. She reminds us that life is all about transitions and transformations. Cerridwen is often shown with a cauldron because she brews a magical potion that grants knowledge and inspiration using a cauldron.
Anytime you’re going through a difficult transition place a cauldron on your altar or in your sacred space as a reminder of Cerridwen. As you navigate through your transition take a few minutes daily in front of your cauldron to imagine Cerridwen taking your fears about your transition, putting them in her cauldron, and taking them out transformed into what you need most.
This excerpt from writer Judith Shaw outlines perfectly the magic Cerridwen wants to bring into your life: "When Cerridwen calls your name, know that the need for change is upon you; transformation is at hand. It is time to examine what circumstances in your life no longer serve you. Something must die so that something new and better can be born. Forging these fires of transformation will bring true inspiration into your life."
Cauldrons can also be used for a variety of divination purposes. The most common being scrying. To use your cauldron for scrying fill your cauldron with water, wait for the surface to become very still, and begin looking for symbolism. To learn more about scrying you can read this post all about scrying, it’s based on using a crystal ball but the techniques are the same as those used for water scrying.
Abundance Ritual
Because cauldrons have been used as life-giving and nourishing tools, they represent abundance and can be incorporated into any abundance rituals you do. The cauldron can represent abundance of all kinds: money, happiness, friends, etc.
If you’re trying to bring more abundance into your life, place your cauldron somewhere you’ll see it regularly. Let its presence serve as a reminder of your goal to bring more abundance into your life. You can incorporate stones, candle colors, or herbs by placing them in or around your cauldron to strengthen your desire for abundance.
Cauldrons are sacred tools that are often overlooked, but I hope the next time you see a kitschy cauldron decoration for Halloween you’ll smile because you have a greater appreciation for it.
Tea Leaf Reading // How to Do Your Own in 7 Steps
Looking for the perfect divination tool to get a glimpse of your future and entertain guests with for Samhain and Halloween? Tea leaf reading, or tasseography is the art of using tea leaves for divination purposes. Many cultures believe that around the end of October the veil between the physical world and the spirit world is thinned, so it’s the best time to perform divination of all kinds.
Looking for the perfect divination tool to get a glimpse of your future and entertain guests with for Samhain and Halloween? Tea leaf reading, or tasseography is the art of using tea leaves for divination purposes. Many cultures believe that around the end of October the veil between the physical world and the spirit world is thinned, so it’s the best time to perform divination of all kinds.
What is Tea Leaf Reading?
Doing a tea leaf reading involves you indulging in a delicious cup of tea and putting your sharp intuitive skills to work. After you enjoy your warm cup of loose leaf tea, you’ll leave the loose tea leaves at the bottom, where some of these leaves will form symbols, each having its own meaning. That’s where your keen intuitive abilities come in! Anyone can see a triangle at the bottom of a teacup, but your job is to intuit what it means for you or the person you’re reading for.
Where Did Tea Leaf Reading Come From?
You might be wondering where this unusual form of divination came from, so here’s a short history about tasseography. Shortly after tea was introduced to Europe, tea leaf reading, as it’s now recognized, was born. Similar divination tools had been used with an assortment of other materials, but tea leaves seemed to be the favorite! The art of tea leaf reading spread through Europe, especially in Gypsy cultures, and is now practiced throughout the world.
What You Need for a Tea Leaf Reading
Tea cup with a wide brim that’s light enough to easily see your tea leaves. There are a variety of specialty tea leaf reading cups available, they are beautiful but unnecessary. I created mine at a local pottery painting studio. Keep it simple, buy your own, or get crafty with it, any option will work!
Loose-leaf green or black tea, preferably organic.
Pen and paper
Enough time to savor a cup of tea and get lost in the maze of tea leaf symbols!
How to Perform a Tea Leaf Reading
1. Brew Your Tea
Gather all of your materials. Boil your water. Place about a teaspoon of loose tea in your cup. Pour your water in and steep tea to your preference.For the next 3 steps, if you’re doing a reading for someone else, have them do the following steps.
2. Sip & Swirl
Before you take your first sip, gently swirl the tea counterclockwise three times. Sip and enjoy your tea, but don’t drink it all! When there’s about 1 tablespoon of tea left in your cup, swirl it again 3 times counterclockwise and think about or speak your query aloud.
3. Create Your Tea Reading Canvas
Turn your cup upside down onto your saucer to remove the remaining water, allow it a minute or so to drain, then turn it back upright, and you’re ready for reading!
4. Look for Symbols
Look over your loose leaf tea pieces and see if any symbols or shapes jump out to you immediately. Don’t fret if you don’t see anything immediately, similar to scrying with a crystal ball, it can take some time for imagery to form for you. Try looking at the inside of the cup from different directions to see shapes. Keep in mind the images formed are formed from tea leaves, so you will really need to use your imagination!
5. Record & Decipher Your Findings
If you do start to see some shapes, begin writing them down on your piece of paper so you can decipher them later, note wherein the cup they are too. Now you’re ready to decipher your findings! Here’s a guide for the most common symbols found during tea leaf readings:
6. Understand the Timeline
Where your tea leaves are situated in your cup relate to when they will happen. This is why some of the tea leaf reading cups you find have circles inside of them. Timing is broken into thirds as follows:
Bottom third: farthest away from happening, think 3-5 years out.
Middle third: will happen in about a year from now.
Top third: will be happening in the near future, think within the next few weeks.
7. Form Your Reading
Like most divination tools, a honed intuition is key for success, so be sure to lean on any gut instincts as you form the story for your reading. Once you understand the meaning behind the symbols it’s time to put all of the information into a story that makes sense for you or the person you’re doing a reading for.
This divination tool is so much fun to do with friends and family! Setting in on a fall evening with some loved ones and sip, laugh, enjoy, and maybe get a little glimpse at what’s to come.
Living Your Truth // 7 Ways to Connect with Your Spirit Guides
Ever wish you had a team of all-knowing and enlightened beings to help you make hard decisions and put you at ease about being on the right path? This connection is available to you right now, and I’m going to help you tap into this wealth of wisdom.Spirit guides are referenced in cultures and spiritual practices around the world. In my practice, rooted in British shamanism, my guides are an integral part of my practice. I encourage anyone interested in learning more about their guides to explore their cultural heritage (if that information is available, otherwise trust your intuition) in addition to this post. The tips I offer here are a great starting point, but doing further research in a practice that aligns with your roots will open communication channels for you and your guides even more.
Ever wish you had a team of all-knowing and enlightened beings to help you make hard decisions and put you at ease about being on the right path? This connection is available to you right now, and I’m going to help you tap into this wealth of wisdom.
Spirit guides are referenced in cultures and spiritual practices around the world. In my practice, rooted in British shamanism, my guides are an integral part of my practice. I encourage anyone interested in learning more about their guides to explore their cultural heritage (if that information is available, otherwise trust your intuition) in addition to this post. The tips I offer here are a great starting point, but doing further research in a practice that aligns with your roots will open communication channels for you and your guides even more.
Why Your Guides Want to Help You Live Your Truth?
The singular purpose of your spirit guides is to help you live to your fullest potential while you’re visiting the “Earth school.”
Some of your guides have been with you from birth and will be with you until you transition off this plane. They’re always here for you, ready to help, and they want nothing more than for you to succeed at living your truth.
Just because you’re not aware of them doesn’t mean they’re not there, and I’m going to share some tips and tools for you to get in contact with them, but first, let’s cover what a spirit guide is.
What are Spirit Guides?
Spirit guides are spiritual beings assigned to you at different times in your life to offer guidance, protect you, and remind you why you're here. Guides are assigned to you based on your current needs. Most people usually have one or a few guides with them throughout their lives, and others come and go based on need.
Spirit guides come in ALL shapes and sizes! Your guides can present as humans, animals, energy fields, elements, aliens, or any other combination! It's helpful to keep an open mind when it comes to working with your guides. One of my favorite stories about spirit guides is from Rachel Dratch’s memoir Girl Walks into a Bar (yeah yeah, I know, it doesn’t sound woo woo, but it is and is a great read too!). In her book, Rachel shares a story about going to a retreat to find her spirit guides, and she’s shocked to find out that her spirit guide is a glowing blue dot. This is later confirmed by a psychic who was unaware of her previous experience at the retreat.
Blue dots, animals, angels, fairies, and ancestors, you name it, can be a spirit guide. So, if you get a sense that your spirit guide is something unfamiliar to this earthly plane, it doesn’t mean that you’re losing touch with reality.
How to Connect with Your Spirit Guides
Connecting with your guides can take very little work on your part because they want to help you! They might be giving you loads of signs already, but because you’re not looking for them, you’re not seeing them. Before jumping into any of the below steps, I suggest taking 5-10 minutes to quiet your mind and ground yourself. You could do this by focusing on your breath, meditating, dancing, or chanting. Here are 7 easy ways to start connecting with your spirit guides regularly (I also created an infographic with some of them which you can find below for those who love visuals).
1. Use Oracle or Tarot Cards
Oracle and tarot cards are a simple tool for connecting with your spirit guides! If you have a favorite oracle or tarot card deck, any will do. However, if you have multiple decks, you'll likely find that your guides have specific decks that they prefer to communicate with you through. Before you begin, tap into your intuition to see if you receive any nudges about which deck to use.
First, sit quietly, focus on your breath, and ask your spirit guides to come to you. As I share above, begin by asking your guides which deck they’d like you to pull from (if you have multiple decks). Next, focus on the question you want to ask your guides as you shuffle your cards.
Ask your spirit guides your questions aloud or in your mind, ask them for their guidance and help. Be clear about what you want. Spread out your cards and choose the card(s) that you feel called to. Always thank your guides for helping you once you’re finished.
2. Ask for Their Names
A simple but powerful tool to connect with your guides is to ask for their names. Answers can be shared with you in various ways, depending on how you sense extra-sensory (psychic) information. You may have an inner knowing, see a name in your mind, hear a name in your mind, or begin seeing or hearing the same name throughout your day. All are valid. Trust the information you receive.
I was shocked by how quickly one of the names of my guides came to me simply by asking. Knowing the name of your guide(s) will help strengthen your bond with them, and when you need help, you can call out them by name. Keep in mind, that the names you receive may be unfamiliar to you because your guides are not always earthly beings.
3. Ask for Signs
Usually, your guides are already doing this! By asking for signs, you make a declaration that you will try to be more present and aware of receiving them.
If you’re looking for proof of your guides being nearby you, ask them for signs. Be as specific as you’d like. You might be surprised by how spot-on your guides can be! One of the signs I use to know my ancestral guides are nearby is feathers, and I always see more of them when I ask for this sign.
You can also ask for signs about decisions or struggles you’re having. If you’re making some difficult decisions, ask for signs about how you should proceed. Be on the lookout for answers that might pop into your head or opportunities that seem to arise from out of nowhere. Be open to these signs being different or unexpected than what you imagined. Your guides have your highest good in mind, even if the signs they’re sending to you seem out of place.
4. Write a Letter
If you’re struggling to connect with your guides, writing them a letter can be a powerful tool. Allow yourself 20-30 minutes of uninterrupted quiet time to write to them. Write out all of the questions you have for your guides, any struggles you’re having, and what kind of support you feel you need from them.
Once you’ve finished writing, allow yourself 5-10 minutes of quiet reflection. Check in and ask yourself how you feel, if you have any clarity around the things you need help with, or if you feel the presence of your spirit guides. You may find it helpful to place your letter next to your bed as you sleep to inspire messages from your guides while you dream, which brings me to my next suggestion.
5. Ask for a Dream or Meditation Visitation
If you’re a particularly visual person, you might want to see your spirit guides. Asking for a dream or meditation visitation can help with this and make them seem more real.
To request a dream visitation, before you go to bed, ask your guides to come to you in your dreams. To request a meditation visitation as your guides to come to you while in meditation. Journey meditations can be very beneficial for working with your guides in this way. You can find several free journey meditations online with a simple search or even find someone with a shamanic background to guide you through a journey to find your guides. Journey meditations are powerful and can be extremely transformative. Get a free Spirit Guides Meditation here.
Remember, the way that your guide asserts themselves could come through to you as an inner knowing, feeling, or visualization. Learn more about the different ways you can experience extrasensory information here.
6. Recruit the Use of a Pendulum
Pendulums are another powerful and simple tool for connecting with your guides. If you’re not familiar with pendulums, check out this post here to learn more about them and the basics of using one.
To use a pendulum to connect with your guides, start by quieting your mind, focus intently on requesting the presence of your guide(s), and then ask your question. Pendulums work best with “yes” or “no” answers, so be sure that you’re asking a question that can be answered with “yes” or “no.” Write “yes” and “no” on a paper, focus on your question, and hold your pendulum over each answer and note when your pendulum starts moving. This is just one method for using a pendulum. Check out my previous post about pendulums noted above or the Pendulums in Practice Workshop here.
7. Ask Them Questions Often
Talk to your guides and ask them questions often. Always be specific in your questions. It will be easier for them to answer you. Talk to them aloud or in your mind, as if they’re a dear friend. The more comfortable you become at relying on them for their assistance, the easier it will be for you to connect with them.
Your guides are always there waiting and wanting to help you! I hope you use these tools so you can take full advantage of the help of your spirit guides.
Magical Meanings & Uses for Triangles & Pyramids
Have you wondered what all the hype is about triangles and pyramids? They pop up in images, tattoos, jewelry, and ritual practices. What do these symbols and objects mean, and more importantly, how can you use them for magical and spiritual purposes?Triangles and pyramids have a multitude of magical meanings and uses. I’m going to break down what these symbols mean and how you can use them to your benefit.triangle and pyramid jewelry
Have you wondered what all the hype is about triangles and pyramids? They pop up in images, tattoos, jewelry, and ritual practices. What do these symbols and objects mean, and more importantly, how can you use them for magical and spiritual purposes?
Triangles and pyramids have a multitude of magical meanings and uses. I’m going to break down what these symbols mean and how you can use them to your benefit.
The triangle shape has more mystical meaning than I’ll be able to cover in this blog alone, but I’m going to hit all the highlights to optimize your magical uses for them.
Triangles = Strength
Triangles are the strongest shape! Any weight placed on them is evenly distributed between all three sides. A triangle in any fashion can always represent strength. Place a triangle symbol on your altar or wear one as a reminder of how strong you are.
Triangles & The Elements
The four elements (earth, air, water, fire) are another common use for the triangle. Each element can be represented through the use of triangles and each element has its own meaning.
Here are the shapes for each element:
Here are some meanings for each element:
Earth: Stability, grounding, and fertility
Air: Intellect, communication, and imagination
Water: Purification, healing, and peace
Fire: Courage, strength, and passion
These symbols are perfect for use in rituals or magic when you need to represent a specific element. Check out this blog post to learn more about the four elements.
Triangles & The Number 3
Three is an auspicious number in numerology, and the triangle can be used as a way to depict the meaning of the number. Here are some of the meanings behind the number three.
Luck! Have you ever used the term “third time's a charm”?
Creativity and expression
Inspiration and optimism
Triangles & Important Trinities
There are many meanings in history, different religions, and spirituality that reference trinities. Here are a few, but there are many others:
Mind, body, spirit
Past, present, future
Father, Son, Holy Spirit
Life, death, rebirth
Three bodies of Buddhahood: Dharmakaya or "truth body,” Sambhogakaya or "bliss body," Nirmanakaya or "emanation body"
Triangles & the Sri Yantra Symbol
The sacred geometry symbol, Sri Yantra, is comprised of nine overlapping triangles that create a total of 43 smaller triangles. Sri Yantra can be traced back to Hinduism, and the pattern is said to be the visual expression of OM.
Meditate on this symbol to inspire enlightenment. The Sri Yantra has been referred to as “tuning fork” that can help connect you to the universe. It also correlates to the balance of feminine and negative energy, which I'll dive into more below. Wear a Sri Yantra charm necklace for wealth, strengthened relationships, peace, and alignment with the universe.
Triangles & Male/Female Energies
A downward pointed triangle represents feminine energy, as it mimics the triangle shape of a woman's sacral region. An upward-facing triangle is associated with more masculine energy and is sometimes referred to as a blade. Using triangles to represent male or female energy is another great use for representing specific energies for rituals or magical work.
Triangles are more about symbolism while pyramids are all about action! Sure, they are symbolic too, but the real magic is in using pyramids for charging, attracting, meditation, and healing.
Different levels of research have been conducted on the efficacy of pyramids and their energy. As with most topics in the metaphysical realm, not all things can be proven but are simply felt or known, though there are some interesting finds! I’m sharing what I found to be the most interesting uses, that being said the writing done on the power of pyramids goes deeeeeep. If you’re interested in this topic I encourage you to do more research of your own!
Charging & Cleanse with Pyramids
Small copper pyramids are perfect for cleansing and charging your crystals or any item with some positive and bright energy. Place crystals, jewelry, herbs, fruit, water, essential oils or pretty much anything you want to instill some higher vibes into under your pyramid for a night or day to rejuvenate them.
Attracting & Manifesting with Pyramids
Because pyramids amplify energy they can be powerful aids in manifesting and attracting. This can be done with a copper pyramid but will be easier with a small handheld pyramid. Follow these steps to use a pyramid for attracting and manifesting something you desire.
The new moon or waxing moon are ideal times to perform this ritual. Take a few quiet moments to reflect on what you’d like to manifest, so you are clear about what it is.
Write down what you’re trying to attract or manifest on a piece of paper.
As you write and then place your paper into your pyramid, visualize your end goal. Continue this as you hold the pyramid in your hand for a few moments and continue to visualize what you’d like to attract and manifest.
Place any additional herbs or crystals in your pyramid that you feel would amplify your desire.
After you’ve placed your paper and any other objects in the pyramid take a moment to thank the pyramid, the Universe, Goddess, or end with any closing sentiments that express gratitude.
Your altar will be a good resting place for your pyramid, but anywhere that you’ll see it regularly will work.
Make contact with your pyramid daily. Hold it, place your hand over it, or simply look at it at least once a day.
Keep your pyramid and its contents intact until your dreams are manifested or you feel it’s time to move on.
Pyramid Meditation
Many claim that meditating in a pyramid shape or with one on your head can have powerful effects on your mental state and psychic abilities. Full triangles to sit in can be rather costly, but smaller ones are much more affordable. If you already have a small pyramid, try placing it on your head for your next meditation and see for yourself!
Some people even sleep under a pyramid form, saying that it can help heal and optimize the body. Though there’s not hard scientific proof about this yet, I sure wouldn’t mind sleeping under one!
5 Quick Tips to Improve Your Intuition
Intuition goes by many names: sixth sense, inner knowing, gut feeling. I’m sure you’ve had at least one experience when you “JUST knew.” Maybe it was a safety concern, a work issue, or about a relationship.If you look back you probably didn’t say, “hey intuition, can you please give me some information about…” Nope. The insight came in a flash and you knew exactly what to do.What if you could call on that flash of knowing anytime you wanted? This post will help you do that with 5 simple tips on how to improve your intuition.
Intuition goes by many names: sixth sense, inner knowing, gut feeling. I’m sure you’ve had at least one experience when you “JUST knew.” Maybe it was a safety concern, a work issue, or about a relationship.
If you look back you probably didn’t say, “hey intuition, can you please give me some information about…” Nope. The insight came in a flash and you knew exactly what to do.
What if you could call on that flash of knowing anytime you wanted? This post will help you do that with 5 simple tips on how to improve your intuition. If you want to learn 3 daily actions you can do to support your intuition, check out Cassie's post.
Acknowledge Intuition Exists
It’s innate in everyone, so even if you don’t feel like you have it, know you do. Make a declaration like, “I have a clear and strong intuition,” and observe how your body adjusts.
Clear Some Clutter
Getting rid of junk in your house and mind will create space for new information. Seem overwhelming? Start with just one small area of your house. Try to keep that area neat and tidy (maybe it’s your nightstand or corner of your desk).
Mental and emotional stuff got you weighed down? Dump all that stuff onto paper. No need to analyze or ponder, just freely write down what you are feeling and all the tasks you have to finish. You’ll be amazed at how light you will feel.
Know Your Colors
Here’s a quick exercise to help you connect with your inner knowing. Try this before you get out of bed in the morning. Ask your intuition to give you a color for “yes.” Stay away from the traditional stop light green. That’s too easy. Ask for your individual color for “yes.” Maybe it’s a light orange, or a deep purple. Then ask for your color for “no.” Again, watch for another color aside from red. Maybe it’s grey or bright pink.
Sit with this new information for a few quiet moments and be open for it to appear throughout your day.
Start Small
Now that you have your colors, let’s see how you can use them in everyday scenarios! Your intuition is like a muscle, it likes to be worked out, but you can’t start lifting 100 pounds right away. So start with asking about what shirt you should wear, or which road to take to work. Ask for your “yes” or “no” colors. Go with it!
Your intuition will get clearer with time and patience. One thing to keep in mind is following your intuition doesn’t mean that life will always go the way you want.
Your intuition is serving as your guide for a deeper purpose for reasons you might not see. Maybe that bad traffic your intuition lead you into was to keep you from something worse. Maybe those “yes” shoes you tripped in means you’ll get to tell a funny story to a new person!
The most important step is to have fun! Don’t worry about getting it right or wrong. Your intuitive power is supposed to bring you closer to who you are, not stress you out.
Developing your inner knowing just takes a few minutes a day. Clear some clutter, use your colors, and trust in your developing “muscle.” Your intuition is the inner gift that keeps on giving so have fun listening to what it has to say! If you are looking to play with your intuition some more, check out my funny and in-your-face oracle cards at
4 Ways to Connect with Your Passed Loved Ones // Guest Post by Lindsay Marino
Losing a loved one is something that is indescribable. It’s as if a part of you has died with them. When someone has a physical presence in your life and they’re taken away from you, it’s hard to imagine communicating with them when you can’t “see” them as you did before. With the loss of my own loved ones, I’ve felt so much grief, at times that I could hardly get out of bed. The moment I started communicating with them, everything started to shift for me.There are ways you can still continue communicating with them because they’ve actually never left. They are very much alive, but just in a different form. It may feel odd at first, but once you get in the flow of connecting with them, there’s no turning back.
Losing a loved one is something that is indescribable. It’s as if a part of you has died with them. When someone has a physical presence in your life and they’re taken away from you, it’s hard to imagine communicating with them when you can’t “see” them as you did before. With the loss of my own loved ones, I’ve felt so much grief, at times that I could hardly get out of bed. The moment I started communicating with them, everything started to shift for me.
There are ways you can still continue communicating with them because they’ve actually never left. They are very much alive, but just in a different form. It may feel odd at first, but once you get in the flow of connecting with them, there’s no turning back.
Here are 4 ways to communicate with your passed loved ones:
Talk to Them
I always suggest for first-timers, to talk to them out loud (even if you feel like a crazy person).
Wait for their response to pop up as a thought in your mind. This is an easier way to separate your thoughts from theirs.
Once you get comfortable with that, you can start communicating through your thoughts. It’s very easy to feel like you’re making up this conversation in your head, but you aren’t!
Acknowledge Their Signs
Your passed loved ones are constantly nudging you to listen to song lyrics, look at the clock at a certain time, remind you of a memory they’ve had with you, and play around with your electricity. Once you start seeing these signs, let them know that you recognize them. They live on and want you to be aware of their presence.
Use Automatic Writing
Automatic writing is an amazing way to connect with them too. Here are some directions on how to use automatic writing:
Set the intention for them to communicate with you
Take out a pen and notebook
Put on some relaxing music
Move your pen and allow them to write a letter through you
Use Physical Tools, such as Oracle Cards or Pendulums to Get the Conversation Flowing
When you focus your attention on something, you will bring in that energy. Using an oracle deck specifically for connecting with passed loved ones, will help you open up to their messages. I created an oracle deck called Unlock Your Connection so you can receive messages from your passed loved ones.
Directions to use my oracle deck “Unlock Your Connection” cards:
Hold the deck of cards in your hand
Think of your passed loved one
Shuffle the cards and ask your loved one to help you choose a card
Read your healing message
Click here to read this previous post by Cassie Uhl, on using a pendulum to learn another way of connecting with your passed loved ones.
Once you open up to communication with your passed loved ones, you’ll notice your loved ones are constantly guiding you in your life. They want you to live a full life and they are always a part of it. You just have to become aware of their continued presence.
I hope you find some peace in these tools! To order my Unlock Your Connection oracle deck, click here.