Understanding the Element of Earth

On the sacred wheel, the North encompasses the realm of earth, winter, death, rebirth, and your ancestors. The North is the still and sacred portal where we're allowed to break down and shed to rebuild for a new cycle. It is the seat of deep wisdom where the ancestral knowledge from all of those who've come before you resides. The North encompasses endings, new beginnings, and the space in between.

On the sacred wheel, the North encompasses the element of earth, winter, death, rebirth, and your ancestors. The North is the still and sacred portal where we can break down and shed to rebuild for a new cycle. It is the seat of deep wisdom where the ancestral knowledge from all those who've come before you resides. The North encompasses endings, new beginnings, and the space in between.  

In this post, you’ll be able to explore the wisdom of the earth element and the North. You'll also learn common correspondences and ways to build relationship with the North. Because this is the first in a series of posts, I'll also spend some time discussing sacred circles and wheels in various cultures and how they're used with the directions and elements. 

Listen to this on my podcast here.

I started working with the cardinal directions in my practice years ago, initially to cast a circle and create sacred space. My work with the wheel has evolved, and working with the directions and wheel has become an intrinsic part of my practice. I use the wheel as a tool to connect with the seasons, the cardinal directions, the elements, and all of the wisdom each section encompasses. Circles similar to the seasonal wheel used by many Celtic, Druidic, and Wiccan spiritual practices are sacred across many cultures and have a lot of overlap in meaning. 

If you'd like a frame of reference for the sort of wheel I'll be referring to throughout this share and series, you can find one in my book "Understanding the Wheel of the Year." The wheel I created for the book shows each season's color, direction, elemental, lunar, and zodiac alignments. If you don't have the book, I've shared an image below, and if you're listening, feel free to pause and look up this share on my blog. 

It's a common framework used by cultures worldwide, though you will find subtle differences from practice to practice. Let's start there and look at how other cultures work with sacred wheels. 

Sacred Wheels Across Cultures

The medicine wheel or sacred hoop is a tool and symbol used by many First Nations and Indigenous cultures from the land referred to as Canada and North America. Stone structures that have been used for ceremonial purposes dating back as early as 3200 BCE have been found in Canada. Though stone structure dates back far into the past, medicine wheels and sacred hoops are still alive today with many Indigenous people and communities. They can be used for ceremony, ritual, and to connect with the four directions, elements, animals, and more. 

In Mongolian Cosmology, the ger often referred to as a yurt here in the West represents a sacred wheel. The ger is viewed as a microcosm, or a map, of the universe. Each direction has a unique significance related to who and what resides in that location and what takes place. For example, the entrance of the ger always faces North, the fire is always at the center, women sit on Eastside, and men on the West. 

In yogic practices, the directions hold significance as well. It is not uncommon to face specific directions for specific asanas and meditations. There are myths, Gods, and Goddesses associated with each direction which each share insights about the significance of each direction in yogic philosophy. I'm always intrigued by the overlap in different cultures around common spiritual tools and symbols. Here, in an article from Pandit Rajmani Tigunait of Yoga International, he shares a bit about the direction of the North in Yogic tradition, "The North is determined by the polar star, the symbol of stability; it is the fixed goal that never wavers. It represents unshakable conviction." I love this because it's similar to my understanding and relationship with the North. 

Of course, these are just little snippets of each of these sacred practices. 

There are symbols and practices throughout Europe that use sacred wheels, although, as usual, with little historical reference. The sun cross or solar wheel, a circle with a cross in the middle, is a common symbol found throughout prehistoric Europe. However, even the name that was given to this symbol, the "sun cross," is relatively new, which shows how little we truly know about its true significance. Between the sun cross and circular structures like Stonehenge and Woodhenge, it's not difficult to see that wheels were sacred to many throughout Europe. 

Today many practices like Wicca and Druidry use the wheel in different ways like connecting with the seasons, elements, cardinal directions, creating sacred space, and more. This is how I connect with the wheel in my practice and the lens through which I'll be sharing from here. 

Before we dive into the bulk of this share, I want to give you a little bit of a reference of my process for this share and how I intend to craft future shares in this series. The North is an important topic because it encompasses many other significant issues like the element of earth, Wintertime, our ancestors, and more. My goal with this share and the future directions is to give you a framework to begin building a relationship with the North and its many facets. Much of what I share will be from my personal experiences building a relationship with the North. As always, remember that your experiences may differ based on your cultural background and personal gnosis. 

I've been spending a lot of time connecting with my local nature spirits and journeying about the topic for this post. This share has not come easily to me. I have a deep reverence for the North and a feeling of not wanting to get it wrong. The North and the earth element are our sacred foundation and the home of our ancestors, and it feels relevant that I stress the importance and sacredness of the North.

Let's begin exploring the wisdom of the element of earth and the cardinal direction, North.

The Wisdom of Earth & North

Earth and North are the cauldron of creation encompassing death, birth, and the space between these realms. It is the simultaneous end and beginning of the dark moon phase. I think our linear human minds sometimes struggle with this. We're so used to endings and beginnings that a pause between the two, or the idea that endings and beginnings live in the same space, seems somewhat foreign. But, of course, we can always find glimpses of this in nature. 

cardinal direction north in the ritual deck

Even here in the desert, I find subtle reminders of the wisdom of the North and those in-between spaces. There's an oleander plant I often notice on my walks. It seems to be always blooming. However, since around the time of the Winter Solstice, it's dropped its flower and, as of recently, has formed tiny buds. I've enjoyed noticing how long the buds have been there, waiting, as the plant rebuilds and absorbs more nutrients to bloom again. I've used it as a bit of a marker for myself as I find myself in a similar space of rebuilding. It's been a comforting reminder to pay more attention to plants in their death and "in-between" phases this winter season. People often ask how I connect with the seasons being in the desert, and I'm here to tell you that the seasons are very much alive, even in the desert, albeit on a smaller scale. 

Wintertime, the season of the North, also coincides with our shift into Capricorn season. It makes my heart sing when these seasons overlap so perfectly. Capricorn is a cardinal earth sign and corresponds with the planet of Saturn. The cardinal earthy energy signals a time to build a solid foundation upon which we can build. The Saturn correspondence invites in structure. These themes fit perfectly into the realm of the North and the element of earth. 

Understanding what tools you need to build a strong foundation requires time and introspection. I'd say there's even a thread of shadow work that weaves through this space. To create a solid foundation, you'll need to take stock of what's working and what's not working in your life, assess where you need to set different boundaries and notice where you may need to ask for help or call in reinforcements. Deep processing, shedding, and collecting happen in the North. 

Your body and physical wellbeing correspond with the North and this season as well. You are the earth of the North. We often forget that our bodies are nature itself. This space is an invitation to notice how you're tending to your body or your physical foundation. The North is where we address the physical body's needs, so you feel safe and supported during this incarnation. The earth and all its inhabitants live within the realm of the North. Everything comes from the earth and will decompose back into the earth. The earth is the foundation for all life. 

This is where your ancestors come in. You have centuries of ancestral knowledge living within your blood, bones, and DNA. Outside of your physical body, there's ancestral knowledge within the soil, stones, and water as well. Of course, not all of our ancestors have left positive influences that will be for you to parse out, work with, and hea. But there's wisdom and learning nonetheless. On a very physical level, the earth below your feet holds the wisdom of every ancestor who's come before you. When you connect with the power of the North, you connect with this wisdom and knowledge. 

We often think of connecting with those on the other side as somewhere outside of us or up in a heaven of sorts. While it may be that the spirits of our ancestors are in a different realm, their blood, bones, and all of the wisdom therein have been absorbed back into the earth. This is why we connect with the ancestors in the earth and the wisdom of the North on a very physical level. That is where their wisdom lives. 

Are you're starting to see and feel the layers of this sacred space emerge? 

Correspondences for Earth & North

You could probably pick up on several correspondences from what I shared above. Here are a few more common energetic connections for the North. A quick note before I dive in: as I shared earlier, the cardinal directions and the elements are spiritual practices that show up across cultures. It's also important to remember that you may have unique connections to the directions and their correspondences. Suppose the way you connect with each direction varies from what I share here. That is normal and certainly not a reason to discount your connections or mine, whether it be from another culture or a personal connection. 

Correspondences for the North

Element: Earth

Season: Winter

Time of day: Midnight

Moon Phase: Dark moon

Tarot: Pentacles

Colors: black, brown, green, white

Animal: bear or any other earthy animal you connect to the North

Other: dirt, stones, plants, bones, clay

Working with corresponding tools is one way to help honor and connect with the energy associated with the North. Tools and symbols can draw our awareness to where we are trying to focus. I will also share ways to use these correspondences in the following section. 

Three Ways to Connect with the Earth Element

Now my favorite section! You hear me say this often because it's been so true for my practice. For there to be a connection or learning to happen, there must be relationship. So before any deep work can be done within the North and its many corresponding energies, I encourage you to build a relationship with the North. 

Understanding each direction on the wheel has far less to do with what I share here and much more to do with how you experience them. 

There are so many ways to begin building a relationship with the North and the earth, and I find it is a beautiful starting point because it is a place of foundations. The North is the infrastructure for the rest of the wheel and your spiritual practice and an ever-present touchpoint you can come back to at any time to feel supported and to tap into a deep well of wisdom. That said, there are many who also like to start in the East as it is a place of new beginnings. For example, when I cast a circle, I begin with the East and end with the North. I'll leave it up to you, but in my opinion, there are no strict rules about this, especially when deciding where to begin forming a deeper relationship. 

If you are looking for more personal guidance, as I mentioned earlier in this share, I am offering my "Journey to the Ancestors," which will provide a more robust look at connecting with the North with even more tools, including journal prompts a card spread, and guided journey meditation. 

Here we'll focus on connecting with the earth and your local natural environment, tuning into your physical body, and journeying or meditating on the North. 

1. Connecting with the earth 

Because the North encompasses the element of earth, connecting with the earth is a powerful portal to experience the North and its wisdom. There are so many ways to connect with the earth, and you likely already have some beautiful practices to help you do this. For me, the most powerful way I've found to connect with the earth is through regular connection with my natural environment. I do this by going on regular walking meditations, usually 15-30 minutes 4-5 times a week. As always, I encourage you to try whatever feels like a doable and sustainable amount of time for you and your unique schedule.

When I walk, I try to focus my full attention on the environment around me. I say try because, just like sitting meditation, my mind tries to remind me of all of my to-do's and interject with other random thoughts. To help me stay present and aware, I have a process to become more engrossed in my surroundings. I do this by noticing the temperature, the speed of the wind, the warmth and location of the sun, how the ground feels beneath my feet, how the air feels in my mouth and lungs, varying sounds of the animals, and any changes in different trees and plants.

I've found that connecting with nature regularly and intentionally creates a very natural pathway to forming a deep relationship with the earth and your environment. You'll soon see patterns and cycles of death and rebirth all around you, perhaps in ways that you hadn't previously noticed. You'll begin to feel more connected to the plants, animals, and soil. These relationships can then initiate a more profound unfolding and help you to form a deeper relationship with the element of earth, your ancestors, and the realm of the North. 

2. Connecting with the physical body

Another way I enjoy connecting with the realm of the North and the element of earth is by focusing on my physical body. Your body is a deep well of wisdom. Sometimes we discount this wisdom, especially when our physical bodies do not feel or perform the way we want them to or think they should.

The North reminds us that the body is a living vessel of cyclical wisdom, just like nature. Just like the oleander plant I mentioned earlier, you are not intended to bloom at all times either, nor are you intended to be a picture of perfect health at all times. Like nature, our bodies encounter seasons of sickness, decay, and growth. There is not one stage that is more spiritual than another, and you are not less spiritual if your body or mind experiences temporary or long-term illness. Have you ever looked at a tree losing its leaves and thought, "what a stupid tree? It must not have absorbed enough of the right kind of nutrients. Otherwise, it wouldn't be losing its leaves." I gather you probably haven't, but how often have you had thoughts like this about yourself or another person? 

It might seem like an unusual concept to build a relationship with your body, the very vessel you reside in, but I think, much like the earth, it's something we often take for granted. Our bodies always give us signs and nudges about what we need and don't need, but we don't always listen. When you permit yourself to connect with the body more regularly, you create a pathway to build a relationship with it and learn from its wisdom. 

Connecting with my body in a very intentional way is something I usually do before any meditation. You can add another layer of energy to this practice by facing North for a body meditation, either lying down with your head pointing towards the North or by sitting up and facing the North. I like to start at my feet and work my way up through the body. I try to notice each area, how it feels, and what the energy of each space is bringing up. 

I think a lot of us become accustomed to certain sensations so much so that we don't even notice when our body is trying to tell us it's time to pause or try something different. I'd also like to point out that I'm 100% not implying here that meditation can be a cure-all for all physical ailments. Nope, sometimes the sensations you tune into may indicate that it's time to see a doctor. But, in this instance, it helped me draw my attention back to my body to start using some tools to tend to my nervous system and body in ways that I previously hadn't been doing. 

The wisdom from the North here is that when we tune into the body, it will often tell us what it needs to feel better supported. Sometimes this looks like allowing more time for rest, eating nourishing foods, moving the body more, or reaching out for support from a doctor. Our bodies are wise beyond what our human brains can even fathom. 

If you'd like to explore a body-focused meditation, my "Meditate with the Moon" guided meditation package offers a body scan meditation for the dark moon phase that is a great way to tune into your body and connect with the North. 

3. Journeying and meditation

Another way to deepen your relationship is to journey to the North or meditate on the North. This can be a really powerful way to deepen your relationship with the North. The previous invitations can also help pave the way to connecting through meditation and journeying. This technique can be especially helpful when you want to connect with your ancestors. 

First, a bit about meditation vs. journeying, because they are different and often interchangeably, even by myself. I've mentioned journeying here in this space, but I haven't spent much time going into detail about what it is. 

There are likely others who will have a different opinion than I do, but these are my thoughts. I think of meditation as an umbrella term for training the mind to be more present and aware. However, there are many different kinds of meditation. I think of journeying as one kind of meditation. Journeying is akin to astral travel in that you focus your awareness on journeying to somewhere in the astral plane. Though it can be like an out-of-body experience, it often occurs within the mind's eye. 

This is a brief introduction to journeying, I could spend an entire post on what journeying is and different techniques, and I probably will someday. I think the best place to get started when wanting to learn how to journey is to meditate regularly and begin building your anchor point or the location within the astral realm that's your home. The better you visualize and hold the visualization, the more natural journeying will come to you over time. You can also get a taste for journeying in my free guided mediation to meet your spirit guides. That's a free offering for joining my email list, which you can find here. Or join me in my monthly journey, which this month is to your Ancestors in the North. 

If journeying is a part of your practice, I encourage you to try this method for connecting with the North. If journeying is new to you, I encourage you to try a meditation on the North. There's still deep wisdom there as well. To do a meditation to the North, I'd invite you to bring in some physical elements representing the North, like a black/brown candle or a stone, and to face the North. I'd also suggest stating aloud or in your mind that you desire to connect with the North. Then, close your eyes, connect with your breath and body and see where your mind takes you. How do you feel, what do you see in your mind's eye, and do any messages come through? This may take more than one go, and that's okay. Remember, building a relationship takes time. 

Meditating or journeying to the North can be a powerful tool when you need wisdom around matters of the North, like death, birth, the physical body, and ancestral healing. 

I hope in reading this you already feel more connected with the North and all its wisdom and that it's encouraged you to start building a deeper relationship with this "space." Getting this share out feels like a birth for me. It took me a long time to gather my thoughts around this big topic, so I hope you enjoyed it! I plan to explore the East around the equinox when our wheel shifts to the Spring. 

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Cassie Uhl, Symbolism Cassie Uhl Cassie Uhl, Symbolism Cassie Uhl

What is Awen?

Have you wondered what Awen is? Perhaps it's a word you're familiar with, but I also recognize that my podcast title, Awen Guided by Spirit, may have been your first acquaintance with the word. I feel like I owe you a bit of an explanation about what Awen is and why it's included in the title of my podcast. I also feel like it's important to breathe some life into Awen here in this space.

Have you wondered what Awen is? Perhaps it's a word you're familiar with, but I also recognize that my podcast title, Awen Guided by Spirit, may have been your first acquaintance with the word. I feel like I owe you a bit of an explanation about what Awen is and why it's included in the title of my podcast. I also feel like it's important to breathe some life into Awen here in this space.

In this post, you'll learn what Awen is, where the word came from, how it's used, and my connection to it. Wrapped up in this share, I also want to begin a larger conversation about titles and how we identify ourselves in the spiritual community. 

Listen to the full episode here.

How do you identify yourself in the spiritual community?

If you're here, it's possible that, like myself, you feel unsure of what to call yourself. I find myself often simply identifying as "spiritual." Which is so non-specific that I think it has very little meaning, even though I know that the spiritual practices I adhere to are significant, real, and valid, as are yours. Maybe this isn't something you've pondered. If you don't, great, haha! However, I've personally grappled with this throughout my spiritual journey. 

Maybe, like me, you've asked yourself, "am I a witch, a pagan, a Druid, a Shamanic practitioner?" I don't fully resonate with any of these terms. In my opinion, most of these words have, to some extent, been misunderstood and misused. My unwillingness to claim these words often gives me a sense of feeling misplaced or apart from rather than a part of. Perhaps, you can relate, or maybe you feel very at home with some of these identifiers. Cultural heritage and where you live play a significant role here too.

For me, there's an energetic weight to some of these identifiers that I don't want to carry. For example, the need I feel to explain what being a witch means to me is something I don't want to untangle for people. The word witch often brings up a vast array of preconceived ideas for people. Yes, it can be empowering to identify as a witch. It can be powerful to reclaim that word. But, that word has also picked up so many correlations that do not fit who and what a witch is, believes, and does. Many people have a very fraught relationship with the word witch. 

I practice witchcraft, but I do not claim the title of witch more often than not. I know many of you feel very at home with this word, and that's beautiful. This is a bigger topic that I'm just scratching the surface of here. As always, I'd love to hear your thoughts, so feel free to email or DM me on Instagram. Perhaps, it's my Aquarius Sun, just trying to be different, haha! But, I don't doubt that some of you feel similarly. There's a lot of grey area and nuance to this topic, much of which I won't get into today.

My connection to Awen

Let's get back to the point of this share, which is to discuss Awen. Why then the slight detour? In my ever-evolving quest to find words and titles that I truly resonate with, I came to the word Awenydd in 2019 while reading a book by Elen Sentier. I often wonder if it was a deep soul whispering of a word I once knew and identified with lifetimes ago. Perhaps! Upon reading about the Awenyddion in the British Isles, I began a quest to read and learn all that I could about Awen and Awenyddion. 

For me, there's something about the word Awen that feels a little lighter, like it hasn't been subjected to the same weight that the word witch has. Instead, it feels very special, like a secret. Energetically, it feels like the essence of the unique spiritual path that I choose to walk. This is why I named this podcast Awen. I also believed that calling this podcast Awen would allow me to do what I'm doing now, to put this word and its essence on a bit of a pedestal. If it is a new word to you, too, I'll be excited to hear if its meaning rings as true for you as it did for me. Let's explore Awen. 

What is Awen?

So, what does Awen mean? Awen is a Welsh and Breton word that loosely translates as "flowing inspiration" or "poetic inspiration." Some describe it as the "holy spirit" of Celtic Spirituality and Druidry. I'll share my understanding of Awen, descriptions from others, and I'll end with a bit of historical context for this word. 

I think Awen is something we've all experienced at some point in our lives. Awen is available to everyone from any path. I think many experience Awen and simply call it a different name. Can you remember a time when you became fully consumed with an art project, playing an instrument, performing a ritual, dancing, writing, or simply being in awe of nature? Those moments of feeling wholly absorbed, present, and even experiencing a loss of time are Awen. Awen is something many of us brush up against while engaging with creative acts, but it can also be cultivated. 

As an artist and someone who started meditating at a young age, I'm quite familiar with what this sensation feels like. In art school, I remember being in awe of how I'd become fully engrossed in a painting to the point that I didn't feel like it was I who had control over the brush but something outside of myself. I would sometimes spend an entire day engrossed in a painting or drawing, and it felt like no time had passed at all. I can also remember my early meditation experiences, feeling like my body had become one with my surroundings. As I've grown older, this energy of Awen is something I've learned to tap into both through meditation, creativity, and being outside. Today, I recognize that it is through connecting with the energy of Awen I perform energy work, write my books, create my art, and more. It is not I am alone. It is me choosing to be in a relationship with the flowing energy of Awen. It is a co-creative and reciprocal relationship. 

Awen is something that anyone can tap into, it’s always here, therefore it’s for everyone. 

The word Awen can be used in many ways, it can refer to the essence of creative inspiration or spirit, but it can also be used to describe a person. Someone living in the space of connection with Awen may be referred to as an Awenydd. I'll start by sharing an excerpt from Elen Sentier's book Following The Deer Trods, where she uses the phrase Awenydd

Awenydd means spirit-keeper and comes from the word awen, which means spirit. 

Awenyddion (the plural of awenydd) have served the British tribes for hundreds of thousands of years, as long as there have been humans living in our land. We call this path walking the deer trods ... We still do this work now, in the 21st century, for everything that lives on the Earth and the Earth herself, the seen and unseen, the human and not-human. We journey to bring wisdom and enable healing for creatures, people, plants and the land herself. 

We awenyddion honour the spirit of the Earth and work with the spirit of the land. For me, this involves all sorts of things from growing my own veg to politics as well as spirit walking, journeying and healing. For each awenydd the form of the path is different, but the purpose is always the same … working for Mother Earth and all the life that lives and breathes and has its movement therein. 

Elen Sentier, Following The Deer Trods

One of my favorite books on the topic is The Awen Alone by Joanna Van Der Hoeven. Here's an excerpt from this book that I adore and find that she beautifully captures Awen's essence.

For awen to exist, there must be relationship. We cannot be inspired unless we are open, and we cannot be open unless we have established a relationship, whether that is with the thunder, the blackbird or a god. Awen is cyclical in nature; we open and give ourselves and in doing so we receive in a continuous cycle. Letting go, releasing ourselves into the flow of awen allows it to flow ever more freely. We find ourselves inspired not only in the fits and bursts of enlightenment or inspiration, but at all times, carrying that essence of connection and wonder with us in our everyday lives. 

But just what is awen? It is an awareness, not just on a physical and mental level, but also on a soul-deep level of the entirety of existence, of life itself. It is seeing the threads that connect us all. It is the deep well of inspiration that we drink from, to nurture our souls and our world and to give back in joy, in reverence, in a wild abandon, and in solemn ceremony. 

Joanna Van Der Hoeven, The Awen Alone

Finally, I'll share an excerpt from the book, The Path of Druidry by Penny Billington. The word Awen is often associated with Druidry. However, those working outside of Druidry also use this word, as depicted above by Elen Sentier. 

As with the walks that put Druids in the way of the magical current so becoming absorbed in the moment—whatever the activity—and engaging fully with what is happening puts us in the way of creative flow. That mysterious, elusive thread of our magical current, inspiration, is the key to creativity. Artists who experience a creative block suffer greatly—and this means all of us. We were born to be creative, and finding how to express that is our bardic challenge…

Druids have a word for this spirit of inspiration. We call it Awen

Penny Billington, The Path of Druidry

I love how Penny Billington refers to Awen as a "magical current" and think it rings so true to the feeling of being in flow with Awen. 

As you can see from each of these excerpts, and my offering, what Awen means to people has subtle fluctuations. Just as the literal translation Awen suggests, Awen is fluid and not something we will be able to "nail down" or define perfectly. There's a certain amount of mystery to the word, which I believe makes it more alluring.

Now for a bit of history. 

History of the word Awen

The first written use of this word comes from Historia Brittonum in approximately 828. There's also mention of Awenyddions in the Description of Wales by Gerald of Wales in 1194. He compares them to soothsayers (aka diviners) and talks about their ecstatic poetry that appears to pour forth from a trans-like state. Here's a funny little excerpt from Description of Wales by Gerald of Wales.

There are certain persons in Cambria, whom you will find nowhere else, called Awenyddion, or people inspired; when consulted upon any doubtful event, they roar out violently, are rendered beside themselves,and become, as it were, possessed by a spirit. They do not deliver the answer to what is required in a connected manner; but the person who skilfully observes them, will find, after many preambles, and many nugatory and incoherent, though ornamented speeches, the desired explanation conveyed in some turn of a word: they are then roused from their ecstasy, as from a deep sleep,

Gerald of Wales, Description of Wales

There's also a beautiful reference to Awen concerning spirit and inspiration that lives in the Book of Taliesin. The Book of Taliesin debuted in the early 14th century. However, like so many things in this sphere, many of the stories with the Book of Taliesin were likely orally passed down much earlier. There's still much debate about when the stories within the Book of Taliesin were written and who wrote them. 

One of the most striking lines about Awen from the Book of Taliesin translates to,

“The three elements of inspiration (Awen) that came, splendid, out of the cauldron.” 

The book of taliesin

I love that this early written reference of Awen mentions the cauldron and the three rays, which connect with the modern-day symbol associated with Awen.

The symbol for Awen was created in the 18th century by a Welsh poet named Iolo Morganwg. Within a circle, it depicts three dots with three rays radiating outward below the three dots.

Though I found this word to resonate with me in profound ways, it is a relatively new word to me. Upon writing this, it's only been about three years, which is a tiny amount of time. If it resonates with you too, I encourage you to do your own explorations into Awen and the Awenyddion. I'm learning just as you are, and even on topics I have been studying for longer, ultimately, you are your own sounding board. Until next time, I hope you feel the flow of Awen within you, around you, and through you.

In love and gratitude, Cassie

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Divination, Symbolism, Tarot Eryn Sunnolia Divination, Symbolism, Tarot Eryn Sunnolia

7 Tarot Myths Debunked

In our culture, there is no shortage of myths about tarot. Many of us were raised with the perspective that tarot cards are “scary” or that they have something to do with the devil.Misinformation is rampant, but the truth is, tarot can be a powerful tool to help you hone your intuition, connect with yourself, deepen your relationship with spirit/universe/guides, make decisions, and more. In this post, I’ll be debunking some major myths about the tarot so that you can feel freer to work with the tarot in a way that feels really good to you.

In our culture, there is no shortage of myths about tarot. Many of us were raised with the perspective that tarot cards are “scary” or that they have something to do with the devil.

Misinformation is rampant, but the truth is, tarot can be a powerful tool to help you hone your intuition, connect with yourself, deepen your relationship with spirit/universe/guides, make decisions, and more. 

In this post, I’ll be debunking some major myths about the tarot so that you can feel freer to work with the tarot in a way that feels really good to you. Check them out below!


This is a super common myth! Have you ever heard that you can’t buy your own deck and you must be gifted your first deck? 

Tarot reader and author Theresa Reed told Refinery 29 that this myth is “total rubbish.” She says, “If I would have waited around for that to happen, I might not have started working with the tarot as soon as I did — if ever.” 

I feel the same way. To me, this myth is just a form of gatekeeping in the tarot community. No one is exactly sure where this myth comes from, but it may be a legacy of 19th-century closed occult societies. 

Regardless of where it comes from, there’s nothing wrong with buying a deck for yourself — tarot is a folk magic practice, and it belongs to the people, so you don’t need permission from someone else in the form of a gifted deck to start your practice. If you feel attracted to working with the cards - pick yourself up a deck! 

Give this post a listen here.


Another variation of this myth is that tarot cards have something to do with the devil. I believe this myth originates from Christianity. There are various verses in the Bible about divination, “sorcery,” and mediumship that have been translated to be a condemnation of all occult, divination, and spiritual tools outside of Christianity.

This myth is also often perpetuated by the media, whose portrayals of tarot readers and cards have often been abysmal. Media is intended to be sensational, which means tarot cards are portrayed as evil or used for devil worship. Common tarot scenes show the “scary” cards with literal meanings - like the death card when someone is going to die or the devil card when something evil is going to happen.

This myth is easy to debunk when I ask myself a few questions:

  • Who benefits from me believing this myth (whether it’s dogmatic religion that wants me to rely on their truth rather than find my own through a tool like the tarot or a TV show that wants to make interesting TV and get viewers)? 

  • Do I really think that Barnes and Noble are selling a tool to connect with the devil? 

  • What have my experiences with the tarot been like?

Like with most things, we can use tarot in helpful ways and not so helpful ways. But the cards are not inherently evil, and we can use them in ways that support ourselves and our highest good.


Ah, another TV myth. Like I mentioned above, this card is often portrayed as a super scary card, and when it shows up in a reading, it could mean you’re going to die. 

All tarot cards are neutral. There are no good or bad cards. Some cards may be more uncomfortable than others (and this will change depending on every person!), but no cards are in and of themselves bad. 

So no, the death card doesn’t mean you’ll die. Usually, it means a transformation of some kind. It refers to deaths of a different kind - deaths of relationships, ways of being, of selves you have been, dreams, etc. 

In the United States, we have a cultural aversion to the idea of death, and I think we disconnect from the idea of death happening all around us all the time throughout our lives. The death card breaks this fiction and reminds us that death is a natural process unfolding throughout the seasons and throughout our lives and that it clears the way for our evolution and growth. 

That can be scary, too, of course - change is often hard. But next time you pull the death card, you can lean into that kind of scary and not worry that you’re going to die literally. 


Tarot can certainly be used to predict the future. But in my belief, the future is not set. The future is always changing, and we are actively creating it with our energy and our decisions each day. 

When I pull more predictive cards, I like to remember that I have the power to change the future and make different decisions if I don’t like the outcome card in front of me. This is a way to use tarot that feels more empowering and more honest.  

But more often than not, I’m not using tarot cards to tell the future, and I think many modern readers will tell you the same. Fortune telling is one powerful way to use the tarot. Still, there are many other ways to work with the cards that can be even more powerful, in my opinion: to connect with yourself, to understand your inner world, to process feelings, to understand current energies, to make support decisions, to connect with your intuition, to heal, and more.


I think this myth is rooted in the previous one: that tarot is only used for fortune-telling. When we know that tarot has many purposes, we understand that you don’t need to be psychic to read the cards. 

You don’t need to be psychic to connect with your intuition, which is the most important piece of reading cards, in my opinion. Intuition can sometimes require some uncovering and trust work (click here for 3 daily actions to improve your intuition and here for 5 tips to learn how to trust your intuition), but it is innate and available to us all. 

Reading the cards with your intuition could look like noticing how you feel about certain cards, paying attention to memories or images that come up around cards when you pull them (even if they don’t match with the traditional meaning of the cards), or meditating with cards to receive messages from them. 

But regardless, tarot cards have meanings. You can study those meanings from different books and teachers and develop a rich and fulfilling tarot practice this way! As you learn to trust your intuition a bit more, weaving that practice into your work with your cards can add another meaningful layer.


This myth is rooted in the idea that the cards themselves contain magic or are magical. In my opinion, the cards themselves are a neutral tool and conduit. They don’t contain their own magic; youare the magic. So it doesn’t matter if other people touch them because they can’t take anything away from them. 

If you don’t like other people touching your cards, that’s totally fine! But there’s no need to keep others from touching your cards out of fear that it will take away the deck’s magic or shift the cards' energy irreversibly. 

In fact, many readers (myself included) like to have the querent shuffle the cards to infuse their energy and intention into the deck for a more powerful reading. If you feel the same, a regular cleansing process with your deck (click here to learn how to cleanse your cards) is all you need to keep your deck’s energy clear. 


When a card is reversed, that simply means it came out of your deck upside-down. Reading reversed cards in the first place is a matter of preference: some readers read them, and some will just flip the cards right side up and go with that meaning. As with most things tarot and intuition, there’s no right or wrong answer. Just do what works for you!

But whether you choose to read reversals or not, reversed cards are not inherently bad. They bring a different energy, certainly, and can add a layer of clarity to a reading, but they’re nothing to be afraid of. Reversed cards can mean blocked energy, more introspective energy, a softer meaning of the card, or maybe some fear around that card’s theme. 


Check out some of our other tarot blog posts:

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Divination, Symbolism, Wellness Isabel Friend Divination, Symbolism, Wellness Isabel Friend

Water - The Living Liquid Crystal

In every culture throughout history, water has been worshipped and revered. Water plays a starring role in creation stories and ritual customs from every indigenous tribe and even features in ceremonial practices from every organized religion as well. She plays a vital role in every aspect of spiritual life from birth to death.And throughout all these many practices in all these many cultures throughout the ages, we see a similar theme echoed: People treated water as an intermediary between the human and the Divine. Whether sending prayers upon her, using her to cleanse their spirits, or asking her for wisdom through water divination (aka hydromancy), there’s always an understanding that water acts as a go-between for this world and the heavenly realms.

In every culture throughout history, water has been worshipped and revered. Water plays a starring role in creation stories and ritual customs from every indigenous tribe and even features in ceremonial practices from every organized religion as well. She plays a vital role in every aspect of spiritual life from birth to death.

And throughout all these many practices in all these many cultures throughout the ages, we see a similar theme echoed: People treated water as an intermediary between the human and the Divine. Whether sending prayers upon her, using her to cleanse their spirits, or asking her for wisdom through water divination (aka hydromancy), there’s always an understanding that water acts as a go-between for this world and the heavenly realms.

So here’s the question… did ancients use the messenger (liquid water) to represent the unseen sender of the message (The Divine)?

This concept of water as a mediator is as old as time. But how would it work?

To answer this, we can look to both ancient myths and modern science.

For the Kogi people of Colombia, for example, water is the origin of reality. For them, the structure of the world is sustained by water - every river, runoff, and raindrop maintains the world. Kogi know that within water is the metaphysical blueprint of existence, it holds the map of reality. All “worlds” of reality, from dreams to the structures of daily life, to psychic visions in medicine journeys, all are maintained by water.

This makes a lot of sense when you consider that water is actually holographic in nature. The internal arrangement of her molecules can imprint, store, and transmit information faster than the speed of light. Encoded in every cluster of water molecules is a record of everything that water has experienced. In fact, water is like a sensory organ of Mother Earth - she feels and remembers everything.

“A drop of water, if it could write out its own history, would explain the universe to us.”– Lucy Larcom

The Maori word for water is Wai which also means remembrance. Water stores the memory of all that has ever been or will be. They say water remembers its journeys through space and time, among the stars, and into the many places in earth's body. And they consider the Ocean to be a planetary scale crystal.

And in fact, much like a quartz crystal, water molecules join together in hexagonally structured matrices. But unlike quartz, the matrix is flexible and moves independently, as it’s not glued together by protons. And just like a crystal, structured water can store and amplify electromagnetic frequencies. But not all water has structure. In fact, most water we encounter is incredibly chaotic and unstructured. In fact, the difference between bulk vs. crystalline water is so extreme, that even though they both appear to be clear liquid, they are considered two different phases of water! As molecularly different as ice and vapor. But to the naked eye, they are identical.

Dr. Rustam Roy, one of the world’s foremost water experts, explained it like this: Molecular structure is like the alphabet of water.  Molecules are like letters. When water is unstructured, aka “bulk” water, it’s a nonsensical jumble of letters, and the hydrogen bonds form and break apart billions of times per second! So there’s no time for them to snuggle up and talk to each other. But if the water is structured, the letters fit together. And depending on how they're arranged (just like with the alphabet) they can carry an infinite amount of information. So is water’s structure, the alphabet for communicating to and from etheric realms?

Each water molecule has 440,000 panels on it that each sense, store and transmit information. So when molecules form a crystalline pattern, water transforms from a random liquid into a sentient and sensitive Being.

It’s sensitive to even the most subtle visual and auditory stimuli, electromagnetic frequencies, even astronomical events. In fact, besides being wet, maybe the most recognizable quality of water is its ability to transmit waves. Sound travels four times faster in water than in air. And water can communicate across vast distances, faster than the speed of light, it’s called Quantum Coherence. When it's structured, the hydrogen bonds form long tunnels that channel protons through, it's called jump conduction and it literally allows water to communicate, just as the ancients all agreed.Interestingly, Russian researchers have found that the MOST influential factor in shaping water’s structure is human emotion. While water does respond to sights and sounds, it will respond to human emotion more quickly and powerfully than anything else.

Consider the experience of thoughts and emotions - they are a cascade of electrical signals, neurochemical hormones and neurotransmitters with electromagnetic signatures. As Dr. Joe Dispenza says, thoughts are electrical and emotions are magnetic. And every one of these electromagnetic signals resonates with your body waters. Water is a powerful conductor of vibration, and your body water is constantly conducting the energy of your Being. It is resonating to the frequency of YOU, and you are patterning the crystalline structures of your body water with every thought, word, and emotion.

You are a body of water. Not just any water, but highly structured crystalline water. Your body contains vortices that spiral and structure the water within you. We’ve all heard that we’re 70% water, and that’s true by volume. But molecularly, you are 99% water molecules!

So what does this mean, biologically and spiritually? If crystalline water is the mediator between heaven and earth, between etheric and physical, then what does that imply about the greater purpose of your perfect and divine-human form?Your cerebrospinal fluid is some of the most structured water in your body, and it spirals along your spine from your crown to your root once every 12 hours. Along the way, the pattern of the molecules become imprinted by the electromagnetic frequencies of your 7 main nerve plexuses, located right where the ancient yogic texts describe chakras of coiled energy. Perhaps this is why Paramahansa Yogananda said that the spine is the highway to the infinite because your cerebrospinal fluid is a conduit to divinity. This rhythmic pulse of crystalline body water culminates in the center of your brain, bathing your pineal gland in a concentrated broth of electrically conductivity, resonating with all the vibrational information it gathered along its journey through your energy centers. Your pineal gland is the seat of intuition and clairvoyance, often considered the third eye. It even contains light receptors, just like your eyeballs do, so when it’s well hydrated it can perceive realms beyond what we typically see. So the health of your cerebrospinal waters are crucial for etheric connection and spiritual perception.

And your DNA is like a tightly wrapped electrical coil which is wound in upon itself in concentric vortexes just like an antenna. Each DNA coil is surrounded by a pocket of extremely structured water, with enormously strong hydrogen bonds. This water and, in turn, your DNA, receives vibrational patterning for your continued evolution when the surrounding water is healthy. A drop in your level of dehydration can even cause a shift in the integrity of the DNA helix spine. You want to stay hydrated with the highest quality water so your helixes can stay tightly twisted, keeping your genes young!

So if, as so many ancient cultures believed, water is a mediator between etheric and worldly realms and your body is 99% water, then your body is actually a portal between heaven and Earth! And it seems, from the latest research, that vibration moves in both directions, from water to ether, and also from ether to water. In other words, water mediates the vibrational transfer of energy between seen and unseen realities, carrying messages from the physical to the nonphysical and from the nonphysical to the physical. In this way, water is the key medium of manifestation. It’s how the Divine Blueprint becomes manifest into earthly life. And when we understand this process, we can become more powerful creators in our own rights, by working with the creative capacities of water in manifesting our reality. Water is the driving force behind the Law of Attraction and the Biology of Belief. It is the dwelling place of consciousness, as well as the tool with which consciousness acts upon the world.

“Water occupies A median position between the earth and the universe and is the port of entry through which cosmic peripheral forces pass into the earthly realm. Is it not this wisdom itself that has created the element of water, a tool for its own activity? The laws of the Etheric world are mirrored in the world of water and they carry on a constant creative dialogue“~ Theodor Schwenk

But not all water can mediate or communicate in this way. Because water is a living body, she can be healthy or sick, alive or dead. In many ancient traditions, living water was distinguished an extra-ordinary form of the liquid that imparts life, not just “ordinary“ water that sustains life.

The Mandaeans, for example, a gnostic sect indigenous to southern Iraq, say that Living water is the link between earth and what they call the world of “light“. They say only one 9th of water on the planet is living. The other 8/9ths they call black water and, while fine for mundane use, it can’t mediate between the two worlds. Only when black water is infused with living water can communication occur. Which aligns with modern research showing that adding a little structured water to bulk water will structure it, a property known as “epitaxy".

Harnessing its mysterious movements and crystalline properties can turn ordinary water into pure medicine. When we drink living, crystalline water, we not only get hydrated, we also become more resonant channels of vibration. We also nourish our pineal glands and keep our DNA young. Water may seem like the most simple and ubiquitous substance, but the truth is that she is the most complex and mysterious substance in the Universe! Inherent within the physics of water are the answers to the mystery of the mind/body/spirit connection, the laws of Karma, and the potential for enlightenment. Our ancestors knew this, and they passed along clues and stories as to the vast wisdom inherent in water. By following this trail of breadcrumbs, we can reclaim our birthright to thrive as bodies of water, living on a body of water. Learn more about my vision at waterislife.love.

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Chakras, How-to, Meditation, Rituals, Symbolism Cassie Uhl Chakras, How-to, Meditation, Rituals, Symbolism Cassie Uhl

5 Steps to Access the Akashic Field

Accessing the Akashic field, often referred to as “Akashic records,” can come off as an elite and secretive practice. Maybe you’ve read or heard that you need a specific prayer or guide to access the information held within the Akashic field. Prayer and guides may indeed help, but they’re simply not necessary. Again, I’m not knocking these tools, but I don’t want you to cut yourself off from a spiritual experience because you’ve been told you need something special to access this field of energy.

Accessing the Akashic field, often referred to as “Akashic records,” can come off as an elite and secretive practice. Maybe you’ve read or heard that you need a specific prayer or guide to access the information held within the Akashic field. Prayer and guides may indeed help, but they’re simply not necessary. Again, I’m not knocking these tools, but I don’t want you to cut yourself off from a spiritual experience because you’ve been told you need something special to access this field of energy.If you’re unfamiliar with the term “Akashic field,” it’s the same thing as the Akashic records.

If you’re unfamiliar with both terms or want to learn more about why some prefer the term “field” click here to read a previous post.

Here are my five suggestions for accessing the Akashic field.

Access the Akashic field in 5 steps

These steps are intended to be an ongoing practice. You can practice them all before sitting down to access the Akashic field or do them separately spread out over days. Each step will help you gain access to the Akashic field regardless of when they’re performed.

Raise your vibrational frequency

You’ve probably seen this term used in memes and on t-shirts more than anything else but it’s an important step when trying to access anything in the spirit realm. A slow vibration is closely linked to the physical realm, whereas a higher vibration is linked to spirit. Raising your vibration means you’re operating from a place of love and gratitude which is going to make this work come more naturally. Learn more about raising your vibrational frequency in this guest post from Reiki master, Deborah Arconti.

There are a variety of ways to raise your vibration including meditation, pranayama, some forms of yoga, prayer, mantra work, and creative activities. Keep reading, step two is a powerful tool for raising your vibrational frequency too.

Focus on your crown and soul star chakras

Your soul star chakra, located above the crown chakra, is the gateway to the Akashic field and where many believe your “records” are stored. Your crown chakra, a ball of energy located at the top of your head, must be healthy to access your soul star chakra. Focusing on your crown and soul star chakra are also powerful tools for raising your vibrational frequency. Win, win! Learn more about the crown chakra here and the soul star chakra here. These articles share tips to help you energize both of these chakras. If you feel that your crown chakra is strong and healthy skip ahead to the post about the soul star chakra.


An overlooked tool in any new practice is to ask for what you want. If you’ve practiced a soul star chakra meditation and are feeling in tune with spirit, the next step is to ask clearly what you’d like to experience from the Akashic field. Here are some suggestions.

  • What lessons am I here to learn?

  • Who was I in my most recent past life?

  • What lessons did I learn from my most recent past life?

  • What are some traumas I experienced in past lives? (Please, be cautious when asking to experience past life traumas. I recommend experiencing past life traumas with a professional in past life regressions. However, if you feel that this is something you are prepared to handle or need to process, it can be a powerful healing too.)

  • How can I live this life to my highest potential?

  • Where are some places I’ve lived in past lives?

  • What people in my life have I interacted within past lives?

  • Is __________ the best choice for me in this life?


You raised your frequency with a meditation, asked to experience a past life, felt a sensation that you were near an ocean, but it didn’t seem like a strong enough sensation so you completely wrote it off. Sound familiar?

In the beginning, it can be easy to question or completely negate your spiritual experiences. Doing deep spiritual work like this is not something that’s often brought up at dinner while growing up. Your natural instinct might be to dismiss your sensations! Maybe you’ve lived two or three decades of being told that the spirit realm doesn’t exist, or that it’s bad to try to access it. If this isn’t your story, that’s great! Trusting your experiences may come naturally to you. Otherwise, be nice to yourself and if you get a sensation, even a faint one, trust it 100%.


If you don’t feel like much happened the first time you tried accessing the Akashic field, keep at it. The more time you spend raising your vibration and getting comfortable with the sensations you receive from doing this kind of work (which will be experienced differently by everyone) the easier it will be and the more information you’ll receive.

Just like there’s more than one way to meditate, there’s more than one way to access the Akashic field. I encourage you to try these five steps, but if they don’t work for you it doesn’t mean you’re unable to access the Akashic field, you might need to try a different approach and that’s OK.

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How to Create a Crystal Grid in 7 Steps

Whether you’re trying to manifest more self-love, a vacation, or a new job, crystal grids can help! Crystal grids can be as simple or complex as you make them and a simple grid can be just as powerful at helping you manifest your goals as a complex one. Think of a crystal grid as your manifesting ally! It may not be the only tool you use to manifest your desires, but it can certainly help.

Whether you’re trying to manifest more self-love, a vacation, or a new job, crystal grids can help! Crystal grids can be as simple or complex as you make them and a simple grid can be just as powerful at helping you manifest your goals as a complex one. Think of a crystal grid as your manifesting ally! It may not be the only tool you use to manifest your desires, but it can certainly help.

There are just a few necessary steps you need to follow to create a crystal grid. First, let’s briefly discuss why crystal grids work.

Why Crystal Grids Work

Crystals are formed from perfect geometric patterns and this is one reason why crystals are such a powerful healing tool! The perfect geometry within crystals makes them an ideal energy conduit and easily programmable. By placing several crystals in a repeating grid format, you will amplify their power. Using sacred geometry as a grid template for your crystals adds another layer of perfect geometric patterns to help better communicate your intentions.

If those reasons seem a little too out there for you, view crystal grids as a beautiful reminder of your intention. The most important part of manifesting your desires is visualizing what you want daily, and your crystal grid will serve as a reminder to do just that.

7 Steps to Create a Crystal Grid

1. Set an intention

Your intention for your grid is your starting place and will lay the foundation for everything else you choose for your grid. Get quiet and breathe for a few minutes so you can gain complete clarity about what it is you want. Don’t play small; you deserve everything you desire! Once you’ve set an intention for your grid, you can start selecting your grid format and crystals.

2. Select your grid format

Sacred geometry is an ideal format for crystal grids because it is symmetrical and each symbol carries unique energy that will help amplify your intention. To learn more about sacred geometry click here. Several different sacred geometry symbols can be used, here’s a list of the most common ones and the categories they’re best suited for:

3. Select your crystals

Now, the fun part! Let’s select your crystals. A pointed crystal will work well for the center stone, and tumbled crystals work well for the secondary crystals that will radiate around the center stone. You don’t need 50 crystals to have a grid that works. Even if you have one center stone and a handful of quartz, you can make an effective crystal grid. Clear quartz is your crystal grid bestie because it is ideal for all intentions, easily programmable, and super amplifying. I suggest using three different stones to strengthen your intention with the addition of five or more pieces of clear quartz.

A quick google search of “crystals to help with ________” will go a long way! However, here are some common crystals and the purposes they’re best suited for:

  • Amethyst: Intuition, calm, peace

  • Citrine: Abundance, joy, happiness

  • Sodalite: Creativity, expression, communication

  • Quartz: Balance, health, cleansing

  • Rose Quartz: Self-love, compassion, friendship

  • Carnelian: Sex, creativity, birth

  • Green Aventurine: New beginnings, wealth, growth

4. Cleanse your tools and space

Cleanse your crystals, any other tools you’ll be using, and the space you’re creating your grid in. You don’t want any lingering bad juju playing a role in your manifesting! Cleanse with an herbal smoke of your choice, cleanse under the light of the full moon, or envision a bright white light cleansing your space and tools.

5. Set your grid up

You’ll want to place your center stone first. You can base your center stone selection on a few things, like a stone that best matches your intentions, the largest stone, or a crystal you have a personal affinity for. Next, place your other stones radiating out around the center stone in a balanced format. As you place each stone visualize your end goal of what you’d like to manifest.

6. Activate your grid

Think of activating your grid as turning on the lights. You’ve set everything up, and now it’s showtime! There’s more than one way to activate your grid. The simplest method is to close your eyes and imagine the energy of all of your crystals connecting and communicating your desires to the universe. To see more techniques and detailed information on activating your crystal grid click here.

7. Be present with your grid daily

Don’t just set it and forget it! Make sure to take a few quiet moments every day to connect with your grid. Connecting with your grid daily will allow you to visualize your desires and goals.Leave your grid up for a complete moon cycle, or longer if you’d like. If it does start to attract dust give it a light clean to prevent the energy from stagnating. Find a free printable crystal grid template here.

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Accessing Energy Through Metatron's Cube

Sacred geometry is beautiful but knowing how to use it in your spiritual practice isn’t always obvious. Metatron’s Cube is an excellent example of a complicated-looking sacred shape that has rather practical uses. First, let’s break down this shape and discuss who Metatron is, then I’ll share some ways to start using this symbol in your spiritual practice.

Sacred geometry is beautiful but knowing how to use it in your spiritual practice isn’t always obvious. Metatron’s Cube is an excellent example of a complicated-looking sacred shape that has rather practical uses.

First, let’s break down this shape and discuss who Metatron is, then I’ll share some ways to start using this symbol in your spiritual practice.

Who is Metatron?

This sacred symbol is named after Archangel Metatron. He is considered the scribe of God or Source Energy and his cube is responsible for protecting and balancing the flow of energy from Source to the physical realm. Metatron’s story also aligns with the story of Thoth, the Egyptian scribe.

What is Metatron’s Cube?

Metatron’s Cube is comprised of 13 circles that are all touching; this shape is called The Fruit of Life (shown below). To create the cube, straight lines are drawn from the center of each circle that connects to the center of all of the other circles.

Metatron’s cube also contains the five platonic solids, which represent the five elements (earth, air, water, fire, and spirit) and are the geometric building blocks of the universe. This topic is a blog post for another day!

How to Use Metatron’s Cube

Because Metatron’s cube protects the flow of energy, it is an ideal tool to use for cleansing, protecting, and accessing more energy. Here are three ways to use Metatron’s Cube.


Because Archangel Metatron and his cube control the flow of energy they also protect it. This symbol has long been associated as a symbol of protection. The easiest way to start using this symbol is to use it for protection.

Start by placing it in an area where you desire your energy or the energy of a space to be protected. When you place the symbol, imagine Archangel Metatron enveloping the space in a protective shield of white light.

Energy Clearing Grid

If you feel like your energy or the energy of your home are stale and need a refresh, try using Metatron’s Cube for a cleansing crystal grid!

Download a printable sheet of Metatron’s Cube for a crystal grid here.

To create your grid collect the following stones.

  • Clear quartz for cleansing and amplifying, 6 or more pieces

  • Selenite for cleansing and purifying, 1 large piece

  • Amethyst for cleansing emotions, 1 or more pieces

  • Kyanite for connecting you with Metatron’s cleansing energy, 1 or more pieces

  • Smokey Quartz to ground and protect you and your space, 1 or more pieces

Cleanse your stones with a herbal wand or any other cleansing tool you prefer before you begin your grid. With your stones and Metatron’s Cube shape ready, close your eyes, quiet your mind, breathe, and call on Archangel Metatron to help cleanse your space through the help of your crystal grid.

Place the piece of selenite in the center of the grid, the quartz crystals in the six outer circles, and any remaining crystals where you feel called to place them on the grid. Imagine yourself and your space being cleansed as you place each stone on your grid. Thank Archangel Metatron for helping you to cleanse yourself and your space.

Keep your grid up for as long as you’d like and try to make contact with it daily for as long as it is up.

Energizing Meditation

Metatron’s Cube can also be used as a means to connect with Archangel Metatron to balance and amplify the energy throughout your chakra system. Meditating on Metatron’s Cube is a great way to access this energy.

Follow this guide to perform this meditation.

  • Find a comfortable sitting position.

  • Place an image of Metatron’s Cube in front of you on the floor so you can gaze at it as you meditate. Click here to receive the free download of Metatron's Cube.

  • Close your eyes, breathe, center yourself.

  • Call on Archangel Metatron to assist you in your meditation. Ask him to help cleanse, balance, and amplify your chakra system.

  • Open your eyes and continue your meditation as you gaze at Metatron’s Cube.

  • You may feel a buzzing up your spine as your chakra system wakes up and that’s ok. If you don’t, that’s ok too! You may also want to envision each of your chakras glowing and brightening in order up your spine.

  • Stay in your meditation for as long as you’d like. Before you end, thank Archangel Metatron for assisting you.

I hope you feel more equipped to start using Metatron’s Cube in your practice!

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Crystals, Divination, Sacred geometry, Symbolism Cassie Uhl Crystals, Divination, Sacred geometry, Symbolism Cassie Uhl

The Birthplace of Sacred Geometry // What is the Vesica Piscis?

The Vesica Piscis symbol is comprised of two overlapping circles that form an almond shape in the center, also called a “mandorla.” Though the coming together of these circles may look simple, and possibly remind you of fun times in middle school filling out Venn diagrams, its meaning is profoundly powerful.

The Vesica Piscis symbol is comprised of two overlapping circles that form an almond shape in the center, also called a “mandorla.” Though the coming together of these circles may look simple, and possibly remind you of fun times in middle school filling out Venn diagrams, its meaning is profoundly powerful.

Vesica Piscis translates to “bladder of the fish” in Latin, this not so flattering or mystical name was given to it due to its similar appearance to a fish bladder. The Italian phrase “mandorla,” or almond, refers to the shape created in the center.

Mathematically speaking, this simple shape is the starting place of very complex geometry. The circles have the same radius and intersect in such a way that the perimeter of each circle touches the center of the other. The almond shape created by the overlapping circles contains two equilateral triangles. For more on the mathematics of this shape, exciting as it may be, you’ll need to do your own research! From here on out I’ll be focusing on the significance, meaning, and uses of this sacred symbol.

Let’s dig into the significance of this symbol and even more important, how you can put it to use in your spiritual practice.

Where did it come from?

The Vesica Piscis was formed first in nature, but when it was first identified by humans as a significant shape is still up for debate. Beyond nature, this shape can be found in paintings of Christ and Buddha, modern-day logos like Coco Chanel, crop circles, and ancient and contemporary architecture. It is also the starting place of the Seed of Life and the Flower of Life. If you missed my blog on these two basic sacred geometry symbols, you could learn more about them here.

Like most sacred geometry, there’s a lot of speculation about the origin(s) and meaning(s) of the Vesica Piscis. Because this symbol is found in so many places, it’s hard to pinpoint where it originated. Many, myself included, believe this simple symbol found all throughout history and nature has a divine source.

What does it mean?

Because the Vesica Piscis symbol shows up so often in nature and human history there are varying meanings associated with it. One thing most people can agree on is that it is a significant symbol.

Some view the Vesica Piscis as a Christian symbol due to its similarities to the “Jesus fish.” It also mimics the shape of the female vagina and is therefore viewed as a symbol of femininity, birth, and sexuality.

From a spiritual viewpoint, if we recognize the circle on its own as Source Energy (God or Goddess, whichever you prefer), the Vesica Piscis represents creation or the “womb of The Universe.” Think of a single circle as a Source of Energy, adding a second circle represents the spark of creation when the universe is born. This idea is enforced by its similarities to the shape of the vagina, the starting place of birth on a human level. It is enforced again by the fact that it is the starting place of most sacred geometry.

This is why for many, the Vesica Piscis symbol is considered very sacred. On a spiritual level, it represents creation, birth, and the joining of spiritual and physical. Take this a step further, and without the Vesica Piscis, sacred geometry would not exist, and we would not exist.

How can you use this symbol?

Here are a few ways to bring this cosmic symbol into your practice and honor its sacred meaning.

Represent Goddess Energy

The almond shape of the Vesica Piscis mirrors the form of the female yoni. If you’re trying to call in more feminine energy or connect to Goddess energy place an image of or create the shape of the Vesica Piscis on your altar. Placing this symbol in an area you use often can uplift the space and bring in more feminine energy. Try enhancing the shape by adorning your space with other symbols and objects that represent femininity like a cowrie shell, carnelian, rose quartz, or roses.

Crystal Grid for Manifesting & Birth

Fortunately, the Vesica Piscis is a simple shape that lends itself to easy crystal gridding! Due to its simplicity, you may not need a diagram, but if you’d like one try drawing the shape or printing one online. I used a Seed of Life grid and formed the grid on one of the Vesica Piscis shapes within it, shown in the image below. Otherwise, arrange your crystals in an almond shape and add any crystal embellishments you desire.

Crystal grids that focus on new beginnings, birthing new projects, physical birth, or manifesting new things into existence are ideal, but not limited to, for the Vesica Piscis. Here’s a list of stones you could use for grids of this nature. Use the ones that best suit your needs and feel free to add more of your own!

  • Citrine for manifesting

  • Amethyst for connecting to Source Energy

  • Pyrite or tiger eye for luck

  • Green aventurine for abundance

  • Carnelian for femininity and physical birth

  • Clear quartz for amplifying

Connecting with Source Energy

Many believe that the two circles in the Vesica Piscis represent the physical world and the spiritual world, thus creating a portal from one to the other when they overlap to form the Vesica Piscis. If you’re trying to connect to the energy of the spirit world to become more enlightened or to improve your intuition, try meditating on this symbol as you work.

I hope you feel more connected to this powerful symbol and sacred geometry as a whole! Learn more about sacred geometry and find tools to create your own crystal grids in The Goddess Discovery Book.

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10 Ways to Increase Your Shakti Energy

How is a society that’s stuck in the patriarchy able to find balance? The answer lies in you. The answer lies in one person at a time increasing their Shakti energy.I’m sure you’ve heard the term “Shakti” before but do you know how to tap into this creative life force that is the personification of feminine energy? I’m going to share what this term means with you, but more importantly, how you can increase your own Shakti to help our world find balance. First, let’s dive a little deeper into what and who Shakti is.

How is a society that’s stuck in the patriarchy able to find balance? The answer lies in you. The answer lies in one person at a time increasing their Shakti energy.

I’m sure you’ve heard the term “Shakti” before but do you know how to tap into this creative life force that is the personification of feminine energy? I’m going to share what this term means with you, but more importantly, how you can increase your own Shakti to help our world find balance. First, let’s dive a little deeper into what and who Shakti is.

What is Shakti

Shakti is life, death, rebirth, destruction, and creation. Shakti energy is the divine feminine force coursing through the cosmos and all aspects of our reality. She is the ultimate Goddess and the creative energy behind all Goddesses. Even though Shakti is a divine feminine force, it is present in all life forms, male and female, though it may be repressed in some. The balancing force to Shakti is Shiva or masculine energy.

Who is Shakti

Shakti is referred to as the “Mother Goddess” in Hinduism. She is the Goddess that guides all other Goddesses. Shakti is represented in the Hindu Goddesses Durga, Parvati, and Kali. Each Goddess utilizes Shakti energy differently and can be called upon for different purposes.

Kundalini Shakti

If you’re familiar with Kundalini energy, then you have probably heard the term Shakti used here as well. Kundalini Shakti refers to the idea that every being has Shakti energy coiled up at the base of their spine, waiting to be awakened. You may have already had a Kundalini awakening and not even known about it! That’s another blog post for a different day though!

Here are ten simple ways to increase your Shakti. Warning! Shakti energy is INTENSE. Be mindful of this as you practice the following suggestions. Build in some time to ground yourself after practicing any of these exercises and if it feels like too much, take a break for a few days.

10 Ways to Increase Your Shakti Energy

1. Activate your sacral chakra

Your sacral chakra is your hub of creativity and feminine energy. This chakra is located below your belly button and above your pubic bone. Imagine it glowing orange with each inhale and exhale to awaken it. Learn more about activating your sacral chakra in this blog post.

2. Tap into the water element

The water element represents femininity, so it’s the element to focus on to increase your Shakti energy. Let the water element wash over you, literally, by taking a soothing bath. Learn more about yoga poses for the water element here and ways to represent the water element here.

3. Meditate, meditate, meditate

Meditation in and of itself will help increase your Shakti energy (check out guided meditations here) but here’s a technique to give it an extra boost. Visualize your Shakti energy coiled up like a snake at the base of your spine. With each breath visualize this snake-like energy uncoiling and traveling through each chakra, lighting it up and cleansing it along its path. Continue until you reach the crown chakra. This meditation can be very intense and energizing, allow ample time to calm and ground yourself afterward.

4. Call on Kali, Durga, or Parvati

Remember the three Hindu Goddesses I mentioned above? Kali, Durga, and Parvati represent Shakti in Hinduism, calling on any of them can bring some extra Shakti into your life. Each Goddess will bring a different kind of energy. Parvati is a Goddess of love, Durga is a warrior Goddess, and Kali is the destroyer who ultimately brings balance. Learn more about connecting with Kali here. Goddess cards are from The Goddess Oracle.

Goddess cards are from The Goddess Oracle.

5. Follow the Moon

The moon has long been associated with divine Goddess energy due to its correlation with our menstrual cycles and the Triple Goddess. Try charting your cycle or journaling with the moon to connect to this moon energy. Learn more about the Triple Goddess symbol here and more about rituals for every moon phase here.

6. Grab some moonstone

Moonstone carries the energy of the moon and can serve as a potent reminder of her Goddess energy. Wear it, carry it with you, or place some moonstone on your altar as a glowing reminder of the moon and Shakti energy.

7. Get in touch with your shadow side

The imbalance of Shakti in our society is a direct reflection of our own imbalances. We so often focus only on our light, while directly under the surface our shadow side is seething. Take time to explore your light and dark to find balance within yourself. Learn more about shadow work here.

8. Practice the Shakti mudra

Guess what? There’s a mudra dedicated to Shakti! Try using this mudra during meditation or your yoga practice to increase your Shakti. Breathe deeply and focus on Shakti rising from the base of your spine.

9. Yoga asana practice

Let’s jump straight to the obvious here, Goddess pose. Remember when I said Kundalini aka Shakti energy is coiled at the base of your spine? Any pose that helps activate the base of your spine can help get your Shakti flowing, and Goddess pose certainly does this! Try to work different variations of this pose into your yoga practice or any postures that activate the sacral and root chakra.

10. Breathe Deep

Prana, your breath or life force, is Shakti. Any focused breathing can help increase your prana and therefore your Shakti energy. If you’re not familiar with any pranayama techniques, start with a three-part breath. Inhale, filling your lower belly with air first, then your middle section, and last your chest. Exhale in the reverse order. Practice this three-part breath 5-10 times and notice how you feel after you’re done. If you’re familiar with different pranayama techniques, try adding one into your practice daily. You can learn more about breathwork here.

You might find that you’re already practicing some of these things regularly. If you’re not, don’t stress! No need to start implementing all of them right away, in fact, I wouldn’t recommend it. Start small and start with the tips that sound most appealing to you. Learn more about your chakras system, the moon phases, and more in The Goddess Discovery Book.

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What crystals, symbols, and scents do you need most?

It can be overwhelming to know what crystals, symbols, scents, and other tools to rely on for different purposes. Here’s a quick guide for a variety of situations you may be seeking support for or, perhaps, you have a friend who needs support in a specific area?

It can be overwhelming to know what crystals, symbols, scents, and other tools to rely on for different purposes. Here’s a quick guide for a variety of situations you may be seeking support for or, perhaps, you have a friend who needs support in a specific area?


Who doesn’t want to be happier? Scroll through the tools below for symbols, crystals, scents, and herbs that can help you cultivate more happiness in your life.

Symbols & tools

Wunjo Rune is the rune of joy, pleasure, and harmony. Get The Ritual Deck to get your Wunjo Rune oracle card, a great reminder of joy to place on your altar or carry with you throughout the day.


Citrine, a crystal of happiness, emits positive energy and can help you stay positive, attract your desires, and be more present in your life. That’s where the joy really comes from after all, right?

Scents & herbs

Brahmi, an ancient Ayurvedic herb, can help promote feelings of well-being. Try burning it in the morning as you do a gratitude meditation.

Grounding & Protection

There are so many reasons grounding and protection are important. For those of us who do energy work and psychic work, grounding can help us bring our energy back into our body, back into the lower chakras. Protection can help protect you from absorbing the energy of others, either in spiritual work or just in general as you go about your life (especially for anyone who lives in the city!).

Regardless of your work with magick, grounding and protection help bring you back into your body, feeling safe, supported, and cared for.

Get more tips for psychic protection here.

Symbols & tools

There are many symbols of grounding and protection in the magical world. Some of my favorites are:

  • Algiz Rune, the shield rune for protection

  • Salt, a tool that has been used as protection for centuries

  • Root chakra, your energetic center of safety and grounding

  • Dark moon, an invitation to ground into your body and shed negative energy

The Ritual Deck includes representations of each of these symbols, which can act as energetic stand-ins in rituals or on your altar.


Use snowflake obsidian, a stone of cleansing negative energy and releasing blockages, or smoky quartz, the ultimate stone for grounding and balancing.

Scents & herbs

Clove is your go-to for protection. Spruce will help you ground, bringing you deeply into the present moment.

Anxiety Relief & Peace

Many of us struggle with anxiety in the modern world. It’s so easy to get caught up in what has happened and what might happen or could happen. The tools below help you relieve anxiety and connect with a sense of inner peace.

Symbols & tools

Blue is a soothing color that can help restore tranquility and peace. Try lighting a blue candle or working with the blue candle card in The Ritual Deck.


The crystal kingdom has an abundance of stones to help soothe your anxiety and restore your inner peace. We love blue lace agate for its calming vibrations, labradorite to keep you from absorbing too much of other people’s energy, and howlite to help relieve stress and get better sleep.

Scents & herbs

Lavender can be used as aromatherapy to soothe mild anxiety, and chamomile has long been used to reduce stress and anxiety.

Abundance & Wealth

Who doesn’t want to call in more abundance and wealth? The tools below will help you connect with the abundance you desire to manifest in your physical reality.

Symbols & tools

The color green is associated with abundance, wealth, good fortune, and success. Light a green candle on your altar or work with the green candle card in The Ritual Deck.Fehu Rune is your Rune for bringing abundance of all kinds into your life, whether it be financial or other. Fehu can also be used as a useful tool to tap into the abundance already surrounding you. If you’re having a difficult time tapping into gratitude for all of the gifts you already have, Fehu can help fill your heart with gratitude. Check out a ritual to work with Fehu in this blog.


Citrine is also known as the success stone. It’s associated with the solar plexus chakra and can be a powerful aid in manifesting wealth and abundance.Green aventurine is another stone well-known for attracting abundance, success, and luck. It’s also associated with the heart chakra, helping you to open to receive the abundance that is on its way to you.

Scents & herbs

Cinnamon has its roots in many cultures as a powerful plant for attracting abundance as well as success and healing. Try adding it to your coffee, blending it in your smoothie, and sprinkling it over a banana or your favorite dessert!

Love & Compassion

Turn to these tools when your heart chakra needs some healing. They’ll help you cultivate unconditional love and compassion for yourself and others. Find rituals to cultivate self-love here.

Symbols & tools

Use a pink candle when you’re working with self-love and compassion, or a red candle when you’re working with passionate love involving someone else.


Rose quartz is your crystal ally for unconditional love and compassion. It’s a gentle healer for your heart chakra, a space where we can store so much fear and doubt.Carnelian is another beautiful stone of love, as well as faith and devotion. Use carnelian when you want to devote yourself to a healing practice or when you need to deepen your faith and trust in yourself.

Scents & herbs

There are many scents and herbs that help promote love and compassion! Try hawthorn, rose petals, lotus petals, or motherwort. Mixing a few herbs together into a tea or a bath can be lovely.

Cleansing Negative Energy

Sometimes, we’re not able to protect ourselves from negative energy. Life is life, and negative energy is sometimes inevitable. Use the tools below to cleanse yourself and your space of negative energy, especially after a difficult conversation, a break-up, or a stressful day.

Symbols & tools

Salt is an amazing natural tool to absorb negative energy. Use a representation of salt from The Ritual Deck, take a salt bath, use a salt lamp, or place a bowl of salt in your space.


Black tourmaline, a dark stone for protecting and cleansing, is your go-to for cleansing negative energy. Try meditating with black tourmaline, visualizing all of the negative energy being absorbed into the stone.All-purpose quartz, the ultimate balancer, is another great crystal to have on hand for cleansing negative energy. Learn more about the magical properties and benefits of clear quartz here. Labradorite is also available to help you cleanse your aura. If your aura is weak, has tears, or holes in it labradorite can help. Keep your aura squeaky clean by meditating with a piece of labradorite or going around your entire body with a piece of it in your hand.

Scents & herbs

Rosemary and cedar can all help you cleanse negative energy. Burn them over yourself or in your space to cleanse, purify, and release.

Intuition & Psychic Abilities

These tools will help you open your third eye chakra, to connect with your psychic abilities and center of intuition. (We have a whole slew of blog posts to help you in these areas as well -- check out 5 Quick Tips to Improve Your Intuition,You Are Psychic! How to Determine What Psychic Gift You Have, and 3 Daily Actions to Improve your Intuition to get started.)

Symbols & tools

Your third eye chakra is the center of your intuition. It’s associated with the color purple, so try burning purple candles or connecting with the color in other ways like wearing it or including it in your space.


Amethyst is a classic stone for your third eye chakra. It’s like a cool bath for your intuitive center, gently opening and awakening it to deepen your connection.Labradorite connects strongly to your third eye, making it ideal for honing your intuitive abilities. It can also help you connect with spirit guides and angels, and open the doors to the other side by helping you with astral travel. A multi-purpose stone for your intuition and psychic abilities, indeed!

Scents & herbs

Experiment with mugwort, lavender, juniper, and bilberry to open your center of intuition.

Connecting to the Moon

Symbols & tools

Work with representations of the moon in all her phases to connect with the lunar, divine feminine energy of the moon. The Triple Goddess is also here to connect you with the moon and its cycles, as well as the mother/maiden/crone cycle of life. Download your Triple Goddess free printable here.


Moonstone, just like the name implies, is your crystal ally for connecting with the moon. It’s a dreamy goddess stone that channels the energy of mama moon into your energy field.Selenite received its name from the Greek goddess of the moon, Selene. Selenite offers the water element, connecting you to emotions, intuition, your highest self, and of course, the moon.

Scents & herbs

Mugwort is your go-to to harness the intuitive and psychic power of the moon. Burn it in your space to connect with the moon’s energy and your own inner Selene.


Symbols & tools

The Earth element, represented as an upside-down triangle with a line across the bottom, and the Water element, represented as an upside-down triangle with no line, are both beautiful representations of the divine feminine, womb healing, and receiving. Work with the representations of these elements in The Ritual Deck.

The triple goddess symbol that I mentioned above, shown by two crescent moons with one full moon between them, is another beautiful symbol of the divine feminine. Besides the phases of the moon, it also represents the phases of womanhood we cycle through: maiden, mother, and crone.


Rainbow moonstone is here to connect you to your inner goddess and divine feminine energy.

Strawberry quartz can also connect you to feminine energy as a gentle, loving stone here to fill you with the healing energy of love and open your heart center to give and receive love unconditionally.

Scents & herbs

Hibiscus, the flower associated with the Hawaiian goddess Pele, connects you with Pele’s fiery, passionate, and yet nurturing energy.

The lotus, whose petals represent the yoni, can connect you with your feminine energy and feminine center, the space of creation within you.

I hope you find this guide helpful for quickly finding tools to help you!

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5 Powerful Rune Meanings & Rituals

Runes are symbols that each carry unique universal energy. These special symbols were used by Nordic and Germanic cultures in Northern Europe as forms of language, for religious purposes, and as tools of magick and divination.Runes an extremely versatile spiritual tool. You can use Runes together as a set, like an oracle card deck…

Runes are symbols that each carry unique universal energy. These special symbols were used by Nordic and Germanic cultures in Northern Europe as forms of language, for religious purposes, and as tools of magick and divination.

Runes an extremely versatile spiritual tool. You can use Runes together as a set, like an oracle card deck, learn more about using Runes in this way here. You can also hone in on the energy of specific Runes for specific purposes, that’s what I’ll be covering here.

Most Rune sets are comprised of 24 Rune characters, though this can vary some depending on the set used. I’ll be referencing five of the most frequently used Elder Futhark Runes here.

The cards shown in the images and rituals are from The Ritual Deck®, an oracle card deck I created based around rituals.

The Runes I’ll discuss today are Algiz, Fehu, Berkano, Wunjo, and Tiwaz. Keep scrolling for ways to tap into the energy of each one.

Algiz for Protection

Think of Algiz as a spirit guide or connection to your Higher Self always watching over you. This Rune is not only a symbol of protection but goes much deeper and wants to offer you guidance on your journey. Tap into the power of this Rune anytime you’re feeling lost, scared, or like you need additional protection.

Algiz Ritual

Create an Algiz wall hanging to protect you and to remind you of your connection to your Higher Self. This activity is ideally performed on the night of the dark moon, but it can be done during any moon phase. You’ll need one long stick (this will be used as the center of the Algiz symbol, so any size you’d like will do), two shorter sticks that are the same size (about half the size of the longer stick), and string. Place the two shorter sticks in a “V” shape at the center of your longer stick. The wall hanging should look similar to the Algiz symbol on the card. Wrap your string or twine around the three areas where the sticks meet until they’re stable, and then tie a knot. You can hang this symbol on your wall or place it on your altar.

If you are interested in creating another wall hanging for protection, check out this past blog post.

Fehu for Abundance

Fehu is here to shower you with abundance! This is your Rune for bringing abundance of all kinds into your life, whether it be financial or other. Fehu can also be used as a useful tool to tap into the abundance already surrounding you. If you’re having a difficult time tapping into gratitude for all of the gifts you already have Fehu can help fill your heart with gratitude for all of the abundance you already have.

Fehu Ritual

During the next waxing crescent, or any growth phase of the moon, create a Fehu carved candle. You’ll need a green candle, a toothpick, and a lighter. Using the toothpick, carve the Fehu symbol into your candle. As you carve the symbol, imagine yourself being showered with wealth, provisions and blessings. If your well is already full, think about your gratitude for all of your blessings as you carve the candle. Light your candle and gaze at it for short while, inviting the energy of Fehu into your space. Extinguish your candle when you’re done. Light this candle as often as you’d like throughout the waxing moon phase until the full moon.

Berkano for Manifesting

Bring your gifts and goals to life with the help of Berkano. This Rune is all about birthing new things into the world, this could quite literally mean birthing a child into the world or a new project. Whatever it is you’re trying to bring to fruition, Berkano is here to help bring it to light.

Berkano Ritual

To connect with the energy of Berkano, create your own Berkano charm during the next full moon. You’ll need a medallion of wood or a small stone, and paint or a permanent marker. Visualize the goal or desire you’d like to fulfill as you draw or paint the Berkano symbol on your wood medallion or stone. Once you’re done, take a few quiet moments to visualize what you’ll feel like when your goal is manifested. Place your Berkano charm somewhere you’ll see it regularly, or carry it with you.If you would like to learn more about manifesting with runes, click here to read a past post.

Wunjo for Happiness

Need more reasons to smile? The Wunjo Rune is here to help you make the decision to live in joy. This is a great Rune to use if you’re feeling down or anxious because it will help you see the good in things around you even if you’re going through a hard time.

Wunjo Ritual

Create an altar or sacred space for Wunjo as a reminder to find the joy in each day. You might find that Wunjo’s jubilant energy starts to bring more optimism into your daily thinking. This is a great ritual to perform on the day or night of the full moon. Use the Wunjo card from The Ritual Deck® or draw it on a card to place on your altar. Collect objects that bring you joy, such as pictures of happy memories, joyful flowers, or trinkets that make you happy. Other items to consider are green aventurine and a yellow candle. Get creative and have fun with this! Your Wunjo altar should make you smile anytime you gaze at it. Keep this altar up for as long as you’d like and try to make contact with it daily for one complete moon cycle.

Tiwaz for Strength

If you’re going through a challenge with another person or have a difficult decision on the horizon, Tiwaz is here to help you through it. Consider this Rune the warrior Rune. The energy of Tiwaz wants to help you find truth and justice, which is not always easy. Rely on the strength of Tiwaz for help during disagreements, legal battles, or making difficult decisions.

Tiwaz Ritual

Create a Tiwaz candle for any disagreements, difficult decisions, or legal encounters you have coming up. If you need a fresh look at the situation a white candle will serve you well. If you need momentum to help you make a difficult decision a red candle will serve you well. During the next first quarter moon or any waxing moon phase, gather your candle, a toothpick, and a match or lighter. The addition of a sodalite stone will help for speaking your truth and a tiger eye stone for energizing your solar plexus chakra. Carve the Tiwaz symbol into your candle and light the candle. Invite the just energy of Tiwaz into your situation. Sit with the lit candle as long as you like, and once you’re finished extinguish the candle. Continue to sit with the candle daily until the moon grows full, you’ve reached a decision, or your issue is resolved.

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Ancient Scents & Their Meanings

Have you ever smelled something and it took you back to a specific moment in your life or a certain feeling?We can’t always explain why scents attach themselves to moments in our lives and stick, but we know that scents are powerful.

Have you ever smelled something and it took you back to a specific moment in your life or a certain feeling?

We can’t always explain why scents attach themselves to moments in our lives and stick, but we know that scents are powerful.

Think about how you feel when you smell fresh cut grass, the incense burning in your local yoga studio, onions sautéing on the stove, or winter candles burning.

Each one of those scents probably evokes a specific emotion in you.

This is the power of scents.

Smell is one of the most primal senses, and it can awaken the deep emotions that may be hiding in your cells.

Scents are a way to connect to our heart space. They’re a way to shift our energy, our emotions, and our mood. They can also be an incredible way to connect with the Universe or the Divine.

Some scents, such as the ones below, have their roots in ancient civilizations around the world. They’ve been used for their magickal healing properties in the ancient civilizations of India, Rome, China, Egypt, and more.


Scroll down to learn more about some of the most powerful ancient scents' meanings and uses.


Frankincense has been used for centuries in the Middle East (where it’s from), Egypt, Israel, Ancient Rome, Ancient Greece, other parts of Europe, and more.

In different cultures, it was used for different things:

  • As incense in sacred Jewish rituals, Christian ceremonies, and other religious ceremonies in Greece, Rome, Egypt, and Israel

  • Healing and purification in the Ayurvedic tradition

  • To drive insects away in the Middle East

  • Flavoring food and drinks in the Middle East

  • In burial rituals in Egypt and Rome

  • To treat medical issues including ulcers, nausea, post-childbirth recovery, chest coughs, and fever

  • To embalm bodies in Ancient Egypt

Besides its practical uses, it was revered as a powerful tool for protection, purification, and connecting with the divine.

How can you incorporate frankincense into your life today? Here are some ideas:

  • Burn frankincense resin as an offering to a goddess you’re working with

  • Use frankincense oil to anoint your candles in candle magick

  • Use frankincense oil (diluting with a carrier oil if needed!) on your wrists before meditation or ritual work

  • Rub the soles of your feet with frankincense oil before bed to help you relax

  • Diffuse frankincense oil on summer nights on your porch for a natural bug spray

  • Use frankincense oil as a perfume on your skin to imbue your day to day with some extra magic

  • Burn frankincense incense in your space to protect and purify it


Myrrh also comes from trees in the Middle East and North Africa, and was used alongside frankincense in the great ancient civilizations of Egypt, Israel, Europe, and the Middle East. Where frankincense is associated with the sun, myrrh is a bit murkier. It’s associated with the sun because its tree thrives in the desert sun, but it’s also associated with the moon, because of its strong feminine history as an herb for ancient goddesses.

Some of its historical uses are:

  • Embalming the dead in ancient Egypt

  • Used as medicine, especially with honey, in ancient Egypt for many illnesses, especially skin conditions, infections, and bruises

  • Burning as sacred incense in Christian traditions

  • Used in ancient Egyptian rites as an offering to the sun god Ra and goddess Isis

  • As a perfume and purification oil for the Hebrew people

  • For its restorative properties in Eastern medicine

Myrrh was used as a powerful tool for healing, protection, purification, meditation, and expanding inner wisdom. It was often used as a great complement to frankincense, and it’s thought that combining the two even increases their power.Try these ideas for incorporating myrrh into your life today:

  • Burn myrrh resin on your altar as an offering to the goddess Isis

  • Use in banishing and protection rituals and spells

  • Purify and bless magical tools such as your tarot cards, crystals, and talismans

  • Burn myrrh incense when you need personal healing and comfort

  • Use myrrh oil on your skin (diluting with carrier oil if necessary) to help you meditate

  • Incorporate into any of your work with frankincense above


Sandalwood isn’t technically an herb. It’s actually, like the name suggests, a type of wood. Sandalwood has been used for thousands of years in many different contexts, including:

  • Buddhist rituals

  • Muslim rituals

  • Egyptian embalming rituals

  • Folk medicine in Tibet and China

  • In carvings for shrines and homes in India

  • In figurines and jewelry in India

  • As a paste for anointing in Hindu temples

  • As a perfume and soap in Europe

  • As a powerful remedy in the Ayurvedic system of medicine

  • Consecrating ritual tools in Hindu ceremonies

Practically, sandalwood has been used for its anti-inflammatory and cleansing properties. Magically and energetically, sandalwood has been used for many things including healing, purification, grounding while also assisting in meditation, clearing negativity, deep spiritual relaxation, clairvoyance, and manifestation.Some ways to use sandalwood in your life are:

  • Write your desires on a stick of sandalwood on the new moon and burn it, letting the smoke carry your desires into the universe

  • Cleanse your magical tools (like crystals, athames, cauldrons, and tarot cards) of negative energy

  • Burn sandalwood chips to help heal coughs and UTIs

  • Burn sandalwood incense for meditation

  • Burn sandalwood incense or chips for astral projection and communicating with spirits

  • Wear sandalwood beads for higher spiritual awareness

Nag Champa

If you’ve ever walked into a yoga studio or a witchy shop, you’ve probably smelled the earthy, slightly sweet scent of Nag Champa. But what is Nag Champa?

It’s a blend of different scents, most famously the champa flower, as well as sandalwood, and halmaddi resin. The champa flower from the Magnolia champaca tree, a tree often planted near ashrams, has long been prized in India for its sweet fragrance and bright yellow color.

As you’ve probably guessed, Nag Champa’s origins are as incense in India where it was often used for meditation, yoga, and rituals in Hindu temples and ashrams. It’s now one of the most popular incense scents in the world!

Nag Champa is thought to stimulate spiritual awareness while simultaneously grounding you in the present.

Here are some ideas for incorporating this popular scent into your life:

  • Burn Nag Champa when you meditate or do yoga

  • Use Nag Champa oil as a perfume

  • Burn Nag Champa for chanting and kirtan practices

  • Use Nag Champa oil to massage your feet (diluting if needed!)

  • Use Nag Champ soap or body wash (there are tons of options) to add some magic to your everyday

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Four DIY Candle Magic Spells

Think of candle magick as a powerful tool in your manifesting tool belt. It’s all about setting intentions and visualizing the outcome. Candle magick can help you do both of these things by collecting the right tools and slowing down to allow time to really embody what you’re trying to bring to life.I shared in a previous post the basics for getting started with candle magick.

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Getting Started With Candle Magick

If you’re on the fence about getting started with spellwork and magick, candle magick is the best place to start. Candle magick is simple, you don’t need much to perform it, and it’s powerful. You may even be using forms of candle magick in your home already and not even realize it!I’m going to cover everything you need to know to get started with candle magick here.

If you’re on the fence about getting started with spellwork and magick, candle magick is the best place to start. Candle magick is simple, you don’t need much to perform it, and it’s powerful. You may even be using forms of candle magick in your home already and not even realize it!

I’m going to cover everything you need to know to get started with candle magick here.

How and why candle magick works

How often do you have a fleeting thought of acquiring a new object or setting an intention but neglect to follow through with it? Performing candle magick requires that you focus on specific goals and visualize them clearly. This often brings up emotion, connecting you even more to your desire. Think of the candle itself as a communication medium between yourself and The Universe. As your candle burns it is sending your request out into The Universe.

Candles also represent all four elements which make them a potent source of intention setting. The solid wax and wick of the candle represent earth, the flame represents fire, the smoke represents air, and the melting wax represents water.

All of these reasons combined make candles the ideal tool for spellwork and magick.

What kind of candles to use?

Any kind of candle will work, but you may find that you prefer specific kinds of candles for specific spells. I prefer to use 100% paraffin wax spell candles. They’re made specifically for candle magick, are easy to come by online or in new age shops, reasonably priced, and they come in a variety of colors.

Another great option is beeswax candles. They can be a bit pricier and harder to find but are a luxurious option because they’re 100% natural. Beeswax candles are said to emit negative ions (like a salt lamp), which is an added bonus.

If you don’t have either of these available, any candle will do, just be mindful of the color and scent of the candle as they will have an effect on the outcome. I cover candle color meanings in the last section of this blog post.

Preparing your candles

Before you start with any candle magick you’ll want to physically clean the candle and cleanse any negative energy from it. You’ll also want to anoint or “dress” your candle with oil. Keep reading for tips to perform both of these tasks.

Always begin with cleaning your candle first. To cleanse your candle start by inspecting it for any physical signs of dirt or dust. Next, you’ll want to cleanse the energy of your candle. You can do this by placing it under the light of a full moon, wafting cleansing herbal smoke around the candle, or by wiping it down with water.

Anointing your candle is an important step because it gives you the opportunity to imprint your energy onto the candle after it’s been cleansed. Select an oil that resonates with you or lines up with your intention. An essential oil or a simple baby oil will work. Put a couple of drops of the oil on your candle or your hands and rub it on the candle. As you rub the candle with oil focus on your desired outcome and imagine your energy and desire being absorbed by the candle.

Learn more about how to dress your candle for spellwork here.

Candle color meanings

These are basic meanings for each color:

  • Red: Strength, passion, intensity

  • Orange: Sensuality, vitality, expression

  • Yellow: Inspiration, confidence, clarity

  • Green: Renewal, abundance, prosperity

  • Blue: Peace, respite, psychic protection

  • Violet: Intuition, attunement, psychic ability

  • White: Newness, purification, hope

  • Black: Stability, perseverance, negativity shield

  • Pink: Love, romance, friendship

Getting started

  1. Safety first! Please ensure that you burn your candles in a safe space and never leave a candle burning unattended.

  2. Select a candle color that is in alignment with your intention. It’s always best to perform candle magick with a new candle.

  3. Cleanse and consecrate your candle keeping your intention in mind as you do this.

  4. Light your candle and watch it burn while focusing on your intention. Sit and gaze at the candle for as long as you’d like or space the candle burning out over several nights. If you space out your candle burning, don’t blow out your candle, instead, snuff it out with a candle snuffer. The candle snuffer will help seal your intent rather than blow it away.

  5. Be mindful over the next day(s) of how this exercise makes you feel about the intention you’ve set for yourself.

This is the easiest way to get started with candle magick. Get comfortable performing these simple steps and then check out this blog post with more detailed candle magick spells and receive a free candle magick printable.

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10 Uses for Labradorite

It’s hard not to fall in love with labradorite. Ancient people who came upon labradorite believed it was connected to the Aurora Borealis. Just like this natural wonder in the sky, no two pieces of labradorite look quite alike with their flashes of color.In addition to its colorful glow, labradorite comes with a slew of metaphysical and spiritual uses. The best part is that this stone is easy to come by and relatively inexpensive to acquire.Labradorite is said to be the stone of magick. This title isn’t surprising due to its long list of magickal and spiritual benefits. Keep reading for ten uses for labradorite.

It’s hard not to fall in love with labradorite. Ancient people who came upon labradorite believed it was connected to the Aurora Borealis. Just like this natural wonder in the sky, no two pieces of labradorite look quite alike with their flashes of color.

In addition to its colorful glow, labradorite comes with a slew of metaphysical and spiritual uses. The best part is that this stone is easy to come by and relatively inexpensive to acquire.

Labradorite is said to be the stone of magick. This title isn’t surprising due to its long list of magickal and spiritual benefits. Keep reading for ten uses for labradorite.

Aura Cleansing

Labradorite is queen when it comes to cleansing your aura (learn more about auras here). If your aura is weak, has tears, or holes in it labradorite can help with that too. Keep that aura squeaky clean by meditating with a piece of labradorite or going around your entire body with a piece of it in your hand.

Psychic Protection

Beyond protecting your aura, labradorite can help shield you during psychic work too. Whether you’re practicing tarot, using a pendulum, or scrying with a crystal ball labradorite can help protect you from any unwanted spiritual energy. Try wearing or placing a piece of labradorite nearby you the next time you practice any form of psychic work.

Enhancing Intuition

Labradorite connects strongly to your third eye, especially if you can find one with some purples in it! This third eye connection makes this stone ideal for honing your intuitive abilities. Start including labradorite into your daily life and see if it makes a difference. You may even try placing some labradorite on your nightstand to work on your intuition at night too.

Connecting with Guides and Angels

If you’re trying to connect with your spirit guides or angels, labradorite can help with this too. If you haven’t noticed, labradorite has a thing for helping you with the spirit realm! Think of labradorite as a window to the other side. This stone will make connecting with your guides and angels easier, and the best part is that it will also offer protection too. Wear or hold a piece of labradorite in your hand as you call on the guide or angel you’re trying to connect with.

Balancing Chakras

Because you can find labradorite in just about every color, it’s a potent healer and balancer for your chakra system. If you know that you have a specific chakra that’s out of wack you can try to find a labradorite stone that matches that chakra's color. Or, you can grab yourself an extra rainbowy labradorite that has every color in it to have a powerful chakra balancer for all of your chakras!

Astral Travel

Labradorite is a must for astral travel. It will help open the doors to the other side and will offer you protection along the way. Wear or hold labradorite in your hand anytime you intend to leave your earthly body for a trip through the cosmos or to the Akashic records.

Aid for Magick and Spellwork

Of course, the stone of magick is ideal for performing any magick or spellwork. Anytime you’re performing magickal spells you’re enlisting forces on the other side to help you. Because labradorite helps open doors to the other side, it’s the ideal stone to have nearby for any magickal work you’re practicing. If you already have an altar space where you perform spellwork placing a piece of labradorite on it won’t hurt!

Creativity and Imagination

Looking for a way to get more in touch with your creative side? Think of your creative thoughts as little nudges from the other side; labradorite can help let them in. If you’re looking for labradorite to help with a serious creative block, try finding labradorite with an orange flash to it so it can work on your sacral chakra too.


If you have anxiety or identify as an empath, labradorite is an excellent stone to keep handy while you’re out and about, especially in large groups of people. Because this stone is so good at protecting your energy, it’s great for super sensitive souls too. Don’t let labradorite take the place of your doctor or therapist, but it can offer some added protection when you’re feeling triggered.

Light Bringer

Remember when I said ancient tribes believed labradorite was connected to the Aurora Borealis? Remember that anytime you use it. This iridescent stone is all about bringing self-awareness and opening pathways for you. Labradorite is a true bringer of light in both appearance and its many applications.

I hope you’ve found ten more reasons to adore this stone! It truly is a stone of magick and has so much to offer.

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Divination, How-to, Numerology, Symbolism Cassie Uhl Divination, How-to, Numerology, Symbolism Cassie Uhl

Seeing the Same Number? Here’s What Your Numeric Messages Mean

Are you constantly stalked by a specific number or combination of numbers? Many people claim to see the same numbers over and over again on digital clocks, license plates, registers, or anywhere numbers show up. You’re not alone!If you’ve experienced this phenomenon you’ve probably been curious about what the meaning of it is, maybe even scared by it. That’s precisely what started my journey into researching numeric communication. If you’re skeptical, keep reading to check out my experience with the number 11, then keep scrolling for the possible meanings behind your numeric sightings.

Are you constantly stalked by a specific number or combination of numbers? Many people claim to see the same numbers repeatedly on digital clocks, license plates, registers, or anywhere numbers show up. You’re not alone!

If you’ve experienced this phenomenon, you’ve probably been curious about its meaning, maybe even scared by it. That’s precisely what started my journey into researching numeric communication. If you’re skeptical, keep reading to check out my experience with the number 11, then keep scrolling for the possible meanings behind your numeric sightings.

My number story (for the skeptics)

I’ve been stalked by the number 11 my entire life, but it ramped up in 2017. After a while, I was so suspicious of the constantly appearing number that I began taking screenshots of the constantly appearing 11’s on my phone. In just four months I was graced with 11’s over 189 times on my phone. This count doesn’t even include all the times I would see 11’s on digital clocks in my home, car, or the number just showing up randomly (which all happen very often). I don’t know about you, but that blows coincidence out of the water for me! If you read my last blog post on numerology basics, you also know that my life path number is 11. This gave me pause.

When I was in college, I was stalked specifically by the number 911. Initially, it had me spooked! I remember the first date of 9/11 since this had been happening, I was terrified to leave the house! I thought it must be a bad omen. Fortunately, not only did I make it through that day unscathed, but I also know that these are simply messages from my guides, angels, ancestors, or soul.

The artwork shown on my screen display is from The Starchild Tarot Deck by Danielle Noelle.

Why do we receive numeric messages?

Though numerology and numeric messages may have some overlap, they’re not the same thing. Numerology is based on your birthdate and name, whereas numeric messages are seemingly random occurrences that can come and go throughout your life. As I said in my last blog post on numerology basics, numbers are an ideal method of communication because they’re universal, this is also true for numeric messages!

Many, myself included, believe that the repeating numbers that millions report seeing are messages from angels, spirit guides, and/or our higher self. If you’ve been seeing a numeric message so often that you can no longer ignore it, someone or something is likely trying to tell you something. Let’s dig into what these numeric messages could mean.

What do your numeric messages mean?

You may be seeing single digits, repeating digits, or the same combination of numbers, all of which are common. This list will break down some of the most common numeric combinations people report seeing.

The best thing to do when you see one of these numbers is to pause and ask yourself what you were thinking about, it might give you a clue about what your message pertains to. Once you have a better understanding of what each number means, you’ll be able to apply this knowledge to combined numbers. For example, if you’re always seeing the combination 211, it could mean that a new relationship is on the horizon, that you need more companionship in your life, or to be aware of people you come in contact with as they may be an important person to get to know.

11, 111 & 1111

Newness and big energy! 1s are the start of a cycle so they usually indicate a fresh start, a new project, a time for a change, or the beginning of a new evolution in your life journey. 1s can signal to you that it’s time to get going on big dreams you’ve been putting off, but they may also come as sweet reminders that you’re onto something and to continue full steam ahead on your current path. Different combinations of 11s are a very common and cosmic numeric message!

22 & 222

It’s time to focus on different partnerships in your life. Is there a relationship that you’ve been avoiding that might need healing? Perhaps, you’ve been trying to do everything independently and are afraid to ask for help? 22s and 222s ask you to find balance in your life, possibly through the help and aid of others.

33 & 333

3s signal a time of harmony and possibly creativity and creation too. Are there areas of your life that feel out of whack, like you’re missing something? This numeric message may be signaling to you that it’s time to try something different and get out of your comfort zone. If you’ve felt pulled to try a new creative hobby or physical activity, now’s the time. Notice if investing time in a new creation or project brings you a revived sense of harmony and well-being.

44 & 444

4s are your sign to get manifesting! This number signifies a time of physical and spiritual becoming one and working together. If you see this number pop up, you may notice that your thoughts are becoming a reality with ease. If you’ve been holding off on trying to manifest something, it’s a sign that now is the time and your angels and guides are ready to help you!

55 & 555

A change is coming! 5s are here to clue you into a possible transformation or change on your horizon. It could be big or small, but the lesson from this numeric message is to roll with the punches throughout this transition. Trying to resist any upcoming changes could make the situation worse, trust that you’re on the right path even if it feels uncertain.

66 & 666

This is a number that may come with some baggage for you, it might even scare you. Rest assured that anything you were taught about 666 will not pertain to its meaning here. 6s are powerful numeric messages that will most certainly get your attention. This numeric message is here to help wake you up if you’re stuck in a negative thought pattern. Maybe you’re stuck in a difficult challenge or situation, 6 messages want to remind you that shifting your thought patterns to more positive ones may be the key to accessing the power you need to move through your difficulties.

77 & 777

There is a powerful wave of love and support riding right behind you! Messages of 7s are full of awakened energy, wisdom, and spiritual attunement. This numeric message wants you to remember how supported you truly are and to trust that you’re on the right path. If you’re seeing 7s this is a great time to meditate and connect with your angels, spirit guides, or higher self.

8 & 888

It’s time to step into your power! This commanding numeric message reminds you that you have everything you need to claim what is yours and live your truth. If you’ve identified your life path but feel put down or muffled by others, 8s remind you that you can and should claim your power and move forward with your goals.

9 & 999

This numeric message is associated with endings. Don’t fret though, with all endings come new beginnings. 9 messages are here to help you accept any endings that are currently happening in your life. Whether it’s with a partner, career, or way of thinking, now is the time to let go and surrender to what is.

00 & 000

This sweet nudge from the universe is a simple one, the divine (whatever that means to you) is near, when you see a 0 message rest assured that the love of the universe is all around you.

You can find a variety of meanings for number combinations in books and online. I encourage you to find meanings that resonate the most with you and your current situation. Some like to take geometric and sacred geometry symbols into consideration for understanding numeric messages, and some prefer to focus on angels and ascended masters. If you enjoy my interpretations, you’ll probably enjoy the book Messages in the Number by Alana Fairchild, as much of my inspiration on numbers has come from her teachings.

Once you’re accustomed to seeing these numeric reminders they’ll likely become a natural part of your day. You’ll likely begin to welcome them as sweet signs of encouragement or a warning from the spirit realm. The more you embrace your numeric messages, the more you’ll begin to notice them.

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How to Determine Your Life Path Number

Traditional numerology is similar to astrology in some ways. Like astrology, numerologists believe that your birthdate can give you clues about possible challenges you may face and what your purpose is during this Earthly visit.Also, similar to astrology, numerology is a very complex system. No worries though, I’m going to break down the basics for you so you can quickly gain an understanding of what numerology is and how to start applying it to your life. I’m also going to give you an easy printable guide to find your life path number and understand what it means.

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Astrology, How-to, Moon phases, Symbolism, Zodiac Cassie Uhl Astrology, How-to, Moon phases, Symbolism, Zodiac Cassie Uhl

Understanding Yourself Through the Sun & the Moon

Ever since the dawn of time, humans have sought to understand themselves and their place in the universe on a deeper level by looking up at the sky.Over thousands of years of observations, astrologers have come to recognize that the Sun and Moon are not only luminous orbs of light in the sky that govern the day and night, but their intriguing symbolism can also tell us a lot about who each of us really are and how we naturally tend to behave and react.

Ever since the dawn of time, humans have sought to understand themselves and their place in the universe on a deeper level by looking up at the sky.

Over thousands of years of observations, astrologers have come to recognize that the Sun and Moon are not only luminous orbs of light in the sky that govern the day and night, but their intriguing symbolism can also tell us a lot about who each of us really are and how we naturally tend to behave and react.

What Do the Sun & Moon Represent?

On an astrology chart, the Sun symbolizes your ego. It’s your life’s expression, your attitude, your ego, and the way you move through life. The Sun can also explain your underlying drive and how you most love to be creative. It’s basically how we act when we’re feeling fully alive!

The Moon, on the other hand, symbolizes inner security, comfort, and how we express our emotions whether we’re happy or sad. It describes your emotional landscape and the conditions you need to feel nurtured, safe, and fulfilled.

By tracking where the Sun and Moon fall in your birth chart - which is a map of where the stars and planets were at the time of your birth - you can also gain a deeper understanding of why you naturally do the things you do and feel and act the way you do, too.

Draw your own birth chart here

How To Find Your Sun Sign

Your Sun Sign is by far the most common astrological point that most people think of when they think of astrology. When someone asks what your sign is, most people tend to know what theirs is. This is your Sun Sign, which is also sometimes referred to as your star sign, and it’s based on the zodiac sign or zone of the sky, the Sun was in when you were born.

The Sun goes through each of the 12 signs of the zodiac every year while spending 30 days in each sign before it moves on to the next. Astrologers sometimes refer to these as seasons because our collective focus tends to change based on which sign is currently being illuminated by the Sun. When you are born, it’s like you get imprinted by this influence and it becomes your focus throughout your life.

Here’s a basic rundown on when each astrological season occurs:

  • Aries: March 21 - April 19

  • Taurus: April 20 - May 20

  • Gemini: May 21 - June 20

  • Cancer: June 21 - July 22

  • Leo: July 23 - August 22

  • Virgo: August 23 - September 22

  • Libra: September 23 - October 22

  • Scorpio: October 23 - November 21

  • Sagittarius: November 22 - December 21

  • Capricorn: December 22 - January 19

  • Aquarius: January 20 - February 18

  • Pisces: February 19 - March 20

Keep in mind that these dates can change slightly from year to year because the cycle of the Sun does not always match up perfectly with the Gregorian calendar we all know and use.

How To Find Your Moon Sign

Your Moon Sign is based on where the moon was when you were born. This is not quite as easy to figure out because the moon only spends about 2.5 days in each zodiac sign before it moves into the next, moving through all 12 signs over the course of each month. (With the moon moving so quickly, it’s no wonder why our moods tend to be so changeable from day to day!)

By knowing your Moon Sign, you can choose jobs, relationships, and life situations that will help support your inner happiness. It can become more difficult to express yourself fully through your Sun Sign if you are not feeling supported internally.

To find your Moon Sign, can try doing a quick Google search or type your birth date and time in Planetwatcher.com and locate which sign the crescent moon symbol falls on the chart. You may also find it interesting to search for which moon phase you were born under as this can help explain which part of the creative process you are most attuned to.

Decoding Your Sun & Moon Sign

What is your Sun and Moon Sign and what do they have to say about you?

On the most basic level, each sign of the zodiac has a very different set of personality traits which are also based on different elements found in nature:

  • Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius are Fire signs and they all tend to be very direct, passion-driven, and find great joy in promoting the things they love and influencing others with their great ideas.

  • Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn are Earth signs and they are more calm and practical when it comes to setting goals. They’re persistent and hard working in going after what they want and are able to do what needs to be done to see their aims through to the very end.

  • Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius are Air signs and they love to socialize, communicate, and collaborate with others. They’re great at sharing their ideas and thinking intellectually and conceptually.

  • Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces are Water signs and they can be sensitive, emotional, compassionate, idealistic, and imaginative. They can easily sense how others around them are feeling and long to forge deeper connections.

There is so much more to learn about your Sun and Moon beyond this, but I hope this basic overview has helped you feel more attuned to yourself and the incredible universe we live in.

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The Best Crystals For Each Zodiac Sign

Your astrological sign comes with a variety of good qualities. Your zodiac sign also comes with some, let’s call them, growth opportunities. Working with the right gemstones for your sign will make you feel right at home, honing in on your best qualities while bringing balance to some of your pitfalls.

Your astrological sign comes with a variety of good qualities. Your zodiac sign also comes with some, let’s call them, growth opportunities. Working with the right gemstones for your sign will make you feel right at home, honing in on your best qualities while bringing balance to some of your pitfalls.

The gemstones associated with your astrological sign are not the same as your birthstone, though some do overlap. These are all crystals with specific properties to help bring tailored healing for your astrological sun sign. Think of them as your crystal “glass slipper,” they should energetically feel like a perfect fit!

To incorporate these crystals into your daily life, you can place them on your altar or nightstand, carry them in your pocket, or you can wear them. Keep scrolling for a couple of crystal suggestions for each zodiac sign.

Capricorn ♥ Dec 22 - Jan 20

Hardworking Capricorns will feel comfortable and empowered with the aid of grounding stones like these.


This grounding gemstone will make you feel comfortable and at home with Capricorn being an Earth sign. If you’re overworked, like Capricorns often are, obsidian can help strengthen your energy and auric field, bringing you back to balance.


Many responsible Capricorns find themselves in management and leadership roles. If you’re one of these lucky Capricorns, hematite is here to help! Hematite is a powerful stone for shielding yourself from negative energy so you can stand your ground and shield your energy.

Aquarius ♥ Jan 21 - Feb 19

Airy Aquarians can find balance with mentally clarifying stones.


This stone is the ultimate balancing gemstone for air signs like Aquarius. If you’re an independent and sometimes temperamental Aquarius, garnet can bring you some much-needed stability.


Aquarians tend to have very active minds, always thinking ahead and trying to figure things out. Let labradorite hone your mental chatter so you can put it to better use. Labradorite can help your psychic abilities while stifling some of your negative traits.

Pisces ♥ Feb 20 - Mar 20

Intuitive Pisces will find a needed mental escape with these healing gemstones.


This sign is susceptible to taking on the woes and sadness of others. Retreat to the healing power of amethyst to transmute your sadness into love.


Escape your Earthly troubles with this stone. If you’re a Pisces, you may feel a desire to escape reality, or like you don’t belong here, fluorite can give you a safe place to relax and temporarily withdraw too.

Aries ♥ Mar 21 - Apr 19

Fiery Aries always on the go will find much-needed recharge in these stones.

Red Jasper

Aries can be quick to anger, but red jasper is here to help! The grounding and protective energy of this stone can help quench your temper before you react to a situation.


This stone has intense energy and is perfect for a quick recharge. Aries tend to be continually going and love a good physical challenge. If you’ve overdone it and need a boost, ruby can help with this too.

Taurus ♥ Apr 20 - May 20

Practical Taurus will find flexibility and motivation with these stones.


Taurus signs are masters at completing their goals, and jade will make it even easier! Jade offers support for moving through challenges, tasks, and accomplishing your dreams. This stone will amplify your best traits, making attaining your desires a breeze.


Sometimes stubborn Taurus signs can find balance with this stone. Amber is excellent for releasing negativity and finding more flexibility in their unmovable personalities. This stone is also great for manifesting, which is a favorite hobby of Taurus signs.

Gemini ♥ May 21 - June 21

Gentle Gemini signs will find balance in the duality of their personalities with these stones.


If you’re feeling unstable or nervous from your dueling personality traits, agate can bring you a needed self-confidence boost and a sense of stability.


This stone can help you find focus if your mind is flipping back and forth. If you’re feeling indecisive about something, as Gemini’s often do, sapphire can help you follow through with decision making.

Cancer ♥ Jun 22 - Jul 23

Emotional and imaginative Cancer signs will be able to get their water fix with these stones.


Cancer is ruled by the moon and is also a water sign, making moonstone an ideal fit. Moonstone has a special relationship with both the moon and water. Moonstone can help you get in touch with the best parts of your personality. If you’re feeling insecure, like many Cancer signs can, this stone is also very nurturing.


Cancer’s often long for the water. Even though Abalone isn't a true crystal, it's often found used in jewelry or as an altar tool. If you’re feeling called to the ocean but are landlocked, abalone can offer some serious water vibes to help you get your fix.

Leo ♥ Jul 24 - Aug 23

Sunny Leo will feel right at home with these radiant stones!


Though Leo’s are loved by many, this can make them lazy. If everything has come easily to you and you don’t feel like trying when the going gets tough, carnelian can give you the boost you need.


Let your best qualities shine brightly with this cheerful stone. Leo is ruled by the Sun and a fire sign, so this gemstone will help bring out all of your best qualities. This is also an excellent stone for Leo’s that happen to live in a cloudy or cold climate.

Virgo ♥ Aug 24 - Sept 22

Kind and cautious Virgo’s can find the confidence they need to speak their truth with these stones.

Blue Topaz

Earthy Virgo’s can have a difficult time connecting to their higher-self. Blue Topaz can help you tune into higher realms and boost your confidence in this area. Taking a less practical path might give you the perspective you need!


If you’ve found yourself consumed by worry or overthinking a situation, as Virgos tend to do, amazonite can help you separate your emotions from the situation so you can gain a sense of clarity.

Libra ♥ Sept 23 - Oct 22

Peace-seeking Libra will find just that in these gemstones.


Libra loves to be in relationships but hates conflict. Unfortunately, conflict will show up at some point even in the best of relationships. This master heart healer will help you stay balanced and help you release grudges more easily.


Libra is an air sign, so grounding energy is always a bonus! Bloodstone will not only help you stay grounded but help you keep your emotions balanced as well

Scorpio ♥ Oct 23-Nov 22

Passionate and intense Scorpio's will find a sea of respite and love in these crystals.


Scorpio’s can come across as very assertive, which is an excellent quality in leadership roles but might sometimes need tempering when dealing with friends and family. As a water sign, you’ll find aquamarine to be soothing and cooling to your intensities. Aquamarine is also masterful at stabilizing fear and anger.


Scorpio’s have strong emotions that can sometimes be expressed as jealousy and an unwillingness to trust others. This gemstone can balance your powerful feelings and help you understand and accept the actions of others more readily.

Sagittarius ♥ Nov 23 - Dec 21

Positive Sagittarius signs will find needed protection and communication aid in these stones.


Sagittarius loves adventure. Don’t forget to bring some energetic protection along with you as you’re traveling the world. Turquoise is a powerful stone of protection that can also help keep your throat chakra in check.

Lapis Lazuli

Though Sagittarius leans towards optimism, they are fire signs. If you’ve been known to sling some hurtful words at your loved ones, this stone can help balance and restore your throat chakra for optimal communication.These are just some of the stones that will benefit each zodiac sign. Want to find more crystals to balance your zodiac sign? The best way to find more gemstones for your sun or moon sign is to research your signs. Check out blog posts dedicated to each zodiac sign here.

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Divination, Goddess, Moon phases, Symbolism Cassie Uhl Divination, Goddess, Moon phases, Symbolism Cassie Uhl

The Meanings & Origins of the Triple Goddess Symbol

With the current rise in popularity of the moon phases, it can be easy to overlook the meaning and history of these symbols. The Triple Goddess symbol, comprised of a waxing crescent, full moon, and a waning crescent, is often thrown into the mix of trending moon imagery but has deeper roots and more profound meaning than you may have expected.The Triple Goddess symbol has been adopted by most witches, Pagans, Wiccans, and Neopagans as a sacred symbol. Perhaps you’re already quite familiar with the Triple Goddess symbol, and it already holds deep meaning to you, or maybe you’ve always felt pulled to it but don’t know why.

With the current rise in popularity of the moon phases, it can be easy to overlook the meaning and history of these symbols. The Triple Goddess symbol, comprised of a waxing crescent, full moon, and a waning crescent, is often thrown into the mix of trending moon imagery but has deeper roots and more profound meaning than you may have expected.

The Triple Goddess symbol has been adopted by most witches, Pagans, Wiccans, and Neopagans as a sacred symbol. Perhaps you’re already quite familiar with the Triple Goddess symbol, and it already holds deep meaning to you, or maybe you’ve always felt pulled to it but don’t know why. Here is a past post where I talk about the Triple Goddess and also give you a free printable wall hanging, check it out!

Triple Goddess Symbol Meaning

If you’ve been curious about its purpose, that’s just where I’m going to start. I’ll be sharing the meaning behind this symbol and will also touch on its rich, and somewhat controversial, origins as well.

The most common meaning assigned to the Triple Goddess symbol is the maiden, mother, and crone. Each phase of the moon correlates with a phase of a woman's life. Here’s a breakdown of each phase.

The Maiden: Represented by the new moon. The maiden embodies purity, youth, creation, pleasure, naivety, and new beginnings. The maiden invites you to explore your spirituality, sensuality, and creativity.

The Mother: Represented by the full moon. The mother embodies love, fertility nourishment responsibility, patience, gratitude, power, and self-care. The mother invites you to master giving and receiving love.

The Crone: Represented by the fading waning moon. The crone embodies endings, wisdom, death, acceptance, and culmination. The crone invites you to accept that without death there is no birth.

The mother, maiden, and crone is not the only way to honor and connect with this symbol. Here are some other meanings of the Triple Goddess symbol.

  • Planes and realms: Earth, the underworld, and heaven

  • Cycles: Life, Birth, Death, and ultimately rebirth as the moon phases continue

  • Goddesses: Demeter, Persephone/Kore, Hecate

  • A connection to all women and womanhood

  • A connection to the divine feminine

What are the origins of the Triple Goddess?

Many support the theory that author Robert Graves spurred the origins of the Triple Goddess with his book, The White Goddess, published in 1948. It was after this that some believe the Triple Goddess, as we know it today, was born. Though there’s evidence that supports this theory, many think documentation of the Triple Goddess can be found much earlier in our history.

I’ll try not to nerd out on you too much in this post, but if you want to dig deep into some of the current literature and theories, I highly suggest reading John Halstead’s three-part series on the history of the Triple Goddess. Here’s part one, it’s long but well worth the read!

A variety of other scholars, practicing Pagans, and practicing Wiccans have also found clues that point to a Triple Goddess well before Graves’ time. Here’s a quick synopsis of my current understanding of the links from the past to our present Triple Goddess:

  1. In the 5th century BCE, the Goddess Hecate was depicted in sculpture as three Goddesses in one.

  2. From this time through the 2nd century CE a variety of texts can be found that reference triads of Goddesses and different phases of life, though none explicitly link them to the moon. Demeter, Persephone, and Hecate are all mentioned. See Halstead’s article for writings from some of these texts.

  3. The 3rd century CE Demeter is associated with the moon, and two different phases (new and full).

  4. 4th century CE a full connection is made between the moon and the Triple Goddess in a text by Servius. You can check out the translated excerpt in part 3 of Halstead’s writings.

As I said, this is my basic understanding of some of the theories that branch off from Graves’ hypothesis. I recommend you read up on it further if the topic has piqued your interest!

Why wear or use this symbol?

You don’t have to subscribe to Paganism or Wicca to enjoy this symbol. But if you’ve been sporting it, it’s sure nice to know the meaning behind it.

Wearing the Triple Goddess symbol can be a powerful reminder throughout the day of your connection to the divine feminine and all it represents. Personally, I enjoy wearing the symbol for its remainder of the constant flow of life, birth, death, rebirth. Using the symbol on your altar or in a sacred space can help call in this same energy.

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Divination, Elements, Herbs, How-to, Rituals, Symbolism Cassie Uhl Divination, Elements, Herbs, How-to, Rituals, Symbolism Cassie Uhl

What are the 4 Elements and How to Use Them

The four elements are present all around and within you. They are essential to all life. You and the universe are formed by these four elements: earth, air, water, fire. These elements go beyond the physical and manifest as personality traits and energetic forces too.The elements are here to bring balance. Fire needs water to be quenched and the earth needs wind to move it. Your personality might contain more fire and less water, contributing to specific distinctions in your outlook on life and how you express yourself. The elements of your personality can be balanced just like nature.Each element carries its own set of qualities. No element is inherently bad or good. They each carry an equal amount of positive and negative traits. Check out some of the attributes of each element here.

What are the 4 elements?

The four elements are present all around and within you. They are essential to all life. You and the universe are formed by these four elements: earth, air, water, fire. These elements go beyond the physical and manifest as personality traits and energetic forces too.

The elements are here to bring balance. Fire needs water to be quenched and the earth needs wind to move it. Your personality might contain more fire and less water, contributing to specific distinctions in your outlook on life and how you express yourself. The elements of your personality can be balanced just like nature.

Each element carries its own set of qualities. No element is inherently bad or good. They each carry an equal amount of positive and negative traits.

You can apply the four elements to your life in endless ways. Let’s start with why you’d want to use them!

Why represent the 4 elements?

Balancing your own energy

Did you know that your zodiac sign corresponds with one of the four elements? Check out the chart below to see what element you lean towards based on your sign.

One great way to employ the power of the four elements is to balance your own energy. If you lean towards the earth element you may find that bringing some fire energy into your life may energize you. Try wearing a symbol or object that represents the element you’re needing more of.

Bringing Elemental Energy into your space

Do you live or work in a space that’s really tense or competitive? The energy of the space might be overloaded with fire energy that could really benefit from some balancing water energy. By adding some simple symbols or objects that represent water you may find that the vibe of the space really mellows out.

Magical and ritual practices

Because the four elements are the building blocks of all things, inside and outside of you, they are essential for most rituals and magical practices. Think of them as energetic forces to employ for magical manifesting and ritual. Simply having all four of them represented on your altar or in a sacred space is a powerful balancing force.

How to represent the 4 elements

The four elements can be represented in physical form or non-physical form (a symbol) for different purposes. The symbols and representations of them can be placed in a variety of areas. You can wear them, put them on your altar, on your desk, in your car, or in a room. Here are a few ways that you can represent each of the elements.


  • The symbol for Earth element

  • Root chakra

  • Earthy stones like jasper, agate, amber, petrified wood, and malachite

  • Metal and wood objects

  • Green or brown candle

  • Plants and flowers

  • Pentacle




  • The symbol for the Air element

  • Third eye chakra

  • Smoke from resin, herbs, or incense

  • Wand

  • Yellow candle

  • Citrine and smoky quartz

  • Feather

  • Fan

  • Butterfly, birds, fairies, or dragonflies

You may have already noticed that many of these overlap. For example, burning herbs can serve for earth (the plant material), air (the smoke), and fire (as it burns). Add in an abalone shell (water) to the mix and you’ve got all four elements represented very easily!

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What is the Wheel of the Year?

Learning more about the Wheel of the year will not only help you feel more in-tune with nature, but it will give you rituals to use year-round to connect with yourself and Mother Earth. This topic can seem a little overwhelming when getting started, so I will provide you with a quick overview with this post. I'll cover what the Wheel of the Year is, who uses it, how to use it, and some resources, including a free printable of a wheel that I created.

Learning more about the Wheel of the year will not only help you feel more in-tune with nature, but it will give you rituals to use year-round to connect with yourself and Mother Earth. This topic can seem a little overwhelming when getting started, so I will provide you with a quick overview with this post. I'll cover what the Wheel of the Year is, who uses it, how to use it, and some resources, including a free printable of a wheel that I created. Keep scrolling to read more and find a link to your free copy.

What is the Wheel of the year?

The Wheel of the year is comprised of eight Sabbats or festivals that occur on or around the same day each year. The eight Sabbats include four solar events, i.e., the Summer Solstice, Winter Solstice, Spring Equinox, and Fall Equinox. The remaining four festivals are based on seasonal changes and farming. Here's a rundown of the eight Sabbats, what they align with, and their dates:

Samhain: October 31st - November 1st // Samhain is considered the witch's New Year. It is the third and final harvest season and ends the seasonal Wheel.

The Winter Solstice & Yule: December 21st or 22nd // Winter Solstice

Imbolc: February 1st // Holiday is known as Candlemas, which signifies the first signs of Spring

The Spring Equinox & Ostara: March 20th // Spring Equinox (first day of Spring)

Beltane: April 30th - May 1st // A fire ceremony that signifies the midpoint between Spring and Summer

The Summer Solstice & Litha: June 21st or 22nd // Summer Solstice

Lughnasadh: July 31st - August 1st // Marks the first harvest of the year

The Autumn Equinox & Mabon: September 21st - September 23rd // Fall Equinox

© Cassie Uhl 2015-2025. Please properly credit when sharing.

Who Celebrates the Wheel of the Year?

You don't have to subscribe to a specific religion or label to use or observe the Wheel of the year. Most notably, Wiccans, Pagans, Neo-Pagans, and practicing witches reference the Wheel of the Year for festivals and rituals. If you don't identify with any of these labels, but like to dabble in ritual or spellwork, that's perfectly fine! You'll still be able to find many uses for this powerful tool.

Where did the Wheel originate?

The Wheel of the year is rooted in several cultures and combines festivals from Romans, ancient Greeks, Germanic cultures of northern Europe, and the Celts. It's for this reason that you'll see a variety of names for some of the festivals and differing dates. For example, Lughnasadh also goes by Lammas or Lughnasa, and Litha also goes by Midsummer.

The full Wheel of eight festivals is a relatively new creation that came about in the 1950s. The groups listed above each celebrated some of the eight Sabbats, but the evidence is lacking that any of them celebrated all eight. Combining all eight into a wheel was a way to honor and streamline all of the celebrations that many Pagans and Wiccans hold dear.

How to Celebrate The Wheel of The Year

Learning to implement the Wheel of the Year can feel overwhelming, but the way that you work with it can be as simple or complex as you want it to be. There are countless ways to celebrate each celebration on the Wheel of the Year. Check out the list below for a general list of ways you can enjoy the Wheel of the Year. For specific rituals and celebration suggestions, check out The Goddess Discovery Book V2 or search our blog for the Sabbat you'd like to learn more about.

  • Spend time outside in nature.

  • Attend a local celebration or create your own for some or all festivals.

  • Conduct a ritual for each Sabbat. You can find several ritual examples for each Sabbat by searching the Sabbat on our blog.

  • Add decor and scents to your house based on the Wheel of the Year.

  • Cleanse and update your altar or sacred space for each Sabbat.

  • Cook specific foods for each of the Sabbats.

  • Enjoy crafts with your Goddess circle or kiddos based around the Sabbats.

  • Go within and try journaling for each Sabbat.

  • Perform a unique tarot or oracle card spread.

Here's an example of how I often perform my altar update for a new Sabbat.

Additional Resources

Want to dig deeper into using the Wheel of the Year in your practice? Here are three ways to learn more:

1. Click here for my wheel of the year graphic in my magical printables bundle.

2. Click here to purchase Understanding The Wheel of The Year, which goes into detail about the Wheel of the Year and contains wheel images for both the Northern and Southern hemispheres, rituals, card spreads and journal prompts for each Sabbat.

3. Find links to blog posts specifically for each Sabbat below.

Here are other books that I love about the Wheel of the Year: The Magical Year by Danu Forest, The Great Work by Tiffany Lizac, and The Modern Witchcraft Guide to the Wheel of the Year by Judy Ann Nock.

I hope you find the Wheel of the year as special and magical as I do! It has so many positive and powerful applications to bring life to your sacred practices.

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The Importance of Sacred Space & How to Create One

I think of sacred space as being very root chakra related. A sacred space feels like home. It feels safe to do your most vulnerable work and have your deepest breakthroughs there. It feels safe to put your worries, your fears, your joys, your disappointments, everything that you have and are on the altar there.The best part is that you don’t need anyone to hold this sacred space for you. You can hold it for yourself.What is it, exactly? It’s any space that you set aside as sacred or holy. It’s a place where you can meditate, do magic and ritual, and connect to your highest self. This might look like an altar, or it might not.

I think of sacred space as being very root chakra related. A sacred space feels like home. It feels safe to do your most vulnerable work and have your deepest breakthroughs there. It feels safe to put your worries, your fears, your joys, your disappointments, everything that you have and are on the altar there.

The best part is that you don’t need anyone to hold this sacred space for you. You can hold it for yourself.

What is it, exactly? It’s any space that you set aside as sacred or holy. It’s a place where you can meditate, do magic and ritual, and connect to your highest self. This might look like an altar, or it might not. If you are interested in creating your own sacred altar, check out this blog post.

Your space is personal and unique to you. This blog post is all about creating sacred space in your home, but remember that you are sacred, too, and any space you hold for yourself can be a sacred space. Divinity doesn’t have to be experienced just at your altar.

With that being said, here are a few ideas for things you might like to include in your sacred space:

A Window

Having your sacred space by a window can be a beautiful way to connect with nature even from the inside. See the sun, the stars, and feel the breeze right in your space.

A Moon Calendar

Connecting with the phases of the moon can help anchor you and connect you with nature. Having moon ritual cards in your sacred space where you do rituals and other healing practices that you might base around moon cycles is ideal.


Crystals can raise the frequency of your space and bring in specific energies you want to work with. The options are endless, but some crystals you might like to have in your sacred space are:

  • Amethyst to help you connect with your intuition and boost your mood

  • Clear quartz (the ultimate crystal!), the ultimate healer, balancer, manifestor, and energy amplifier

  • Rose quartz for heart opening

  • Labradorite for self-discovery

  • Citrine to bring in energizing and creative energy

  • Fluorite to cleanse your aura and draw off negative energy

  • Obsidian or black tourmaline for grounding

  • Selenite to access higher guidance and open your crown chakra


Candles and their colors have all different types of uses. You can use them in spell work, rituals, burning ceremonies, or just to bring some soft light into your space. Here are some different candle color meanings (source):

  • Blue for harmony, peace, and tranquility

  • Red for passion and action

  • White for purifying, cleansing, and clarity

  • Purple for psychic abilities and spiritual awakening

  • Yellow for inspiration and creativity

  • Orange for energizing, joy, and success

  • Pink for love, compassion, and forgiveness

  • Green for nature, growth, and fertility

  • Brown for grounding, Earthy energy

Learn more about candle magick here.

A Feather

You can use your feather to direct the flow of smoke when cleansing with a smoke wand or herb. For example, when cleansing yourself you might want to circle the smoke around the top of your head or other parts of your body. A feather will help you do that!

Plants & Herbs

Plants and herbs have so many practical and magickal uses. You can use herbs in your sacred space for burning or tea-drinking, and you might like to also have dried or fresh flowers, or other plants that you feel connected to.Learn more about herbal magick here.

Essential Oils

Like plants and herbs, essential oils also have many practical and magickal uses. Use them in your sacred space for ritual, to anoint your candles, to assist in meditation, or to massage your body. Some go-tos you might like to have are:

  • Geranium oil for self-love

  • Juniper for protection and purification

  • Cilantro oil for releasing negative energy

  • Lavender oil for peace and healing

  • Frankincense and myrrh oil for meditation

  • Yarrow oil to connect with your psychic abilities

Tarot or Oracle Decks

Your sacred space is the perfect place to keep any divination tools you use such as tarot cards, oracle cards, or runes. Display the card or rune you’re working with at the moment on your altar as a visual reminder of the energy you’re working to create, or the intentions you’re working to manifest.

Visual Representations of Goddesses You’re Working With

This could be a printed photo, a statue, an oracle card, a painting, or another creative representation that resonates with you. Everyone’s needs are different, so choose a goddess that you feel drawn to work with. That likely means that she has a message for you.

Salt Lamp

Salt has been touted for its magical properties for a long time. Practically, having a salt lamp in your space releases negative ions (which actually make you feel good, despite the name!) and detoxifies the air. But magically, salt also purifies and protects against psychic attacks. If you don’t want to go for a lamp, you can also opt for a small bowl of sea salt.

Additional Representations of the Four Elements

You don’t actually need additional representations of the four elements (fire, earth, water, and air), since you likely already have them on your altar. But feel free to add any other elements to your space that you’d like, such as a bowl of water.

Learn more about the four elements here.

Any Sacred Possessions

Anything that feels sacred and holds special meaning to you, even if it doesn’t make sense to anyone else, can also go in your sacred space. Maybe it’s photographs, special objects, or mementos. Whatever it is, feel free to add it.

You can customize your sacred space or altar depending on where you are in life and what you’re trying to manifest. For example, you might create an abundance altar centered around money, photos of abundance goddesses like Lakshmi, tarot cards like the 10 of pentacles, and herbs or spices that promote abundance when you want to manifest material wealth.

The most important thing to remember is that this space is for you. All of the above are just options and suggestions. Create a space that feels sacred to you, and you will have created a sacred space.

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Manifesting with Runes // With Free Rune Printable

Being a master manifestor is a skill that many seek. There are endless techniques and tools available when it comes to manifesting like a pro and I’m sure you’ve tried some of them. Dream boards, visualization, mantras, and crystals are a few popular manifesting tools.While there’s nothing wrong with these techniques, there’s one powerful manifesting tool that’s often overlooked, Runes.Runes are symbols that each carry unique universal energy. These special symbols were used by Nordic and Germanic cultures in Northern Europe as forms of language, for religious purposes, and as tools of magick and divination.Author Lisa Peschel explains this in her book, A Practical Guide to The Runes.

Being a master manifestor is a skill that many seek. There are endless techniques and tools available when it comes to manifesting like a pro and I’m sure you’ve tried some of them. Dream boards, visualization, mantras, and crystals are a few popular manifesting tools.

While there’s nothing wrong with these techniques, there’s one powerful manifesting tool that’s often overlooked, Runes.

Runes are symbols that each carry unique universal energy. These special symbols were used by Nordic and Germanic cultures in Northern Europe as forms of language, for religious purposes, and as tools of magick and divination.

Author Lisa Peschel explains this in her book, A Practical Guide to The Runes.

Before this time [being used as a form of language] runes were primarily a magickal system of pictographs representing the forces and objects in Nature. It was believed that by calling upon the appropriate rune one could thereby make contact with the force in Nature the symbol represented.

Each Runic symbol creates a specific type of energy and some lend themselves to manifesting more than others. Here’s a list of the most powerful manifesting Runes and what they’re most aligned with manifesting.

Search this list to identify the perfect Rune(s) to aid your current manifesting project!

The Best Runes for Manifesting

Fehu for abundance:This fast-acting Rune is perfect for helping you manifest wealth. It is great for initiating new monetary ventures and circulating abundance.

Uruz to keep you going: Employ the use of Uruz to bolster your strength and remove self-doubt during manifesting. This Rune will also help you with stamina while manifesting goals that take more time

Thurisaz for change: The original meaning of this Rune is “thorn” so it’s not surprising that the meaning of it is all about breaking through. Use this Rune when you’re working on manifesting big changes in your life and you need a powerful and directive catalyst. This Rune can also help you overcome blocks while manifesting.

Gebo for partnerships:This Rune is all about manifesting partnerships. That could be friendships, business relationships, relationships, or marriage. Gebo helps create a balance of energy and is all about equal exchanges. Use this Rune anytime you’re manifesting goals include working with others.

Wunju for happiness: Looking to manifest some more peace and harmony in your life? Wunjo is your Rune! Wunjo is a beautifully powerful Rune that’s great at helping you fulfill wishes, peace, joy, and happiness.

Jara for material objects: If you have your manifesting eye on a material object that requires specific steps to acquire Jera is your Rune. Jera is a great aid for turning dreams into tangible results.

Teiwaz to win: This Rune is all about being victorious. If you’re in the process of manifesting a specific outcome this Rune will be helpful, especially when it comes to competitions. This Rune seeks justice.

Berkana for creation: My personal favorite! Berkano is here to help you birth your big ideas into reality. Recruit Berkano to help lay the fertile ground needed while manifesting new ideas.Now that you know which Runes are your manifesting besties, here are some key ways to work them into your manifesting toolbox. These methods pair perfectly with other manifesting tools mentioned above, so don’t be afraid to mix them up. Already have a vision board for a manifesting project? Put a bird on it! Just kidding, we’ll be using Runes today ;)

Need some Runes to get going? Click here to get your free printable Rune sheet.

5 Ways to Use Runes for Manifesting

1. Put your manifesting Rune in a visible area like your altar, meditation space, bathroom mirror, or on a vision board.

2. Carve your manifesting Rune into a candle that you light regularly as a reminder of what you’re working on manifesting.

3. Wear a Rune talisman. Having a daily wearable reminder is a powerful way to not only be reminded of your manifesting goals but carry the potent power of the Runes with you.

4. Create a Runescript. Linking Runes together in a specific order can have a positive effect on your end results. Learn more about creating a Runescript here.

5. Visualize or meditate on the rune(s) that you’re working with. Hold the image of the Rune you’re using in your mind's eye and try to embody its energy as you meditate or visualize.

If you’ve been unsure about how to use Runes in the past I hope you’re feeling excited to jump in now! Put these powerful symbols to use and start manifesting.

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Cleansing, Divination, Herbs, How-to, Symbolism Cassie Uhl Cleansing, Divination, Herbs, How-to, Symbolism Cassie Uhl

The Divine Feminine & Cauldrons // 5 Uses & Meanings

What do you think of when you imagine a cauldron? Witches, Halloween, and deathly potions perhaps? Along with witches, cauldrons have been given a bad rap, but their mystical meanings and uses go way back and might have a more spiritual meaning than you originally thought!If you’re always on the hunt for meaningful additions to your altar, search no more, the cauldron is a staple and I’m going to share 5 reasons why. First I want to share some history behind its use so you have a complete understanding of what it represents.

What do you think of when you imagine a cauldron? Witches, Halloween, and deathly potions perhaps? Along with witches, cauldrons have been given a bad rap, but their mystical meanings and uses go way back and might have a more spiritual meaning than you originally thought!

If you’re always on the hunt for meaningful additions to your altar, search no more, the cauldron is a staple and I’m going to share 5 reasons why. First I want to share some history behind its use so you have a complete understanding of what it represents.

History of Cauldrons

Cauldrons of varying types can be traced back to a variety of cultures. In fact, one found in Denmark has been traced back to between 200 BC and 300 AD. So basically, they’ve been around for a long ass time.

No surprise, cauldrons started out as a cooking tool. Warm soups and stews were concocted in them to give nourishment to families. They were the heart of the home and life-giving in cold seasons. As cauldrons became more commonplace and important to families, mothers and grandmothers started using them for healing herbal blends and eventually potions.

Cauldrons & The Divine Feminine

After being used for centuries as a cooking and healing tool, cauldrons started to take on more sacred and magical meanings. The cauldron began to represent the Goddess, the Sacred Divine, and a vessel for transformation, healing, and abundance.

The timing of when cauldrons started to be viewed as magical tools is unknown but the reasons why are obvious. The cauldron symbolizes life and abundance through nourishment, transformation by turning herbs into healing concoctions, and the shape of the cauldron itself mimics that of an expectant mother. These reasons combined make the cauldron one of the most sacred tools you can add to your arsenal.

What Kind of Cauldron Should You Get?

Before you jump into the meanings and uses of a cauldron, let’s cover what kinds of cauldrons are best to purchase because there’s no shortage of options.

Hands down, the best cauldron to purchase (if you plan on using it for anything other than sitting on a shelf) is a cast-iron cauldron. Pass by anything that says it’s made out of anything other than cast iron or is plated because it won’t last. You can also purchase earth and wear pottery cauldrons that will work well too. If you go with a ceramic cauldron, ensure that it’s food safe before using it for anything you’ll be ingesting.

5 Cauldron Uses & Meanings

At a loss for what to use your life-giving, transformative, and holy cauldron for? Here are 5 ways to put your cauldron to work:

Looking for a way to represent the four elements on your altar? The cauldron has you covered. Placing a cauldron on your altar is an easy way to represent all four elements with one item.

Represent the Four Elements on Your Altar

  • Earth: The iron the cauldron is made out of represents earth

  • Water: The water used while cooking in a cauldron represents the water

  • Fire: A cauldron would traditionally be heated from a fire underneath it which represents fire

  • Air: The air around and blow on the soup or potion inside represents the air

The elements are purely symbolic for this use, no need to always have a fire burning underneath your cauldron! You can read more about the four elements here.

Incense, Herbs & Burning Rituals

There are several rituals that call for fire and burning. Whether it’s incense, candles, or burning a piece of paper, a cauldron will not only serve as a sacred tool but will also give you a safe tool for ritual fires. Here are a few ways to use your cauldron for any fire-related rituals.

  • A safe and meaningful receptacle to burn incense, herbs, or a candle for rituals.

  • Write a letter to your ancestors or lost loved ones and burn it in the altar for them to receive it.

  • During the waning moon, write down a habit you’re trying to break or something you’re trying to release on a small piece of paper, then burn it in your cauldron.

  • Create a small fire in your cauldron to represent light or a God or Goddess of light for a ritual.

Transform with the Triple Goddess Cerridwen

Cerridwen is the Welsh Goddess that represents the triple Goddess or the mother, maiden, and crone. She reminds us that life is all about transitions and transformations. Cerridwen is often shown with a cauldron because she brews a magical potion that grants knowledge and inspiration using a cauldron.

Anytime you’re going through a difficult transition place a cauldron on your altar or in your sacred space as a reminder of Cerridwen. As you navigate through your transition take a few minutes daily in front of your cauldron to imagine Cerridwen taking your fears about your transition, putting them in her cauldron, and taking them out transformed into what you need most.

This excerpt from writer Judith Shaw outlines perfectly the magic Cerridwen wants to bring into your life: "When Cerridwen calls your name, know that the need for change is upon you; transformation is at hand. It is time to examine what circumstances in your life no longer serve you. Something must die so that something new and better can be born. Forging these fires of transformation will bring true inspiration into your life."


Cauldrons can also be used for a variety of divination purposes. The most common being scrying. To use your cauldron for scrying fill your cauldron with water, wait for the surface to become very still, and begin looking for symbolism. To learn more about scrying you can read this post all about scrying, it’s based on using a crystal ball but the techniques are the same as those used for water scrying.

Abundance Ritual

Because cauldrons have been used as life-giving and nourishing tools, they represent abundance and can be incorporated into any abundance rituals you do. The cauldron can represent abundance of all kinds: money, happiness, friends, etc.

If you’re trying to bring more abundance into your life, place your cauldron somewhere you’ll see it regularly. Let its presence serve as a reminder of your goal to bring more abundance into your life. You can incorporate stones, candle colors, or herbs by placing them in or around your cauldron to strengthen your desire for abundance.

Cauldrons are sacred tools that are often overlooked, but I hope the next time you see a kitschy cauldron decoration for Halloween you’ll smile because you have a greater appreciation for it.

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Tea Leaf Reading // How to Do Your Own in 7 Steps

Looking for the perfect divination tool to get a glimpse of your future and entertain guests with for Samhain and Halloween? Tea leaf reading, or tasseography is the art of using tea leaves for divination purposes. Many cultures believe that around the end of October the veil between the physical world and the spirit world is thinned, so it’s the best time to perform divination of all kinds.

Looking for the perfect divination tool to get a glimpse of your future and entertain guests with for Samhain and Halloween? Tea leaf reading, or tasseography is the art of using tea leaves for divination purposes. Many cultures believe that around the end of October the veil between the physical world and the spirit world is thinned, so it’s the best time to perform divination of all kinds.

What is Tea Leaf Reading?

Doing a tea leaf reading involves you indulging in a delicious cup of tea and putting your sharp intuitive skills to work. After you enjoy your warm cup of loose leaf tea, you’ll leave the loose tea leaves at the bottom, where some of these leaves will form symbols, each having its own meaning. That’s where your keen intuitive abilities come in! Anyone can see a triangle at the bottom of a teacup, but your job is to intuit what it means for you or the person you’re reading for.

Where Did Tea Leaf Reading Come From?

You might be wondering where this unusual form of divination came from, so here’s a short history about tasseography. Shortly after tea was introduced to Europe, tea leaf reading, as it’s now recognized, was born. Similar divination tools had been used with an assortment of other materials, but tea leaves seemed to be the favorite! The art of tea leaf reading spread through Europe, especially in Gypsy cultures, and is now practiced throughout the world.

What You Need for a Tea Leaf Reading

  • Tea cup with a wide brim that’s light enough to easily see your tea leaves. There are a variety of specialty tea leaf reading cups available, they are beautiful but unnecessary. I created mine at a local pottery painting studio. Keep it simple, buy your own, or get crafty with it, any option will work!

  • Saucer

  • Loose-leaf green or black tea, preferably organic.

  • Napkins

  • Pen and paper

  • Water

  • Enough time to savor a cup of tea and get lost in the maze of tea leaf symbols!

How to Perform a Tea Leaf Reading

1. Brew Your Tea

Gather all of your materials. Boil your water. Place about a teaspoon of loose tea in your cup. Pour your water in and steep tea to your preference.For the next 3 steps, if you’re doing a reading for someone else, have them do the following steps.

2. Sip & Swirl

Before you take your first sip, gently swirl the tea counterclockwise three times. Sip and enjoy your tea, but don’t drink it all! When there’s about 1 tablespoon of tea left in your cup, swirl it again 3 times counterclockwise and think about or speak your query aloud.

3. Create Your Tea Reading Canvas

Turn your cup upside down onto your saucer to remove the remaining water, allow it a minute or so to drain, then turn it back upright, and you’re ready for reading!

4. Look for Symbols

Look over your loose leaf tea pieces and see if any symbols or shapes jump out to you immediately. Don’t fret if you don’t see anything immediately, similar to scrying with a crystal ball, it can take some time for imagery to form for you. Try looking at the inside of the cup from different directions to see shapes. Keep in mind the images formed are formed from tea leaves, so you will really need to use your imagination!

5. Record & Decipher Your Findings

If you do start to see some shapes, begin writing them down on your piece of paper so you can decipher them later, note wherein the cup they are too. Now you’re ready to decipher your findings! Here’s a guide for the most common symbols found during tea leaf readings:

6. Understand the Timeline

Where your tea leaves are situated in your cup relate to when they will happen. This is why some of the tea leaf reading cups you find have circles inside of them. Timing is broken into thirds as follows:

  • Bottom third: farthest away from happening, think 3-5 years out.

  • Middle third: will happen in about a year from now.

  • Top third: will be happening in the near future, think within the next few weeks.

7. Form Your Reading

Like most divination tools, a honed intuition is key for success, so be sure to lean on any gut instincts as you form the story for your reading. Once you understand the meaning behind the symbols it’s time to put all of the information into a story that makes sense for you or the person you’re doing a reading for.

This divination tool is so much fun to do with friends and family! Setting in on a fall evening with some loved ones and sip, laugh, enjoy, and maybe get a little glimpse at what’s to come.

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Chakras, Crystals, How-to, Meditation, Rituals, Symbolism, Wellness, Yoga Eryn Sunnolia Chakras, Crystals, How-to, Meditation, Rituals, Symbolism, Wellness, Yoga Eryn Sunnolia

Transitioning into the Darker Half of the Year with Yoga, Oils & Crystals

Since you started going to school at age 3 or 4, fall has always been a time of transition.The transitions have changed over the years as you’ve changed. You’re no longer starting a new year of school, but the transitions have gotten bigger and, oftentimes, scarier.A new apartment, a new job, a new partner, a new city, a plane ticket.These tools and grounding yoga poses will remind you that no matter what’s going on in your life as we transition into the darker half of the year, you are exactly where you are supposed to be. You have roots. You are safe. You can withstand any storm.

Since you started going to school at age 3 or 4, fall has always been a time of transition.

The transitions have changed over the years as you’ve changed. You’re no longer starting a new year of school, but the transitions have gotten bigger and, oftentimes, scarier.

A new apartment, a new job, a new partner, a new city, a plane ticket.

These tools and grounding yoga poses will remind you that no matter what’s going on in your life as we transition into the darker half of the year, you are exactly where you are supposed to be. You have roots. You are safe. You can withstand any storm.


Grounding has two purposes. The first is to heal trauma, both physical and emotional, to allow you to release fear. The second purpose is to bring earthy energy into the system. For signs that you’re not grounded and how to fix that, check out this past blog post here.

These herbs, teas, oils, and yoga practice will serve both purposes. They will work to balance and cleanse the root chakra, which keeps us grounded and linked to the earth. When we lack sufficient root chakra energy we may feel ungrounded, question our value, feel scattered, or feel disconnected with ourselves and the Earth.

You can dive right into these poses, or you can incorporate grounding crystals, herbs, and oils into your practice. If you’re really feeling flighty, anxious, afraid, or scattered, I recommend taking extra time for yourself here for a full grounding practice.

Drink an Herbal Tea

Valerian, Lotus root, Hibiscus, and Hawthorn are all grounding roots. Besides their healing physical benefits, these herbs are known to release stress and calm anxiety. Try a tea blend with a few of these herbs or keep it simple with just one. Here are 3 healing DIY herbal tea blend recipes for you to try.

Incorporate Oils

Scent is a powerful way to introduce more grounding energy to the system. Lavender, rose, and chamomile are soothing oils that will help you heal trauma to release fear.  Sandalwood and patchouli will increase the flow of earthy energy.

There are many different ways to use your oils. For your yoga practice, you’ll want to either dilute the oils with water and create a mist or dilute them with a carrier oil (such as olive oil or coconut oil) and massage the oil into your skin. Massaging the feet as part of your yoga can be incredibly powerful, especially with these grounding oils. Here are a few essential oil blends I love to use in rollerballs.

Set Out or Wear Your Crystals

Hematite, smoky quartz, shungite, jasper, snowflake obsidian, and prasiolite all create grounding energy.

Hematite is a highly protective stone. It helps to open your root chakra, eliminate negative energy, and create a more balanced and centered mind.

Smoky quartz is a good choice for those who find hematite to be too intense or heavy. Smoky quartz grounds and stabilizes while balancing the root chakra, but in a much more subtle and uplifting way than hematite.

Shungite is another powerful stone for balancing the root chakra, helping to bring all your negative energy and toxic thoughts to the surface to release that which does not serve you.

Jasper brings a strong Earthy energy to your practice, deepening your connection with Mother Earth.

Prasiolite is another powerful healing stone that helps you ground yourself to the energy of the Earth, remove negative energy, and replace it with positive energy.

Snowflake obsidian is a grounding and protective stone. It brings balance in the midst of chaos and helps remove negative energy as it draws emotions and toxic thought patterns to the surface. It is also conducive to entering a deep meditative state. For extra grounding, try wearing snowflake obsidian jewelry during your practice.

Roll Out Your Mat

Ancient yogis divided the life force energy, prana, into 5 energetic components known as Vayus. The apana vayu is the energy of elimination that flows downward and out. When you bring awareness and focus to this energy, it will help ground you.

We often direct too much energy upwards, spending too much time thinking and creating imbalance, stress, and lack of emotional stability and mental clarity. These yoga poses will all refocus your energy downward, back to the body and our connection to our home: Mother Earth.

Sukasana, Easy Pose

Begin your practice comfortably seated in sukasana, easy pose. Become conscious of your sit bones pressing into the mat.

Start by meditating on the root chakra bija, or seed, mantra: LAM. As you meditate, visualize the breath beginning at the base of the spine. As you inhale, the breath travels up the spine to the crown of the head, the crown chakra. As you exhale, the breath travels down to the base of the spine, grounding you and growing roots into the Earth.

You can say the mantra out loud, or simply repeat it to yourself quietly.

Virabhadrasana II, Warrior 2

Warrior 2 is an incarnation of Shiva, the destroyer. This pose will remind you of your strength and stability.

Create a firm foundation for this pose by visualizing the feet connecting to the earth. Feel the mat or ground underneath you and strengthen through the legs to send your roots into the earth. Continue to focus your energy downward with the root chakra breath, imagining now that the exhale sends the breath all the way down through the legs into the Earth.

Utkata Konasana, Goddess Pose

Goddess Pose, as the name suggests, is another pose of fierce strength. The pose represents the feminine force that birthed the Universe. The same energy inside you is the energy that created the Universe, and it is the energy that will carry you through this transition into the darker half of the year.

Allow the strength of the pose and the feminine energy it cultivates to bring you back to your center. What are your fears in this time of change? This is the time to reflect on them, and then release them.

Vrikshasana, Tree Pose

This pose improves both physical and mental balance, increases your ability to concentrate, and reminds you that you can bring peace and focus to all situations.

As you enter the pose, firmly ground down with your left foot. Press into each individual toe and through the four corners of the foot. Firm through the left leg, and feel the support of every muscle as you bend and lift the right leg to enter into the pose.

Imagine that you are a tree. You have survived rain, fire, and storms of all kinds, yet still, you stand. Picture the roots that grow from deep within the earth and wrap around your legs.

Malasana, Yogi Squat

This pose helps create strength and calms the body, mind, and spirit. As you inhale, lengthen through the spine. As you exhale, feel the energy of the breath flow down the spine from the crown of the head to the tailbone.

The apana energy this pose cultivates helps you release fear as you root down close to the Earth.

Adho Mukha Svanasana, Downward Facing Dog

How much time do we spend mindlessly in a downward facing dog, letting our minds wander? This pose is often repeated during yoga classes, which makes it easy to space out and spend the pose waiting for the “next thing.”

In this sequence, I encourage you not to do this. Spread through each finger and press firmly into the palms of the hands. Straighten and strengthen through the legs to push the heels closer to the mat.

My yoga teacher actually refers to downward facing dog as a standing pose. That’s how strong your legs should be! On each inhale, visualize the roots of the earth pulling the heels closer to the ground. On each exhale, picture the white-hot energy of the breath flowing down the spine.

As you end your practice, return to sukhasana. Feel the support of the earth beneath you, closing with this mantra:

“All is well. Everything is working out for your highest good. Out of this situation, only good will come, and you are safe.” -Louise Hay

In this season, we move from light to dark together, with the support of the Earth and the support of our yoga practice.


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Living Your Truth // 7 Ways to Connect with Your Spirit Guides

Ever wish you had a team of all-knowing and enlightened beings to help you make hard decisions and put you at ease about being on the right path? This connection is available to you right now, and I’m going to help you tap into this wealth of wisdom.Spirit guides are referenced in cultures and spiritual practices around the world. In my practice, rooted in British shamanism, my guides are an integral part of my practice. I encourage anyone interested in learning more about their guides to explore their cultural heritage (if that information is available, otherwise trust your intuition) in addition to this post. The tips I offer here are a great starting point, but doing further research in a practice that aligns with your roots will open communication channels for you and your guides even more.

Ever wish you had a team of all-knowing and enlightened beings to help you make hard decisions and put you at ease about being on the right path? This connection is available to you right now, and I’m going to help you tap into this wealth of wisdom.

Spirit guides are referenced in cultures and spiritual practices around the world. In my practice, rooted in British shamanism, my guides are an integral part of my practice. I encourage anyone interested in learning more about their guides to explore their cultural heritage (if that information is available, otherwise trust your intuition) in addition to this post. The tips I offer here are a great starting point, but doing further research in a practice that aligns with your roots will open communication channels for you and your guides even more.

Why Your Guides Want to Help You Live Your Truth?

The singular purpose of your spirit guides is to help you live to your fullest potential while you’re visiting the “Earth school.”

Some of your guides have been with you from birth and will be with you until you transition off this plane. They’re always here for you, ready to help, and they want nothing more than for you to succeed at living your truth.

Just because you’re not aware of them doesn’t mean they’re not there, and I’m going to share some tips and tools for you to get in contact with them, but first, let’s cover what a spirit guide is.

What are Spirit Guides?

Spirit guides are spiritual beings assigned to you at different times in your life to offer guidance, protect you, and remind you why you're here. Guides are assigned to you based on your current needs. Most people usually have one or a few guides with them throughout their lives, and others come and go based on need.

Spirit guides come in ALL shapes and sizes! Your guides can present as humans, animals, energy fields, elements, aliens, or any other combination! It's helpful to keep an open mind when it comes to working with your guides. One of my favorite stories about spirit guides is from Rachel Dratch’s memoir Girl Walks into a Bar (yeah yeah, I know, it doesn’t sound woo woo, but it is and is a great read too!). In her book, Rachel shares a story about going to a retreat to find her spirit guides, and she’s shocked to find out that her spirit guide is a glowing blue dot. This is later confirmed by a psychic who was unaware of her previous experience at the retreat.

Blue dots, animals, angels, fairies, and ancestors, you name it, can be a spirit guide. So, if you get a sense that your spirit guide is something unfamiliar to this earthly plane, it doesn’t mean that you’re losing touch with reality.

How to Connect with Your Spirit Guides

Connecting with your guides can take very little work on your part because they want to help you! They might be giving you loads of signs already, but because you’re not looking for them, you’re not seeing them. Before jumping into any of the below steps, I suggest taking 5-10 minutes to quiet your mind and ground yourself. You could do this by focusing on your breath, meditating, dancing, or chanting. Here are 7 easy ways to start connecting with your spirit guides regularly (I also created an infographic with some of them which you can find below for those who love visuals).

1. Use Oracle or Tarot Cards

Oracle and tarot cards are a simple tool for connecting with your spirit guides! If you have a favorite oracle or tarot card deck, any will do. However, if you have multiple decks, you'll likely find that your guides have specific decks that they prefer to communicate with you through. Before you begin, tap into your intuition to see if you receive any nudges about which deck to use.

First, sit quietly, focus on your breath, and ask your spirit guides to come to you. As I share above, begin by asking your guides which deck they’d like you to pull from (if you have multiple decks). Next, focus on the question you want to ask your guides as you shuffle your cards.

Ask your spirit guides your questions aloud or in your mind, ask them for their guidance and help. Be clear about what you want. Spread out your cards and choose the card(s) that you feel called to. Always thank your guides for helping you once you’re finished.

2. Ask for Their Names

A simple but powerful tool to connect with your guides is to ask for their names.  Answers can be shared with you in various ways, depending on how you sense extra-sensory (psychic) information. You may have an inner knowing, see a name in your mind, hear a name in your mind, or begin seeing or hearing the same name throughout your day. All are valid. Trust the information you receive.

I was shocked by how quickly one of the names of my guides came to me simply by asking. Knowing the name of your guide(s) will help strengthen your bond with them, and when you need help, you can call out them by name. Keep in mind, that the names you receive may be unfamiliar to you because your guides are not always earthly beings.

3. Ask for Signs

Usually, your guides are already doing this! By asking for signs, you make a declaration that you will try to be more present and aware of receiving them.

If you’re looking for proof of your guides being nearby you, ask them for signs. Be as specific as you’d like. You might be surprised by how spot-on your guides can be! One of the signs I use to know my ancestral guides are nearby is feathers, and I always see more of them when I ask for this sign.

You can also ask for signs about decisions or struggles you’re having. If you’re making some difficult decisions, ask for signs about how you should proceed. Be on the lookout for answers that might pop into your head or opportunities that seem to arise from out of nowhere. Be open to these signs being different or unexpected than what you imagined. Your guides have your highest good in mind, even if the signs they’re sending to you seem out of place.

4. Write a Letter

If you’re struggling to connect with your guides, writing them a letter can be a powerful tool. Allow yourself 20-30 minutes of uninterrupted quiet time to write to them. Write out all of the questions you have for your guides, any struggles you’re having, and what kind of support you feel you need from them.

Once you’ve finished writing, allow yourself 5-10 minutes of quiet reflection. Check in and ask yourself how you feel, if you have any clarity around the things you need help with, or if you feel the presence of your spirit guides. You may find it helpful to place your letter next to your bed as you sleep to inspire messages from your guides while you dream, which brings me to my next suggestion.

5. Ask for a Dream or Meditation Visitation

If you’re a particularly visual person, you might want to see your spirit guides. Asking for a dream or meditation visitation can help with this and make them seem more real.

To request a dream visitation, before you go to bed, ask your guides to come to you in your dreams. To request a meditation visitation as your guides to come to you while in meditation. Journey meditations can be very beneficial for working with your guides in this way. You can find several free journey meditations online with a simple search or even find someone with a shamanic background to guide you through a journey to find your guides. Journey meditations are powerful and can be extremely transformative. Get a free Spirit Guides Meditation here.

Remember, the way that your guide asserts themselves could come through to you as an inner knowing, feeling, or visualization. Learn more about the different ways you can experience extrasensory information here.

6. Recruit the Use of a Pendulum

Pendulums are another powerful and simple tool for connecting with your guides. If you’re not familiar with pendulums, check out this post here to learn more about them and the basics of using one.

To use a pendulum to connect with your guides, start by quieting your mind, focus intently on requesting the presence of your guide(s), and then ask your question. Pendulums work best with “yes” or “no” answers, so be sure that you’re asking a question that can be answered with “yes” or “no.” Write “yes” and “no” on a paper, focus on your question, and hold your pendulum over each answer and note when your pendulum starts moving. This is just one method for using a pendulum. Check out my previous post about pendulums noted above or the Pendulums in Practice Workshop here.

7. Ask Them Questions Often

Talk to your guides and ask them questions often. Always be specific in your questions. It will be easier for them to answer you. Talk to them aloud or in your mind, as if they’re a dear friend. The more comfortable you become at relying on them for their assistance, the easier it will be for you to connect with them.

Your guides are always there waiting and wanting to help you! I hope you use these tools so you can take full advantage of the help of your spirit guides.

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Auras, Cleansing, How-to, Meditation, Rituals, Symbolism, Wellness Cassie Uhl Auras, Cleansing, How-to, Meditation, Rituals, Symbolism, Wellness Cassie Uhl

7 Tips on How to Protect Your Aura

Did you know that if your radiant and glowing aura is left unprotected, it can be sensitive to outside energies? Those unwanted energies affecting your aura also have an effect on your physical body because your physical body and energetic body are divinely intertwined, one always affects the other.With so much negativity out in the world, what’s a goddess to do to protect her energetic signature? Furthermore, when you feel energetically attacked, it can feel difficult to live your truth and stand up for what you believe in.In my last blog post, I talked about what is an aura and what yours mean. Today I'm going to go into a variety of powerful and simple ways to give your vibrant vibes a protective shield, so you can stay at your peak physically and energetically.

Did you know that if your radiant and glowing aura is left unprotected, it can be sensitive to outside energies? Those unwanted energies affecting your aura also have an effect on your physical body because your physical body and energetic body are divinely intertwined, one always affects the other.

With so much negativity out in the world, what’s a goddess to do to protect her energetic signature? Furthermore, when you feel energetically attacked, it can feel difficult to live your truth and stand up for what you believe in.

In my last blog post, I talked about what is an aura and what yours mean. Today I'm going to go into a variety of powerful and simple ways to give your vibrant vibes a protective shield, so you can stay at your peak physically and energetically.

Visualization for Daily Protection

This may be the simplest way to offer your aura the protection it needs, but that doesn’t mean that it’s not powerful. Visualizing a protective field around your aura each morning will set you up with a negativity shield that will keep your love-filled aura glowing and radiant.

This is perfect to add to a morning meditation practice because it can be done in just a couple of minutes. If you don’t have a regular meditation practice yet or needed to skip it for the day, you can still squeeze this simple visualization in with just a few moments of quiet mindfulness.

To do an aura protection visualization:

  1. Close your eyes and focus on your breath.

  2. Imagine your aura filled with love, glowing bright, and extending with each breath.

  3. Once you have a clear image of your aura in your mind's eye, imagine a bubble around it.

  4. Spend as much time as you’d like visualizing yourself in your protective bubble. If you know you’ll be encountering a lot of people and a variety of energies, you can spend more time. If you know you’ll be in safe spaces all day, less visualization may be required.

  5. Tap into this visualization anytime throughout your day that you feel you need additional protective support. Alternatively, if you’re in a safe space and want to freely give energy and experience others' energy, you can imagine your shield going away.

Crystals & Symbols for Daily to Strong Protection

Wearing protective stones and symbols can offer energetic protection from bad vibes that could affect your auric field as well as a physical and visual reminder to take other steps to protect your energy. This method works especially well when you know that you’ll be in large groups of people while going on a flight, to a concert, a festival, or if you simply live in a big city.

Anytime I fly I either wear a protective talisman like a Hamsa hand or the Algiz Rune, gemstones for grounding and protection, or all of these. Though there are many stones and symbols that can help shield your energy, these are the ones I find to be the most effective for aura protection:

  • Labradorite: Great for physical, mental, and spiritual protection labradorite will shield you from unwanted energies and can also help with energy leaks in your aura.

  • Smoky Quartz: One of the most powerful grounding stones, smoky quartz will help keep you anchored to the Earth and feeling safe and protected.

  • Black Tourmaline: This stone is great to keep around during rituals and spell work. It will create a protective shield around you and your space while also clearing and balancing all of the chakras.

  • Hematite: Will help to block negative energies from entering the aura and help to rid the aura of any current negative energy.

Learn more about symbols for protection by reading this blog post about protection during travel.

Healers for Strong Protection & Cleansing

If you’ve been out of the loop on auras and feel like your energy needs a serious overhaul, working with a trained healer is a great place to start. Get started by doing a search online for a Reiki or energy work practitioner in your area, then do your research. Seeing a healer on a regular basis for a few months will not only refresh, restore, and help protect your aura, but you’ll also feel amazing.

Did you know that most energy workers can work just as powerfully remotely? This really broadens the scope of who you can work with. Take your time when searching for an energy worker or reiki practitioner to find someone who's a good energetic match for you.

Salt for Moderate Protection

Looking for some aura protection in your workspace? Salts of all kinds absorb negative energy. This protective tool is a perfect passive aura protection method. Keep a cup or bowl of salt on your desk at work or at home to keep any bad vibes of anyone passing by out of your aura.

Salt also works well as an aura cleanser. If you feel like you’ve been exposed to some bad energy, taking a salt bath can help cleanse and restore your aura.

Shield Meditation for Strong Protection

Think back to the last time you had a really powerful meditation. Did you feel like you were walking on a cloud for the next 24 hours, like negativity couldn't touch you, and that you were better able to react to people with love?

If you already have a solid meditation practice in place, you may already be experiencing the benefits of this aura protection method!

Meditation will raise your vibration and intensify your aura. Doing a white light meditation is standard for a protective shield, though some healers suggest a clear or golden light meditation. Black energy is also powerful and can help banish unwanted spirits or forces. I suggest trying each out to see what works best for you.

To practice, start your meditation practice as usual. Once you’re settled, imagine white, clear, or golden light coming from the universe and surrounding you and your aura. This can be a powerful protective tool, use it as often as you need throughout your day.

Sound Healing for Moderate-Strong Protection & Cleansing

Escape to another plane and protect and revitalize your aura with this healing tool. If you’ve not yet experienced the healing powers of sound, put it at the top of your self-care to-do list! Sound healing is not only a powerful tool to keep your aura in peak condition, but it will also leave your whole body buzzing.

Here are a few methods to experience sound healing and protection:

  • Singing bowls in a class or individual use.

  • Chanting mantras. My favorite is this Kundalini yoga protection mantra: AAD GURAY NAMEH.

  • Tuning forks treatments or individual use.

  • Some instruments can help with this like gongs and didgeridoos.

  • Audio tracks via download or CD.

Learn more about sound and vibrational healing here.

Get Grounded for Moderate Protection

Getting grounded is a great tool to use when you don’t feel like you’re protected. You might be trying out all of the methods listed above but still, feel like you’re not protected. Grounding will activate your root chakra and make you feel protected as well as protecting you with earth energy. You can read all about tips for getting grounded in this previous blog post here.

Live to your fullest potential, fearlessly, knowing that you’re protected and safe! Now you’ve got all of the tools you need to be protected mind, body, and spirit. Learn more about auras in the Understanding Auras Book!

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Magical Meanings & Uses for Triangles & Pyramids

Have you wondered what all the hype is about triangles and pyramids? They pop up in images, tattoos, jewelry, and ritual practices. What do these symbols and objects mean, and more importantly, how can you use them for magical and spiritual purposes?Triangles and pyramids have a multitude of magical meanings and uses. I’m going to break down what these symbols mean and how you can use them to your benefit.triangle and pyramid jewelry

Have you wondered what all the hype is about triangles and pyramids? They pop up in images, tattoos, jewelry, and ritual practices. What do these symbols and objects mean, and more importantly, how can you use them for magical and spiritual purposes?

Triangles and pyramids have a multitude of magical meanings and uses. I’m going to break down what these symbols mean and how you can use them to your benefit.


The triangle shape has more mystical meaning than I’ll be able to cover in this blog alone, but I’m going to hit all the highlights to optimize your magical uses for them.

Triangles = Strength

Triangles are the strongest shape! Any weight placed on them is evenly distributed between all three sides. A triangle in any fashion can always represent strength. Place a triangle symbol on your altar or wear one as a reminder of how strong you are.

Triangles & The Elements

The four elements (earth, air, water, fire) are another common use for the triangle. Each element can be represented through the use of triangles and each element has its own meaning.

Here are the shapes for each element:

Here are some meanings for each element:

  • Earth: Stability, grounding, and fertility

  • Air: Intellect, communication, and imagination

  • Water: Purification, healing, and peace

  • Fire: Courage, strength, and passion

These symbols are perfect for use in rituals or magic when you need to represent a specific element. Check out this blog post to learn more about the four elements.

Triangles & The Number 3

Three is an auspicious number in numerology, and the triangle can be used as a way to depict the meaning of the number. Here are some of the meanings behind the number three.

  • Luck! Have you ever used the term “third time's a charm”?

  • Creativity and expression

  • Inspiration and optimism

Triangles & Important Trinities

There are many meanings in history, different religions, and spirituality that reference trinities. Here are a few, but there are many others:

  • Mind, body, spirit

  • Past, present, future

  • Maiden, mother, crone

  • Father, Son, Holy Spirit

  • Life, death, rebirth

  • Three bodies of Buddhahood: Dharmakaya or "truth body,” Sambhogakaya or "bliss body," Nirmanakaya or "emanation body"

Triangles & the Sri Yantra Symbol

The sacred geometry symbol, Sri Yantra, is comprised of nine overlapping triangles that create a total of 43 smaller triangles. Sri Yantra can be traced back to Hinduism, and the pattern is said to be the visual expression of OM.

Meditate on this symbol to inspire enlightenment. The Sri Yantra has been referred to as “tuning fork” that can help connect you to the universe. It also correlates to the balance of feminine and negative energy, which I'll dive into more below. Wear a Sri Yantra charm necklace for wealth, strengthened relationships, peace, and alignment with the universe.

Triangles & Male/Female Energies

A downward pointed triangle represents feminine energy, as it mimics the triangle shape of a woman's sacral region. An upward-facing triangle is associated with more masculine energy and is sometimes referred to as a blade. Using triangles to represent male or female energy is another great use for representing specific energies for rituals or magical work.


Triangles are more about symbolism while pyramids are all about action! Sure, they are symbolic too, but the real magic is in using pyramids for charging, attracting, meditation, and healing.

Different levels of research have been conducted on the efficacy of pyramids and their energy. As with most topics in the metaphysical realm, not all things can be proven but are simply felt or known, though there are some interesting finds! I’m sharing what I found to be the most interesting uses, that being said the writing done on the power of pyramids goes deeeeeep. If you’re interested in this topic I encourage you to do more research of your own!

Charging & Cleanse with Pyramids

Small copper pyramids are perfect for cleansing and charging your crystals or any item with some positive and bright energy. Place crystals, jewelry, herbs, fruit, water, essential oils or pretty much anything you want to instill some higher vibes into under your pyramid for a night or day to rejuvenate them.

Attracting & Manifesting with Pyramids

Because pyramids amplify energy they can be powerful aids in manifesting and attracting. This can be done with a copper pyramid but will be easier with a small handheld pyramid. Follow these steps to use a pyramid for attracting and manifesting something you desire.

  1. The new moon or waxing moon are ideal times to perform this ritual. Take a few quiet moments to reflect on what you’d like to manifest, so you are clear about what it is.

  2. Write down what you’re trying to attract or manifest on a piece of paper.

  3. As you write and then place your paper into your pyramid, visualize your end goal. Continue this as you hold the pyramid in your hand for a few moments and continue to visualize what you’d like to attract and manifest.

  4. Place any additional herbs or crystals in your pyramid that you feel would amplify your desire.

  5. After you’ve placed your paper and any other objects in the pyramid take a moment to thank the pyramid, the Universe, Goddess, or end with any closing sentiments that express gratitude.

  6. Your altar will be a good resting place for your pyramid, but anywhere that you’ll see it regularly will work.

  7. Make contact with your pyramid daily. Hold it, place your hand over it, or simply look at it at least once a day.

  8. Keep your pyramid and its contents intact until your dreams are manifested or you feel it’s time to move on.

Pyramid Meditation

Many claim that meditating in a pyramid shape or with one on your head can have powerful effects on your mental state and psychic abilities. Full triangles to sit in can be rather costly, but smaller ones are much more affordable. If you already have a small pyramid, try placing it on your head for your next meditation and see for yourself!

Some people even sleep under a pyramid form, saying that it can help heal and optimize the body. Though there’s not hard scientific proof about this yet, I sure wouldn’t mind sleeping under one!

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